Flowcell: A805CKABXX

Barcode lane statistics

Lane Sample ID Sample Ref Index Description Control Project Yield (Mbases) % PF # Reads % of raw clusters per lane % Perfect Index Reads % One Mismatch Reads (Index) % of >= Q30 Bases (PF) Mean Quality Score (PF)
1 unknown Undetermined Ignored clusters with unmatched barcodes for lane 1 N A805CKABXX 240 100.00 3,152,372 50.14 0.00 0.00 85.46 33.95
1 AR008 human ACTTGA Cypress Y Demo 231 100.00 3,036,416 48.30 100.00 0.00 86.85 34.40
1 PhiX phix TTAGGC Cypress Y Demo 7 100.00 98,208 1.56 100.00 0.00 89.55 35.22

Sample information


Recipe Operator Directory
101+7 CB /illumina/development/casava/Version_1_8_branch/bin/ValidationMultiplexed/Unaligned/Project_A805CKABXX/Sample_
AR008 101+7 CB /illumina/development/casava/Version_1_8_branch/bin/ValidationMultiplexed/Unaligned/Project_Demo/Sample_AR008
PhiX 101+7 CB /illumina/development/casava/Version_1_8_branch/bin/ValidationMultiplexed/Unaligned/Project_Demo/Sample_PhiX
