
This display will show and compare gel patterns entered into acedb as band sizes or migration distances. A related display (Agarose-Gels) will display simulated patterns using a known sequence.

The display is activated by clicking on the "Gel" tag in a text window as long as the tag is followed by the appropriate data. The Gel tag can appear in any class.


The Zooming works as in the genetic map. It is controlled by the 3 buttons, whole (for when you are lost!), zoom in, zoom out, and the middle mouse button: to recentre slowly if the mouse is right of the scale bar, or recenter fast and zoom continuously by dragging the mid button starting left of the scale bar.

Active Lane

Pick with the mouse in the center of the graph, the name of the active lane will color.

Remove Clone

Removes the active clone

Add Clone

Adds in the display objects that you can pick anywhere in acedb untill you kill the message window. A single object will only be displayed once.

Add KeySet

Import all the Lanes associated with all the objects of the active keyset


Allows to reposition the lanes Click pairs of lanes in succession. Works untill you kill the message.


Click a succession of lanes, the common bands turn RED, when no common band remains, the coloring reinitialises.

to Table of Contents

last edited: July 1994