/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" /******************************************************************/ /* MOCA DRIVER */ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ Constraint_list *prepare_cl_for_moca ( Constraint_list *CL) { int a, b, c; int tot_l, l; char **name, **seq; Sequence *NS=NULL; /*Prepare the constraint list*/ CL->do_self=1; CL->get_dp_cost=moca_slow_get_dp_cost; CL->evaluate_residue_pair=moca_residue_pair_extended_list; /*Prepare the moca parameters*/ (CL->moca)->evaluate_domain=evaluate_moca_domain; (CL->moca)->cache_cl_with_domain=cache_cl_with_moca_domain; (CL->moca)->make_nol_aln=make_moca_nol_aln; /*Prepare the packing of the sequences*/ for ( a=0, b=1; a< (CL->S)->nseq; a++)b+=strlen ( (CL->S)->seq[a])+1; seq =declare_char ( 1,b+1); name=declare_char( 1,30); CL->packed_seq_lu =declare_int ( b, 2); for (tot_l=1,a=0; a< (CL->S)->nseq; a++) { strcat (seq[0], (CL->S)->seq[a]); strcat (seq[0], "X"); l=strlen((CL->S)->seq[a]); for ( c=1; c<= l; c++, tot_l++) { CL->packed_seq_lu[tot_l][0]=a; CL->packed_seq_lu[tot_l][1]=c; } CL->packed_seq_lu[tot_l++][0]=UNDEFINED; } sprintf ( name[0], "catseq"); NS=fill_sequence_struc(1, seq, name, NULL); CL->S=add_sequence (NS, CL->S, 0); free_char( seq, -1); free_char(name, -1); free_sequence (NS, NS->nseq); return CL; } Alignment ** moca_aln ( Constraint_list *CL) { /* function documentation: start Alignment ** moca_aln ( Constraint_list *CL) This function inputs CL and outputs a series of local multiple alignments contained in aln_list; The terminator of aln_list is set to NULL; function documentation: end */ static int max_n_domains=1000; int n_domains=0; Alignment **aln_list; aln_list=(Alignment **)vcalloc (max_n_domains, sizeof (Alignment *)); if ((CL->moca)->moca_interactive)aln_list[n_domains++]=extract_domain ( CL); else { while ( (aln_list[n_domains++]=extract_domain ( CL))!=NULL) { if ((CL->moca)->moca_len)break; if ( n_domains==max_n_domains) { n_domains+=1000; aln_list=(Alignment **)vrealloc (aln_list, max_n_domains*sizeof (Alignment*)); } } } return aln_list; } Alignment * extract_domain ( Constraint_list *CL) { /* function documentation: start Alignment * extract_domain ( Constraint_list *CL) given a CL, this function extracts the next best scoring local multiple alignment It returns a CL where the aligned residues have been indicated in (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues; the local alignment is extracted with the dp function indicated by CL->dp_mode: (gotoh_sw_pair_wise) Evaluation: CL->get_dp_cost=slow_get_dp_cost; CL->evaluate_residue_pair=sw_residue_pair_extended_list; Continuation: (CL->moca)->evaluate_domain=evaluate_moca_domain; Cache of CL: (CL->moca)->cache_cl_with_domain=cache_cl_with_moca_domain; Domain post processing: (CL->moca)->make_nol_aln=make_moca_nol_aln; function documentation: end */ int min_start, max_start, start,min_len, max_len, len, score; int step; Alignment *C=NULL; Alignment *RESULT=NULL; Alignment *EA=NULL; /*CASE 1: Non Automatic Domain Extraction*/ if ((CL->moca)->moca_interactive) { return interactive_domain_extraction (CL); } else if ((CL->moca)->moca_len) { while ((C=extract_domain_with_coordinates (C,(CL->moca)->moca_start,(CL->moca)->moca_len,CL))->nseq==0)(CL->moca)->moca_scale=(CL->moca)->moca_scale*0.9; RESULT=copy_aln ( C, RESULT); unpack_seq_aln (RESULT, CL); output_format_aln ("mocca_aln",RESULT,EA=fast_coffee_evaluate_output(RESULT, CL),"stdout"); free_aln(EA); return RESULT; } else if ( !