

Run spades in the same folder as your DNA-seq reads. (Use File --> OpenDir to open a new window in your reads folder.)


RNAseq reads: Before opening this menu, select DNA readfiles. For paired-end reads spades,  works with pairs of files. Files can be selected in pairs using File -->


k-mers: Spades repeats the assembly with k-mers over a range of sizes and chooses the best assembly as the final one. The k-mers are specified as a comma-separated list eg. 21,33,55. k-mers must be odd numbers. If k-mers is set to automatic (default), spades will choose a list of k-mer sizes to try.

The larger the k-mer size, the larger the memory needed. A k-mer size of 33 should be possible on most desktop machines. Larger k-mer sizes may require substantially larger memory. As well, for each k-mer tested, disk space comparable to the size of the input read files will be needed.

Spades will work its way through the k-mers from smallest to largest. If spades runs out of memory with larger k-mers, the results from earlier runs with smaller k-mer sizes can still be found in the output directory. For example, results from k=33 are found in the K33 subdirectory.

The default "../reads.trimmed.corrected.spades" means that output files will be written to a folder in the parent folder (..)  called spades.

The most useful human-readable output files:

spades.log - Detailed progress on the assembly.