name "gigaNUMSEQ - number a large sequence" icon "$BIRCH/public_html/images/birch_black_ico.png" tip "pretty-print and translate sequences up to 5e8 bp. Used for printing sequences from chromosomes." #Max. seq. length is based on NZ_ABJB000000000 (Ixodes scapularis), currently the largest # sequence in GenBank, at 895,741,386 bp. # Modifying the C-code for numseq to take a sequence larger than 500,000,000 causes a # truncation error upon compilation. Until that problem can be solved, the maximum # sequence is 500,000,000 var "start" type number label "START" min 1 max 500000000 default 1 var "finish" type number label "FINISH" min 1 max 500000000 default 10000000 var "nuccase" type chooser default 0 choices "UPPERCASE" "U" "lowercase" "l" var "snum" type number label "Number of starting nucleotide" min -500000000 max 500000000 default 0 var "group" type number label "write in GROUPs of" min 1 max 100 default 10 var "gpl" type number label "number of GROUPs printed per line" min 1 max 20 default 7 var "which" type chooser label "Which strand?" default 0 choices "original" "i" "opposite" "o" var "strands" type chooser default 0 choices "One strand" "1" "Both strands" "2" var "kind" type chooser label "Print as" default 0 choices "DNA" "D" "RNA" "R" var "numbers" type chooser label "Numbering" default 0 choices "YES" "Y" "NO" "N" var "nucs" type chooser label "Print nucleotides" default 0 choices "YES" "Y" "NO" "N" var "peptides" type chooser label "TRANSLATION" default 1 choices "YES" "Y" "NO" "N" var "frames" type chooser label "Reading frames" default 0 choices "One" "1" "Three" "3" var "form" type chooser label "aa code" default 1 choices "Three letter" "L" "One letter" "S" var "in1" type tempfile direction in format genbank save true var "gcfile" type combobox label "Genetic Code" default 0 choices "Standard" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/1.standard.gc" "Vertebrate Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/2.vert_mito.gc" "Yeast Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/3.yeast_mito.gc" "Mold, Protozoan, and Coelenterate Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/4.MPC.mito.gc" "Invertebrate Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/5.inv_mito.gc" "Ciliate, Dasycladacean and Hexamita" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/6.CDH.gc" "Echinoderm and Flatworm" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/9.EF_mito.gc" "Euplotid" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/10.Euplotid.gc" "Bacterial and Plant Plastid" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/11.Bact_Plastid.gc" "Alternative Yeast Nuclear" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/12.alt_yeast.gc" "Ascidian Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/13.Ascidian_mito.gc" "Alternative Flatworm Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/14.alt_flatworm_mito.gc" "Blepharisma" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/15.Blepharisma.gc" "Chlorophycean Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/16.Chlorophycean_mito.gc" "Trematode Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/21.Trematode_mito.gc" "Scenedesmus obliquus mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/22.Scenedesmus_mito.gc" "Thraustochytrium Mitochondrial" "$BIRCH/dat/fsap/gc/23.Thraustochytrium_mito.gc" panel var "Run" type button label "Run" shell " %in1% %in1%.out %GCFILE% %START% %FINISH% %NUCCASE% %SNUM% %GROUP% %GPL% %WHICH% %STRANDS% %KIND% %NUMBERS% %NUCS% %PEPTIDES% %FRAMES% %FORM%; $RM_CMD %in1%; $BIRCH/script/ %in1%.out; $RM_CMD %in1%*" close true var "Help" type button label "Help" shell "$BIRCH/script/ $BIRCH/doc/fsap/numseq.txt" close false