(CL->moca)->moca_len) { analyse_sequence (CL); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /*CASE 2: Automatic Domain Extraction: Find Coordinates*/ start=500; step=10; min_start=0; max_start=strlen ((CL->S)->seq[0]); min_len=20; max_len=strlen ((CL->S)->seq[0]); C=extract_domain_with_coordinates (C,13,30,CL); C->output_res_num=1; print_aln (C); (CL->moca)->moca_scale=-180; C=add_seq2aln (CL,C, CL->S); print_aln (C); (CL->moca)->moca_scale=-160; C=add_seq2aln (CL,C, CL->S); print_aln (C); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); while ( step>0) { C=approximate_domain (min_start,max_start,step,min_len,max_len, step,&start, &len, &score, CL); min_start=start-step; max_start=start+step; min_len=len-step; max_len=len+step; step=step/2; } C=extract_domain_with_coordinates (C,start-10, len+20,CL); C->output_res_num=1; print_aln (C); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); return C; } Alignment * interactive_domain_extraction ( Constraint_list *CL) { int LEN=0; int START=1; int SCALE=2; int GOPP=3; int iteration=0; char *choice; int a,b, c; int index; char *s; char last_start[100]; char out_format[100]; Alignment *RESULT=NULL; Alignment *PREVIOUS=NULL; Alignment *C=NULL; Alignment *EA=NULL; int **parameters; choice=(char*)vcalloc ( 100, sizeof (char)); parameters=declare_int (10000, 4); parameters[0][START]=(CL->moca)->moca_start; parameters[0][LEN]= (CL->moca)->moca_len; parameters[0][SCALE]=(CL->moca)->moca_scale; parameters[0][GOPP]=CL->gop; iteration=0; sprintf ( last_start, "%d", (CL->moca)->moca_start); sprintf ( out_format, "mocca_aln"); print_moca_interactive_choices (); while ( !strm4 (choice, "Q","X", "q", "x" )) { c=choice[0]; if (c=='b' || c=='B') { iteration-=atoi(choice+1)+1; if (iteration<0)iteration=1; } else { iteration++; parameters[iteration][START]=parameters[iteration-1][START]; parameters[iteration][LEN]=parameters[iteration-1][LEN]; parameters[iteration][SCALE]=parameters[iteration-1][SCALE]; parameters[iteration][GOPP]=parameters[iteration-1][GOPP]; if ( c=='>')parameters[iteration][LEN]=atoi(choice+1); else if ( c=='|') { sprintf ( last_start, "%s", choice); parameters[iteration][START]=0; s=strrchr(choice, ':'); if (s==NULL) { parameters[iteration][START]=atoi(choice+1); } else { s[0]='\0'; if((index=name_is_in_list (choice+1,(CL->S)->name,(CL->S)->nseq,100))==-1) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tERROR: %s NOT in Sequence Set",choice+1); continue; } for ( a=0; a< index; a++) { parameters[iteration][START]+=(CL->S)->len[a]+1; } parameters[iteration][START]+=atoi(s+1)-1; } } else if ( c=='C'||c=='c')parameters[iteration][SCALE]=atoi(choice+1); else if ( c=='G'||c=='g') { parameters[iteration][GOPP]=atoi(choice+1); CL->gop=parameters[iteration][GOPP]; } else if ( c=='F'||c=='f') { sprintf ( out_format, "%s", choice+1); } else if ( c=='S'||c=='s') { if (choice[1]=='\0')sprintf ( choice, "default.domain_aln.%d", iteration); output_format_aln (out_format,RESULT,EA=fast_coffee_evaluate_output(RESULT, CL),choice+1); fprintf (stderr, "\tOutput file [%15s] in [%10s] format\n",choice+1,out_format); free_aln (EA); } else if (c=='\0') { if ( parameters[iteration][SCALE]>0) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nWARNING: THRESHOLD RESET to 0"); parameters[iteration][SCALE]=0; } (CL->moca)->moca_scale=parameters[iteration][SCALE]; CL->gop=parameters[iteration][GOPP]; C=extract_domain_with_coordinates (C,parameters[iteration][START],parameters[iteration][LEN],CL); if ( C==NULL) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nERROR: ILLEGAL COORDINATES! SEQUENCE BOUNDARY CROSSED\n"); for ( b=1,a=0; a< (CL->S)->nseq-1; a++) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n\t%15s=> Abs:[%d %d] Rel:[0 %d]", (CL->S)->name[a],b, b+(CL->S)->len[a]-1,(CL->S)->len[a]); b+=(CL->S)->len[a]; } fprintf ( stderr, "\n"); } else if (parameters[iteration][START]==0 && parameters[iteration][LEN]==0) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tEnter the