$Id: readme.v34t0 348 2010-07-20 21:33:22Z wrp $ $Revision: $ >>May 28, 2007 Small modification for GCG ASCII (libtype=5) header line. >>January 12, 2007 fasta-34_26_2 Fix a problem with pssm_asn_subs.c reading strings (sequences) longer than 1024 bytes. Remove searchfa.cgi, searchnn.cgi, cgi-lib.pl, my-cgi.pl - this code was used for an ancient FASTA WWW implementation and has been replaced by the FASTA_WWW package. FASTA Version numbers are being modified to make releases easier to track, thus fa34t26b5 has become fasta-34_26_1. I would prefer to use decimal versions, but CVS does not allow '.' in tags. >>January 4, 2007 fasta-34_26_1 Include scripts for building Mac OS X Universal binaries on a PPC machine. Programs are compiled first with Makefile.os_x (gcc-3.3 for PPC) and then installed into ./ppc/. Programs are next compiled with Makefile.os_x86 for i386, and the resulting executables installed into ./i386/. Finally, the "make_osx_univ.sh" script is run to build the universal binaries from the two executables using "lipo". >>December 12, 2006 Fix some problems with p2_workcomp.c: (1) no longer initialize pad characters for non-existant sequences. (2) deal with small libraries consistently with the serial versions. >>November 17, 2006 fa34t26b5 Fixed a problem reading ASN.1 format 2 PSSM's. It is now possible to download a PSI-BLAST PSSM RID and search properly. Next, the query sequence from the PSSM should be used instead of the provided query sequence, so that the query sequence is ignored. >>October 19, 2006 fa34t26b4 Fixed problem with SSE2 code when PSSM's are used. >>October 6, 2006 fa34t26b3 A new set of WIN32 programs is now available that use the Intel C++ 9.1 compiler, rather than the much older Borland Turbo-C compiler. All of the unthreaded programs that are part of the Unix and MacOSX FASTA distributions are now available. Threaded (multiprocessor) versions of the program as available as well, as are sse2 accelerated versions of ssearch34 (ssearch34sse2.exe, ssearch34sse2_t.exe). Th new WIN32 code also uses Microsoft's "nmake" program to build the programs, which allows much greater consistency between the Unix and Windows versions. >>September 18, 2006 Static global alignment variables removed from dropnfa.c, dropfx.c, dropfz2.c. dropnfa.c, dropfx.c and dropfz2.c should be thread safe. Together with the earlier changes, all the FASTA functions should now be thread safe during the alignment process. >>August 17, 2006 Begin removal of static variables from Smith-Waterman alignment functions. These variables kept the functions from being thread-safe. Now dropgsw.c and dropnsw.c are thread-safe. >>August 15, 2006 fa34t26b2 Fixed a problem with pv34compfx/mp34compfx (and fy) producing improperly labeled alignments and de-allocating memory for the reverse complement. >>July 18, 2006 The library file name parsing programs now provide the option for environment variable substitions. For example, SLIB2=/slib2 as an environment variable (e.g. export SLIB2=/slib2 for ksh and bash), then fasta34 -q query.aa '${SLIB2}/swissprot.fa' expands as expected. While this is not important for command lines, where the Unix shell would expand things anyway, it is very helpful for various configuration files, such as files of file names, where: <${SLIB2}/blast swissprot.fa now expands properly, and in FASTLIBS files the line: NCBI/Blast Swissprot$0S${SLIB2}/blast/swissprot.fa expands properly. Currently, Environment variable expansion only takes place for library file names, and the >July 14, 2006 fa34t26b1 Updated Farrar smith_waterman_sse2.c code to address possible bug (code from Michael Farrar). Include for compilation with Sun compiler with Makefile.sun_x86. >>July 2, 2006 fa34t26b0 This release provides an extremely efficient SSE2 implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm for the SSE2 vector instructions written by Michael Farrar. The SSE code speeds up Smith-Waterman 8 - 10-fold in my tests, making it comparable to Eric Lindahl's Altivec code for the Apple/IBM G4/G5 architecture. The Farrar code is largely confined to smith_waterman_sse2.c and smith_waterman_sse2.h, which are copyright (2006) by Michael Farrar, and cannot be redistributed without his permission. Mr. Farrar has agreed to provide his code under the same policy used by FASTA - e.g. the code can be used without permission, but not redistributed. The Farrar code uses GCC version 4.0 SSE2 intrinsic functions to avoid assembly language code. Unfortunately, in my hands, "gcc -O3" causes "out of memory" errors, and other problems, so "gcc -O" is used instead. >>June 23, 2006 fa34t25d10 Modifications to comp_lib.c, compacc.c, and other files to ensure that function-specific MAXTOT values are used properly. MAXTOT is now available as m_msg.max_tot, which is set in initfa.c (m_msg.max_tot = MAXTOT) to ensure that functions that need very large MAXTOT values (e.g. TFASTX) can get them. tfastx can now search successfully with titin, a 27,000 residue protein. Other changes have been made to accomodate long query sequences. A serious bug was found in fastx34(_t) that caused alignment coordinates to be calculated improperly when the DNA sequence was much longer than the protein sequence. >>May 31, 2006 fa34t25d9 Fixed some problems with fasts/fastf alignments when -m 9 options were used. Unlike the other algorithms, the a_res structure does not capture all the information to re-produce an alignment, so do_walign now sets bptr->have_ares to indicate whether the a_res structure is valid. Various problems with bad library names, and short query titles were also fixed. Updated version number/date on all drop*.c functions. >>May 24, 2006 fa34t25d8 Revised code for NCBI *.pal/*.nal databases has been tested on all architectures, including Windows. In addition, support for ASN.1 PSSM:2 files provided by the NCBI PSI-BLAST WWW site is included. This code will not work with iteration 0 PSSM's (which have no PSSM information). For ASN.1 PSSM's, which provide the matrix name (and in some cases the gap penalties), the scoring matrix and gap penalties are set appropriately if they were not specified on the command line. ASN.1 PSSM's are type 2: ssearch34 -P "pssm.asn1 2" ..... >>May 18, 2006 Support for NCBI Blast formatdb databases has been expanded. The FASTA programs can now read some NCBI *.pal and *.nal files, which are used to specify subsets of databases. Specifically, the swissprot.00.pal and pdbaa.00.pal files are supported. FASTA supports files that refer to *.msk files (i.e. swissprot.00.pal refers to swissprot.00.msk); it does not currently support .pal files that simply list other .pal or database files (e.g. FASTA does not support nr.pal or swissprot.pal). In the process of providing this support, the routines used to read ASN.1 binary formatdb files were substantially improved. It is now possible to see multiple description lines for a single sequence. IS_BIG_ENDIAN has been removed from all of the Makefiles. The code now looks for the definition of __BIG_ENDIAN__ or _BIG_ENDIAN to decide whether the architecture IS_BIG_ENDIAN. If, for some reason, one of these macros is not defined on a BIG_ENDIAN architecture, then -DIS_BIG_ENDIAN is required. >>May 12, 2006 CVS fa34t25d7 Corrected serious problem with coordinate display calculation for fasta34 and ssearch34 - in some cases the coordinates and alignment symbols were off by the length of the context (typically 30 residues). Added capability to read ASN.1 binary PSSM information. This information is provided (in an encoded form) from the NCBI PSI-BLAST WWW site. (What is actually provided from the WWW site is a bzip2-ed binary file that is converted to ASCII HEX. The ASCII HEX file must be converted to binary, and then bunzip'ed. This bunzip-ed file is binary ASN.1.) These files can also be generated by blastpgp -J T -C pssm.asn1_bin -u 2 I am parsing the ASN.1 binary manually, not using the NCBI toolkit, so there may be some files that are not parsed properly - if