"""Distutils based setup script for Biopython. This uses Distutils (http://python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/) the standard python mechanism for installing packages. For the easiest installation just type the command: python setup.py install For more in-depth instructions, see the installation section of the Biopython manual, linked to from: http://biopython.org/wiki/Documentation Or for more details about the options available from distutils, look at the 'Installing Python Modules' distutils documentation, available from: http://python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/doc/ Or, if all else fails, feel free to write to the sign up to the Biopython mailing list and ask for help. See: http://biopython.org/wiki/Mailing_lists """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import shutil if "bdist_wheel" in sys.argv: try: import setuptools import wheel except ImportError: sys.exit("We need both setuptools AND wheel packages installed for bdist_wheel to work") # Import specific bits of setuptools ... from setuptools import setup from setuptools import Command from setuptools.command.install import install from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext from setuptools import Extension else: # Except for wheels, stick with standard library's distutils from distutils.core import setup from distutils.core import Command from distutils.command.install import install from distutils.command.build_py import build_py from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext from distutils.extension import Extension _CHECKED = None def osx_clang_fix(): """Add clang switch to ignore unused arguments to avoid OS X compile error. This is a hack to cope with Apple shipping a version of Python compiled with the -mno-fused-madd argument which clang from XCode 5.1 does not support:: $ cc -v Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) (based on LLVM 3.4svn) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0 Thread model: posix $ which python-config /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python-config $ python-config --cflags -I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include/python2.5 -I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include/python2.5 -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp -mno-fused-madd -fno-common -dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3 We can avoid the clang compilation error with -Qunused-arguments which is (currently) harmless if gcc is being used instead (e.g. compiling Biopython against a locally compiled Python rather than the Apple provided Python). """ # see http://lists.open-bio.org/pipermail/biopython-dev/2014-April/011240.html if sys.platform != "darwin": return # see also Bio/_py3k/__init__.py (which we can't use in setup.py) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from subprocess import getoutput else: from commands import getoutput cc = getoutput("cc -v") if "gcc" in cc or "clang" not in cc: return for flag in ["CFLAGS", "CPPFLAGS"]: if flag not in os.environ: os.environ[flag] = "-Qunused-arguments" elif "-Qunused-arguments" not in os.environ[flag]: os.environ[flag] += " -Qunused-arguments" osx_clang_fix() def is_pypy(): import platform try: if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': return True except AttributeError: # New in Python 2.6, not in Jython yet either pass return False def is_ironpython(): return sys.platform == "cli" # TODO - Use platform as in Pypy test? def get_yes_or_no(question, default): if default: option_str = "(Y/n)" default_str = 'y' else: option_str = "(y/N)" default_str = 'n' while True: print("%s %s:" % (question, option_str)) if sys.version_info[0] == 3: response = input().lower() else: response = raw_input().lower() if not response: response = default_str if response[0] in ['y', 'n']: break print("Please answer y or n.") return response[0] == 'y' # Make sure we have the right Python version. if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6): print("Biopython requires Python 2.6 or 2.7 (or Python 3.3 or later). " "Python %d.%d detected" % sys.version_info[:2]) sys.exit(1) elif sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): print("WARNING: Biopython support for Python 2.6 is now deprecated.") elif is_pypy() and sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 2): # PyPy3 2.4.0 is compatibile with Python 3.2.5 plus unicode literals # so ought to work with Biopython pass elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 3): print("Biopython requires Python 3.3 or later (or Python 2.6 or 2.7). " "Python %d.