# Copyright 2012 by Wibowo Arindrarto. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Bio.SearchIO parser for HMMER domain table output format.""" from itertools import chain from Bio.Alphabet import generic_protein from Bio.SearchIO._model import QueryResult, Hit, HSP, HSPFragment from .hmmer3_tab import Hmmer3TabParser, Hmmer3TabIndexer class Hmmer3DomtabParser(Hmmer3TabParser): """Base hmmer3-domtab iterator.""" def _parse_row(self): """Returns a dictionary of parsed row values.""" assert self.line cols = [x for x in self.line.strip().split(' ') if x] # if len(cols) > 23, we have extra description columns # combine them all into one string in the 19th column if len(cols) > 23: cols[22] = ' '.join(cols[22:]) elif len(cols) < 23: cols.append('') assert len(cols) == 23 # assign parsed column data into qresult, hit, and hsp dicts qresult = {} qresult['id'] = cols[3] # query name qresult['accession'] = cols[4] # query accession qresult['seq_len'] = int(cols[5]) # qlen hit = {} hit['id'] = cols[0] # target name hit['accession'] = cols[1] # target accession hit['seq_len'] = int(cols[2]) # tlen hit['evalue'] = float(cols[6]) # evalue hit['bitscore'] = float(cols[7]) # score hit['bias'] = float(cols[8]) # bias hit['description'] = cols[22] # description of target hsp = {} hsp['domain_index'] = int(cols[9]) # # (domain number) # not parsing cols[10] since it's basically len(hit) hsp['evalue_cond'] = float(cols[11]) # c-evalue hsp['evalue'] = float(cols[12]) # i-evalue hsp['bitscore'] = float(cols[13]) # score hsp['bias'] = float(cols[14]) # bias hsp['env_start'] = int(cols[19]) - 1 # env from hsp['env_end'] = int(cols[20]) # env to hsp['acc_avg'] = float(cols[21]) # acc frag = {} # strand is always 0, since HMMER now only handles protein frag['hit_strand'] = frag['query_strand'] = 0 frag['hit_start'] = int(cols[15]) - 1 # hmm from frag['hit_end'] = int(cols[16]) # hmm to frag['query_start'] = int(cols[17]) - 1 # ali from frag['query_end'] = int(cols[18]) # ali to # HMMER alphabets are always protein frag['alphabet'] = generic_protein # switch hmm<-->ali coordinates if hmm is not hit if not self.hmm_as_hit: frag['hit_end'], frag['query_end'] = \ frag['query_end'], frag['hit_end'] frag['hit_start'], frag['query_start'] = \ frag['query_start'], frag['hit_start'] return {'qresult': qresult, 'hit': hit, 'hsp': hsp, 'frag': frag} def _parse_qresult(self): """Generator function that returns QueryResult objects.""" # state values, determines what to do for each line state_EOF = 0 state_QRES_NEW = 1 state_QRES_SAME = 3 state_HIT_NEW = 2 state_HIT_SAME = 4 # dummies for initial states qres_state = None hit_state = None file_state = None # dummies for initial id caches prev_qid = None prev_hid = None # dummies for initial parsed value containers cur, prev = None, None hit_list, hsp_list = [], [] while True: # store previous line's parsed values, for every line after the 1st if cur is not None: prev = cur prev_qid = cur_qid prev_hid = cur_hid # only parse the line if it's not EOF if self.line and not self.line.startswith('#'): cur = self._parse_row() cur_qid = cur['qresult']['id'] cur_hid = cur['hit']['id'] else: file_state = state_EOF # mock ID values since the line is empty cur_qid, cur_hid = None, None # get the state of hit and qresult if prev_qid != cur_qid: qres_state = state_QRES_NEW else: qres_state = state_QRES_SAME # new hits are hits with different ids or hits in a new qresult if prev_hid != cur_hid or qres_state == state_QRES_NEW: hit_state = state_HIT_NEW else: hit_state = state_HIT_SAME # start creating objects after the first line (i.e. prev is filled) if prev is not None: # each line is basically an HSP with one HSPFragment frag = HSPFragment(prev_hid, prev_qid) for attr, value in prev['frag'].items(): setattr(frag, attr, value) hsp = HSP([frag]) for attr, value in prev['hsp'].items(): setattr(hsp, attr, value) hsp_list.append(hsp) # create hit object when we've finished parsing all its hsps # i.e. when hit state is state_HIT_NEW if hit_state == state_HIT_NEW: hit = Hit(hsp_list) for attr, value in prev['hit'].items(): setattr(hit, attr, value) hit_list.append(hit) hsp_list = [] # create qresult and yield if we're at a new qresult or EOF if qres_state == state_QRES_NEW or file_state == state_EOF: qresult = QueryResult(hit_list, prev_qid) for attr, value in prev['qresult'].items(): setattr(qresult, attr, value) yield qresult # if current line is EOF, break if file_state == state_EOF: break hit_list = [] self.line = self.handle.readline() class Hmmer3DomtabHmmhitParser(Hmmer3DomtabParser): """Parser for the HMMER domain table format that assumes HMM profile coordinates are hit coordinates.""" hmm_as_hit = True