# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # """Deal with Motifs or Signatures allowing ambiguity in the sequences. This class contains Schema which deal with Motifs and Signatures at a higher level, by introducing \`don't care\` (ambiguity) symbols into the sequences. For instance, you could combine the following Motifs: 'GATC', 'GATG', 'GATG', 'GATT' as all falling under a schema like 'GAT*', where the star indicates a character can be anything. This helps us condense a whole ton of motifs or signatures. """ # standard modules from __future__ import print_function import random import re from Bio._py3k import range from Bio import Alphabet from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq # neural network libraries from .Pattern import PatternRepository # genetic algorithm libraries from Bio.GA import Organism from Bio.GA.Evolver import GenerationEvolver from Bio.GA.Mutation.Simple import SinglePositionMutation from Bio.GA.Crossover.Point import SinglePointCrossover from Bio.GA.Repair.Stabilizing import AmbiguousRepair from Bio.GA.Selection.Tournament import TournamentSelection from Bio.GA.Selection.Diversity import DiversitySelection class Schema(object): """Deal with motifs that have ambiguity characters in it. This motif class allows specific ambiguity characters and tries to speed up finding motifs using regular expressions. This is likely to be a replacement for the Schema representation, since it allows multiple ambiguity characters to be used. """ def __init__(self, ambiguity_info): """Initialize with ambiguity information. Arguments: o ambiguity_info - A dictionary which maps letters in the motifs to the ambiguous characters which they might represent. For example, {'R' : 'AG'} specifies that Rs in the motif can match an A or a G. All letters in the motif must be represented in the ambiguity_info dictionary. """ self._ambiguity_info = ambiguity_info # a cache of all encoded motifs self._motif_cache = {} def encode_motif(self, motif): """Encode the passed motif as a regular expression pattern object. Arguments: o motif - The motif we want to encode. This should be a string. Returns: A compiled regular expression pattern object that can be used for searching strings. """ regexp_string = "" for motif_letter in motif: try: letter_matches = self._ambiguity_info[motif_letter] except KeyError: raise KeyError("No match information for letter %s" % motif_letter) if len(letter_matches) > 1: regexp_match = "[" + letter_matches + "]" elif len(letter_matches) == 1: regexp_match = letter_matches else: raise ValueError("Unexpected match information %s" % letter_matches) regexp_string += regexp_match return re.compile(regexp_string) def find_ambiguous(self, motif): """Return the location of ambiguous items in the motif. This just checks through the motif and compares each letter against the ambiguity information. If a letter stands for multiple items, it is ambiguous. """ ambig_positions = [] for motif_letter_pos in range(len(motif)): motif_letter = motif[motif_letter_pos] try: letter_matches = self._ambiguity_info[motif_letter] except KeyError: raise KeyError("No match information for letter %s" % motif_letter) if len(letter_matches) > 1: ambig_positions.append(motif_letter_pos) return ambig_positions def num_ambiguous(self, motif): """Return the number of ambiguous letters in a given motif. """ ambig_positions = self.find_ambiguous(motif) return len(ambig_positions) def find_matches(self, motif, query): """Return all non-overlapping motif matches in the query string. This utilizes the regular expression findall function, and will return a list of all non-overlapping occurrences in query that match the ambiguous motif. """ try: motif_pattern = self._motif_cache[motif] except KeyError: motif_pattern = self.encode_motif(motif) self._motif_cache[motif] = motif_pattern return motif_pattern.findall(query) def num_matches(self, motif, query): """Find the number of non-overlapping times motif occurs in query. """ all_matches = self.find_matches(motif, query) return len(all_matches) def all_unambiguous(self): """Return a listing of all unambiguous letters allowed in motifs. """ all_letters = sorted(self._ambiguity_info) unambig_letters = [] for letter in all_letters: possible_matches = self._ambiguity_info[letter] if len(possible_matches) == 1: unambig_letters.append(letter) return unambig_letters # --- helper classes and functions for the default SchemaFinder # -- Alphabets class SchemaDNAAlphabet(Alphabet.Alphabet): """Alphabet of a simple Schema for DNA sequences. This defines a simple alphabet for DNA sequences that has a single character which can match any other character. o G,A,T,C - The standard unambiguous DNA alphabet. o * - Any letter """ letters = ["G", "A", "T", "C", "*"] alphabet_matches = {"G": "G", "A": "A", "T": "T", "C": "C", "*": "GATC"} # -- GA schema finder class GeneticAlgorithmFinder(object): """Find schemas using a genetic algorithm approach. This approach to finding schema uses Genetic Algorithms to evolve a set of schema and find the best schema for a specific set of records. The 'default' finder searches for ambiguous DNA elements. This can be overridden easily by creating a GeneticAlgorithmFinder with