61 83 FROM to TO range to make the logo over 1 sequence coordinate before which to put a bar on the logo 4 26 (xcorner, ycorner) lower left hand corner of the logo (in cm) -90 rotation: angle to rotate the graph 1.0 charwidth: (real, > 0) the width of the logo characters, in cm 15 0.1 barheight, barwidth: (real, > 0) height of vertical bar, in cm 4 barbits: (real) height of the vertical bar, in bits; < 0: no I-beam bars no barends: if 'b' put bars before and after each line show no showingbox: if 's' show a dashed box around each character no outline outline: if 'o' make each character as an outline caps no caps: if 'c', alphabetic characters are converted to caps 100 stacksperline: number of character stacks per line output 1 linesperpage: number of lines per page output 1.5 linemove: line separation relative to the barheight numbers - numbering: if the first letter is 'n' then each stack is numbered 0.5 shrinking: factor by which to shrink characters inside dashed box 4 strings: the number of user defined strings to follow 2 14 1 coordinates of the string (in cm) relative to logo, scale My First TITLE! 3 13 1 coordinates of the string (in cm) relative to logo, scale My SECOND TITLE! 4 12 1 coordinates of the string (in cm) relative to logo, scale My THIRD TITLE! 2 -3 1 coordinates of the string (in cm) relative to logo, scale protseq.globin: aligned globin sequences makelogop.protein: parameters for the makelogo program, version 6 or higher