# Copyright (C) 2004, Thomas Hamelryck (thamelry@binf.ku.dk) # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Vector class, including rotation-related functions.""" from __future__ import print_function import numpy def m2rotaxis(m): """ Return angles, axis pair that corresponds to rotation matrix m. """ # Angle always between 0 and pi # Sense of rotation is defined by axis orientation t=0.5*(numpy.trace(m)-1) t=max(-1, t) t=min(1, t) angle=numpy.arccos(t) if angle<1e-15: # Angle is 0 return 0.0, Vector(1, 0, 0) elif anglem11 and m00>m22: x=numpy.sqrt(m00-m11-m22+0.5) y=m[0, 1]/(2*x) z=m[0, 2]/(2*x) elif m11>m00 and m11>m22: y=numpy.sqrt(m11-m00-m22+0.5) x=m[0, 1]/(2*y) z=m[1, 2]/(2*y) else: z=numpy.sqrt(m22-m00-m11+0.5) x=m[0, 2]/(2*z) y=m[1, 2]/(2*z) axis=Vector(x, y, z) axis.normalize() return numpy.pi, axis def vector_to_axis(line, point): """ Returns the vector between a point and the closest point on a line (ie. the perpendicular projection of the point on the line). @type line: L{Vector} @param line: vector defining a line @type point: L{Vector} @param point: vector defining the point """ line=line.normalized() np=point.norm() angle=line.angle(point) return point-line**(np*numpy.cos(angle)) def rotaxis2m(theta, vector): """ Calculate a left multiplying rotation matrix that rotates theta rad around vector. Example: >>> m=rotaxis(pi, Vector(1, 0, 0)) >>> rotated_vector=any_vector.left_multiply(m) @type theta: float @param theta: the rotation angle @type vector: L{Vector} @param vector: the rotation axis @return: The rotation matrix, a 3x3 Numeric array. """ vector=vector.copy() vector.normalize() c=numpy.cos(theta) s=numpy.sin(theta) t=1-c x, y, z=vector.get_array() rot=numpy.zeros((3, 3)) # 1st row rot[0, 0]=t*x*x+c rot[0, 1]=t*x*y-s*z rot[0, 2]=t*x*z+s*y # 2nd row rot[1, 0]=t*x*y+s*z rot[1, 1]=t*y*y+c rot[1, 2]=t*y*z-s*x # 3rd row rot[2, 0]=t*x*z-s*y rot[2, 1]=t*y*z+s*x rot[2, 2]=t*z*z+c return rot rotaxis=rotaxis2m def refmat(p, q): """ Return a (left multiplying) matrix that mirrors p onto q. Example: >>> mirror=refmat(p, q) >>> qq=p.left_multiply(mirror) >>> print(q) >>> print(qq) # q and qq should be the same @type p,q: L{Vector} @return: The mirror operation, a 3x3 Numeric array. """ p.normalize() q.normalize() if (p-q).norm()<1e-5: return numpy.identity(3) pq=p-q pq.normalize() b=pq.get_array() b.shape=(3, 1) i=numpy.identity(3) ref=i-2*numpy.dot(b, numpy.transpose(b)) return ref def rotmat(p, q): """ Return a (left multiplying) matrix that rotates p onto q. Example: >>> r=rotmat(p, q) >>> print(q) >>> print(p.left_multiply(r)) @param p: moving vector @type p: L{Vector} @param q: fixed vector @type q: L{Vector} @return: rotation matrix that rotates p onto q @rtype: 3x3 Numeric array """ rot=numpy.dot(refmat(q, -p), refmat(p, -p)) return rot def calc_angle(v1, v2, v3): """ Calculate the angle between 3 vectors representing 3 connected points. @param v1, v2, v3: the tree points that define the angle @type v1, v2, v3: L{Vector} @return: angle @rtype: float """ v1=v1-v2 v3=v3-v2 return v1.angle(v3) def calc_dihedral(v1, v2, v3, v4): """ Calculate the dihedral angle between 4 vectors representing 4 connected points. The angle is in ]-pi, pi]. @param v1, v2, v3, v4: the four points that define the dihedral angle @type v1, v2, v3, v4: L{Vector} """ ab=v1-v2 cb=v3-v2 db=v4-v3 u=ab**cb v=db**cb w=u**v angle=u.angle(v) # Determine sign of angle try: if cb.angle(w)>0.001: angle=-angle except ZeroDivisionError: # dihedral=pi pass return angle class Vector(object): "3D vector" def __init__(self, x, y=None, z=None): if y is None and z is None: # Array, list, tuple... if len(x)!