/* PostScript and GML output for RNA secondary structures and pair probability matrices c Ivo Hofacker and Peter F Stadler Vienna RNA package */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "fold_vars.h" #include "PS_dot.h" static char UNUSED rcsid[] = "$Id: PS_dot.c,v 1.38 2007/02/02 15:18:13 ivo Exp $"; #define PUBLIC #define PRIVATE static #define MAX(A,B) (A)>(B)?(A):(B) #ifndef PI #define PI 3.141592654 #endif #define PIHALF PI/2. PUBLIC int gmlRNA(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile, char option); PUBLIC int PS_rna_plot_a(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile, char *pre, char *post); PUBLIC int PS_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile); PUBLIC int ssv_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile); PUBLIC int xrna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile); PUBLIC int simple_xy_coordinates(short *pair_table, float *X, float *Y); extern int naview_xy_coordinates(short *pair_table, float *X, float *Y); PUBLIC int rna_plot_type = 1; /* 0 = simple, 1 = naview */ PUBLIC int PS_dot_plot(char *string, char *wastlfile); PUBLIC int PS_color_dot_plot(char *seq, cpair *pi, char *wastlfile); PUBLIC int PS_dot_plot_list(char *string, char *wastlfile, struct plist *pl, struct plist *mf, char *comment); PUBLIC int PS_dot_plot_turn(char *seq, struct plist *pl, char *wastlfile, int winSize); /* local functions */ PRIVATE void loop(int i, int j, short *pair_table); PRIVATE FILE *PS_dot_common(char *seq, char *wastlfile, char *comment, int winsize); /* local variables for parsing routines */ PRIVATE float *angle; PRIVATE int *loop_size, *stack_size; PRIVATE int lp, stk; extern int cut_point; /* set to first pos of second seq for cofolding */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* options for gml output: uppercase letters: print sequence labels lowercase letters: no sequence lables graphics information: x X simple xy plot (nothing else implemented at present) default: no graphics data at all */ PUBLIC int gmlRNA(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile, char option) { FILE *gmlfile; int i; int length; int labels=0; short *pair_table; float *X, *Y; if (isupper(option)) labels = 1; gmlfile = fopen(ssfile, "w"); if (gmlfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s - not doing xy_plot\n", ssfile); return 0; } length = strlen(string); pair_table = make_pair_table(structure); switch(option){ case 'X' : case 'x' : /* Simple XY Plot */ X = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); Y = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); if (rna_plot_type == 0) i = simple_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); else i = naview_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); if(i!=length) fprintf(stderr,"strange things happening in gmlRNA ...\n"); break; default: /* No Graphics Information */ X = NULL; Y = NULL; } fprintf(gmlfile, "# Vienna RNA Package %s\n" "# GML Output\n" "# CreationDate: %s\n" "# Name: %s\n" "# Options: %s\n", VERSION, time_stamp(), ssfile, option_string()); fprintf(gmlfile, "graph [\n" " directed 0\n"); for (i=1; i<=length; i++){ fprintf(gmlfile, " node [ id %d ", i); if (option) fprintf(gmlfile, "label \"%c\"",string[i-1]); if ((option == 'X')||(option=='x')) fprintf(gmlfile, "\n graphics [ x %9.4f y %9.4f ]\n", X[i-1], Y[i-1]); fprintf(gmlfile," ]\n"); } for (i=1; ii) fprintf(gmlfile, "edge [ source %d target %d ]\n", i, pair_table[i]); } fprintf(gmlfile, "]\n"); fclose(gmlfile); free(pair_table); free(X); free(Y); return 1; /* success */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int PS_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile) { return PS_rna_plot_a(string, structure, ssfile, NULL, NULL); } static const char *RNAss_head = "%%BeginProlog\n" "/RNAplot 100 dict def\n" "RNAplot begin\n" "/fsize 14 def\n" "/outlinecolor {0.2 setgray} bind