USAGE makeblastdb [-h] [-help] [-in input_file] [-input_type type] -dbtype molecule_type [-title database_title] [-parse_seqids] [-hash_index] [-mask_data mask_data_files] [-mask_id mask_algo_ids] [-mask_desc mask_algo_descriptions] [-gi_mask] [-gi_mask_name gi_based_mask_names] [-out database_name] [-blastdb_version version] [-max_file_sz number_of_bytes] [-metadata_output_prefix ] [-logfile File_Name] [-taxid TaxID] [-taxid_map TaxIDMapFile] [-oid_masks oid_masks] [-version] DESCRIPTION Application to create BLAST databases, version 2.14.0+ REQUIRED ARGUMENTS -dbtype Molecule type of target db OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS -h Print USAGE and DESCRIPTION; ignore all other parameters -help Print USAGE, DESCRIPTION and ARGUMENTS; ignore all other parameters -version Print version number; ignore other arguments *** Input options -in Input file/database name Default = `-' -input_type Type of the data specified in input_file Default = `fasta' *** Configuration options -title Title for BLAST database Default = input file name provided to -in argument -parse_seqids Option to parse seqid for FASTA input if set, for all other input types seqids are parsed automatically -hash_index Create index of sequence hash values. *** Sequence masking options -mask_data Comma-separated list of input files containing masking data as produced by NCBI masking applications (e.g. dustmasker, segmasker, windowmasker) -mask_id Comma-separated list of strings to uniquely identify the masking algorithm * Requires: mask_data * Incompatible with: gi_mask -mask_desc Comma-separated list of free form strings to describe the masking algorithm details * Requires: mask_id -gi_mask Create GI indexed masking data. * Requires: parse_seqids * Incompatible with: mask_id -gi_mask_name Comma-separated list of masking data output files. * Requires: mask_data, gi_mask *** Output options -out Name of BLAST database to be created Default = input file name provided to -in argumentRequired if multiple file(s)/database(s) are provided as input -blastdb_version Version of BLAST database to be created Default = `5' -max_file_sz Maximum file size for BLAST database files Default = `3GB' -metadata_output_prefix Path prefix for location of database files in metadata -logfile File to which the program log should be redirected *** Taxonomy options -taxid =0> Taxonomy ID to assign to all sequences * Incompatible with: taxid_map -taxid_map Text file mapping sequence IDs to taxonomy IDs. Format: * Requires: parse_seqids * Incompatible with: taxid -oid_masks 0x01 Exclude Model