a different alphabet. """ def __init__(self, alphabet=SchemaDNAAlphabet()): """Initialize a finder to get schemas using Genetic Algorithms. Arguments: o alphabet -- The alphabet which specifies the contents of the schemas we'll be generating. This alphabet must contain the attribute 'alphabet_matches', which is a dictionary specifying the potential ambiguities of each letter in the alphabet. These ambiguities will be used in building up the schema. """ self.alphabet = alphabet self.initial_population = 500 self.min_generations = 10 self._set_up_genetic_algorithm() def _set_up_genetic_algorithm(self): """Overrideable function to set up the genetic algorithm parameters. This functions sole job is to set up the different genetic algorithm functionality. Since this can be quite complicated, this allows cusotmizablity of all of the parameters. If you want to customize specially, you can inherit from this class and override this function. """ self.motif_generator = RandomMotifGenerator(self.alphabet) self.mutator = SinglePositionMutation(mutation_rate=0.1) self.crossover = SinglePointCrossover(crossover_prob=0.25) self.repair = AmbiguousRepair(Schema(self.alphabet.alphabet_matches), 4) self.base_selector = TournamentSelection(self.mutator, self.crossover, self.repair, 2) self.selector = DiversitySelection(self.base_selector, self.motif_generator.random_motif) def find_schemas(self, fitness, num_schemas): """Find the given number of unique schemas using a genetic algorithm Arguments: o fitness - A callable object (ie. function) which will evaluate the fitness of a motif. o num_schemas - The number of unique schemas with good fitness that we want to generate. """ start_population = \ Organism.function_population(self.motif_generator.random_motif, self.initial_population, fitness) finisher = SimpleFinisher(num_schemas, self.min_generations) # set up the evolver and do the evolution evolver = GenerationEvolver(start_population, self.selector) evolved_pop = evolver.evolve(finisher.is_finished) # convert the evolved population into a PatternRepository schema_info = {} for org in evolved_pop: # convert the Genome from a MutableSeq to a Seq so that # the schemas are just strings (and not array("c")s) seq_genome = org.genome.toseq() schema_info[str(seq_genome)] = org.fitness return PatternRepository(schema_info) # -- fitness classes class DifferentialSchemaFitness(object): """Calculate fitness for schemas that differentiate between sequences. """ def __init__(self, positive_seqs, negative_seqs, schema_evaluator): """Initialize with different sequences to evaluate Arguments: o positive_seq - A list of SeqRecord objects which are the 'positive' sequences -- the ones we want to select for. o negative_seq - A list of SeqRecord objects which are the 'negative' sequences that we want to avoid selecting. o schema_evaluator - An Schema class which can be used to evaluate find motif matches in sequences. """ self._pos_seqs = positive_seqs self._neg_seqs = negative_seqs self._schema_eval = schema_evaluator def calculate_fitness(self, genome): """Calculate the fitness for a given schema. Fitness is specified by the number of occurrences of the schema in the positive sequences minus the number of occurrences in the negative examples. This fitness is then modified by multiplying by the length of the schema and then dividing by the number of ambiguous characters in the schema. This helps select for schema which are longer and have less redundancy. """ # convert the genome into a string seq_motif = genome.toseq() motif = str(seq_motif) # get the counts in the positive examples num_pos = 0 for seq_record in self._pos_seqs: cur_counts = self._schema_eval.num_matches(motif, str(seq_record.seq)) num_pos += cur_counts # get the counts in the negative examples num_neg = 0 for seq_record in self._neg_seqs: cur_counts = self._schema_eval.num_matches(motif, str(seq_record.seq)) num_neg += cur_counts num_ambiguous = self._schema_eval.num_ambiguous(motif) # weight the ambiguous stuff more highly num_ambiguous = pow(2.0, num_ambiguous) # increment num ambiguous to prevent division by zero errors. num_ambiguous += 1 motif_size = len(motif) motif_size = motif_size * 4.0 discerning_power = num_pos - num_neg diff = (discerning_power * motif_size) / float(num_ambiguous) return diff class MostCountSchemaFitness(object): """Calculate a fitness giving weight to schemas that match many times. This fitness function tries to maximize schemas which are found many times in a group of sequences. """ def __init__(self, seq_records, schema_evaluator): """Initialize with sequences to evaluate. Arguments: o seq_records -- A set of SeqRecord objects which we use to calculate the fitness. o schema_evaluator - An Schema class which can be used to evaluate find motif matches in sequences. """ self._records = seq_records self._evaluator = schema_evaluator def calculate_fitness(self, genome): """Calculate the fitness of a genome based on schema matches. This bases the fitness of a genome completely on the number of times it matches in the set of seq_records. Matching more times gives a better fitness """ # convert the genome into a string seq_motif = genome.toseq() motif = str(seq_motif) # find the number