def\n" "/paircolor {0.2 setgray} bind def\n" "/seqcolor {0 setgray} bind def\n" "/cshow { dup stringwidth pop -2 div fsize -3 div rmoveto show} bind def\n" "/min { 2 copy gt { exch } if pop } bind def\n" "/max { 2 copy lt { exch } if pop } bind def\n" "/drawoutline {\n" " gsave outlinecolor newpath\n" " coor 0 get aload pop 0.8 0 360 arc % draw 5' circle of 1st sequence\n" " currentdict /cutpoint known % check if cutpoint is defined\n" " {coor 0 cutpoint getinterval\n" " {aload pop lineto} forall % draw outline of 1st sequence\n" " coor cutpoint get aload pop\n" " 2 copy moveto 0.8 0 360 arc % draw 5' circle of 2nd sequence\n" " coor cutpoint coor length cutpoint sub getinterval\n" " {aload pop lineto} forall} % draw outline of 2nd sequence\n" " {coor {aload pop lineto} forall} % draw outline as a whole\n" " ifelse\n" " stroke grestore\n" "} bind def\n" "/drawpairs {\n" " paircolor\n" " 0.7 setlinewidth\n" " [9 3.01] 9 setdash\n" " newpath\n" " pairs {aload pop\n" " coor exch 1 sub get aload pop moveto\n" " coor exch 1 sub get aload pop lineto\n" " } forall\n" " stroke\n" "} bind def\n" "% draw bases\n" "/drawbases {\n" " [] 0 setdash\n" " seqcolor\n" " 0\n" " coor {\n" " aload pop moveto\n" " dup sequence exch 1 getinterval cshow\n" " 1 add\n" " } forall\n" " pop\n" "} bind def\n\n" "/init {\n" " /Helvetica findfont fsize scalefont setfont\n" " 1 setlinejoin\n" " 1 setlinecap\n" " 0.8 setlinewidth\n" " 72 216 translate\n" " % find the coordinate range\n" " /xmax -1000 def /xmin 10000 def\n" " /ymax -1000 def /ymin 10000 def\n" " coor {\n" " aload pop\n" " dup ymin lt {dup /ymin exch def} if\n" " dup ymax gt {/ymax exch def} {pop} ifelse\n" " dup xmin lt {dup /xmin exch def} if\n" " dup xmax gt {/xmax exch def} {pop} ifelse\n" " } forall\n" " /size {xmax xmin sub ymax ymin sub max} bind def\n" " 72 6 mul size div dup scale\n" " size xmin sub xmax sub 2 div size ymin sub ymax sub 2 div\n" " translate\n" "} bind def\n" "end\n"; static const char *anote_macros = "RNAplot begin\n" "% extra definitions for standard anotations\n" "/min { 2 copy gt { exch } if pop } bind def\n" "/BLACK { 0 0 0 } def\n" "/RED { 1 0 0 } def\n" "/GREEN { 0 1 0 } def\n" "/BLUE { 0 0 1 } def\n" "/WHITE { 1 1 1 } def\n" "/LabelFont { % font size LabelFont\n" " exch findfont exch fsize mul scalefont setfont\n" "} bind def\n" "/Label { % i dx dy (text) Label\n" " % write text at base i plus offset dx, dy\n" " 4 3 roll 1 sub coor exch get aload pop moveto\n" " 3 1 roll fsize mul exch fsize mul exch rmoveto\n" " show\n" "} bind def\n" "/cmark { % i cmark draw circle around base i\n" " newpath 1 sub coor exch get aload pop\n" " fsize 2 div 0 360 arc stroke\n" "} bind def\n" "/gmark { % i j c cmark\n" " % draw basepair i,j with c counter examples in gray\n" " gsave\n" " 3 min [0 0.33 0.66 0.9] exch get setgray\n" " 1 sub dup coor exch get aload pop moveto\n" " sequence exch 1 getinterval cshow\n" " 1 sub dup coor exch get aload pop moveto\n" " sequence exch 1 getinterval cshow\n" " grestore\n" "} bind def\n" "/segmark { % f i j lw r g b segmark\n" " % mark segment [i,j] with outline width lw and color rgb\n" " % use omark and Fomark instead\n" " gsave\n" " setrgbcolor setlinewidth\n" " newpath\n" " 1 sub exch 1 sub dup\n" " coor exch get aload pop moveto\n" " exch 1 exch {\n" " coor exch get aload pop lineto\n" " } for\n" " { closepath fill } if stroke\n" " grestore\n" "} bind def\n" "/omark { % i j lw r g b omark\n" " % stroke segment [i..j] with linewidth lw, color rgb\n" " false 7 1 roll segmark\n" "} bind def\n" "/Fomark { % i j r g b Fomark\n" " % fill segment [i..j] with color rgb\n" " % should precede drawbases\n" " 1 4 1 roll true 7 1 roll segmark\n" "} bind def\n" "/BFmark{ % i j k l r g b BFmark\n" " % fill block between pairs (i,j) and (k,l) with color rgb\n" " % should precede drawbases\n" " gsave\n" " setrgbcolor\n" " newpath\n" " exch 4 3 roll exch 1 