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If you use these install instructions, please cite: Graham G.M. Alvare, Natalie K. Björklund, John Schellenberg, Richard Sparling, Brian Fristensky; Koala: Overlaying Local Gene Expression Data on BioCyc Pathway Diagrams

Install Koala

  1. Download Koala

  2. Run the installer

  3. If you get the following error while installing, re-install MySQL

  4. If you receive a prompt as such, enter your MySQL root password, or press Crtl-C and create a Koala account manually (NOTE: the default MySQL root password is blank - i.e. just press the return key)

  5. Enter your user account's password

  6. Fill out the SSL certificate information (you can fill these fields out any way you want, there are no restrictions or major consequences)

  7. Do not enter a challenge password or optional company name (press the return key for each)

  8. If you receive a prompt as such, enter your Pathway Tools installation HTDOCS directory path

  9. Open firefox and follow the screenshots below to verify the installation