so, let me know. (May 12, 2006 - The NCBI changed the format of the psi-blast ASN.1 PSSM - and has not yet provided documentation of the new structure, so this code does not work. It does work with blastpgp v 2.2.13, but not with the web site version 2.2.14. A fix was provided 24-May-2006) >>April 18, 2006 Small modification in mshowbest.c to provide more consistent display widths with -m 9i in list of best hits. >>April 11, 2006 CVS fa34t25d6 Corrected a problem introduced with the new, more efficient method for displaying alignments. For the tfast* programs, which must translate the library sequence, translations were not done when alignments were re-displayed. Corrected an older problem with tfastx34 against very long sequence databases - the code to more efficiently do the display alignment did not use the correct sequence coordinates. Modifications to dropfs2.c to ensure that exact peptide matches are captured more frequently. >>March 16, 2006 CVS fa34t25d5 Change to initfa.c to allow lower case DNA libraries using the -DDNALIB_LC compile time option. Modify p2_complib.c, p2_worklib.c (and doinit.c, msg.h) to allow the -V annotation option for the parallel programs. Also modify to allow specification of the query range (but only for the first query, like fasta34) for the parallel programs. Modification of p2_workcomp.c to correct some problems presenting percent similarity. Also correct unreleased bugs in the alignment routines that allow more efficient alignment re-calculation. >>Nov 20, 2005 Changes to support asymmetric matrices - a scoring matrix read in from a file can be asymmetric. Default matrices are all symmetric. >>Oct 24, 2005 Modifications extended to p2_complib.c/p2_workcomp.c. Incorporation of drop_func.h into p2_workcomp.c greatly simplifies things. No changes in communication - struct a_res_str is internal to p2_workcomp.c. Additional changes to do_walign() so that aln_func_vals() must be called to set llfact, qlfact, etc in a_struct aln before or after do_walign is called. do_walign produces a_res_str a_res, which has all the information necessary to produce a calcons() or calc_code() alignment. >>Oct 19, 2005 CVS fa34t26b0 Modifications to drop*.c and c_dispn.c to separate (and simplify) some of the alignment coordinate calculations. Before, the "a_struct" had the coordinates of the alignment used in the display (seqc0, seqc1) AND in the original sequences (aa0, aa1), as well as other information used to calculate alignment coordinates. In the new version, astruct coordinates always refer to seqc0,1, while a new structure, a_res_str, has coordinates for aa0, aa1 as well as the alignment encoding in res[nres]. Eventually, this should make it possible to display multiple local alignments from the same two sequences. In addition, the file "drop_func.h" has been added to the project, and is included by many of the files (all the drop*.c functions, mshowbest.c, mshowalign.c) to ensure that the various functions are declared and used consistently. >>Sept 19, 2005 CVS fa34t25d4 Changes to support Mac OS 10.4 - Tiger (include sys/types.h in more files). Documentation update for prss34/prfx34. Modifications to comp_lib.c to support prss34_t/prfx34_t. Shuffle numbers for prss/prfx can now be specified by "-k #". >>Sept 2, 2005 The prss34 program has been modified to use the same display routines as the other search programs. To be more consistent with the other programs, the old "-w shuffle-window-size" is now "-v window-size". prss34/prfx34 will also show the optimal alignment for which the significance is calculated by using the "-A" option. Since the new program reports results exactly like other fasta/ssearch/fastxy34 programs, parsing for statistical significance is considerably different. The old format program can be make using "make prss34o". >>Aug 26, 2005 Modifications to save_best() in comp_lib.c to support prss34_t. It did not work before. >>July 25, 2005 Modify mshowbest.c to suppress gi|12345 in HTML mode. >>July 18, 2005 CVS fa34t25d3 Modifications to Makefile.tc to support NCBI formatdb formats under Windows. >>May 19, 2005 CVS fa34t25d2 Modifications to dropfs2.c to fix an obscure bug that occurred when correctly ordered peptides aligned one residue apart. >>May 5, 2005 CVS fa34t25d1 Modification to the -x option, so that both an "X:X" match score and an "X:not-X" mismatch score can be specified. (This score is also used give a positive score to a "*:*" match - the end of a reading frame, while giving a negative score to "*:not-*". >>March 14, 2005 CVS fa34t25b4 Fixed some problems caused by padding characters required for Smith-Waterman ALTIVEC in the parallel (p2_complib.c, p2_workcomp.c) versions. >>Feb 24, 2005 CVS fa34t25b3 Changes to comp_lib.c (and Makefile.pcom) to support prss34_t. >>Feb 12, 2005 Modify dropfs.c to dynamically allocate space for alignments, so that queries with a large number of fragments can still place all the fragments on the alignment. Also fix a problem produced by removing -DBIGMEM from most of the Makefile's, but not fixing defs.h to use BIGMEM sizes by default. >>Jan 24, 2005 Include a new program, "print_pssm", which reads a blastpgp binary checkpoint file and writes out the frequency values as text. These values can be used with a new option with ssearch34(_t) and prss34, which provides the ability to read a text PSSM file. To specify a text PSSM, use the option -P "query.ckpt 1" where the "1" indicates a text, rather than a binary checkpoint file. "initfa.c" has also been modified to work with PSSM files with zero's in the in the frequency table. Presumably these positions (at the ends) do not provide information. (Jan 26, 2005) blastpgp actually uses BLOSUM62 values when zero frequencies are provided, so read_pssm() has been modified to use scoring matrix values for zero frequencies as well. >>Jan 13, 2005 Change to initfa.c to have fasts34 do a protein comparison by default, rather than an unknown sequence type. Automatic checking for fasts34 does not work reliably, because queries can be very short. Likewise for fastm34. [Jan 26, 2004] Undo this change, which broke DNA comparison when "-n" was specified. >>Jan 7, 2005 Changes to tatstats.h, dropfs2.c to allow larger numbers of peptides to match when fasts is used to show coverage on a proteomics experiment. Previously fasts could match no more than 30 peptides, that has been increased to 50. In addition, ktup=2 can be used to increase the likelihood that short exact matchs trump longer mismatched regions. >>Nov 11, 2004 CVS fa34t25 Finished merge of earlier fa34t24 branch with HEAD. Correct labeling of TFASTM. >>Nov 4-8, 2004 Incorporation of Erik Lindahl "anti-diagonal" Altivec code for Smith-Waterman, only. Altivec SSEARCH is now faster than FASTA for query sequences < 250 amino acids. Small modifications to output score display to ensure that the correct scores are shown, and that they are correctly labeled. >>Aug 25,26, 2004 CVS fa34t24b3 Small change in output format for p34comp* programs in ">>>query_file#1 string" line before alignments. This line is not present in the non-parallel versions - it would be better for them to be consistent. Change in last_stats.c to properly label fasts statistics with -z != 1. Change in dropfs2.c to ensure that tatprobs are not precalculated with -z 4. Modify -m 9i output option to show in HTML output. Add "#ifdef NOOVERHANG" to dropfs2.c that causes overlapping alignments to score a 0, rather than the partial overlap score. Useful for SAGE alignments, because "fasts" requires global alignments (except for for overhangs, unless NOOVERHANG is defined). >>Aug 23, 2004 Fix problem with very long definition lines with formatdb version4 ASN databases. Fix mshowalign.c to re-enable "-L" option. >>July 28, 2004 Fix to re-enable -w window shuffle for PRSS. Modify comp_lib.c for PRSS to ensure that the unshuffled score and probability are shown, even for very high probabililty alignments. >>July 21, 2004 Modifications to support PostgreSQL databases with the same commands as MySQL databases. MySQL database libraries are type 16, PostgreSQL are type 17. Makefile.linux_sql and Makefile.pvm4_sql support both database types simultaneously. >>June 23, 2004 CVS fa34t24b2 Additional fixes to enable -n or -p with fasts34 and fastm34. Makefile.pcom was fixed for fastm34_t. A new file, mgstm1.nts, of DNA fragments from mgstm1.seq, is included for testing fasts34 and fastm34. >>May 4, 2004 Fixes to initfa.c to allow DNA:DNA for FASTS, FASTM. This change introduced a bug that broke FASTS completely, but was fixed June 18, 2004 (and retagged fa34t24b2). >>April 23, 2004 CVS fa34t24b1 Fix bug in initfa.c that caused tfasts/tfastf not to examine all six frames. >>May 4, 2004 Fixes to initfa.c to allow DNA:DNA for FASTS, FASTM. >>March 19, 2004 CVS fa34t24b0 Modify all the drop*.c files, plus mshowbest.c and mshowalign.c, to display percent similarity, rather than percent ungapped. An alignment is counted as similar if the score is greater than or equal to zero (the same criterion used for placing ".". To disable this change, remove -DSHOWSIM from the appropriate Makefile.