
The interface in this window is a little complex but offers great power. It is more difficult to use than Query By Example but simpler than the Query Commands window. Help is also available for the query language itself. Query answers are always displayed in KeySet windows, which have special properties.

You can fill in the text entry boxes or use the pop-up menus associated with each box. Also, if you pick the black triangles, then you will get a BLOCKING, scrollable selector to choose from a long list of choices. BLOCKING means you must dismiss this window with the Cancel button or menu item, or by double-clicking to select a choice.

The first text entry box (next to "Find and select") specifies what class you are seaching WITHIN.

The condition (next to "where") is specified as follows, from left to right: the leftmost box is the attribute (item name, tags) that you are matching to. The second box is the operator (less than, equals, text). The third box is the value you are matching to the attribute. The rightmost box is a conjunction that allows you to specify additional conditions. These will appear below the original "where" line.

User Entry Box Details


Most of the button and main menu commands are the same as the Query Commands window.

Menu items:

In addition to the commands above, the Menu have the following options:

Other details

Query Builder (User Entry Boxes): You activate an entry box by picking it (click with the left mouse button). It turns yellow (dark grey on monochrome) and all keyboard-input will then enter into that box.

Use the right mouse button to bring up pop-up menus containing appropriate choices for each user-entry box.

Not all functionality of the query language is implemented in the query builder.

Adjacent to some boxes is a triangle that can be clicked on with the mouse. This will activate a selector menu with a scroll bar. This is very useful in cases where the popup menu is too long fit on the screen. "Cancel" must be pressed (button) or chosen (popup menu on selector window) or a selection must be made (double-click on an entry) to dismiss.

Scope: The query commands modify the active Keyset (selection list). To select another key set, pick it once or use the New KeySet option on the menu.

Query Commands Display: If the Query Commands window is open, the syntax formed by the Query Builder will be shown on a command edit line there.

to Table of Contents

last edited: July 1994