# Copyright 2007 by Tiago Antao . All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Support for asynchronous execution (DEPRECATED).""" import os import threading import warnings from Bio import BiopythonDeprecationWarning warnings.warn("Bio.PopGen.Async has been deprecated, and we intend to remove" " it in a future release of Biopython. If you would like to" " continue using it, please contact the Biopython developers" " via the mailing list.", BiopythonDeprecationWarning) class Async(object): """Abstract Asynchronous execution class. This is the top abstract class. Concrete classes must implement the _run_program method. """ def __init__(self): """Async constructor. Initializes the queues, among other things. Of notice, is the access_ds lock for controlling exclusive access to this object. """ self.running = {} self.waiting = [] self.done = {} self.id = 0 self.hooks = {} self.access_ds = threading.Lock() def run_program(self, program, parameters, input_files): """Runs a program. Real _run_program to be implemented by concrete classes. parameters: program String identifying program. parameters List of String parameters. input_files Hash of Input file descriptors. returns: Task Id. The input_files hash key is the path that is passed to the program. It should always be relative. Value is a stream. """ if program in self.hooks: self.access_ds.acquire() self.id += 1 id = self.id self.access_ds.release() self._run_program(id, self.hooks[program], parameters, input_files) return id def _run_program(self, id, program, parameters, input_files): """Actually run the program, handled by a subclass (PRIVATE). This method should be replaced by any derived class to do something useful. It will be called by the run_program method. """ raise NotImplementedError("This object should be subclassed") def get_result(self, id): """ Returns results for a certain Id, the info for that Id is forgotten. parameters: id Id of the task. returns: (return_code, output_files) return code and file access object. The output_files hash key is a relative file name, and the value a output stream. """ self.access_ds.acquire() if id in self.done: returnCode, fileObject = self.done[id] del self.done[id] self.access_ds.release() else: self.access_ds.release() return None class FileRetriever(object): """An Abstract Support class to retrieve files.""" def __init__(self): self.file_list = [] def get_File_list(self): """Returns the list of available files.""" return self.file_list def get_file(self, name): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method') class DirectoryRetriever(FileRetriever): """Retrieves a directory content.""" def __init__(self, directory): FileRetriever.__init__(self) self.directory = directory walk_list = os.walk(directory) for dir, dir_list, file_list in walk_list: for file in file_list: self.file_list.append(file[len(directory) + 1:]) def get_file(self, name): return open(self.directory + os.sep + name)