# Copyright 2001 by Tarjei Mikkelsen. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Code to work with data from the KEGG database. References: Kanehisa, M. and Goto, S.; KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 28, 29-34 (2000). URL: http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/ """ KEGG_ITEM_LENGTH = 12 KEGG_LINE_LENGTH = 80 KEGG_DATA_LENGTH = KEGG_LINE_LENGTH - KEGG_ITEM_LENGTH # wrap rule = [indent, connect, (splitstr, connect, splitafter, keep), ...] _default_wrap = lambda indent: [indent, "", (" ", "", 1, 0)] def _wrap_kegg(line, max_width=KEGG_DATA_LENGTH, wrap_rule=_default_wrap): """Wraps the input line for KEGG output. Arguments: o info - String holding the information we want wrapped for KEGG output. o max_width - Maximum width of a line. o wrap_rule - A wrap rule (see above) for deciding how to split strings that must be wrapped. """ s = "" wrapped_line = "" indent = " " * wrap_rule[0] connect = wrap_rule[1] rules = wrap_rule[2:] while True: if len(line) <= max_width: wrapped_line = wrapped_line + line s = s + wrapped_line break else: did_split = 0 for rule in rules: to = max_width if not rule[2]: to = to + len(rule[0]) split_idx = line.rfind(rule[0], 0, to) if split_idx > -1: if rule[2] and rule[3]: split_idx = split_idx + len(rule[0]) wrapped_line = wrapped_line + line[0:split_idx] + "\n" if not rule[3]: split_idx = split_idx + len(rule[0]) line = indent + rule[1] + line[split_idx:] did_split = 1 break if not did_split: wrapped_line = wrapped_line + line[0:max_width] + "\n" line = indent + connect + line[max_width:] return s def _write_kegg(item, info, indent=KEGG_ITEM_LENGTH): """Write a indented KEGG record item. Arguments: o item - The name of the item to be written. o info - The (wrapped) information to write. o indent - Width of item field. """ s = "" for line in info: partial_lines = line.splitlines() for l in partial_lines: s = s + item.ljust(indent) + l + "\n" if item is not "": # ensure item is only written on first line item = "" return s