# Copyright 2013 by Anthony Mathelier and David Arenillas. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """JASPAR2014 module.""" from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import unambiguous_dna as dna import re import math from Bio._py3k import range from Bio import motifs class Motif(motifs.Motif): """A subclass of Bio.motifs.Motif used to represent a JASPAR profile. Additional metadata information are stored if available. The metadata availability depends on the source of the JASPAR motif (a 'pfm' format file, a 'jaspar' format file or a JASPAR database). """ def __init__(self, matrix_id, name, alphabet=dna, instances=None, counts=None, collection=None, tf_class=None, tf_family=None, species=None, tax_group=None, acc=None, data_type=None, medline=None, pazar_id=None, comment=None): """Construct a JASPAR Motif instance.""" motifs.Motif.__init__(self, alphabet, instances, counts) self.name = name self.matrix_id = matrix_id self.collection = collection self.tf_class = tf_class self.tf_family = tf_family # May have multiple so species is a list. # The species are actually specified as # taxonomy IDs. self.species = species self.tax_group = tax_group self.acc = acc # May have multiple so acc is a list. self.data_type = data_type self.medline = medline self.pazar_id = pazar_id self.comment = comment @property def base_id(self): """Return the JASPAR base matrix ID.""" (base_id, __) = split_jaspar_id(self.matrix_id) return base_id @property def version(self): """Return the JASPAR matrix version.""" (__, version) = split_jaspar_id(self.matrix_id) return version def __str__(self): """Return a string represention of the JASPAR profile. We choose to provide only the filled metadata information. """ tf_name_str = "TF name\t{0}\n".format(self.name) matrix_id_str = "Matrix ID\t{0}\n".format(self.matrix_id) the_string = "".join([tf_name_str, matrix_id_str]) if self.collection: collection_str = "Collection\t{0}\n".format(self.collection) the_string = "".join([the_string, collection_str]) if self.tf_class: tf_class_str = "TF class\t{0}\n".format(self.tf_class) the_string = "".join([the_string, tf_class_str]) if self.tf_family: tf_family_str = "TF family\t{0}\n".format(self.tf_family) the_string = "".join([the_string, tf_family_str]) if self.species: species_str = "Species\t{0}\n".format(",".join(self.species)) the_string = "".join([the_string, species_str]) if self.tax_group: tax_group_str = "Taxonomic group\t{0}\n".format(self.tax_group) the_string = "".join([the_string, tax_group_str]) if self.acc: acc_str = "Accession\t{0}\n".format(self.acc) the_string = "".join([the_string, acc_str]) if self.data_type: data_type_str = "Data type used\t{0}\n".format(self.data_type) the_string = "".join([the_string, data_type_str]) if self.medline: medline_str = "Medline\t{0}\n".format(self.medline) the_string = "".join([the_string, medline_str]) if self.pazar_id: pazar_id_str = "PAZAR ID\t{0}\n".format(self.pazar_id) the_string = "".join([the_string, pazar_id_str]) if self.comment: comment_str = "Comments\t{0}\n".format(self.comment) the_string = "".join([the_string, comment_str]) matrix_str = "Matrix:\n{0}\n\n".format(self.counts) the_string = "".join([the_string, matrix_str]) return the_string def __hash__(self): """Return the hash key corresponding to the JASPAR profile. :note: We assume the unicity of matrix IDs """ return self.matrix_id.__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): return self.matrix_id == other.matrix_id class Record(list): """Represent a list of jaspar motifs. Attributes: - version: The JASPAR version used """ def __init__(self): self.version = None def __str__(self): return "\n".join(str(the_motif) for the_motif in self) def to_dict(self): """Return the list of matrices as a dictionary of matrices.""" dic = {} for motif in self: dic[motif.matrix_id] = motif return dic def read(handle, format): """Read motif(s) from a file in one of several different JASPAR formats. Return the record of PFM(s). Call the appropriate routine based on the format passed. """ format = format.lower() if format == "pfm": record = _read_pfm(handle) return record elif format == "sites": record = _read_sites(handle) return record elif format == "jaspar": record = _read_jaspar(handle) return record else: raise ValueError("Unknown JASPAR format %s" % format) def write(motifs, format): """Return the representation of motifs in "pfm" or "jaspar" format.""" letters = "ACGT" lines = [] if format == 'pfm': motif = motifs[0] counts = motif.counts for letter in letters: terms = ["{0:6.2f}".format(value) for value in counts[letter]] line = "{0}\n".format(" ".join(terms)) lines.append(line) elif format == 'jaspar': for m in motifs: counts = m.counts try: matrix_id = m.matrix_id except AttributeError: matrix_id = None line = ">{0} {1}\n".format(matrix_id, m.name) lines.append(line) for letter in letters: terms = ["{0:6.2f}".format(value) for value in counts[letter]] line = "{0} [{1}]\n".format(letter, " ".join(terms)) lines.append(line) else: raise ValueError("Unknown JASPAR format %s" % format) # Finished; glue the lines together text = "".join(lines) return text def _read_pfm(handle): """Read the motif from a JASPAR .pfm file (PRIVATE).""" alphabet = dna counts = {} letters = "ACGT" for letter, line in zip(letters, handle): words = line.split() # if there is a letter in the beginning, ignore it if words[0] == letter: words = words[1:] counts[letter] = [float(x) for x in words] motif = Motif(matrix_id=None, name=None, alphabet=alphabet, counts=counts) motif.mask = "*" * motif.length record = Record() record.append(motif) return record def _read_sites(handle): """Read the motif from JASPAR .sites file (PRIVATE).""" alphabet = dna instances = [] for line in handle: if not line.startswith(">"): break # line contains the header ">...." # now read the actual sequence line = next(handle) instance = "" for c in line.strip(): if c == c.upper(): instance += c instance = Seq(instance, alphabet) instances.append(instance) instances = motifs.Instances(instances, alphabet) motif = Motif( matrix_id=None, name=None, alphabet=alphabet, instances=instances ) motif.mask = "*" * motif.length record = Record() record.append(motif) return record def _read_jaspar(handle): """Read motifs from a JASPAR formatted file (PRIVATE). Format is one or more records of the form, e.g.:: - JASPAR 2010 matrix_only format:: >MA0001.1 AGL3 A [ 0 3 79 40 66 48 65 11 65 0 ] C [94 75 4 3 1 2 5 2 3 3 ] G [ 1 0 3 4 1 0 5 3 28 88 ] T [ 2 19 11 50 29 47 22 81 1 6 ] - JASPAR 2010-2014 PFMs format:: >MA0001.1 AGL3 0 3 79 40 66 48 65 11 65 0 94 75 4 3 1 2 5 2 3 3 1 0 3 4 1 0 5 3 28 88 2 19 11 50 29 47 22 81 1 6 """ alphabet = dna counts = {} record = Record() head_pat = re.compile(r"^>\s*(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?") row_pat_long = re.compile(r"\s*([ACGT])\s*\[\s*(.*)\s*\]") row_pat_short = re.compile(r"\s*(.+)\s*") identifier = None name = None row_count = 0 nucleotides = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'] for line in handle: line = line.strip() head_match = head_pat.match(line) row_match_long = row_pat_long.match(line) row_match_short = row_pat_short.match(line) if head_match: identifier = head_match.group(1) if head_match.group(3): name = head_match.group(3) else: name = identifier elif row_match_long: (letter, counts_str) = row_match_long.group(1, 2) words = counts_str.split() counts[letter] = [float(x) for x in words] row_count += 1 if row_count == 4: record.append(Motif(identifier, name, alphabet=alphabet, counts=counts)) identifier = None name = None counts = {} row_count = 0 elif row_match_short: words = row_match_short.group(1).split() counts[nucleotides[row_count]] = [float(x) for x in words] row_count += 1 if row_count == 4: record.append(Motif(identifier, name, alphabet=alphabet, counts=counts)) identifier = None name = None counts = {} row_count = 0 return record def calculate_pseudocounts(motif): alphabet = motif.alphabet background = motif.background # It is possible to have unequal column sums so use the average # number of instances. total = 0 for i in range(motif.length): total += sum(float(motif.counts[letter][i]) for letter in alphabet.letters) avg_nb_instances = total / motif.length sq_nb_instances = math.sqrt(avg_nb_instances) if background: background = dict(background) else: background = dict.fromkeys(sorted(alphabet.letters), 1.0) total = sum(background.values()) pseudocounts = {} for letter in alphabet.letters: background[letter] /= total pseudocounts[letter] = sq_nb_instances * background[letter] return pseudocounts def split_jaspar_id(id): """Utility function to split a JASPAR matrix ID into its component. Components are base ID and version number, e.g. 'MA0047.2' is returned as ('MA0047', 2). """ id_split = id.split('.') base_id = None version = None if len(id_split) == 2: base_id = id_split[0] version = id_split[1] else: base_id = id return (base_id, version)