of times the genome matches num_times = 0 for seq_record in self._records: cur_counts = self._evaluator.num_matches(motif, str(seq_record.seq)) num_times += cur_counts return num_times # -- Helper classes class RandomMotifGenerator(object): """Generate a random motif within given parameters. """ def __init__(self, alphabet, min_size=12, max_size=17): """Initialize with the motif parameters. Arguments: o alphabet - An alphabet specifying what letters can be inserted in a motif. o min_size, max_size - Specify the range of sizes for motifs. """ self._alphabet = alphabet self._min_size = min_size self._max_size = max_size def random_motif(self): """Create a random motif within the given parameters. This returns a single motif string with letters from the given alphabet. The size of the motif will be randomly chosen between max_size and min_size. """ motif_size = random.randrange(self._min_size, self._max_size) motif = "" for letter_num in range(motif_size): cur_letter = random.choice(self._alphabet.letters) motif += cur_letter return MutableSeq(motif, self._alphabet) class SimpleFinisher(object): """Determine when we are done evolving motifs. This takes the very simple approach of halting evolution when the GA has proceeded for a specified number of generations and has a given number of unique schema with positive fitness. """ def __init__(self, num_schemas, min_generations=100): """Initialize the finisher with its parameters. Arguments: o num_schemas -- the number of useful (positive fitness) schemas we want to generation o min_generations -- The minimum number of generations to allow the GA to proceed. """ self.num_generations = 0 self.num_schemas = num_schemas self.min_generations = min_generations def is_finished(self, organisms): """Determine when we can stop evolving the population. """ self.num_generations += 1 # print "generation %s" % self.num_generations if self.num_generations >= self.min_generations: all_seqs = [] for org in organisms: if org.fitness > 0: if org.genome not in all_seqs: all_seqs.append(org.genome) if len(all_seqs) >= self.num_schemas: return 1 return 0 # --- class SchemaFinder(object): """Find schema in a set of sequences using a genetic algorithm approach. Finding good schemas is very difficult because it takes forever to enumerate all of the potential schemas. This finder using a genetic algorithm approach to evolve good schema which match many times in a set of sequences. The default implementation of the finder is ready to find schemas in a set of DNA sequences, but the finder can be customized to deal with any type of data. """ def __init__(self, num_schemas=100, schema_finder=GeneticAlgorithmFinder()): self.num_schemas = num_schemas self._finder = schema_finder self.evaluator = Schema(self._finder.alphabet.alphabet_matches) def find(self, seq_records): """Find well-represented schemas in the given set of SeqRecords. """ fitness_evaluator = MostCountSchemaFitness(seq_records, self.evaluator) return self._finder.find_schemas(fitness_evaluator.calculate_fitness, self.num_schemas) def find_differences(self, first_records, second_records): """Find schemas which differentiate between the two sets of SeqRecords. """ fitness_evaluator = DifferentialSchemaFitness(first_records, second_records, self.evaluator) return self._finder.find_schemas(fitness_evaluator.calculate_fitness, self.num_schemas) class SchemaCoder(object): """Convert a sequence into a representation of ambiguous motifs (schemas). This takes a sequence, and returns the number of times specified motifs are found in the sequence. This lets you represent a sequence as just a count of (possibly ambiguous) motifs. """ def __init__(self, schemas, ambiguous_converter): """Initialize the coder to convert sequences Arguments: o schema - A list of all of the schemas we want to search for in input sequences. o ambiguous_converter - An Schema class which can be used to convert motifs into regular expressions for searching. """ self._schemas = schemas self._converter = ambiguous_converter def representation(self, sequence): """Represent the given input sequence as a bunch of motif counts. Arguments: o sequence - A Bio.Seq object we are going to represent as schemas. This takes the sequence, searches for the motifs within it, and then returns counts specifying the relative number of times each motifs was found. The frequencies are in the order the original motifs were passed into the initializer. """ schema_counts = [] for schema in self._schemas: num_counts = self._converter.num_matches(schema, str(sequence)) schema_counts.append(num_counts) # normalize the counts to go between zero and one min_count = 0 max_count = max(schema_counts) # only normalize if we've actually found something, otherwise # we'll just return 0 for everything if max_count > 0: for count_num in range(len(schema_counts)): schema_counts[count_num] = (float(schema_counts[count_num]) - float(min_count)) / float(max_count) return schema_counts def matches_schema(pattern, schema, ambiguity_character='*'): """Determine whether or not the given pattern matches the schema. Arguments: o pattern - A string representing the pattern we want to check for matching. This pattern can contain ambiguity