# Copyright 2007 by Tiago Antao . All rights reserved. """Cache for Simcoal2 results (DEPRECATED). This module allows you to cache Simcoal2 results, and return on the fly in case the calculation was done. """ import os import tarfile from .Controller import SimCoalController class SimCoalCache(object): def __init__(self, data_dir, simcoal_dir): """Initializes the cache. - data_dir - Where the cache can be found - simcoal_dir - where the binaries are IMPORTANT: The cache only makes sense if the file name univocally identifies the model. For now use use the model name as key, and it will probably stay like that. """ self.dataDir = data_dir self.cacheDir = os.sep.join([data_dir, 'SimCoal', 'cache']) self.simcoalDir = simcoal_dir def run_simcoal(self, par_file, num_sims, ploydi='1', parDir=None): if parDir is None: parDir = os.sep.join([self.dataDir, 'SimCoal', 'runs']) par_file_root = par_file[:-4] tar_name = os.sep.join([self.cacheDir, ploydi, par_file_root + '.tar.bz2']) if os.access(tar_name, os.R_OK): tf = tarfile.open(tar_name) tar_num_sims = len(tf.getmembers()) - 3 else: tar_num_sims = 0 if tar_num_sims >= num_sims: tf.extractall(parDir) tf.close() return else: try: tf.close() except NameError: pass # not opened in the first place, OK. scc = SimCoalController(self.simcoalDir) scc.run_simcoal(par_file, num_sims, ploydi, parDir) tf = tarfile.open(tar_name, 'w:bz2') tf.add(os.sep.join([parDir, par_file_root]), par_file_root) tf.close() def listSimulations(self, ploidy='1'): """ Lists available simulations. """ files = os.listdir(self.cacheDir + os.sep + ploidy) sims = [] for file in files: if file.endswith('.tar.bz2'): sims.append(file[:-8]) return sims def getSimulation(self, sim_name, ploidy='1', parDir=None): """Makes available a cached simulation. @param sim_name simulation name. This mainly means untaring a file. """ if parDir is None: parDir = os.sep.join([self.dataDir, 'SimCoal', 'runs']) tar_name = os.sep.join([self.cacheDir, ploidy, sim_name + '.tar.bz2']) tf = tarfile.open(tar_name) tf.extractall(parDir) tf.close() # if __name__ == '__main__': # cache = Cache('/home/work/werk/consolidator/sc_cache', # '/home/work/software/simcoal') # cache.run_simcoal('.', 'island_snp-50_0.0025_10_0.083_100_60.par', 102)