sub exch 1 sub dup\n" " coor exch get aload pop moveto\n" " exch 1 exch { coor exch get aload pop lineto } for\n" " exch 1 sub exch 1 sub dup\n" " coor exch get aload pop lineto\n" " exch 1 exch { coor exch get aload pop lineto } for\n" " closepath fill stroke\n" " grestore\n" "} bind def\n" "/hsb {\n" " dup 0.3 mul 1 exch sub sethsbcolor\n" "} bind def\n" "/colorpair { % i j hue sat colorpair\n" " % draw basepair i,j in color\n" " % 1 index 0.00 ne {\n" " gsave\n" " newpath\n" " hsb\n" " fsize setlinewidth\n" " 1 sub coor exch get aload pop moveto\n" " 1 sub coor exch get aload pop lineto\n" " stroke\n" " grestore\n" " % } if\n" "} bind def\n" "end\n\n"; int PS_rna_plot_a(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile, char *pre, char *post) { float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, size; int i, length; float *X, *Y; FILE *xyplot; short *pair_table; length = strlen(string); xyplot = fopen(ssfile, "w"); if (xyplot == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s - not doing xy_plot\n", ssfile); return 0; } pair_table = make_pair_table(structure); X = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); Y = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); if (rna_plot_type == 0) i = simple_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); else i = naview_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); if(i!=length) fprintf(stderr,"strange things happening in PS_rna_plot...\n"); xmin = xmax = X[0]; ymin = ymax = Y[0]; for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { xmin = X[i] < xmin ? X[i] : xmin; xmax = X[i] > xmax ? X[i] : xmax; ymin = Y[i] < ymin ? Y[i] : ymin; ymax = Y[i] > ymax ? Y[i] : ymax; } size = MAX((xmax-xmin),(ymax-ymin)); fprintf(xyplot, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" "%%%%Creator: %s, ViennaRNA-%s\n" "%%%%CreationDate: %s" "%%%%Title: RNA Secondary Structure Plot\n" "%%%%BoundingBox: 66 210 518 662\n" "%%%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica\n" "%%%%Pages: 1\n" "%%%%EndComments\n\n" "%%Options: %s\n", rcsid+5, VERSION, time_stamp(), option_string()); fprintf(xyplot, "%% to switch off outline pairs of sequence comment or\n" "%% delete the appropriate line near the end of the file\n\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "%s", RNAss_head); if (pre || post) { fprintf(xyplot, "%s", anote_macros); } fprintf(xyplot, "%%%%EndProlog\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "RNAplot begin\n" "%% data start here\n"); /* cut_point */ if (cut_point > 0 && cut_point <= strlen(string)) fprintf(xyplot, "/cutpoint %d def\n", cut_point-1); /* sequence */ fprintf(xyplot,"/sequence (\\\n"); i=0; while (ii) fprintf(xyplot, "[%d %d]\n", i, pair_table[i]); fprintf(xyplot, "] def\n\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "init\n\n"); /* draw the data */ if (pre) { fprintf(xyplot, "%% Start Annotations\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "%s\n", pre); fprintf(xyplot, "%% End Annotations\n"); } fprintf(xyplot, "%% switch off outline pairs or bases by removing these lines\n" "drawoutline\n" "drawpairs\n" "drawbases\n"); if (post) { fprintf(xyplot, "%% Start Annotations\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "%s\n", post); fprintf(xyplot, "%% End Annotations\n"); } fprintf(xyplot, "%% show it\nshowpage\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "end\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "%%%%EOF\n"); fclose(xyplot); free(pair_table); free(X); free(Y); return 1; /* success */ } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SIZE 452. int svg_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile) { float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, size; int i, length; float *X, *Y; FILE *xyplot; short *pair_table; length = strlen(string); xyplot = fopen(ssfile, "w"); if (xyplot == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s - not doing xy_plot\n", ssfile); return 0; } pair_table = make_pair_table(structure); X = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); Y = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); if (rna_plot_type == 0) i = simple_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); else i = naview_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); if(i!