# Copyright 2013 by Leighton Pritchard. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """This module provides classes and functions to parse a KGML pathway map. The KGML pathway map is parsed into the object structure defined in KGML_Pathway.py in this module. Classes: - KGMLParser Parses KGML file Functions: - read Returns a single Pathway object, using KGMLParser internally """ from __future__ import print_function try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree from Bio._py3k import StringIO from Bio.KEGG.KGML.KGML_pathway import * def read(handle, debug=0): """Parses a single KEGG Pathway from given file handle. Returns a single Pathway object. There should be one and only one pathway in each file, but there may well be pathological examples out there. """ iterator = parse(handle, debug) try: first = next(iterator) except StopIteration: first = None if first is None: raise ValueError("No pathways found in handle") try: second = next(iterator) except StopIteration: second = None if second is not None: raise ValueError("More than one pathway found in handle") return first def parse(handle, debug=0): """Returns an iterator over Pathway elements. Arguments: - handle - file handle to a KGML file for parsing - debug - integer for amount of debug information to print This is a generator for the return of multiple Pathway objects. """ # Check handle if not hasattr(handle, 'read'): if isinstance(handle, str): handle = StringIO(handle) else: exc_txt = "An XML-containing handle or an XML string " +\ "must be provided" raise Exception(exc_txt) # Parse XML and return each Pathway for event, elem in \ ElementTree.iterparse(handle, events=('start', 'end')): if event == "end" and elem.tag == "pathway": yield KGMLParser(elem).parse() elem.clear() class KGMLParser(object): """Parses a KGML XML Pathway entry into a Pathway object.""" def __init__(self, elem): self.entry = elem def parse(self): """Parse the input elements.""" def _parse_pathway(attrib): for k, v in attrib.items(): self.pathway.__setattr__(k, v) def _parse_entry(element): new_entry = Entry() for k, v in element.attrib.items(): new_entry.__setattr__(k, v) for subelement in element.getchildren(): if subelement.tag == 'graphics': _parse_graphics(subelement, new_entry) elif subelement.tag == 'component': _parse_component(subelement, new_entry) self.pathway.add_entry(new_entry) def _parse_graphics(element, entry): new_graphics = Graphics(entry) for k, v in element.attrib.items(): new_graphics.__setattr__(k, v) entry.add_graphics(new_graphics) def _parse_component(element, entry): new_component = Component(entry) for k, v in element.attrib.items(): new_component.__setattr__(k, v) entry.add_component(new_component) def _parse_reaction(element): new_reaction = Reaction() for k, v in element.attrib.items(): new_reaction.__setattr__(k, v) for subelement in element.getchildren(): if subelement.tag == 'substrate': new_reaction.add_substrate(int(subelement.attrib['id'])) elif subelement.tag == 'product': new_reaction.add_product(int(subelement.attrib['id'])) self.pathway.add_reaction(new_reaction) def _parse_relation(element): new_relation = Relation() new_relation.entry1 = int(element.attrib['entry1']) new_relation.entry2 = int(element.attrib['entry2']) new_relation.type = element.attrib['type'] for subtype in element.getchildren(): name, value = subtype.attrib['name'], subtype.attrib['value'] if name in ('compound', 'hidden compound'): new_relation.subtypes.append((name, int(value))) else: new_relation.subtypes.append((name, value)) self.pathway.add_relation(new_relation) # ========== # Initialise Pathway self.pathway = Pathway() # Get information about the pathway itself _parse_pathway(self.entry.attrib) for element in self.entry.getchildren(): if element.tag == 'entry': _parse_entry(element) elif element.tag == 'reaction': _parse_reaction(element) elif element.tag == 'relation': _parse_relation(element) # Parsing of some elements not implemented - no examples yet else: # This should warn us of any unimplemented tags import warnings from Bio import BiopythonParserWarning warnings.warn("Warning: tag %s not implemented in parser" % element.tag, BiopythonParserWarning) return self.pathway if __name__ == '__main__': # Check large metabolism pathway = read(open('ko01100.xml', 'rU')) print(pathway) for k, v in list(pathway.entries.items())[:20]: print(v) for r in list(pathway.reactions)[:20]: print(r) print(len(pathway.maps)) # Check relations pathway = read(open('ko_metabolic/ko00010.xml', 'rU')) print(pathway) for k, v in list(pathway.entries.items())[:20]: print(v) for r in list(pathway.reactions[:20]): print(r) for r in list(pathway.relations[:20]): print(r) print(len(pathway.maps)) # Check components pathway = read(open('ko_metabolic/ko00253.xml', 'rU')) print(pathway) for k, v in pathway.entries.items(): print(v) print(len(pathway.maps)) # Test XML representation print(pathway.get_KGML()) # Test bounds of pathway print(pathway.bounds)