# Copyright 2010 by Tiago Antao. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """ Large file parsing of Genepop files The standard parser loads the whole file into memory. This parser provides an iterator over data. Classes: LargeRecord Holds GenePop data. Functions: read Parses a GenePop record (file) into a Record object. """ def get_indiv(line): indiv_name, marker_line = line.split(',') markers = marker_line.replace('\t', ' ').split(' ') markers = [marker for marker in markers if marker != ''] if len(markers[0]) in [2, 4]: # 2 digits per allele marker_len = 2 else: marker_len = 3 try: allele_list = [(int(marker[0:marker_len]), int(marker[marker_len:])) for marker in markers] except ValueError: # Haploid allele_list = [(int(marker[0:marker_len]),) for marker in markers] return indiv_name, allele_list, marker_len def read(handle): """Parses a handle containing a GenePop file. handle is a file-like object that contains a GenePop record. """ record = Record(handle) record.comment_line = str(handle.readline()).rstrip() # We can now have one loci per line or all loci in a single line # separated by either space or comma+space... # We will remove all commas on loci... that should not be a problem sample_loci_line = str(handle.readline()).rstrip().replace(',', '') all_loci = sample_loci_line.split(' ') record.loci_list.extend(all_loci) line = handle.readline() while line != "": line = line.rstrip() if line.upper() == "POP": record.stack.append("POP") break record.loci_list.append(line) line = handle.readline() next_line = handle.readline().rstrip() indiv_name, allele_list, record.marker_len = get_indiv(next_line) record.stack.append(next_line) return record class Record(object): """Holds information from a GenePop record. Members: marker_len The marker length (2 or 3 digit code per allele). comment_line Comment line. loci_list List of loci names. data_generator Iterates over population data. The generator will only work once. If you want to read a handle twice you have to re-open it! data_generator can either be () - an empty tuple - marking a new population or an individual. An individual is something like ('Ind1', [(1,1), (3,None), (200,201)], In the case above the individual is called Ind1, has three diploid loci. For the second loci, one of the alleles is unknown. """ def __init__(self, handle): self.handle = handle self.marker_len = 0 self.comment_line = "" self.loci_list = [] self.populations = [] self.stack = [] def data_generator(self): for handle in [self.stack, self.handle]: for line in handle: line = line.rstrip() if line.upper() == 'POP': yield () else: indiv_name, allele_list, marker_len = get_indiv(line) clean_list = [] for locus in allele_list: mk_real = [] for al in locus: if al == 0: mk_real.append(None) else: mk_real.append(al) clean_list.append(tuple(mk_real)) yield indiv_name, clean_list raise StopIteration()