=length) fprintf(stderr,"strange things happening in PS_rna_plot...\n"); xmin = xmax = X[0]; ymin = ymax = Y[0]; for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { xmin = X[i] < xmin ? X[i] : xmin; xmax = X[i] > xmax ? X[i] : xmax; ymin = Y[i] < ymin ? Y[i] : ymin; ymax = Y[i] > ymax ? Y[i] : ymax; } for (i = 0; i < length; i++) Y[i] = ymin+ymax - Y[i]; /* mirror coordinates so they look as in PS */ size = MAX((xmax-xmin),(ymax-ymin)); size += 10; /* add some so the bounding box isn't too tight */ fprintf(xyplot, "\n" "\n"); fprintf(xyplot, "\n"); fprintf(xyplot, " \n" " \n", SIZE/size, SIZE/size, (size-xmin-xmax)/2, (size-ymin-ymax)/2); fprintf(xyplot, " \n"); fprintf(xyplot," \n"); for (i = 1; i <= length; i++) { int j; if ((j=pair_table[i])>i) fprintf(xyplot, " \n", i,j, X[i-1], Y[i-1], X[j-1], Y[j-1]); } fprintf(xyplot, " \n"); fprintf(xyplot, " \n"); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) fprintf(xyplot, " %c\n", X[i], Y[i], string[i]); fprintf(xyplot, " \n"); fprintf(xyplot, " \n"); fprintf(xyplot, "\n"); fclose(xyplot); free(pair_table); free(X); free(Y); return 1; /* success */ } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC int ssv_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile) { /* produce input for the SStructView java applet */ FILE *ssvfile; int i, bp; int length; short *pair_table; float *X, *Y; float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; ssvfile = fopen(ssfile, "w"); if (ssvfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s - not doing xy_plot\n", ssfile); return 0; } length = strlen(string); pair_table = make_pair_table(structure); /* make coordinates */ X = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); Y = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); if (rna_plot_type == 0) i = simple_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); else i = naview_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); if (i!=length) fprintf(stderr,"strange things happening in ssv_rna_plot...\n"); /* make coords nonegative */ xmin = xmax = X[0]; ymin = ymax = Y[0]; for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { xmin = X[i] < xmin ? X[i] : xmin; xmax = X[i] > xmax ? X[i] : xmax; ymin = Y[i] < ymin ? Y[i] : ymin; ymax = Y[i] > ymax ? Y[i] : ymax; } if (xmin<1) { for (i = 0; i <= length; i++) X[i] -= xmin-1; xmin = 1; } if (ymin<1) { for (i = 0; i <= length; i++) Y[i] -= ymin-1; ymin = 1; } #if 0 { float size, xoff, yoff; float JSIZE = 500; /* size of the java applet window */ /* rescale coordinates, center on square of size HSIZE */ size = MAX((xmax-xmin),(ymax-ymin)); xoff = (size - xmax + xmin)/2; yoff = (size - ymax + ymin)/2; for (i = 0; i <= length; i++) { X[i] = (X[i]-xmin+xoff)*(JSIZE-10)/size + 5; Y[i] = (Y[i]-ymin+yoff)*(JSIZE-10)/size + 5; } } #endif /* */ fprintf(ssvfile, "# Vienna RNA Package %s\n" "# SStructView Output\n" "# CreationDate: %s\n" "# Name: %s\n" "# Options: %s\n", VERSION, time_stamp(), ssfile, option_string()); for (i=1; i<=length; i++) fprintf(ssvfile, "BASE\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\n", i, string[i-1], (int) (X[i-1]+0.5), (int) (Y[i-1]+0.5)); for (bp=1, i=1; i<=length; i++) if (pair_table[i]>i) fprintf(ssvfile, "BASE-PAIR\tbp%d\t%d\t%d\n", bp++, i, pair_table[i]); fclose(ssvfile); free(pair_table); free(X); free(Y); return 1; /* success */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC int xrna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile) { /* produce input for XRNA RNA drawing program */ FILE *ss_file; int i; int length; short *pair_table; float *X, *Y; ss_file = fopen(ssfile, "w"); if (ss_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s - not doing xy_plot\n", ssfile); return 0; } length = strlen(string); pair_table = make_pair_table(structure); /* make coordinates */ X = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); Y = (float *) space((length+1)*sizeof(float)); if (rna_plot_type == 0) i = simple_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); else i = naview_xy_coordinates(pair_table, X, Y); if (i!