characters (which are assumed to be the same as those in the schema). o schema - A string schema with ambiguity characters. o ambiguity_character - The character used for ambiguity in the schema. """ if len(pattern) != len(schema): return 0 # check each position, and return a non match if the schema and pattern # are non ambiguous and don't match for pos in range(len(pattern)): if schema[pos] != ambiguity_character and \ pattern[pos] != ambiguity_character and \ pattern[pos] != schema[pos]: return 0 return 1 class SchemaFactory(object): """Generate Schema from inputs of Motifs or Signatures. """ def __init__(self, ambiguity_symbol='*'): """Initialize the SchemaFactory Arguments: o ambiguity_symbol -- The symbol to use when specifying that a position is arbitrary. """ self._ambiguity_symbol = ambiguity_symbol def from_motifs(self, motif_repository, motif_percent, num_ambiguous): """Generate schema from a list of motifs. Arguments: o motif_repository - A MotifRepository class that has all of the motifs we want to convert to Schema. o motif_percent - The percentage of motifs in the motif bank which should be matches. We'll try to create schema that match this percentage of motifs. o num_ambiguous - The number of ambiguous characters to include in each schema. The positions of these ambiguous characters will be randomly selected. """ # get all of the motifs we can deal with all_motifs = motif_repository.get_top_percentage(motif_percent) # start building up schemas schema_info = {} # continue until we've built schema matching the desired percentage # of motifs total_count = self._get_num_motifs(motif_repository, all_motifs) matched_count = 0 assert total_count > 0, "Expected to have motifs to match" while (float(matched_count) / float(total_count)) < motif_percent: new_schema, matching_motifs = \ self._get_unique_schema(list(schema_info.keys()), all_motifs, num_ambiguous) # get the number of counts for the new schema and clean up # the motif list schema_counts = 0 for motif in matching_motifs: # get the counts for the motif schema_counts += motif_repository.count(motif) # remove the motif from the motif list since it is already # represented by this schema all_motifs.remove(motif) # all the schema info schema_info[new_schema] = schema_counts matched_count += schema_counts # print "percentage:", float(matched_count) / float(total_count) return PatternRepository(schema_info) def _get_num_motifs(self, repository, motif_list): """Return the number of motif counts for the list of motifs. """ motif_count = 0 for motif in motif_list: motif_count += repository.count(motif) return motif_count def _get_unique_schema(self, cur_schemas, motif_list, num_ambiguous): """Retrieve a unique schema from a motif. We don't want to end up with schema that match the same thing, since this could lead to ambiguous results, and be messy. This tries to create schema, and checks that they do not match any currently existing schema. """ # create a schema starting with a random motif # we'll keep doing this until we get a completely new schema that # doesn't match any old schema num_tries = 0 while True: # pick a motif to work from and make a schema from it cur_motif = random.choice(motif_list) num_tries += 1 new_schema, matching_motifs = \ self._schema_from_motif(cur_motif, motif_list, num_ambiguous) has_match = 0 for old_schema in cur_schemas: if matches_schema(new_schema, old_schema, self._ambiguity_symbol): has_match = 1 # if the schema doesn't match any other schema we've got # a good one if not(has_match): break # check for big loops in which we can't find a new schema assert num_tries < 150, \ "Could not generate schema in %s tries from %s with %s" \ % (num_tries, motif_list, cur_schemas) return new_schema, matching_motifs def _schema_from_motif(self, motif, motif_list, num_ambiguous): """Create a schema from a given starting motif. Arguments: o motif - A motif with the pattern we will start from. o motif_list - The total motifs we have.to match to. o num_ambiguous - The number of ambiguous characters that should be present in the schema. Returns: o A string representing the newly generated schema. o A list of all of the motifs in motif_list that match the schema. """ assert motif in motif_list, \ "Expected starting motif present in remaining motifs." # convert random positions in the motif to ambiguous characters # convert the motif into a list of characters so we can manipulate it new_schema_list = list(motif) for add_ambiguous in range(num_ambiguous): # add an ambiguous position in a new place in the motif while True: ambig_pos = random.choice(list(range(len(new_schema_list)))) # only add a position if it isn't already ambiguous # otherwise, we'll try again if new_schema_list[ambig_pos] != self._ambiguity_symbol: new_schema_list[ambig_pos] = self._ambiguity_symbol break # convert the schema back to a string new_schema = ''.join(new_schema_list) # get the motifs that the schema matches matched_motifs = [] for motif in motif_list: if matches_schema(motif, new_schema, self._ambiguity_symbol): matched_motifs.append(motif) return new_schema, matched_motifs def from_signatures(self, signature_repository, num_ambiguous): raise NotImplementedError("Still need to code this.")