%d detected" % sys.version_info[:2]) sys.exit(1) elif sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 3): print("WARNING: Biopython support for Python 3.3 is now deprecated.") def check_dependencies_once(): # Call check_dependencies, but cache the result for subsequent # calls. global _CHECKED if _CHECKED is None: _CHECKED = check_dependencies() return _CHECKED def is_automated(): """Check for installation with easy_install or pip. """ is_automated = False # easy_install: --dist-dir option passed try: dist_dir_i = sys.argv.index("--dist-dir") except ValueError: dist_dir_i = None if dist_dir_i is not None: dist_dir = sys.argv[dist_dir_i + 1] if "egg-dist-tmp" in dist_dir: is_automated = True # pip -- calls from python directly with "-c" if sys.argv in [["-c", "develop", "--no-deps"], ["--no-deps", "-c", "develop"], ["-c", "egg_info"]] \ or "pip-egg-info" in sys.argv \ or sys.argv[:3] == ["-c", "install", "--record"] \ or sys.argv[:4] == ['-c', 'install', '--single-version-externally-managed', '--record']: is_automated = True return is_automated def check_dependencies(): """Return whether the installation should continue.""" # There should be some way for the user to tell specify not to # check dependencies. For example, it probably should not if # the user specified "-q". However, I'm not sure where # distutils stores that information. Also, install has a # --force option that gets saved in self.user_options. It # means overwrite previous installations. If the user has # forced an installation, should we also ignore dependencies? # We only check for NumPy, as this is a compile time dependency if is_Numpy_installed(): return True if is_automated(): return True # For automated builds go ahead with installed packages if os.name == 'java': return True # NumPy is not avaliable for Jython (for now) if is_pypy(): return True # Full NumPy not available for PyPy (for now) if is_ironpython(): return True # We're ignoring NumPy under IronPython (for now) print(""" Numerical Python (NumPy) is not installed. This package is required for many Biopython features. Please install it before you install Biopython. You can install Biopython anyway, but anything dependent on NumPy will not work. If you do this, and later install NumPy, you should then re-install Biopython. You can find NumPy at http://www.numpy.org """) # exit automatically if running as part of some script # (e.g. PyPM, ActiveState's Python Package Manager) if not sys.stdout.isatty(): sys.exit(-1) # We can ask the user return get_yes_or_no("Do you want to continue this installation?", False) class install_biopython(install): """Override the standard install to check for dependencies. This will just run the normal install, and then print warning messages if packages are missing. """ # Adds support for the single-version-externally-managed flag # which is present in setuptools but not distutils. pip requires it. # In setuptools this forces installation the "old way" which we # only support here, so we just make it a no-op. user_options = install.user_options + [ ('single-version-externally-managed', None, "used by system package builders to create 'flat' eggs"), ] boolean_options = install.boolean_options + [ 'single-version-externally-managed', ] def initialize_options(self): install.initialize_options(self) self.single_version_externally_managed = None def run(self): if check_dependencies_once(): # Run the normal install. install.run(self) class build_py_biopython(build_py): def run(self): if not check_dependencies_once(): return # Add software that requires Numpy to be installed. if is_Numpy_installed(): self.packages.extend(NUMPY_PACKAGES) build_py.run(self) class build_ext_biopython(build_ext): def run(self): if not check_dependencies_once(): return build_ext.run(self) class test_biopython(Command): """Run all of the tests for the package. This is a automatic test run class to make distutils kind of act like perl. With this you can do: python setup.py build python setup.py install python setup.py test """ description = "Automatically run the test suite for Biopython." user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): this_dir = os.getcwd() # change