# Copyright 2003-2008 by Leighton Pritchard. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # # Contact: Leighton Pritchard, Scottish Crop Research Institute, # Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland, DD2 5DA, UK # L.Pritchard@scri.ac.uk ################################################################################ # # Thanks to Peter Cock for the impetus to write the get_features() code to # subselect Features. # ################################################################################ """ FeatureSet module Provides: o FeatureSet - container for Feature objects For drawing capabilities, this module uses reportlab to draw and write the diagram: http://www.reportlab.com For dealing with biological information, the package expects BioPython objects: http://www.biopython.org """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # IMPORTS # ReportLab from __future__ import print_function from reportlab.pdfbase import _fontdata from reportlab.lib import colors # GenomeDiagram from ._Feature import Feature # Builtins import re #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CLASSES #------------------------------------------------------------ # FeatureSet class FeatureSet(object): """ FeatureSet Provides: Methods: o __init__(self, set_id=None, name=None) Called on instantiation o add_feature(self, feature, color=colors.lightgreen) Add a Feature object to the set o del_feature(self, feature_id) Remove a feature from the set, by id o set_all_features(self, attr, value) Set the passed attribute to the passed value in all features in the set o get_features(self) Returns a list of Features from the set o get_ids(self) Returns a list of unique ids for features in the set o range(self) Returns the range of bases covered by features in the set o to_string(self, verbose=0) Returns a string describing the set o __len__(self) Returns the length of sequence covered by the set o __getitem__(self, key) Returns a feature from the set, keyed by id o __str__(self) Returns a string describing the set Attributes: o id Unique id for the set o name String describing the set """ def __init__(self, set_id=None, name=None, parent=None): """ __init__(self, set_id=None, name=None) o set_id Unique id for the set o name String identifying the feature set """ self.parent = parent self.id = id # Unique id for the set self.next_id = 0 # counter for unique feature ids self.features = {} # Holds features, keyed by ID self.name = name # String describing the set def add_feature(self, feature, **kwargs): """ add_feature(self, feature, **args) o feature Bio.SeqFeature object o **kwargs Keyword arguments for Feature. Named attributes of the Feature Add a Bio.SeqFeature object to the diagram (will be stored internally in a Feature wrapper """ id = self.next_id # get id number f = Feature(self, id, feature) self.features[id] = f # add feature for key in kwargs: if key == "colour" or key == "color": #Deal with "colour" as a special case by also mapping to color. #If Feature.py used a python property we wouldn't need to call #set_color explicitly. However, this is important to make sure #every color gets mapped to a colors object - for example color #numbers, or strings (may not matter for PDF, but does for PNG). self.features[id].set_color(kwargs[key]) continue setattr(self.features[id], key, kwargs[key]) self.next_id += 1 # increment next id return f def del_feature(self, feature_id): """ del_feature(self, feature_id) o feature_id Unique id of the feature to delete Remove a feature from the set, indicated by its id """ del self.features[feature_id] def set_all_features(self, attr, value): """ set_all_features(self, attr, value) o attr An attribute of the Feature class o value The value to set that attribute Set the passed attribute of all features in the set to the passed value """ changed = 0 for feature in self.features.values(): # If the feature has the attribute, and the value should change if hasattr(feature, attr): if getattr(feature, attr) != value: setattr(feature, attr, value) # set it to the passed value #For backwards compatibility, we support both colour and color. #As a quick hack, make "colour" set both "colour" and "color". #if attr=="colour": # self.set_all_feature("color",value) def get_features(self, attribute=None, value=None, comparator=None): """ get_features(self, attribute=None, value=None, comparator=None) -> [Feature, Feature, ...] o attribute String, attribute of a Feature object o value The value desired of the attribute o comparator String, how to compare the Feature attribute to the passed value If no attribute or value is given, return a list of all features in the feature set. If both an attribute and value are given, then depending on the comparator, then a list of all features in the FeatureSet matching (or not) the passed value will be returned. Allowed comparators are: 'startswith', 'not', 'like'. The user is expected to make a responsible decision about which feature attributes to use with which passed values and comparator settings. """ # If no attribute or value specified, return all features if attribute is None or value is None: return list(self.features.values()) # If no comparator is specified, return all features where the attribute # value matches that passed if comparator is None: return [feature for feature in self.features.values() if getattr(feature, attribute) == value] # If the comparator is 'not', return all features where the attribute # value does not match that passed elif comparator == 'not': return [feature for feature in self.features.values() if getattr(feature, attribute) != value] # If the comparator is 'startswith', return all features where the attribute # value does not match that passed elif comparator == 'startswith': return [feature for feature in self.features.values() if getattr(feature, attribute).startswith(value)] # If the comparator is 'like', use a regular expression search to identify # features elif comparator == 'like': return [feature for feature in self.features.values() if re.search(value, getattr(feature, attribute))] # As a final option, just return an empty list return [] def get_ids(self): """ get_ids(self) -> [int, int, ...] Return a list of all ids for the feature set """ return list(self.features.keys()) def range(self): """ range(self) Returns the lowest and highest base (or mark) numbers as a tuple """ lows, highs = [], [] for feature in self.features.values(): for start, end in feature.locations: lows.append(start) highs.append(end) if len(lows) != 0 and len(highs) != 0: # Default in case there is return (min(lows), max(highs)) # nothing in the set return 0, 0 def to_string(self, verbose=0): """ to_string(self, verbose=0) -> "" o verbose Boolean indicating whether a short or complete account of the set is required Returns a formatted string with information about the set """ if not verbose: # Short account only required return "%s" % self else: # Long account desired outstr = ["\n<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__, self.name)] outstr.append("%d features" % len(self.features)) for key in self.features: outstr.append("feature: %s" % self.features[key]) return "\n".join(outstr) def __len__(self): """ __len__(self) -> int Return the number of features in the set """ return len(self.features) def __getitem__(self, key): """ __getitem__(self, key) -> Feature Return a feature, keyed by id """ return self.features[key] def __str__(self): """ __str__(self) -> "" Returns a formatted string with information about the feature set """ outstr = ["\n<%s: %s %d features>" % (self.__class__, self.name, len(self.features))] return "\n".join(outstr) ################################################################################ # RUN AS SCRIPT ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': from Bio import SeqIO genbank_entry = SeqIO.read('/data/Genomes/Bacteria/Nanoarchaeum_equitans/NC_005213.gbk', 'gb') # Test code gdfs = FeatureSet(0, 'Nanoarchaeum equitans CDS') for feature in genbank_entry.features: if feature.type == 'CDS': gdfs.add_feature(feature) #print len(gdfs) #print gdfs.get_ids() #gdfs.del_feature(560) #print gdfs.get_ids() #print gdfs.get_features() #for feature in gdfs.get_features(): # print feature.id, feature.start, feature.end #print gdfs[500]