# This blmenu file is a workaround of a bug in BioLegato that limits # recursive evaluation of variables when there are multiple panels within # multiple tabs. The solution is to have one set of panels in the main tab, # and all the rest of the panels in a second tab. name "SOAPdenovo2 - genome assembly" tip "denovo genome assembly" system linux amd64 var "in1" type tempfile direction in format tsv save false tabset # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tab "Parameters" var "program" type chooser label "max. k-mer size" default 0 choices "63" "SOAPdenovo-63mer" "127" "SOAPdenovo-127mer" var "mergelevel" type number label "strength of merging similar seqs. (-M)" min 0 max 3 default 1 var "mincontig" type number label "shortest contig for scaffolding (-L)" min 50 max 200 default 100 var "threads" type number label "Number of threads to use (-p)" min 1 max $BL_CORES_MAX default $BL_CORES_DEFAULT var "additional" type text label "Additional SOAPdenovo2 parameters" default "" # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - panel var "L1PEL1" type file label "Read pair 1 Left" default "" var "L1PER1" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L1PEL2" type file label "Read pair 2 Left" default "" var "L1PER2" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L1PEL3" type file label "Read pair 3 Left" default "" var "L1PER3" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L1PEL4" type file label "Read pair 4 Left" default "" var "L1PER4" type file label "Right" default "" var "L1-asm" type combobox label "Use reads for " default 2 choices "contigs only" "1" "scaffolds only" "2" "contigs and scaffolds" "3" var "L1-avgins" type number label "Avg. insert size" min 200 max 10000 default 300 var "L1-rank" type combobox label "order for use in scaffolding (rank) " default 0 choices "use first" "1" "use after first scaffolding" "2" var "L1-maxread" type number label "Max. read length" min 50 max 20000 default 100 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tab "additionalLIBS" var "L2" type chooser label "Use LIB2? -----------------------------" default 1 choices "Yes" "echo %L2PEL1%,%L2PER1%'|'%L2PEL2%,%L2PER2%'|'%L2PEL3%,%L2PER3%'|'%L2PEL4%,%L2PER4%'^'asm_flags=%L2-ASM%'|'avg_ins=%L2-AVGINS%'|'rank=%L2-RANK%'|'rd_len_cutoff=%L2-MAXREAD% >> %in1%.in;" "No" "" panel var "L2PEL1" type file label "Read pair 1 Left" default "" var "L2PER1" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L2PEL2" type file label "Read pair 2 Left" default "" var "L2PER2" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L2PEL3" type file label "Read pair 3 Left" default "" var "L2PER3" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L2PEL4" type file label "Read pair 4 Left" default "" var "L2PER4" type file label "Right" default "" var "L2-asm" type combobox label "Use reads for " default 2 choices "contigs only" "1" "scaffolds only" "2" "contigs and scaffolds" "3" var "L2-avgins" type number label "Avg. insert size" min 200 max 10000 default 300 var "L2-rank" type combobox label "order for use in scaffolding (rank) " default 1 choices "use first" "1" "use after first scaffolding" "2" var "L2-maxread" type number label "Max. read length" min 50 max 20000 default 100 var "L3" type chooser label "Use LIB3? -----------------------------" default 1 choices "Yes" "echo %L3PEL1%,%L3PER1%'|'%L3PEL2%,%L3PER2%'|'%L3PEL3%,%L3PER3%'|'%L3PEL4%,%L3PER4%'^'asm_flags=%L3-ASM%'|'avg_ins=%L3-AVGINS%'|'rank=%L3-RANK%'|'rd_len_cutoff=%L3-MAXREAD% >> %in1%.in;" "No" "" panel var "L3PEL1" type file label "Read pair 1 Left" default "" var "L3PER1" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L3PEL2" type file label "Read pair 2 Left" default "" var "L3PER2" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L3PEL3" type file label "Read pair 3 Left" default "" var "L3PER3" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L3PEL4" type file label "Read pair 4 Left" default "" var "L3PER4" type file label "Right" default "" var "L3-asm" type combobox label "Use reads for " default 2 choices "contigs only" "1" "scaffolds only" "2" "contigs and scaffolds" "3" var "L3-avgins" type number label "Avg. insert size" min 200 max 10000 default 300 var "L3-rank" type combobox label "order for use in scaffolding (rank) " default 1 choices "use first" "1" "use after first scaffolding" "2" var "L3-maxread" type number label "Max. read length" min 50 max 20000 default 100 var "L4" type chooser label "Use LIB4? -----------------------------" default 1 choices "Yes" "echo %L4PEL1%,%L4PER1%'|'%L4PEL2%,%L4PER2%'|'%L4PEL3%,%L4PER3%'|'%L4PEL4%,%L4PER4%'^'asm_flags=%L4-ASM%'|'avg_ins=%L4-AVGINS%'|'rank=%L4-RANK%'|'rd_len_cutoff=%L4-MAXREAD% >> %in1%.in;" "No" "" panel var "L4PEL1" type file label "Read pair 1 Left" default "" var "L4PER1" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L4PEL2" type file label "Read pair 2 Left" default "" var "L4PER2" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L4PEL3" type file label "Read pair 3 Left" default "" var "L4PER3" type file label "Right" default "" panel var "L4PEL4" type file label "Read pair 4 Left" default "" var "L4PER4" type file label "Right" default "" var "L4-asm" type combobox label "Use reads for " default 2 choices "contigs only" "1" "scaffolds only" "2" "contigs and scaffolds" "3" var "L4-avgins" type number label "Avg. insert size" min 200 max 10000 default 300 var "L4-rank" type combobox label "order for use in scaffolding (rank) " default 1 choices "use first" "1" "use after first scaffolding" "2" var "L4-maxread" type number label "Max. read length" min 50 max 20000 default 100 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tab "Output" var "outdir" type text label "Name for output directory" default "../reads.trimmed.corrected.SOAPdenovo2" var "prefix" type text label "prefix for output filenames" default "SOAPdenovo2" # Enclose %ADDRESS% in single quotes, which prevents # an error if no custom adaptor sequence is specified. var "email" type chooser label "Notify of completion by email" default 1 choices "Yes" "bl_email.py --recipient %ADDRESS% --subject 'SOAPdenovo2 completed' --message soapdenovo2.log;" "No" "$BL_TextEditor soapdenovo2.log" var "address" type text label " email address" default "$BL_EMAIL" panel var "Run" type button label "Run" shell "echo %L1PEL1%,%L1PER1%'|'%L1PEL2%,%L1PER2%'|'%L1PEL3%,%L1PER3%'|'%L1PEL4%,%L1PER4%'^'asm_flags=%L1-ASM%'|'avg_ins=%L1-AVGINS%'|'rank=%L1-RANK%'|'rd_len_cutoff=%L1-MAXREAD% > %in1%.in; %L2% %L3% %L4% nedit %in1%.in; nice bl_soapdenovo2.py %in1%.in %OUTDIR% %PREFIX% %PROGRAM% -M %MERGELEVEL% -L %MINCONTIG% -p %THREADS% %ADDITIONAL%; cd %OUTDIR%; %EMAIL% blreads " close true var "Hints" type button label "Hints" shell "$BIRCH/script/chooseviewer.py $BIRCH/doc/bioLegato/blreads/SOAPdenovo2.hints.html" close false var "Guide" type button label "Guide" shell "chooseviewer.py http://github.com/aquaskyline/SOAPdenovo2/blob/master/README.md" close false