to the test dir and run the tests os.chdir("Tests") sys.path.insert(0, '') import run_tests run_tests.main([]) # change back to the current directory os.chdir(this_dir) def can_import(module_name): """can_import(module_name) -> module or None""" try: return __import__(module_name) except ImportError: return None def is_Numpy_installed(): if is_pypy(): return False return bool(can_import("numpy")) # --- set up the packages we are going to install # standard biopython packages PACKAGES = [ 'Bio', 'Bio.Align', 'Bio.Align.Applications', 'Bio.AlignIO', 'Bio.Alphabet', 'Bio.Application', 'Bio.Blast', 'Bio.CAPS', 'Bio.codonalign', 'Bio.Compass', 'Bio.Crystal', 'Bio.Data', 'Bio.Emboss', 'Bio.Entrez', 'Bio.ExPASy', 'Bio.FSSP', 'Bio.GA', 'Bio.GA.Crossover', 'Bio.GA.Mutation', 'Bio.GA.Repair', 'Bio.GA.Selection', 'Bio.GenBank', 'Bio.Geo', 'Bio.Graphics', 'Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram', 'Bio.HMM', 'Bio.KEGG', 'Bio.KEGG.Compound', 'Bio.KEGG.Enzyme', 'Bio.KEGG.Map', 'Bio.PDB.mmtf', 'Bio.KEGG.KGML', 'Bio.Medline', 'Bio.motifs', 'Bio.motifs.applications', 'Bio.motifs.jaspar', 'Bio.NeuralNetwork', 'Bio.NeuralNetwork.BackPropagation', 'Bio.NeuralNetwork.Gene', 'Bio.Nexus', 'Bio.NMR', 'Bio.Pathway', 'Bio.Pathway.Rep', 'Bio.PDB', 'Bio.PopGen', 'Bio.PopGen.Async', 'Bio.PopGen.FDist', 'Bio.PopGen.GenePop', 'Bio.PopGen.SimCoal', 'Bio.Restriction', 'Bio.SCOP', 'Bio.SearchIO', 'Bio.SearchIO._model', 'Bio.SearchIO.BlastIO', 'Bio.SearchIO.HmmerIO', 'Bio.SearchIO.ExonerateIO', 'Bio.SeqIO', 'Bio.SeqUtils', 'Bio.Sequencing', 'Bio.Sequencing.Applications', 'Bio.Statistics', 'Bio.SubsMat', 'Bio.SVDSuperimposer', 'Bio.PDB.QCPSuperimposer', 'Bio.SwissProt', 'Bio.TogoWS', 'Bio.Phylo', 'Bio.Phylo.Applications', 'Bio.Phylo.PAML', 'Bio.UniGene', 'Bio.UniProt', 'Bio.Wise', 'Bio._py3k', # Other top level packages, 'BioSQL', ] # packages that require Numeric Python NUMPY_PACKAGES = [ 'Bio.Affy', 'Bio.Cluster', 'Bio.KDTree', 'Bio.phenotype', ] if os.name == 'java': # Jython doesn't support C extensions EXTENSIONS = [] elif is_pypy() or is_ironpython(): # Skip C extensions for now EXTENSIONS = [] else: EXTENSIONS = [ Extension('Bio.cpairwise2', ['Bio/cpairwise2module.c'], ), Extension('Bio.trie', ['Bio/triemodule.c', 'Bio/trie.c'], include_dirs=["Bio"] ), Extension('Bio.Nexus.cnexus', ['Bio/Nexus/cnexus.c'] ), ] # Add extensions that requires NumPy to build if is_Numpy_installed(): import numpy numpy_include_dir = numpy.get_include() EXTENSIONS.append( Extension('Bio.Cluster.cluster', ['Bio/Cluster/clustermodule.c', 'Bio/Cluster/cluster.c'], include_dirs=[numpy_include_dir], )) EXTENSIONS.append( Extension('Bio.KDTree._CKDTree', ["Bio/KDTree/KDTree.c", "Bio/KDTree/KDTreemodule.c"], include_dirs=[numpy_include_dir], )) EXTENSIONS.append( Extension('Bio.motifs._pwm', ["Bio/motifs/_pwm.c"], include_dirs=[numpy_include_dir], )) EXTENSIONS.append( Extension('Bio.PDB.QCPSuperimposer.qcprotmodule', ["Bio/PDB/QCPSuperimposer/qcprotmodule.c"], include_dirs=[numpy_include_dir], )) # We now define the Biopython version number in Bio/__init__.py # Here we can't use "import Bio" then "Bio.__version__" as that would # tell us the version of Biopython already installed (if any). __version__ = "Undefined" for line in open('Bio/__init__.py'): if (line.startswith('__version__')): exec(line.strip()) # Simple trick to use the 2to3 converted source under Python 3, # change the current directory before/after running setup. # Note as a side effect there will be a build folder underneath # the python3_source folder. old_path = os.getcwd() try: src_path = python3_source except NameError: src_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) os.chdir(src_path) sys.path.insert(0, src_path) setup_args = { "name": 'biopython', "version": __version__, "author": 'The Biopython Contributors', "author_email": 'biopython@biopython.org', "url": 'http://www.biopython.org/', "description": 'Freely available tools for computational molecular biology.', "download_url": 'http://biopython.org/DIST/', "cmdclass": { "install": install_biopython, "build_py": build_py_biopython, "build_ext": build_ext_biopython, "test": test_biopython, }, "packages": PACKAGES, "ext_modules": EXTENSIONS, "package_data": { 'Bio.Entrez': ['DTDs/*.dtd', 'DTDs/*.ent', 'DTDs/*.mod'], 'Bio.PopGen': ['SimCoal/data/*.par'], }, } try: setup(**setup_args) finally: del sys.path[0] os.chdir(old_path)