*. >>March 18, 2004 CVS fa34t23b8 Fix bug in initfa.c tables that caused prss to generally compare proteins. >>March 15, 2004 Fix bug in calls to revcomp(); make revcomp() guarantee NULL termination. >>March 2, 2004 CVS fa34t23b7 Fix a very embarrassing and surprising bug that caused insertions in fasta alignments to appear in the wrong sequence. >>Feb 7, 2004 CVS fa34t23b6 Change initfa.c to allow "-i" (reverse complement) and "-i -3" with "fastx34" and "prfx34". In addition, "prfx34" now examines both query DNA strands in calculated the shuffled statistical significance. >>Feb 5, 2004 Reverse assignments for G:U baseparing in initfa.c. Fix memory allocation error caused by doubling DNA alignment width. >>Jan 7, 2004 CVS fa34t23b5 Change in do_walign() in dropnfa.c to make final DNA alignments use a band that is 2X as large as the search band width. >>Dec 22, 2003 CVS fa34t23b4 Fix typo in p2_complib.c that prevented compilation. Fix problem with karlin.c for asymmetrical matrices, such as used with -U. >>Dec 10, 2003 CVS fa34t23b3 Fix problem in resetp()/initfa.c that disabled banded Smith-Waterman DNA alignments. Allow spam() to do extended alignments for DNA if one of the sequences is < 50 nt. Cause default ktup to drop for short sequences. For protein < 50, ktup=1; for DNA < 20, 50, 100 ktup = 1, 2, 3, respectively. >>Dec 7, 2003 A new option, "-U" is available for RNA sequence comparison. "-U" functions like "-n", indicating that the query is an RNA sequence. In addition, to account for "G:U" base pairs, "-U" modifies the scoring matrices so that a "G:A" match has the same score as "G:G" match, and "T:C" match has the same score as a "T:T" match. (Corrected 13-July-2010 -- the G:A/T:C scores are score(G:G)-3.) The asymmetric matrix required changes in dropnfa.c that were similar to the changes in dropgsw.c required for profiles. In addition, m_msg.qdnaseq and pst.dnaseq can now be SEQT_DNA, SEQT_RNA, SEQT_PROT, SEQT_UNK, or SEQT_OTHER. m_msg.ldnaseq does not use SEQT_RNA, only SEQT_DNA. A new member of struct pstruct: int nt_align, is used to indicate nucleotide alignments. >>Nov 19, 2003 Changes to Makefile's to distinguish between tatstats_fs.o and tatstats_ff.o. >>Nov 2, 2003 Substantial changes to comp_lib.c, p2_complib.c, mshowbest.c, and mshowalign.c to support more sophisticated display options. Previously, one could have only on "-m #" option, even though several of the options were orthogonal (-m 9c is independent of -m 1 and -m2, which is independent of -m 6 (HTML)). The programs now use a bitmask that allows independent options to be combined. In particular -m 9c can be combined with -m 6, which can be very helpful for runs that need HTML output but can also exploit the encoding provided by -m 9c. The "-m 9" option now also allows "-m 9i", which shows the standard best score information, plus percent identity and alignment length. >>Oct 26, 2003 CVS fa34t23b1 Additional fixes to Makefiles to enable tfastf34(_t). Changes to support ossearch34 (a non-Phil Green optimized Smith-Waterman). >>Oct 8, 2003 CVS fa34t23b0 Fixes to get DNA queries working in both directions, and to fix PCOMPLIB programs for "-V" option. Currently, the parallel programs cannot use the "-V" option. >>Sept 25, 2003 A new option is available for annotating alignments. -V '@#?!' can be used to annotate sites in a sequence, e.g: >GTM1_HUMAN ... PMILGYWDIRGLAHAIRLLLEYTDS@S?YEEKKYT@MG DAPDYDRS@QWLNEKFKLGLDFPNLPYLIDGAHKIT might mark known and expected (S,T) phosphorylation sites. These symbols are then displayed on the query coordinate line: 10 20 @? 30 @ 40 @ 50 60 GTM1_H PMILGYWDIRGLAHAIRLLLEYTDSSYEEKKYTMGDAPDYDRSQWLNEKFKLGLDFPNLP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: gtm1_h PMILGYWDIRGLAHAIRLLLEYTDSSYEEKKYTMGDAPDYDRSQWLNEKFKLGLDFPNLP 10 20 30 40 50 60 This annotation is mostly designed to display post-translational modifications detected by MassSpec with FASTS, but is also available with FASTA and SSEARCH. >>Sept 22, 2003 CVS fa34t22b5 The Altivec Smith-Waterman code has been removed. >>Sept 17, 2003 CVS fa34t22b4 A variety of different bugs have been fixed. (1) All the functions in the old initsw.c are now in initfa.c; initsw.c will be removed. Specifically, the Profile/PSSM code is now in initfa.c. initfa.c is now fully table driven. (2) various problems with prss34 and prfx34 have been fixed in initfa.c. (3) An additional ncbl2_mlib.c buffer overrun has been fixed. (4) fastf34 is now available in this package. Its performance is very similar to, but not identical to, fastf33. I am tracking down the differences. In general, the raw scores calculated by both programs are the same, but the statistical analysis seems to be slightly different. >>July 30, 2003 CVS fa34t22b3 Fix bug in ncbl2_mlib.c that caused buffer overrun with blast/formatdb v3 description lines. >>July 28, 2003 The initfa.c file has been substantially re-structured to use a table-driven approach to parameter setting, rather than the previous confusing combinations of #ifdef's. Two tables of parameters are used, pgm_def_arr[] and msg_def_arr[], which specify values like the program name, reference, scoring matrix, default gap penalties, etc. msg_def_arr[] has the sequence types for the query, library, and algorithm, as well as other parameters (qframe, nframe, nrelv, etc), which greatly simplifies the sequence recognition logic. ppst->pgm_id can be used to identify the program that is running. Eventually, almost all of the program specific #ifdef's will be removed from initfa.c. initfa.c now provides initsw.c functionality, so that initsw.c is no longer needed. >>July 25, 2003 A new file is included - fasta.defaults - that lists the scoring matrix, gap penalty, and other defaults for all of the fasta34 programs. This file will be used soon to simplify parameter setting for the FASTA programs, and should also be used by Javascript WWW interfaces to the FASTA programs. >>July 22, 2003 CVS fa34t22b2 Fixes to dropfs2.c, tatprobs.c to ensure that negative probabilities cannot occur. Negative probabilities were never seen with standard matrices, but did occur with BL50. Another optimization in dropfs.c considerably improves fasts34 performance in some cases. Fix a problem with formatdb v4 ASN.1 format files. >>July 12, 2003 Fix a bug that prevented "-L" (long sequence descriptions) from working. >>July 9, 2003 Fix reverse complement (M:K) error. Fix off-by-one error for FASTA DNA alignments that caused the first aligned residue pair to be missed. >>July 4 - 8, 2003 Incorporate blast-def-line ASN.1 parsing so that NCBI formatdb version 4 files can be read. >>June 26, 2003 The strategy for displaying the match/mismatch line (" .:" for -m 0) has been changed dramatically to acommodate more sophisticated strategies for indicating conservative replacements, e.g. because of PSSM's. In addition to seqc0 and