#!/usr/bin/env python ''' bltsv2name.py - strip out the filenames from a TSV file generated by BioLegato. The filename is presumed to be the first field. BioLegato adds double quotes to names, so we also strip those off. Synopsis: bltsv2name.py infile outfile ''' import os import sys #======================== MAIN PROCEDURE ========================== IFN=sys.argv[1] OFN=sys.argv[2] INFILE = open(IFN,'r') OUTFILE = open(OFN,'w') TAB = '\t' NL = '\n' for line in INFILE.readlines() : if not line.startswith('#') : #eliminate comments outstr=line.strip() if len(outstr) > 0 : #eliminate empty lines outstr=outstr.split(TAB)[0].replace('"','') OUTFILE.write(outstr + NL) INFILE.close() OUTFILE.close()