=length) fprintf(stderr,"strange things happening in xrna_plot...\n"); fprintf(ss_file, "# Vienna RNA Package %s, XRNA output\n" "# CreationDate: %s\n" "# Options: %s\n", VERSION, time_stamp(), option_string()); for (i=1; i<=length; i++) /* XRNA likes to have coordinate mirrored, so we use (-X, Y) */ fprintf(ss_file, "%d %c %6.2f %6.2f %d %d\n", i, string[i-1], -X[i-1], Y[i-1], (pair_table[i]?1:0), pair_table[i]); fclose(ss_file); free(pair_table); free(X); free(Y); return 1; /* success */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PMIN 0.00001 const char *RNAdp_prolog = "%This file contains the square roots of the base pair probabilities in the form\n" "% i j sqrt(p(i,j)) ubox\n\n" "%%BeginProlog\n" "/DPdict 100 dict def\n" "DPdict begin\n" "/logscale false def\n" "/lpmin 1e-05 log def\n\n" "/box { %size x y box - draws box centered on x,y\n" " 2 index 0.5 mul sub % x -= 0.5\n" " exch 2 index 0.5 mul sub exch % y -= 0.5\n" " 3 -1 roll dup rectfill\n" "} bind def\n\n" "/ubox {\n" " logscale {\n" " log dup add lpmin div 1 exch sub dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if\n" " } if\n" " 3 1 roll\n" " exch len exch sub 1 add box\n" "} bind def\n\n" "/lbox {\n" " 3 1 roll\n" " len exch sub 1 add box\n" "} bind def\n\n" "/drawseq {\n" "% print sequence along all 4 sides\n" "[ [0.7 -0.3 0 ]\n" " [0.7 0.7 len add 0]\n" " [-0.3 len sub -0.4 -90]\n" " [-0.3 len sub 0.7 len add -90]\n" "] {\n" " gsave\n" " aload pop rotate translate\n" " 0 1 len 1 sub {\n" " dup 0 moveto\n" " sequence exch 1 getinterval\n" " show\n" " } for\n" " grestore\n" " } forall\n" "} bind def\n\n" "/drawgrid{\n" " 0.01 setlinewidth\n" " len log 0.9 sub cvi 10 exch exp % grid spacing\n" " dup 1 gt {\n" " dup dup 20 div dup 2 array astore exch 40 div setdash\n" " } { [0.3 0.7] 0.1 setdash } ifelse\n" " 0 exch len {\n" " dup dup\n" " 0 moveto\n" " len lineto \n" " dup\n" " len exch sub 0 exch moveto\n" " len exch len exch sub lineto\n" " stroke\n" " } for\n" " [] 0 setdash\n" " 0.04 setlinewidth \n" " currentdict /cutpoint known {\n" " cutpoint 1 sub\n" " dup dup -1 moveto len 1 add lineto\n" " len exch sub dup\n" " -1 exch moveto len 1 add exch lineto\n" " stroke\n" " } if\n" " 0.5 neg dup translate\n" "} bind def\n\n" "end\n" "%%EndProlog\n"; int PS_dot_plot(char *string, char *wastlfile) { /* this is just a wrapper to call PS_dot_plot_list */ int i, j, k, length, maxl, mf_num; struct plist *pl; struct plist *mf; length = strlen(string); maxl = 2*length; pl = (struct plist *)space(maxl*sizeof(struct plist)); k=0; /*make plist out of pr array*/ for (i=1; i=maxl-1) { maxl *= 2; pl = (struct plist *)xrealloc(pl,maxl*sizeof(struct plist)); } pl[k].i = i; pl[k].j = j; pl[k++].p = pr[iindx[i]-j]; } pl[k].i=0; pl[k].j=0; pl[k++].p=0.; /*make plist out of base_pair array*/ mf_num = base_pair ? base_pair[0].i : 0; mf = (struct plist *)space((mf_num+1)*sizeof(struct plist)); for (k=0; k0) { fprintf(wastl,"%1.2f %1.2f hsb %d %d %1.6f ubox\n", pi[i].hue, pi[i].sat, pi[i].i, pi[i].j, sqrt(pi[i].p)); if (pi[i].mfe) fprintf(wastl,"%1.2f %1.2f hsb %d %d %1.4f lbox\n", pi[i].hue, pi[i].sat, pi[i].i, pi[i].j, pi[i].p); i++; } fprintf(wastl,"showpage\n" "end\n" "%%%%EOF\n"); fclose(wastl); return 1; /* success */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC int simple_xy_coordinates(short *pair_table, float *x, float *y) { float INIT_ANGLE=0.; /* initial bending angle */ float INIT_X = 100.; /* coordinate of first digit */ float INIT_Y = 100.; /* see above */ float RADIUS = 15.; int i, length; float alpha; length = pair_table[0]; angle = (float*) space( (length+5)*sizeof(float) ); loop_size = (int*) space( 16+(length/5)*sizeof(int) ); stack_size = (int*) space( 16+(length/5)*sizeof(int) ); lp = stk = 0; loop(0, length+1, pair_table); loop_size[lp] -= 2; /* correct for cheating with function loop */ alpha = INIT_ANGLE; x[0] = INIT_X; y[0] = INIT_Y; for (i = 1; i <= length; i++) { x[i] = x[i-1]+RADIUS*cos(alpha); y[i] = y[i-1]+RADIUS*sin(alpha); alpha += PI-angle[i+1]; } free(angle); free(loop_size); free(stack_size); return length; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void loop(int i, int j, short *pair_table) /* i, j are the positions AFTER the last pair of a stack; i.e i-1 and j+1 are paired. */ { int count = 2; /* counts the VERTICES of a loop polygon; that's NOT necessarily the number of unpaired bases! Upon entry the loop has already 2 vertices, namely the pair i-1/j+1. */ int r = 0, bubble = 0; /* bubble counts the unpaired digits in loops */ int i_old, partner, k, l, start_k, start_l, fill, ladder; int begin, v, diff; float polygon; short *remember; remember = (short *) space((1+(j-i)/5)*2*sizeof(short)); i_old = i-1, j++; /* j has now been set to the partner of the previous pair for correct while-loop termination. */ while (i != j) { partner = pair_table[i]; if ((!partner) || (i==0)) i++, count++, bubble++; else { count += 2; k = i, l = partner; /* beginning of stack */ remember[++r] = k; remember[++r] = l; i = partner+1; /* next i for the current loop */ start_k = k, start_l = l; ladder = 0; do { k++, l--, ladder++; /* go along the stack region */ } while (pair_table[k] == l); fill = ladder-2; if (ladder >= 2) { angle[start_k+1+fill] += PIHALF; /* Loop entries and */ angle[start_l-1-fill] += PIHALF; /* exits get an */ angle[start_k] += PIHALF; /* additional PI/2. */ angle[start_l] += PIHALF; /* Why ? (exercise) */ if (ladder > 2) { for (; fill >= 1; fill--) { angle[start_k+fill] = PI; /* fill in the angles */ angle[start_l-fill] = PI; /* for the backbone */ } } } stack_size[++stk] = ladder; loop(k, l, pair_table); } } polygon = PI*(count-2)/(float)count; /* bending angle in loop polygon */ remember[++r] = j; begin = i_old < 0 ? 0 : i_old; for (v = 1; v <= r; v++) { diff = remember[v]-begin; for (fill = 0; fill <= diff; fill++) angle[begin+fill] += polygon; if (v > r) break; begin = remember[++v]; } loop_size[++lp] = bubble; free(remember); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC int PS_dot_plot_list(char *seq, char *wastlfile, struct plist *pl, struct plist *mf, char *comment) { FILE *wastl; int length; double tmp; struct plist *pl1; length= strlen(seq); wastl = PS_dot_common(seq, wastlfile, comment, 0); if (wastl==NULL) return 0; /* return 0 for failure */ fprintf(wastl,"%%data starts here\n"); /* print boxes in upper right half*/ for (pl1=pl; pl1->i>0; pl1++) { tmp = sqrt(pl1->p); fprintf(wastl,"%d %d %1.9f ubox\n", pl1->i, pl1->j, tmp); } /* print boxes in lower left half (mfe) */ for (pl1=mf; pl1->i>0; pl1++) { tmp = sqrt(pl1->p); fprintf(wastl,"%d %d %1.7f lbox\n", pl1->i, pl1->j, tmp); } fprintf(wastl,"showpage\n" "end\n" "%%%%EOF\n"); fclose(wastl); return 1; /* success */ } const char *RNAdp_prolog_turn = "/drawseq_turn {" "% print sequence at bottom\n" " gsave\n" " len 2 sqrt div dup neg 0.28 add exch 0.78 sub translate\n" " 0 1 len 1 sub {\n" " dup dup 2 sqrt mul 0 moveto\n" " sequence exch 1 getinterval\n" " show\n" " } for\n" " grestore\n" "} bind def\n" "/drawgrid_turn{\n" " 0.01 setlinewidth\n" " len log 0.9 sub cvi 10 exch exp % grid spacing\n" " dup 1 gt {\n" " dup dup 20 div dup 2 array astore exch 40 div setdash\n" " } { [0.3 0.7] 0.1 setdash } ifelse\n" " 0 exch len { %for (0, gridspacing, len) \n" " dup dup %duplicate what - gridspacing??