seqc1, which hold the aligned sequences for display, there is also seqca, which holds the alignment symbol. calcons(), do_show(), and discons() have all changed to include seqca. calcons() is somewhat more complex; discons() is much simpler. (June 29, 2003 - dropgsw.c calcons() now displays profile similarity accurately - it is very very illuminating.) >>June 16, 2003 version: fasta34t22 ssearch34 now supports PSI-BLAST PSSM/profiles. Currently, it only supports the "checkpoint" file produced by blastall, and only on certain architectures where byte-reordering is unnecessary. It has not been tested extensively with the -S option. ssearch34 -P blast.ckpt -f -11 -g -1 -s BL62 query.aa library Will use the frequency information in the blast.chkpt file to do a position specific scoring matrix (PSSM) search using the Smith-Waterman algorithm. Because ssearch34 calculates scores for each of the sequences in the database, we anticipate that PSSM ssearch34 statistics will be more reliable than PSI-Blast statistics. The Blast checkpoint file is mostly double precision frequency numbers, which are represented in a machine specific way. Thus, you must generate the checkpoint file on the same machine that you run ssearch34 or prss34 -P query.ckpt. To generate a checkpoint file, run: blastpgp -j 2 -h 1e-6 -i query.fa -d swissprot -C query.ckpt -o /dev/null (This searches swissprot for 2 iterations ("-j 2" using a E() threshold 1e-6 saving the resulting position specific frequencies in query.ckpt. Note that the original query.fa and query.ckpt must match.) >>June 5, 2003 Fix to mshowbest.c to get -m 9 coordinates correct on reverse strand with pv34comp*. Some additional fixes for prfx34. >>May 22, 2003 Changes to llgetaa.c, getseq.c, comp_lib.c to provide a different library residue lookup table (sascii) for queries and libraries. This allows one to make a prfx34 (like prss34, but using the fastx algorithm). prfx34 is now available. >>May 13,14 2003 Fixes to most of the drop*.c files, and mshowbest.c, to ensure that coordinates displayed with -m 9(c) and the final alignment are consistent. They were consistent for fasta34/ssearch34/fasts34, but not for fastx34/fasty34. The alignment coordinate system has been been revised for consistency in allthe drop*.c programs (coordinates used to be off-by-one for some, but not other functions). Fixes to -m 9c for fasty34/pv34compfy. In addition, a problem was fixed with fastx34/fasty34 that appeared with a protein sequence was considerably longer than the DNA query, e.g. an EST vs titin (26K residues). This problem only appeared on pv34compfx/fy on Xserve's under OS_X; but it should improve fastx34/fasty34 performance with very long protein sequences on all platforms. >>May 7,8 2003 Changes to p2_workcomp.c, compacc.c, and p_mw.h to fix persistent bugs in the -m 9c display. Previous pv34comp* programs would not return the correct coded alignment if more than 100 alignments came from the same node, or if an encoding was longer than 127 chars. Also, fixes to p2_complib.c, comp_lib.c, to allow long query sequences to be segmented. Previously, only the first 20,000 residues were used. The segmented queries are not overlapped; segmented library sequences are. >>May 5, 2003 Changes to last_tat.c, scaleswt.c to ensure that all fasts alignments that are likely to have significant scores are displayed. In previous implementations, if the query had more than 10 fragments, only the 100 best scores were shown. Now, we rescore up to 2500 alignments. The new approach allows large mixtures to be used for searches, where some of the fragments from the mixture match too many proteins (e.g. actins). Some differences between the fasts34 and pv34compfs implementations have been fixed. The two programs typically will not give exactly the same results, because of small differences in the sampling procedures, but the results are essentially equivalent. >>Apr 11, 2003 CVS fa34t21b3 Fixes for "-E" and "-F" with ssearch34, which was inadvertantly disabled. A new option, "-t t", is available to specify that all the protein sequences have implicit termination codons "*" at the end. Thus, all protein sequences are one residue longer, and full length matches are extended one extra residue and get a higher score. For fastx34/tfastx34, this helps extend alignments to the very end in cases where there may be a mismatch at the C-terminal residues. -m 9c has also been modified to indicate locations of termination codons ( *1). >>Mar 17, 2003 CVS fa34t21b2 A new option on scoring matrices "-MS" (e.g. "BL50-MS") can be used to turn the I/L, K/Q identities on or off. Thus, to make "fastm34" use the isobaric identities, use "-s M20-MS". To turn them off for "fasts34", use "-s M20". More fixes for correct alignment coordinates. There was a conflict between -m 9 and -m 9c and subsequent alignment displays. >>Mar 13, 2003 Various fixes to produce correct fastm34 alignments. Changes to all functions to correct potential problem with -m 9 alignment coordinates when both -m 9 and actual alignments are shown. >>Feb 25,27, 2003 Modifications to re-activate showsum.c, which included corrections to the showbest() call in p2_complib.c. >>Feb 13, 2003 CVS fa34t21b1 Modifications to dropfx.c to dramatically improve alignment speed for cases where the DNA sequence is considerably longer than the protein sequence. Previously, a 200 aa vs 5000 nt comparison would do a full 200 x 5000 Smith-Waterman alignment; with this modification, no more than a 200 x 1200 (2x3x200) alignment is done. This optimization has not (yet) been applied to dropfz2.c (fasty/tfasty). >>Feb 11, 2003 Small modifications to comp_lib.c, p2_complib.c, and nmgetlib.c to pass openlib() a possibly old lmf_str. This allows openlib() to re-use memory mapped files. closelib() no longer releases memory mapped file buffers. Under Linux, memory mapped file buffers were not really released, so when comparing a set of sequences against nr, the program could not mmap() the database after several searches. This will also speed up memory mapped multiple sequence searches. >>Jan 28-31, 2003 CVS fa34t21b0 Fix another bug (all of v34t20) involved with overlapping long sequences. And another bug that occurred when using sampled statistics, but appeared only on the SGI platform - thanks to Dmitri Mikhailov. Several other issues have been addressed based on more instrumented runtime testing. Fix an old (all v34) bug that caused problems with -z 11-16 (shuffled sequence array was not allocated properly). Fixed another bug with -z 6/16 when using threaded (_t) searches in fasta34_t. Restructure statistical analysis functions (scaleswn.c, scaleswt.c) to return the "final" statistical estimation routine done in pst.zsflag_f. This allows the program to cope with searches against a single sequence correctly. Corrected an error for DNA sequences needing Altschul-Gish statistics. >>Jan 25, 2003 Add option "-J start:stop" to pv34comp*/mp34comp*. "-J x" used to allow one to start at query sequence "x"; now both start and stop can be specified. >>Jan 14, 2003 Changes to apam.c to provide an error message on stderr when a scoring matrix cannot be found. Changes to dropfs2.c, initsw.c, initfa.c to provide -m9c information for fasts34 searches. Modify the alignment algorithm to use probabilistic scores properly. >>Dec 22, 2002 Change to compacc.c (sortbeste()) to do a second sort on zscore when several sequences have E() == 0. >>Nov 27, 2002 Change FSEEK_T to fseek_t to keep Borland BCC5 happy. >>Nov 14-22, 2002 CVS fa34t20b6 Include compile-time define (-DPGM_DOC) that causes all the fasta programs to provide the same command line echo that is provided by the PVM and MPI parallel programs. Thus, if you run the program: fasta34_t -q -S gtt1_drome.aa /slib/swissprot 12 the first lines of output from FASTA will be: # fasta34_t -q gtt1_drome.aa /slib/swissprot FASTA searches a protein or DNA sequence data bank version 3.4t20 Nov 10, 2002 Please cite: W.R. Pearson & D.J. Lipman PNAS (1988) 85:2444-2448 This has been turned on by default in most FASTA Makefiles. Fix p2_complib.c so that qstats[] is always allocated before it is used. Fix serious bug in non-threaded comp_lib.c that caused some high scoring sequences to be missed by fasts34. New tests are included in test.sh to detect this problem in the future. The shell sort algorithm in sortbeste(), sortbestz(), and sortbesto() has been modified to use an improved algorithm that will not go quadratic in pathological cases. nmgetlib.c and mmgetaa.c have been modified to remove "^A" in libstr when used with p2_complib.c. Fix problem with MAXSEG in tatstats.h with IBM/AIX. Changes to most Makefiles to use -DSAMP_STATS; fixes to p2_complib.c for SAMP_STATS. >>Oct 22, Nov 3, Nov 9, 2002 CVS tag fa34t20b5 Fix problem in comp_lib.c that caused the query sequence length to be counted twice. Fixed problem with prss34 (updated find_zp in showrss.c). Correct shuffling function in several places. Add jitter back to addhistz() - improves appearance with prss34. Changes to fix problems with aln_code using -m 9c. Fix to serious bug in scaleswt.c (fasts34, etc) that caused sorts on the high scores to take much to long. The program is now 10X faster, and scales well on PVM/MPI. Fix to llgetaa.c to work with new getseq() API with automatic alphabet recognition. >>Oct 12, 2002 CVS tag fa34t20b4 Several very obscure (and sometimes old) bugs that appeared in certain MPI environments have been fixed. This occurred because the pst.sq[] array did not always have a '\0' at the end. In addition, mshowalign.c/p2_workcomp.c sometimes failed to put the '\0' at the end of seqc0/seqc1. Correct bug introduced in fa34t20b3 for fasts34(_t). >>Oct 9, 2002 CVS tag fa34t20b3 Fix to apam.c build_xascii() to not zero-out qascii[0]. Fix Makefile.pvm4. Mix problem with -m 9c with compacc.c. >>Sept 28, 2002 Additional fixes to -m 9c in p2_complib.c/compacc.c/mshowbest.c. Remove restriction in fasts34(_t) to less than 30 peptides (though no more than 30 peptides can be aligned currently). >>Sept 24, 2002 Fix p2_workcomp.c so that e_scores are delivered correctly when last_calc flag is set, and -m 9c provides alignments when only one best hit is present. Fix comp_lib.c to use different maxn and overlap for each different query sequence. fasta34 and fasta34_t now have identical results when a long sequence is searched. Add '@C:101' support to memory mapped FASTA format files. Fix mshowalign.c so that coordinates returned by cal_coord() use loffset+l_off. >>Sept 14, 2002 CVS tag fa34t20b2 Changes to p2_complib.c, compacc.c to fix statistics problems with pv34compfs on query sequences with more than 10 fragments. >>Aug 27, 2002 Modifications to mshowbest.c and drop*.c (and p2_workcomp.c, compacc.c, doinit.c, etc.) to provide more information about the alignment with the -m 9 option. There is now a "-m 9c" option, which displays an encoded alignment after the -m 9 alignment information. The encoding is a string of the form: "=#mat+#ins=#mat-#del=#mat". Thus, an alignment over 218 amino acids with no gaps (not necessarily 100% identical) would be =218. The alignment: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 GT8.7 NVRGLTHPIRMLLEYTDSSYDEKRYTMGDAPDFDRSQWLNEKFKL--GLDFPNLPYL-IDGSHKITQ :.:: . :: :: . .::: : .: ::.: .: : ..:.. ::: :..: XURTG NARGRMECIRWLLAAAGVEFDEK---------FIQSPEDLEKLKKDGNLMFDQVPMVEIDG-MKLAQ 20 30 40 50 60 would be encoded: "=23+9=13-2=10-1=3+1=5". The alignment encoding is with respect to the beginning of the alignment, not the beginning of either sequence. The beginning of the alignment in either sequence is given by the an0/an1 values. This capability is particularly useful for [t]fast[xy], where it can be used to indicate frameshift positions "/#\#" compactly. If "-m 9c" is used, the "The best scores" title line includes "aln_code". >>Aug 14, 2002 CVS tag fa34t20 Changes to nmgetlib.c to allow multiple query searches coming from STDIN, either through pipes or input redirection. Thus, the command cat prot_test.lseg | fasta34 -q -S @ /seqlib/swissprot produces 11 searches. If you use the multiple query functions, the query subset applies only to the first sequence. Unfortunately, it is not possible to search against a STDIN library, because the FASTA programs do not keep the entire library in memory and need to be able to re-read high-scoring library sequences. Since it is not possible to fseek() against STDIN, searching against a STDIN library is not possible. >>Aug 5, 2002 fasts34(_t) and fastm34(_t) have been modified to allow searches with DNA sequences. This gives a new capability to search for DNA motifs, or to search for ordered or unordered DNA sequences spaced at arbitrary distances. >>Aug 4, 2002 comp_lib.c has been modified to provide comp_mlib.c function. comp_mlib.c is no longer used. comp_lib.c with the "mlib" function can now recognize protein or DNA sequences automatically, and reads from stdin can now detect DNA/protein sequence types automatically. Changes to compacc.c, getseq.c, doinit.c initfa.c, initsw.c, and nmgetlib.c to support automatic sequence type detection. >>July 28-31, 2002 (1) The various Makefile's have been "normalized". The fast*34[_t] (Makefile.34m.common[_sql]), Makefile.pvm4[_sql], and Makefile.mpi4[_sql] make files all use a common set of filenames, described in Makefile.fcom. This greatly simplifies adding programs, but requires that all *.o files be deleted when moving from fast*34* to pv34comp* to mp34comp*. (2) showalign.c/p_showalign.c have been merged into mshowalign.c showbest.c/manshowbest.c have been merged into mshowbest.c. Some of the related files (showun.c, manshowun.c, have not been merged or tested). (3) Code for ranking scores with valid e_value's incorporated. (4) Bug fixes in p2_complib.c, so that fasts34/fasts34_t/pvcompfs provide identical statistics. >>July 26, 2002 Makefile.pvm4_sql and Makefile.pvm4 have been substantially simplified by providing the worker program name from the h_init() function in the initfa.c/initsw.c files. >>July 24, 2002 Substantial modifications to param.h, structs.h to ensure that no sequence specific information is kept in struct pstruct. This structure now holds the pam[] matrix, and other scoring parameters, but nothing that is dependent on aa0. The aa0 dependent stuff (nm0, Lambda, K, etc) is now stored in struct mngmsg. This was mostly done to support the pv34comp* programs, which have separate mngmsg structures but the same pstructs. The fasts34, fasts34_t, and pv34compfs/c34.workfs have all been tested successfully. >>July 19, 2002 Fix an old bug in the calculation of E()-values in DNA databases longer than 2147483647 residues on machines with 32-bit longs. >>July 28-31, 2002 (1) The various Makefile's have been "normalized". The fast*34[_t] (Makefile.34m.common[_sql]), Makefile.pvm4[_sql], and Makefile.mpi4[_sql] make files all use a common set of filenames, described in Makefile.fcom. This greatly simplifies adding programs, but requires that all *.o files be deleted when moving from fast*34* to pv34comp* to mp34comp*. (2) showalign.c/p_showalign.c have been merged into mshowalign.c showbest.c/manshowbest.c have been merged into mshowbest.c. Some of the related files (showun.c, manshowun.c, have not been merged or tested). (3) Code for ranking scores with valid e_value's incorporated. (4) Bug fixes in p2_complib.c, so that fasts34/fasts34_t/pvcompfs provide identical statistics. >>July 26, 2002 Makefile.pvm4_sql and Makefile.pvm4 have been substantially simplified by providing the worker program name from the h_init() function in the initfa.c/initsw.c files. >>July 24, 2002 Substantial modifications to param.h, structs.h to ensure that no sequence specific information is kept in struct pstruct. This structure now holds the pam[] matrix, and other scoring parameters, but nothing that is dependent on aa0. The aa0 dependent stuff (nm0, Lambda, K, etc) is now stored in struct mngmsg. This was mostly done to support the pv34comp* programs, which