=3: raise ValueError("Vector: x is not a " "list/tuple/array of 3 numbers") self._ar=numpy.array(x, 'd') else: # Three numbers self._ar=numpy.array((x, y, z), 'd') def __repr__(self): x, y, z=self._ar return "" % (x, y, z) def __neg__(self): "Return Vector(-x, -y, -z)" a=-self._ar return Vector(a) def __add__(self, other): "Return Vector+other Vector or scalar" if isinstance(other, Vector): a=self._ar+other._ar else: a=self._ar+numpy.array(other) return Vector(a) def __sub__(self, other): "Return Vector-other Vector or scalar" if isinstance(other, Vector): a=self._ar-other._ar else: a=self._ar-numpy.array(other) return Vector(a) def __mul__(self, other): "Return Vector.Vector (dot product)" return sum(self._ar*other._ar) def __div__(self, x): "Return Vector(coords/a)" a=self._ar/numpy.array(x) return Vector(a) def __pow__(self, other): "Return VectorxVector (cross product) or Vectorxscalar" if isinstance(other, Vector): a, b, c=self._ar d, e, f=other._ar c1=numpy.linalg.det(numpy.array(((b, c), (e, f)))) c2=-numpy.linalg.det(numpy.array(((a, c), (d, f)))) c3=numpy.linalg.det(numpy.array(((a, b), (d, e)))) return Vector(c1, c2, c3) else: a=self._ar*numpy.array(other) return Vector(a) def __getitem__(self, i): return self._ar[i] def __setitem__(self, i, value): self._ar[i]=value def __contains__(self, i): return (i in self._ar) def norm(self): "Return vector norm" return numpy.sqrt(sum(self._ar*self._ar)) def normsq(self): "Return square of vector norm" return abs(sum(self._ar*self._ar)) def normalize(self): "Normalize the Vector" self._ar=self._ar/self.norm() def normalized(self): "Return a normalized copy of the Vector" v=self.copy() v.normalize() return v def angle(self, other): "Return angle between two vectors" n1=self.norm() n2=other.norm() c=(self*other)/(n1*n2) # Take care of roundoff errors c=min(c, 1) c=max(-1, c) return numpy.arccos(c) def get_array(self): "Return (a copy of) the array of coordinates" return numpy.array(self._ar) def left_multiply(self, matrix): "Return Vector=Matrix x Vector" a=numpy.dot(matrix, self._ar) return Vector(a) def right_multiply(self, matrix): "Return Vector=Vector x Matrix" a=numpy.dot(self._ar, matrix) return Vector(a) def copy(self): "Return a deep copy of the Vector" return Vector(self._ar) if __name__=="__main__": from numpy.random import random v1=Vector(0, 0, 1) v2=Vector(0, 0, 0) v3=Vector(0, 1, 0) v4=Vector(1, 1, 0) v4.normalize() print(v4) print(calc_angle(v1, v2, v3)) dih=calc_dihedral(v1, v2, v3, v4) # Test dihedral sign assert(dih>0) print("DIHEDRAL %f" % dih) ref=refmat(v1, v3) rot=rotmat(v1, v3) print(v3) print(v1.left_multiply(ref)) print(v1.left_multiply(rot)) print(v1.right_multiply(numpy.transpose(rot))) # - print(v1-v2) print(v1-1) print(v1+(1, 2, 3)) # + print(v1+v2) print(v1+3) print(v1-(1, 2, 3)) # * print(v1*v2) # / print(v1/2) print(v1/(1, 2, 3)) # ** print(v1**v2) print(v1**2) print(v1**(1, 2, 3)) # norm print(v1.norm()) # norm squared print(v1.normsq()) # setitem v1[2]=10 print(v1) # getitem print(v1[2]) print(numpy.array(v1)) print("ROT") angle=random()*numpy.pi axis=Vector(random(3)-random(3)) axis.normalize() m=rotaxis(angle, axis) cangle, caxis=m2rotaxis(m) print(angle-cangle) print(axis-caxis) print("")