\n" " dup len exch sub moveto %moveto diagonal?\n" " dup winSize gt\n" " {dup dup len exch sub winSize add lineto}\n" " {dup len lineto}ifelse\n" " dup len exch sub moveto %moveto diagonal?\n" " dup len winSize sub le\n" " {dup dup len exch sub dup winSize exch sub len add exch lineto}\n" " {dup dup len exch sub len exch lineto}ifelse" " stroke pop pop\n" " } for\n" " len log 0.9 sub cvi 10 exch exp % grid spacing\n" " dup 1 gt {\n" " dup dup 20 div dup 2 array astore exch 40 div setdash\n" " } { [0.3 0.7] 0.1 setdash } ifelse\n" " 0 exch len { %for (0, gridspacing, len) \n" " dup dup %duplicate what - gridspacing??\n" " dup len exch sub moveto %moveto diagonal?\n" " len exch sub 0.7 sub exch 0.7 sub exch lineto\n" " stroke\n" " }for\n" " winSize len moveto len winSize lineto stroke\n" " [] 0 setdash\n" " 0.04 setlinewidth \n" " currentdict /cutpoint known {\n" " cutpoint 1 sub\n" " dup dup -1 moveto len 1 add lineto\n" " len exch sub dup\n" " -1 exch moveto len 1 add exch lineto\n" " stroke\n" " } if\n" " 0.5 neg dup translate\n" "} bind def \n\n"; int PS_color_dot_plot_turn(char *seq, cpair *pi, char *wastlfile, int winSize) { /* produce color PostScript dot plot from cpair */ FILE *wastl; int i, length; length= strlen(seq); wastl = PS_dot_common(seq, wastlfile, NULL, winSize); if (wastl==NULL) return 0; /* return 0 for failure */ fprintf(wastl, "/hsb {\n" "dup 0.3 mul 1 exch sub sethsbcolor\n" "} bind def\n\n" "%%BEGIN DATA\n"); /* print boxes */ i=0; while (pi[i].j>0) { fprintf(wastl,"%1.2f %1.2f hsb %d %d %1.6f ubox\n", pi[i].hue, pi[i].sat, pi[i].i, pi[i].j, sqrt(pi[i].p));/*sqrt??*/ if (pi[i].mfe) fprintf(wastl,"%1.2f %1.2f hsb %d %d %1.4f lbox\n", pi[i].hue, pi[i].sat, pi[i].i, pi[i].j, pi[i].p); i++; } fprintf(wastl,"showpage\n" "end\n" "%%%%EOF\n"); fclose(wastl); return 1; /* success */ } int PS_dot_plot_turn(char *seq, struct plist *pl, char *wastlfile, int winSize) { /* produce color PostScript dot plot from cpair */ FILE *wastl; int i, length; length= strlen(seq); wastl = PS_dot_common(seq, wastlfile, NULL, winSize); if (wastl==NULL) return 0; /* return 0 for failure */ /* print boxes */ i=0; while (pl[i].j>0) { fprintf(wastl,"%d %d %1.4f ubox\n", pl[i].i, pl[i].j, sqrt(pl[i].p)); i++; } fprintf(wastl,"showpage\n" "end\n" "%%%%EOF\n"); fclose(wastl); return 1; /* success */ } static FILE * PS_dot_common(char *seq, char *wastlfile, char *comment, int winsize) { /* write PS header etc for all dot plot variants */ FILE *wastl; char name[31], *c; int i, length; length= strlen(seq); wastl = fopen(wastlfile,"w"); if (wastl==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s for dot plot\n", wastlfile); return NULL; /* return 0 for failure */ } strncpy(name, wastlfile, 30); if ((c=strrchr(name, '_'))!=0) *c='\0'; fprintf(wastl, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" "%%%%Title: RNA Dot Plot\n" "%%%%Creator: %s, ViennaRNA-%s\n" "%%%%CreationDate: %s", rcsid+5, VERSION, time_stamp()); if (winsize>0) fprintf(wastl, "%%%%BoundingBox: 66 530 520 650\n"); else fprintf(wastl, "%%%%BoundingBox: 66 211 518 662\n"); fprintf(wastl, "%%%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica\n" "%%%%Pages: 1\n" "%%%%EndComments\n\n" "%%Options: %s\n", option_string()); if (comment) fprintf(wastl,"%% %s\n",comment); fprintf(wastl,"%s", RNAdp_prolog); fprintf(wastl,"DPdict begin\n" "%%delete next line to get rid of title\n" "270 665 moveto /Helvetica findfont 14 scalefont setfont " "(%s) show\n\n", name); fprintf(wastl,"/sequence { (\\\n"); for (i=0; i0) fprintf(wastl,"/winSize %d def\n",winsize); fprintf(wastl,"/len { sequence length } bind def\n\n"); if (cut_point>0) fprintf(wastl,"/cutpoint %d def\n\n", cut_point); if (winsize>0) fprintf(wastl,"292 416 translate\n" "72 6 mul len 1 add winSize add 2 sqrt mul div dup scale\n"); else fprintf(wastl,"72 