have separate mngmsg structures but the same pstructs. The fasts34, fasts34_t, and pv34compfs/c34.workfs have all been tested successfully. >>July 8, 2002 Modifications to comp_lib.c, initfa.c and new scaleswt.c, tatstats.c to support FASTS with Tatusov statistics. last_params() has been introduced to allow aa0 dependent changes in m_msg/pstr. sortbest() has been moved into initfa.c/initsw.c to make it function specific. find_z() takes an additional parameter, escore. The do_work() results structure, beststr, and stat_str all accommodate escores as well as integer scores (stat_str also saves segn and segl but doesn't need them). In scaleswt.c, process_hist() now knows much more about Tatusov statistics. last_stats() provided to accommodate rank-based statistical corrections. scale_scores() is the last function to modify the beststr scores (final calculation of E-value). Some sortbest*() calls and some bptr[i]->zscore=find_zp() loops have been moved into scale_scores(); >>July 3,5, 2002 Modifications to allow mySQL comments (--) in "library.sql 16" files. Thus, a first line of: --host seqdb user password; is read by FASTA as the login information to a mySQL server, but is ignored by mySQL. "DO" commands in FASTA mySQL files can also be rendered invisible to mySQL in this way. See "do.sql". Modifications to mysql_lib.c to allow very long SQL statements. The buffer is now dynamically reallocated in 4Kb chunks. The fasta3.1 man page has been updated and re-organized. >>June 26, 2002 Minor modifications to nmgetaa.c (openlib()) to use the same arguments for searching and PRSS. PRSS needs access to all of m_msg, but searches do not. Other small fixes to comp_mlib.c, towards the goal of merging comp_mlib.c and comp_lib.c. >>June 25, 2002 Modify the statistical estimation strategy to sample all the sequences in the database, not just the first 60,000. The histogram is still based only on the first 60,000 scores and lengths, though all scores an lengths are shown. The fit to the data may be better than the histogram indicates, but it should not be worse. Currently, this modification is available only if the -DSAMPLE_STATS option is defined. >>June 23, 2002 CVS fa34t11d4 Fix a very long-standing bug in fasty/tfasty that caused 'NNN' to be translated as 'S', rather than 'X'. fastx/tfastx has done this correctly for many years, but the fasty/tfasty code that I received from Zheng Zhang was not implemented correctly (my fault, his code was fine). >>June 19, 2002 Added "-C #" option, where 6 <= # <= MAX_UID (20), to specify the length of the sequence name display on the alignment labels. Until now, only 6 characters were ever displayed. Now, up to MAX_UID characters are available. >>May 30, 2002 CVS fa34t11d3 Fixed problem with programs using the default -E cutoff when -b was provided. With this implementation, -E can override -b, but -b overrides the default -E. Fixed problem with 64-bit file offsets in param.h (change USE_FSEEK0 -> USE_FSEEKO, include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE and -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE in Makefile.linux_sql). Put limits on alignment display length (200 chars). More checks for null returns from SQL queries. >>Apr 17, 2002 CVS fa34t11d2 Fixed bug in mm_file.h/ncbl2_mlib.c that caused the SGI version to be unable to read blast2 format files. Changed "mp_*" tags to "pg_*" for -m 10 option. >>Mar 30, 2002 Fix embarrassing bug in revcomp() (getseq.c) that failed to complement the central nucleotide in a sequence with an odd number of residues. Small changes to dropfs.c for more segments. >>Mar 16, 2002 Added create_seq_demo.sql, nt_to_sql.pl to show how to build an SQL protein sequence database that can be used with with the mySQL versions of the fasta34 programs. Once the mySQL seq_demo database has been installed, it can be searched using the command: fasta34 -q mgstm1.aa "seq_demo.sql 16" mysql_lib.c has been modified to remove the restriction that mySQL protein sequence unique identifiers be integers. This allows the program to be used with the PIRPSD database. The RANLIB() function call has been changed to include "libstr", to support SQL text keys. Due to the size of libstr[], unique ID's must be < MAX_UID (20) characters. A "pirpsd.sql" file is available for searching the mySQL distribution of the PIRPSD database. PIRPSD is available from ftp://nbrfa.georgetown.edu/pir_databases/psd/mysql. >>Mar 6, 2002 Fix showbest.c showbest() to report pst.zdb_size as database size. Fix dropnfa.c spam() to address off-by-one on end of run, and double counting on backwards scan. Fix dropnfa.c do_fasta() to fix another problem introduced by -S. Changes to comp_lib.c to ensure that both the beginning and end of the query and library sequence have '\0' present. Changes to initfa.c, initsw.c to ensure that a match to a lower-case letter with -S gets exactly the same score as a match to an 'X'. Changes to mmgetlib.c to work with 64-bit longs in *.xin files. >>Feb 26, 2002 Fixes to doinit.c, initfa.c, initsw.c to allow DNA matrices using the "-s dna.mat" option. A new matrix, "d50ry.mat" is available that scores +5 for a match, -2 for a transition, and -5 for a transversion. "d50ry.mat" corresponds to DNA PAM50 with transitions twice as common as transversions. When "-s dna.mat" is used, "-n" MUST be used as well. Query sequence names ("aa", "nt") should be more accurate. >>Feb 22, 2002 Fix to getseq.c to allow "plain" sequence files. >>Feb 12, 2002 Minor fix to res_stats.c. >>Jan 28, 2002 Fixes to resurrect res_stats.c. res_stats (cc -o res_stats res_stats.c scaleswn.c -lm) takes the output from a current "-R file.res" file and calculates statistical significance - this allows one to take exactly the same set of scores (and lengths) and calculate statistical estimates using different strategies. >>Jan 24, 2002 modifications to mmgetlib.c, ncbl2_mlib.c to more robustly read memory mapped files (*.xin, map_db) on machines lacking "native" 64-bit longs. If the machine provides some definition for a 64-bit long (e.g. "long long", "int64_t"), things should work. 64-bit offsets into memory mapped files work properly on Alpha, SGI, i386 Linux, and MacOSX. The current implementation depends either on 64 bit longs (Compaq Alpha's pre 4.0G) or the file. Makefile, Makefile.alpha, and Makefile.linux have been modified. Modifications to nmgetlib.c, mmgetlib.c to provide GI numbers and Accession versions for Genbank searches. If the GI:123456 number is available, it will be used and the description line will be formatted: gi|123456|gb|ACC1234.1|LOCUS description This should help FAST_PAN runs, where the version of a sequence changes frequently. >>Jan 10, 2002 Modifications to p2_complib.c, p2_workcomp.c to more reliably allocate space for library sequence descriptions on the master and workers. >>Jan 2-3, 2002 CVS fa34t10c/fa34t10d3 Fixes to comp_lib.c to support Macintosh and Windows/Turbo-C compilation. New Makefile.tc. Macintosh version supports both "Classic" and "Carbon" environments. "" has been replaced with the more modern "" Fixes to p2_complib.c to support n_libstr (libstr length) in GETLIB(). comp_thr.c, complib.c removed. >>Dec 16, 2001 Complete integration of comp_mlib.c with both the unthreaded and threaded programs. Comp_mlib allows fasta34 and fasta34_t to compare a database with a second database, just as pv34compfa does. Using multiple queries with fasta34_t is not as efficient as pv34compfa (and it cannot use networks of Unix workstations), but it is much easier to use and install. With the comp_mlib.c option, fasta34 cannot automatically recognize DNA sequences, just as pv34compfa no longer recognizes DNA sequences. You must use the "-n" option to search with DNA sequences. The other programs (fastx34, tfastx34, etc) "know" the type of the query and database sequences, so "-n" is only required for fasta34(_t). >>Dec 14, 2001 CVS tag fa34t10b Fix problems reading DNA databases in blast2 format. >>Dec 11, 2001 Changes to spam() in