following parameters:\n\n\t\tSTART value: |x [Return]\n\t\tLENgth value: >y [Return]\n\t\ttype [Return]\n\n"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\n\tSTART is measured on the total length of the concatenated sequences\n\tx and y are positive integers\n\n"); } else if ( C->nseq==0) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nNO MATCH FOUND: LOWER THE SCALE (C)\n"); } else { RESULT=copy_aln ( C, RESULT); unpack_seq_aln (RESULT, CL); RESULT->output_res_num=1; output_format_aln (out_format,RESULT,EA=fast_coffee_evaluate_output(RESULT, CL),"stdout"); free_aln(EA); PREVIOUS=copy_aln ( RESULT, PREVIOUS); free_aln (C); print_moca_interactive_choices (); } } fprintf ( stderr, "\t[ITERATION %3d][START=%s][LEN=%3d][GOPP=%3d][SCALE=%4d]\t",iteration,last_start,parameters[iteration][LEN],parameters[iteration][GOPP],parameters[iteration][SCALE]); a=0; fprintf ( stderr, "Your Choice: "); while ( (c=fgetc(stdin))!='\n')choice[a++]=c; choice[a]=0; } } if (!RESULT)myexit(EXIT_SUCCESS); if ( RESULT)RESULT->output_res_num=0; return RESULT; } int print_moca_interactive_choices () { fprintf ( stderr, "\n**************************************************************"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n******************** MOCCA: %s ***********",VERSION); fprintf ( stderr, "\n**************************************************************"); fprintf ( stderr, "\nMENU: Type Flag[number] and Return: ex |10"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\t|x -->Set the START to x"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\t 100 start=100 on concatenated sequences"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\t human:100 start=100 on human sequence"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\t>x -->Set the LEN to x"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tGx -->Set the Gap Opening Penalty to x"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tCx -->Set the sCale to x"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tSname -->Save the Alignment "); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tFformat -->Save the Alignment Format"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\treturn -->Compute the Alignment"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tX -->eXit\n\n"); return 0; } Alignment * approximate_domain ( int min_start, int max_start, int step_start,int min_len, int max_len, int step_len, int *best_start, int *best_len, int *best_score, Constraint_list *CL) { Alignment *C=NULL; int start; int len; int score; /*1 Extract the first*/ best_score[0]=UNDEFINED; best_start[0]=min_start; best_len[0]=min_len; for (start=min_start; start< max_start; start+=step_start) { for ( len=min_len; lenmoca)->evaluate_domain)(C, CL); fprintf ( stderr, "\nSTART=%d LEN=%3d SCORE=%5d [%d]",start,len,score, C->nseq); if ( best_score[0]==UNDEFINED)best_score[0]=score; if ( score>best_score[0]) { best_score[0]=score; best_start[0]=start; best_len[0]=len; } } } C=extract_domain_with_coordinates (C,best_start[0], best_len[0],CL); C->output_res_num=1; return C; } int measure_domain_length ( Constraint_list *CL,Alignment *IN, int start, int min_len, int max_len, int step) { Alignment *C=NULL; int score, best_score,best_len,a, b, l; int *score_matrix, *len_matrix; int n_val, best_val; score_matrix=(int*)vcalloc ( max_len, sizeof (int)); len_matrix=(int*)vcalloc ( max_len, sizeof (int)); l=strlen ( (CL->S)->seq[0]); min_len=MAX(0, min_len); min_len=MIN(l-start, min_len); if ( !IN)C=extract_domain_with_coordinates (C,start,min_len, CL); else { C=copy_aln (IN, C); C->len_aln=min_len; for ( a=0; a< C->nseq; a++)C->seq_al[a][min_len]='\0'; C=add_seq2aln (CL,C, CL->S); } best_score= score=((CL->moca)->evaluate_domain)(C, CL); min_len=MAX(0, min_len); for ( best_len=best_val=n_val=0,b=min_len; blen_aln=min_len; for ( a=0; a< C->nseq; a++)C->seq_al[a][b]='\0'; C=add_seq2aln (CL,C, CL->S); } if ( C->len_aln>0 )score=((CL->moca)->evaluate_domain)(C, CL); else score=-1; if ( score< -3000)break; fprintf ( stderr, "\n\t%d %d=>%d (%d, %d)[%d]",start, b, score, C->nseq, C->len_aln, step); score_matrix[n_val]=score; len_matrix [n_val]=b; if ( score>best_score) { best_score=score; best_len=b; best_val=n_val; } } free_aln(C); for ( a=best_val; abest_score/2)best_len=len_matrix[a]; else break; } vfree ( score_matrix); vfree ( len_matrix); return best_len; } Alignment *extract_domain_with_coordinates ( Alignment *RESULT,int start, int len, Constraint_list *CL) { int a; char *buf; Alignment *SEQ_DOMAIN=NULL; /*ADJUST THE DIRECTION OF THE DOMAIN: len<0:left and len>0:right*/ if (len>0); else if (len<0) { len=len*-1; start=start-len+1; } /*CHECK THAT THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS*/ if (start<0 || (!CL->packed_seq_lu && (start+len)>strlen((CL->S)->seq[0])) ||(CL->packed_seq_lu && (start+len)>strlen((CL->S)->seq[(CL->S)->nseq-1])) )return NULL; else { for ( a=start; a< start+len; a++) { if ((CL->moca)->forbiden_residues && (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[0][a+1]==UNDEFINED) { fprintf ( stderr, "*"); return NULL; } } } /*EXTRACT THE DOMAIN*/ SEQ_DOMAIN=add_seq2aln (CL,SEQ_DOMAIN, CL->S); buf=extract_char (SEQ_DOMAIN->seq_al[0], start, len); for (a=0; aseq_al[0], "%s", buf); SEQ_DOMAIN->order[0][1]=start; SEQ_DOMAIN=add_seq2aln (CL,SEQ_DOMAIN, CL->S); return SEQ_DOMAIN; } int get_starting_point ( Constraint_list *CL) { int a; int l; int **seq; int start; int *entry=NULL; l=strlen ( (CL->S)->seq[0]); seq=declare_int ( l, 2); while (entry=extract_entry (CL)) { seq[entry[R1]][1]=entry[R1]; seq[entry[R2]][1]=entry[R2]; if ((CL->moca) && (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues && ((CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[0][entry[R1]]==UNDEFINED||(CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[0][entry[R2]]==UNDEFINED ))continue; else { seq[entry[R1]][0]+=entry[MISC]; seq[entry[R2]][0]+=entry[MISC]; } } sort_int_inv ( seq, 2, 0, 0, l-1); fprintf ( stderr, "\nStart=%d %d", seq[0][1], seq[0][0]); start=seq[0][1]; free_int ( seq, -1); return start; } int * analyse_sequence ( Constraint_list *CL) { int a, p; int len, start, n_dots; int left, right, tw, r, w; int best_tw, best_start=0, best_len=0; int l; int max_len=200; l=strlen (( CL->S)->seq[0]); for ( best_tw=UNDEFINED,start=0; startresidue_index[0][p+start+1][0]; for ( a=1; aresidue_index[0][p+start+1][a+R2]; w=CL->residue_index[0][p+start+1][a+WE]; if (rright)tw+=w; } } if ( tw> best_tw || best_tw==UNDEFINED) { best_tw=tw; best_start=start; best_len=len; } } } fprintf ( stderr, "\nStart=%d Len=%d", best_start, best_len); return NULL; } /*********************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE**********************************/ /*© Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) */ /*and */ /*Cedric Notredame */ /*Fri Aug 8 19:03:27 MDT 2003. */ /*All rights reserved.*/ /*NOTICE: |*/ /* This file is an integral part of the */ /* T-COFFEE Software. */ /* Its content is protected and all */ /* the conditions mentioned in the licensing */ /* agreement of the software apply to this file.*/ /*............................................... |*/ /* If you need some more information, or if you */ /* wish to obtain a full license, please contact: */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com*/ /*............................................... |*/ /**/ /**/ /* */ /*********************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE**********************************/