class Hmmer3DomtabHmmqueryParser(Hmmer3DomtabParser): """Parser for the HMMER domain table format that assumes HMM profile coordinates are query coordinates.""" hmm_as_hit = False class Hmmer3DomtabHmmhitIndexer(Hmmer3TabIndexer): """Indexer class for HMMER domain table output that assumes HMM profile coordinates are hit coordinates.""" _parser = Hmmer3DomtabHmmhitParser _query_id_idx = 3 class Hmmer3DomtabHmmqueryIndexer(Hmmer3TabIndexer): """Indexer class for HMMER domain table output that assumes HMM profile coordinates are query coordinates.""" _parser = Hmmer3DomtabHmmqueryParser _query_id_idx = 3 class Hmmer3DomtabHmmhitWriter(object): """Writer for hmmer3-domtab output format which writes hit coordinates as HMM profile coordinates.""" hmm_as_hit = True def __init__(self, handle): self.handle = handle def write_file(self, qresults): """Writes to the handle. Returns a tuple of how many QueryResult, Hit, and HSP objects were written. """ handle = self.handle qresult_counter, hit_counter, hsp_counter, frag_counter = 0, 0, 0, 0 try: first_qresult = next(qresults) except StopIteration: handle.write(self._build_header()) else: # write header handle.write(self._build_header(first_qresult)) # and then the qresults for qresult in chain([first_qresult], qresults): if qresult: handle.write(self._build_row(qresult)) qresult_counter += 1 hit_counter += len(qresult) hsp_counter += sum(len(hit) for hit in qresult) frag_counter += sum(len(hit.fragments) for hit in qresult) return qresult_counter, hit_counter, hsp_counter, frag_counter def _build_header(self, first_qresult=None): """Returns the header string of a domain HMMER table output.""" # calculate whitespace required # adapted from HMMER's source: src/p7_tophits.c#L1157 if first_qresult: # qnamew = max(20, len(first_qresult.id)) qnamew = 20 tnamew = max(20, len(first_qresult[0].id)) try: qaccw = max(10, len(first_qresult.acc)) taccw = max(10, len(first_qresult[0].acc)) except AttributeError: qaccw, taccw = 10, 10 else: qnamew, tnamew, qaccw, taccw = 20, 20, 10, 10 header = "#%*s %22s %40s %11s %11s %11s\n" % \ (tnamew + qnamew - 1 + 15 + taccw + qaccw, "", "--- full sequence ---", "-------------- this domain -------------", "hmm coord", "ali coord", "env coord") header += "#%-*s %-*s %5s %-*s %-*s %5s %9s %6s %5s %3s %3s %9s " \ "%9s %6s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %4s %s\n" % (tnamew - 1, " target name", taccw, "accession", "tlen", qnamew, "query name", qaccw, "accession", "qlen", "E-value", "score", "bias", "#", "of", "c-Evalue", "i-Evalue", "score", "bias", "from", "to", "from", "to", "from", "to", "acc", "description of target") header += "#%*s %*s %5s %*s %*s %5s %9s %6s %5s %3s %3s %9s %9s " \ "%6s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %4s %s\n" % (tnamew - 1, "-------------------", taccw, "----------", "-----", qnamew, "--------------------", qaccw, "----------", "-----", "---------", "------", "-----", "---", "---", "---------", "---------", "------", "-----", "-----", "-----", "-----", "-----", "-----", "-----", "----", "---------------------") return header def _build_row(self, qresult): """Returns a string or one row or more of the QueryResult object.""" rows = '' # calculate whitespace required # adapted from HMMER's source: src/p7_tophits.c#L1083 qnamew = max(20, len(qresult.id)) tnamew = max(20, len(qresult[0].id)) try: qaccw = max(10, len(qresult.accession)) taccw = max(10, len(qresult[0].accession)) qresult_acc = qresult.accession except AttributeError: qaccw, taccw = 10, 10 qresult_acc = '-' for hit in qresult: # try to get hit accession try: hit_acc = hit.accession except AttributeError: hit_acc = '-' for hsp in hit.hsps: if self.hmm_as_hit: hmm_to = hsp.hit_end hmm_from = hsp.hit_start + 1 ali_to = hsp.query_end ali_from = hsp.query_start + 1 else: hmm_to = hsp.query_end hmm_from = hsp.query_start + 1 ali_to = hsp.hit_end ali_from = hsp.hit_start + 1 rows += "%-*s %-*s %5d %-*s %-*s %5d %9.2g %6.1f %5.1f %3d %3d" \ " %9.2g %9.2g %6.1f %5.1f %5d %5d %5ld %5ld %5d %5d %4.2f %s\n" % \ (tnamew, hit.id, taccw, hit_acc, hit.seq_len, qnamew, qresult.id, qaccw, qresult_acc, qresult.seq_len, hit.evalue, hit.bitscore, hit.bias, hsp.domain_index, len(hit.hsps), hsp.evalue_cond, hsp.evalue, hsp.bitscore, hsp.bias, hmm_from, hmm_to, ali_from, ali_to, hsp.env_start + 1, hsp.env_end, hsp.acc_avg, hit.description) return rows class Hmmer3DomtabHmmqueryWriter(Hmmer3DomtabHmmhitWriter): """Writer for hmmer3-domtab output format which writes query coordinates as HMM profile coordinates.""" hmm_as_hit = False # if not used as a module, run the doctest if __name__ == "__main__": from Bio._utils import run_doctest run_doctest()