216 translate\n" "72 6 mul len 1 add div dup scale\n"); fprintf(wastl, "/Helvetica findfont 0.95 scalefont setfont\n\n"); if (winsize>0) { fprintf(wastl, "%s", RNAdp_prolog_turn); fprintf(wastl,"0.5 dup translate\n" "drawseq_turn\n" "45 rotate\n" "drawgrid_turn\n"); } else fprintf(wastl,"drawseq\n" "0.5 dup translate\n" "%% draw diagonal\n" "0.04 setlinewidth\n" "0 len moveto len 0 lineto stroke \n\n" "drawgrid\n"); return(wastl); } #include "pair_mat.h" #include "aln_util.h" int PS_color_aln(const char *structure, const char *filename, const char *seqs[], const char *names[]) { /* produce PS sequence alignment color-annotated by consensus structure */ int N,i,j,k,x,y,tmp,columnWidth; char *tmpBuffer,*ssEscaped,*ruler, *cons; char c; float fontWidth, fontHeight, imageHeight, imageWidth,tmpColumns; int length, maxName, maxNum, currPos; float lineStep,blockStep,consStep,ssStep,rulerStep,nameStep,numberStep; float maxConsBar,startY,namesX,seqsX, currY; float score,barHeight,xx,yy; int match,block; FILE *outfile; short *pair_table; char * colorMatrix[6][3] = { {"0.0 1", "0.0 0.6", "0.0 0.2"}, /* red */ {"0.16 1","0.16 0.6", "0.16 0.2"}, /* ochre */ {"0.32 1","0.32 0.6", "0.32 0.2"}, /* turquoise */ {"0.48 1","0.48 0.6", "0.48 0.2"}, /* green */ {"0.65 1","0.65 0.6", "0.65 0.2"}, /* blue */ {"0.81 1","0.81 0.6", "0.81 0.2"} /* violet */ }; const char *alnPlotHeader = "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" "%%%%BoundingBox: %i %i %i %i\n" "%%%%EndComments\n" "%% draws Vienna RNA like colored boxes\n" "/box { %% x1 y1 x2 y2 hue saturation\n" " gsave\n" " dup 0.3 mul 1 exch sub sethsbcolor\n" " exch 3 index sub exch 2 index sub rectfill\n" " grestore\n" "} def\n" "%% draws a box in current color\n" "/box2 { %% x1 y1 x2 y2\n" " exch 3 index sub exch 2 index sub rectfill\n" "} def\n" "/string { %% (Text) x y\n" " 6 add\n" " moveto\n" " show\n" "} def\n" "0 %i translate\n" "1 -1 scale\n" "/Courier findfont\n" "[10 0 0 -10 0 0] makefont setfont\n"; outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s - not doing alignment plot\n", filename); return 0; } columnWidth=60; /* Display long alignments in blocks of this size */ fontWidth=6; /* Font metrics */ fontHeight=6.5; lineStep=fontHeight+2; /* distance between lines */ blockStep=3.5*fontHeight; /* distance between blocks */ consStep=fontHeight*0.5; /* distance between alignment and conservation curve */ ssStep=2; /* distance between secondary structure line and sequences */ rulerStep=2; /* distance between sequences and ruler */ nameStep=3*fontWidth; /* distance between names and sequences */ numberStep=fontWidth; /* distance between sequeces and numbers */ maxConsBar=2.5*fontHeight; /* Height of conservation curve */ startY=2; /* "y origin" */ namesX=fontWidth; /* "x origin" */ /* Number of columns of the alignment */ length=strlen(seqs[0]); /* Allocate memory for various strings, length*2 is (more than) enough for all of them */ tmpBuffer = (char *) space((unsigned) length*2); ssEscaped=(char *) space((unsigned) length*2); ruler=(char *) space((unsigned) length*2); pair_table=make_pair_table(structure); /* Get length of longest name and count sequences in alignment*/ for (i=maxName=N=0; names[i] != NULL; i++) { N++; tmp=strlen(names[i]); if (tmp>maxName) maxName=tmp; } /* x-coord. where sequences start */ seqsX=namesX+maxName*fontWidth+nameStep; /* calculate number of digits of the alignment length */ snprintf(tmpBuffer,length, "%i",length); maxNum=strlen(tmpBuffer); /* Calculate bounding box */ tmpColumns=columnWidth; if (lengthi) { /* Repeat for open and closing position */ for (k=0;k<2;k++){ int pairings, nonpair, s, col; int ptype[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; char *color; col = (k==0)?i-1:j-1; block=ceil((float)(col+1)/columnWidth); xx=seqsX+(col-(block-1)*columnWidth)*fontWidth; /* Repeat for each sequence */ for (s=pairings=nonpair=0; s