dropnfa.c so that, for DNA sequences, the previous behavior for finding the boundaries of a local alignment region use the same algorithm as previous versions of fasta. For protein sequences, the algorithm will extend the local region beyond the "ktup" boundaries if a better score can be found. For DNA sequences, this raises the noise rather than increasing sensitivity, so it is turned off and "ktup" boundaries are respected. The old, "ktup" boundary algorithm is available with -DNOSPAM_EXT. This version also includes a working res_stats.c, which can be used to test various statistical estimates on exactly the same set of scores. Fixed problems with -m 9 percent identity for fastx/fasty/tfastx/tfasty. These errors have been present since -m 9 was implemented. >>Dec 10, 2001 Fix to map_db.c to work correctly with files > 2 Gb when 64-bit longs are available. It is not yet designed to work with ftello() and other offset types. >>Nov 11,21, 2001 CVS tag fa34t10a, fa34t10d1 Substantial changes to revcomp(), getseq(), and other functions to correct problems with -S on DNA sequences. Sequences with lower case nucleotides were not recognized or reverse complemented properly. Fix to dropnfa.c (v34t07, Nov 21, 2001) bg_align() to re-initialize static globals - this fixes a problem encountered with pv34compfa. A new main program, comp_mlib.c has been added to the CVS archive, although it is not referenced in any of the Makefile. comp_mlib.c works like p2_complib.c and compares a library against another library. >>Nov 4, 2001 Change to dropnfa.c spam () while(1) -> while(lpos <= dmax->stop). This fixes a problem with ktup=1 on Suns only, so far. >>Oct 4, 2001 CVS tag fa34t10 Add comp_lib.c file, which merges complib.c (unthreaded) and comp_thr.c (threaded) code into one file. Modifications to nmgetlib.c, mmgetaa.c to allow Genbank flatfile format without DESCRIPTION or ACCESSION lines. Additional fix for -S with ktup=1. >>Sept. 24, 2001 Fix to have correct gap-penalties for short scoring matrices with tfastx/fastx. >>Sept. 10, 2001 CVS tag fa34t05d6 Fix a bug introduced by -S fix in fa34t05d5. Also, try to remove changes in p34compfa compared to pv4compfa output. >>Sept. 6, 2001 CVS tag fa34t05d5 Fix the -S dropnfa/fx/fz2 bug that was not actually fixed in fa34t05d4. Incorporate the correct scaleswn.c refered to in fa34t05d4. >>Sept. 5, 2001 CVS tag fa34t05d4 Fix problem with m_msg.quiet that prevented interactive prompts for ktup, file name, etc with threaded programs. Fix serious bug in dropnfa.c/dropfx.c/dropfz2.c that caused -S to work improperly on sequences with effective length of 3 or less. Change to scaleswn.c to make mle_cen(), mle_cen2() more robust to cases where the top and bottom scores are the same. Change p2_complib.c to avoid compiler complaints with (void *)wstage2p=NULL on some platforms. >>Aug. 30, 2001 CVS tag fa34t05d3 Fixed problem with uthr_subs.c for Suns, but changed Makefile.sun to use pthreads rather than Sun Unix threads. Removed SQL stuff from Makefile.mpi4/pvm4 and added Makefile.mpi4_sql/pvm4_sql. fa34t05d2 - fix to map_db.c to provide *sascii. fa34t05d1 - fixes to ibm_pthr_subs.c and Makefile.ibm from IBM. >>Aug. 20, 2001 CVS tag fa34t05d0 The pvm/mpi complib programs have been substantially updated with release 3.4. See readme.v34t0 for more information. With version 3.4, the MPI programs are mp34comp*, mu34comp*, etc. A major effect of this change is to disable automatic sequence type (protein/DNA) recognition with pv34compfa/mp34compfa. By default, protein libraries are assumed. Thus, pv34compfa/mp34compfa require the "-n" command line option when running pv34compfa/mp34compfa on DNA sequence libraries. This issue does not occur with the other programs, which will recognize the appropriate sequence type, because it is determined by the program (e.g. pv34compfx requires DNA:protein). Fixed substantial problem with 64-bit file offsets for Linux in complib.c/comp_thr.c, p2_complib.c. This problem, solved by Doug Blair, was preventing the threaded versions from working properly in memory mapped mode. In all earlier versions of fasta, when very long sequences were searched, the sequence length reported was that of the "chunk" that was actually searched (typically 80,000-query_length) rather than the actual library sequence length. The peculiar behavior now changed, and the full length of the library sequence, not the sequence chunk, is reported as the library sequence length. Note that chunks are still used, however, which can cause the same alignment to be shown twice. In addition, the "-m 9" output format has changed to report the coordinates of the query and library sequence (see below), which may be different from 1-sequence_length because the the query and library sequences may have been extracted from larger sequences. Four additional fields have been added, "pn0", "px0","pn1", "px1" that are the positions in for the beginning (pn0/1) and end (px0/1) of they query/library sequence. pn0/1 would typically be changed with the "@C:#" directive, described below. Changes to doinit.c/initfa.c/initsw.c to provide a new function - f_lastenv() - that allows function-specific adjustments to parameters after the command line options have been read but before the first sequence is read. This change solved problems with "mp/pv34compfx -S". fasts34/tfasts34 now recognize that 'I/L' are the same, as are 'Q/K' (which are apparently indistinguishable by Mass-Spec). The latter identity is on by default, but can be turned off with "-h 0". The MPI/PVM versions of the programs have been tested extensively with compfa, compfx, and comptfx. Makefile.mpi4 now works properly. Changes to p2complib.c to support the PVM option "-T 1-4", which allows one to run on nodes 1-4 of a (presumably larger) PVM virtual machine. This option has no effect on the mp34comp* programs. The old "-T 4" to run on 4 nodes, is also available. If each node has 2 cpu's, as indicated in the "pvmd hostfile", both CPU's will be used for a total, in this example, of 8 processes. This allows one to specify a large PVM machine and use separate parts of it independently. Changes to nmgetlib.c to fix problems with longer dates in GCG files (Y2K). Fixes to faatran.c for extended alphabets and 'X's. Various code clean-ups to make "gcc -Wall" a little bit (not much) happier. This is the first distributed fasta34 version. ================ >>Aug 9, 2001 CVS tag fa34t05 Corrections to initfa.c to allow -S to work with tfastx/y. Fix to manshowbest.c for query position with -m 9. >>July 18, 2001 CVS tag fa34t04 Various changes to complib.c, comp_thr.c, p2_complib.c, showbest.c, showalign.c to deal with overlapping alignments in long sequences that have been segmented. When long sequences are segmented (lcont>0), the eventual total length (n1tot_v) is saved at beststr->n1tot_p. If there was no lcont, then beststr->n1tot_p = NULL, and beststr->n1 should be used as the sequence length. This has the advantage of requiring space only when long sequences are encountered, and requiring only one integer for several segments. m_msg.noshow has been removed. The -m 9 format has been changed - 5 fields have been added, 4 (pmn0/pmx0/pmn1/pmx1) provide the beginning and end coordinates of the query and library sequence; the last (fs) reports the number of frameshifts. The names of the alignment boundaries have been changed from min0/max0/min1/max1 to amn0/amx0/amn1/amx1 (Alignment miN/maX). The SQL format has been extended to provide for statements that do things but do not generate results, such as creating and selecting into a temporary table, e.g.: ================ do create temporary table seq_pos ( id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, prot_id int unsigned not null default 0, start int unsigned not null default 0, length int unsigned not null default 0, ) ; do insert into seq_pos (prot_id, start, length) select id, 11, len-10 from protein, annot where len > 100 and annot.protein_id = protein.id and annot.pref=1 ; select