#NEXUS [written Sat Jun 07 11:33:51 PDT 2008 by Mesquite version 2.5 BETA 2 (build j76) at Thrandina.local/ (Wayne Maddison)] Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; getWindow; tell It; setResourcesState false false 72; setPopoutState 400; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 700 464; setLocation 12 22; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; endTell; newAssistant #mesquite.basic.ExamplesNavigator.ExamplesNavigator; tell It; setNextFileName '01-pairwise.nex'; setPrevFileName '00b-pagel94Hominids.nex'; getWindow; tell It; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 628 447; setLocation 12 22; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; setActive; setExplanation 'The following examples concern pairwise tests of character association^n^nThey illustrate the methods described in: ^n^nMaddison, W.P. 2000. Testing character correlation using pairwise comparisons on a phylogeny. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 202: 195-204.^n^nThis paper describes methods to choose pairs of taxa for comparative method calculations (tests of character association). The corresponding Mesquite modules automatically find phylogenetically separate pairs of taxa according to specific criteria. ^n^nThe example files begin with a fairly complex example, then proceed through the examples of the figures of the paper cited above.^n'; setTitle Pairwise_comparison_examples; toggleFileNames off; setPrevButtonName Previous; setNextButtonName Next; setEditorsVisible; endTell; showWindow; endTell; endTell; end;