seq_pos.id, substring(protein.seq, start, length), concat("@C:", start, " ", descr) from protein, seq_pos, annot where protein.id = annot.protein_id and protein.id = seq_pos.prot_id and annot.pref = 1 ; select prot_id, concat("@C:", start, " ", descr) from seq_pos, annot where annot.protein_id = seq_pos.prot_id and seq_pos.id = # and annot.pref = 1 ; ================ In the current implementation, these statements must start with "DO" as the first two characters on the line, and come immediately after a line ending with ';'. The text from "DO" to the next ";", excluding the "DO", is executed when the database connection is made. ===== >>July 12, 2001 The allocation of the work_info data structure used to send information to the worker threads has been changed. The old method worked, possibly by accident. A bug in p2_complib.c that caused E()-values to be calculated improperly for the first query sequence has been fixed. >>July 11, 2001 --> fa34t02 It is now possible to specify output coordinates in library sequences by including the string: "@C:number" on the description line, e.g. >gtm1_human gi|12345 human glutathione transferase M1 @C:21 would label the first residue in the library sequence "21" rather than "1". This capability has been included to provide accurate coordinates for searches done against subsequences generated by an SQL query. For example, one could use a query of the form: SELECT protein.id, substring(protein.seq,11,length(protein.seq)-20), concat(protein.name," @C:11 ",protein.descr) FROM protein; to generate a sequence set with each sequence starting with residue 11. Without the "@C:11" option on the description line, the program would number the alignment positions starting at 1, even though the first residue of the sequence really started at 11. "@C:11" allows one to correct the coordinate system. Currently, "@C:offset" is available only with library type 1 (fasta format) and 16 (mySQL). The SQL-generated database with "@C:offset" can be used with both the fast*34(_t) programs and with pv34comp*. However, the SQL syntax is used differently in the fasta34 and pv34compfa programs. fast*34(_t) requires three SQL statements during a search: (1) a statement to generate a large set of library sequences; (2) a statement to generate a description of a single sequence, given a unique identifier provided by (1); and (3) a statement to generate a single sequence given a unique identifier provided by (1). For fast*34 searches, the third (3) SQL statement must provide the "@C:offset" information in the third results field for the offset to be used. It is optional in (1) and (2). The pv34comp* programs only require one SQL statement, statement (1) above, which must provide three fields, a unique identifier, the sequence, and a complete description that must include "@C:offset" if substrings are used. If SQL queries (2) and (3) are provided, they are ignored. Thus, the same files can be used by both programs, but the "@C:offset" is required in different SQL queries by the fast*34 and pv34comp* programs. Other changes: Re-incorporation of GAP_OPEN option; fix to Altschul-Gish stats when GAP_OPEN is used. Re-incorporation of A. Mackey's spam() improvement in dropnfa. Fixes to include file ordering to allow fast*34(_t) pv34comp* programs to compile. Fix to lascii[] for SQL database queries. Fix to an old bug in comp_thr.c to send individual worker_info structures to threads (does not fix LINUX threads problems, however). ===== >>July 9, 2001 Considerable changes to support no-global library functions. (1) Separate ascii/sequence mapping arrays are used by the query-reading (qascii), library-reading (lascii), and sequence comparison function (pascii) routines. As a result, there is no longer a need for tgetlib.o/lgetlib.o - lgetlib.o can serve both functions. (2) This also allows us to remove all #ifdef TFAST/FASTX conditionals from complib.c/comp_thr.c/p2_complib.c. We no longer need tcomp_thr.o, comp_thrx.o, etc. We still have a variety of p2_complib.o variations to support the different c34.work* files. (3) Because non-global openlib/getlib functions are available, exactly the same open/get functions are available for reading both the query and reference libraries in pv34comp* programs. The host-specific openlib/getlib functions in hxgetaa.c are now provided by nmgetlib.c, etc. This has two effect: (a) it is now possible to compare a query database generated by an SQL query to a library database generated by a different SQL query. (b) pv34comp* has lost (at least in this version) the ability to automatically detect the query sequence type. To search with a DNA query, you MUST use "-n". (4) the resetp() function is now responsible for almost all of the function sepcific (TFAST/FASTX/etc) initializations. All of the function specific code has been removed from complib.c/comp_thr.c and most of it has been moved to initfa.c/resetp(). (5) manageacc.c has been merged into compacc.c (mostly prhist()). ===== >>June 1, 2001 Many changes to accommodate a new - no global variable - strategy for reading sequence databases. Every time a file is opened, a struct lmf_str is allocated which can be used for memory mapped files, ncbl2, files, and mysql files. In addition, an open'ed file has a default sequence type: DNA or protein, or one can open a file in a mode that will allow the sequence type to be changed. ===== >>May 18, 2001 CVS: fa33t09d0 A new compile time parameter - -DGAP_OPEN, is available to change the definition of the "-f gap-open" parameter from the penalty for the first residue in a gap to a true gap-open penalty, as is used in BLAST and many other comparison algorithms. This will probably become the default for fasta in version 3.4. Fixes to conflicts between "-S" and "-s matrix". When a scoring matrix file was specified, lower-case alignments were not displayed with -S (although the scores were calculated properly). More extensive testting of mysql_lib.c (mySQL query-libraries) with the pv4comp* and mp4comp* programs. ===== >>April 5, 2001 CVS: fa33t08d4b3 Changes in nmgetlib.c and ncbl2_mlib.c to return long sequence descriptions for PCOMPLIB (pv4/mp3comp*). Also fix p2_complib.c to request DNA library for translated comparisons. Fix for prss33(_t) to read both sequences from stdin. ===== >>March 27, 2001 CVS: fa33t08d4 Modifications to allow 64-bit fseek/ftell on machines like Sun, Linux/Intel, that support -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64, -D_LARGE_FILE_SOURCE off_t, and fseeko(), ftello() with the option -DUSE_FSEEKO. Machines with 64-bit long's do not need this option. Machines with 32-bit longs that allow files >2 Gb can do so with 64-bit file access functions, including fseeko() and ftello(), which work with off_t file offsets instead of long's. ===== >>March 3, 2001 CVS: fa33t08d2 Corrected problems in nmgetaa.c and mysql_lib.c with parallel programs, and one serious problem with alternate DNA scoring matrices (initfa.c, initsw.c) not being set properly. A subtle problem with the merge of scaleswn.c and scaleswg.c is fixed. >>February 17, 2001 Modified mysql_lib.c to use "#", rather than "%ld", to indicate the position of the GID. This change was made because sprintf() cannot be used reliably to generate an SQL string, as '"' and '%' are used in such strings. ===== >>January 17, 2001 (no version change, date change) Minor fixes to initfa.c, initsw.c to deal with DNA scoring matrices properly. "-n -s dna.mat" is required for the sequence/matrix to be recognized as DNA. >>January 16, 2001 -->v34t00 Merge of the main CVS trunk - fa33t06 with the latest release branch, fa33t08. In addition, PCOMPLIB mods have been made to mysql_lib.c. Because p2_complib.c gets sequence description information during the first read of the database, the mysql_query must be changed to return: result[0]=GID, result[1]=description, result[2]=sequence. In the PCOMPLIB case, the other SQL queries (for GID description, sequence) are not necessary but must still be provided.