/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX OBO handling functions ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2010 Peter Rice ** @version 1.0 ** @modified May 5 pmr 2010 First AJAX version ** @modified Sep 8 2010 pmr Added query and reading functions ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" AjPTable oboDbMethods = NULL; static AjPStr oboinReadLine = NULL; /****************************************************************************** ** ** To Do: ** ** alt_id needs to become a stored ID somehow and resolve to the same list ** ** validate instance, annotation and formula stanzas ** ** do something (store) header tags ** ** more syntax validation where useful ** ** escape quotes somewhere - after processing the quoted string, ** return it escaped. ** ** validate number of times a term is found - ** count all possible terms and compare to the ** minima 0:may-be-absent 1:required ** maxima 0:unlimited 1:unique 2:pair-at-least ** ** Report all tags that have the obsolete value set ** ******************************************************************************/ #if 0 static const char *oboBuiltin[] = { "OBO:TYPE", "OBO:TERM", "OBO:TERM_OR_TYPE", "OBO:INSTANCE", "xsd:simpleType", "xsd:string", "xsd:integer", "xsd:decimal", "xsd:negativeInteger", "xsd:positiveInteger", "xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "xsd:nonPositiveInteger", "xsd:boolean", "xsd:date", NULL }; #endif static const char *oboStanza[] = { "Typedef", "Term", "Instance", "Annotation", /* new in 1.3 */ "Formula", /* new in 1.3 */ NULL }; enum tagtype { TAG_ANY, TAG_BOOL, TAG_QTEXT, TAG_DBX, TAG_QXREF, TAG_ID, TAG_NAME }; /* ** dbxrefs are comma-separated ids and possible "comment" ** need to parse by ',' with quotes honoured. ** watch out for \" within quotes - perhaps these should be escaped later? ** or just accept as [dbxref-list] */ /* ** should parse out trailing modifiers from any tag ** {name=value ...} */ /* should parse out any dbxref list from any tag? */ typedef struct OboSTagdef { const char* Tag; ajint Min; ajint Count; ajint Type; ajint Padding; const char* Obsolete; } OboOTagdef; static OboOTagdef oboTermTags[] = { {"id", TAG_ID, 1, 1, 0, NULL}, {"is_anonymous", TAG_BOOL, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"name", TAG_NAME, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, /* optional in 1.4 */ {"namespace", TAG_ANY, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"alt_id", TAG_ANY, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"def", TAG_DBX, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"comment", TAG_ANY, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"subset", TAG_QXREF, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"synonym", TAG_NAME, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"exact_synonym", TAG_NAME, 0, 0, 0, "synonym EXACT"}, {"narrow_synonym", TAG_NAME, 0, 0, 0, "synonym NARROW"}, {"broad_synonym", TAG_NAME, 0, 0, 0, "synonym BROAD"}, {"xref", TAG_ID, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"xref_analog", TAG_ID, 0, 0, 0, "xref"}, {"xref_unk", TAG_ID, 0, 0, 0, "xref"}, {"example", TAG_ANY, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"regex", TAG_ANY, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"seealso", TAG_ANY, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"is_a", TAG_ID, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"intersection_of", TAG_ANY, 0, 2, 0, NULL}, {"union_of", TAG_ANY, 0, 2, 0, NULL}, {"disjoint_from", TAG_ID, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"relationship", TAG_ANY, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {"is_obsolete", TAG_BOOL, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"replaced_by", TAG_ID, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /* for is_obsolete */ {"consider", TAG_ANY, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /* for is_obsolete */ {"use_term", TAG_ANY, 0, 0, 0, "consider"}, {"builtin", TAG_BOOL, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, {"created_by", TAG_ANY, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, /* new in 1.3 */ {"creation_date", TAG_ANY, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, /* new in 1.3 */ {"spec", TAG_ANY, 0, 1, 0, NULL}, /* EDAM only */ {NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL} }; static const char *oboTypedefTags[] = { "id", "is_anonymous", "name", "namespace", "alt_id", "def", "comment", "subset", "synonym", "exact_synonym", "narrow_synonym", "broad_synonym", "xref", "xref_analog", "xref_unk", "domain", "range", "is_anti_symmetric", "is_cyclic", "is_reflexive", "is_symmetric", "is_transitive", "is_a", "intersection_of", /* new in 1.3 */ "union_of", /* new in 1.3 */ "disjoint_from", /* new in 1.3 */ "inverse_of", "inverse_of_at_instance_level", /* new in 1.3 */ "transitive_over", "relationship", "is_obsolete", "replaced_by", /* for is_obsolete */ "consider", /* for is_obsolete */ "is_metadata_tag", "created_by", /* new in 1.3 */ "creation_date", /* new in 1.3 */ NULL }; #if 0 static const char *oboInstanceTags[] = { "id", "is_anonymous", "name", "namespace", "alt_id", "comment", "synonym", "xref", "instance_of", "property_value", "is_obsolete", /* for is_obsolete */ "replaced_by", /* for is_obsolete */ "consider", NULL }; static const char *oboAnnotationTags[] = /* new in 1.3 */ { "id", "is_anonymous", "name", "namespace", "alt_id", "comment", "subset", "synonym", "xref", "is_a", "created_by", "creation_date", "is_obsolete", "replaced_by", /* for is_obsolete */ "consider", /* for is_obsolete */ "subject", "relation", "is_negated", "object", "source", "assigned_by", "evidence", "secondary_taxon", /* order undefined in 1.3 draft */ NULL }; static const char *oboFormulaTags[] = /* new and undocumented in 1.3 */ { "id", "is_anonymous", "name", "namespace", "alt_id", "comment", "formula", NULL }; #endif /* #if 0 */ static const char *oboHeaderTags[] = { "format-version", "data-version", "version", "date", "saved-by", "auto-generated-by", "import", "subsetdef", "synonymtypedef", "default-namespace", "idspace", "default-relationship-id-prefix", "id-mapping", "remark", "treat-xrefs-as-equivalent", /* new in 1.3 */ "treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia", /* new in 1.3 */ "treat-xrefs-as-relationship", /* new in 1.3 */ "treat-xrefs-as-is_a", /* new in 1.3 */ "relax-unique-identifier-assumption-for-namespace", /* new in 1.3 */ "relax-unique-label-assumption-for-namespace", /* new in 1.3 */ "", NULL }; static AjBool oboinReadObo(AjPOboin thys, AjPObo obo); /* @datastatic OboPInFormat *************************************************** ** ** Obo input formats data structure ** ** @alias OboSInFormat ** @alias OboOInFormat ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Format name ** @attr Obo [const char*] Ontology term id from EDAM ** @attr Desc [const char*] Format description ** @attr Alias [AjBool] Name is an alias for an identical definition ** @attr Try [AjBool] If true, try for an unknown input. Duplicate names ** and read-anything formats are set false ** @attr Read [(AjBool*)] Input function, returns ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct OboSInFormat { const char *Name; const char *Obo; const char *Desc; AjBool Alias; AjBool Try; AjBool (*Read) (AjPOboin thys, AjPObo obo); } OboOInFormat; #define OboPInFormat OboOInFormat* static OboOInFormat oboinFormatDef[] = { /* "Name", "Description" */ /* Alias, Try, */ /* ReadFunction */ {"unknown", "0000000", "Unknown format", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, oboinReadObo}, /* alias for obo */ {"obo", "0002196", "OBO format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, oboinReadObo}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL} }; static ajuint oboErrorCount = 0; static void oboinWarn(const AjPFile obofile, ajuint linecnt, const AjPStr id, const char* fmt, ...); static void oboinDebug(const AjPFile obofile, ajuint linecnt, const char* fmt, ...); static AjBool oboDefine(AjPObo thys, AjPOboin oboin); static AjBool oboQueryMatch(const AjPQuery thys, const AjPObo obo); static AjBool oboinQryProcess(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo); static AjBool oboinRead(AjPOboin thys, AjPObo obo); static AjBool oboinformatFind(const AjPStr format, ajint* iformat); static AjBool oboinFormatSet(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo); static AjBool oboinListProcess(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo, const AjPStr listfile); static void oboinListNoComment(AjPStr* text); static void oboinQryRestore(AjPOboin oboin, const AjPQueryList node); static void oboinQrySave(AjPQueryList node, const AjPOboin oboin); static AjBool obolineParseDef(AjPObo obo, const AjPStr line); /* @filesection ajobo ******************************************************** ** ** @nam1rule aj Function belongs to the AJAX library. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @datasection [AjPOboin] Obo Input ****************************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating obo input objects ** ** @nam2rule Oboin Obo input objects ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Obo Input Constructors ******************************************** ** ** All constructors return a new obo input object by pointer. It ** is the responsibility of the user to first destroy any previous ** obo term input object. The target pointer does not need to be ** initialised to NULL, but it is good programming practice to do so ** anyway. ** ** @fdata [AjPOboin] ** ** @nam3rule New Constructor ** ** @valrule * [AjPOboin] Obo input object ** ** @fcategory new ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinNew *********************************************************** ** ** Creates a new obo input object. ** ** @return [AjPOboin] New obo input object. ** @category new [AjPOboin] Default constructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOboin ajOboinNew(void) { AjPOboin pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); pthis->Input = ajTextinNewDatatype(AJDATATYPE_OBO); pthis->OboData = NULL; return pthis; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== destructors ============================= */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section Obo Input Destructors **************************************** ** ** Destruction destroys all internal data structures and frees the ** memory allocated for the obo input object. ** ** @fdata [AjPOboin] ** ** @nam3rule Del Destructor ** ** @argrule Del pthis [AjPOboin*] Obo input ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinDel *********************************************************** ** ** Deletes an obo input object. ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPOboin*] Obo input ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPOboin] Default destructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinDel(AjPOboin* pthis) { AjPOboin thys; if(!pthis) return; thys = *pthis; if(!thys) return; ajDebug("ajOboinDel called qry:'%S'\n", thys->Input->Qry); ajTextinDel(&thys->Input); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* =========================== Modifiers ============================== */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section obo input modifiers ****************************************** ** ** These functions use the contents of an obo term input object and ** update them. ** ** @fdata [AjPOboin] ** ** @nam3rule Clear Clear all values ** @nam3rule Qry Reset using a query string ** @suffix C Character string input ** @suffix S String input ** ** @argrule * thys [AjPOboin] Obo input object ** @argrule C txt [const char*] Query text ** @argrule S str [const AjPStr] query string ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinClear ********************************************************* ** ** Clears an obo term input object back to "as new" condition, except ** for the query list which must be preserved. ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPOboin] obo term input ** @return [void] ** @category modify [AjPOboin] Resets ready for reuse. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinClear(AjPOboin thys) { ajDebug("ajOboinClear called\n"); if(!thys) return; ajTextinClear(thys->Input); thys->OboData = NULL; return; } /* @func ajOboinQryC *********************************************************** ** ** Resets an obo term input object using a new Universal ** obo term Address ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPOboin] obo term input object. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Query ** @return [void] ** @category modify [AjPOboin] Resets using a new query ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinQryC(AjPOboin thys, const char* txt) { ajOboinClear(thys); ajTextinQryC(thys->Input, txt); return; } /* @func ajOboinQryS ********************************************************** ** ** Resets an obo term input object using a new Universal ** obo term Address ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPOboin] obo term input object. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Query ** @return [void] ** @category modify [AjPOboin] Resets using a new query ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinQryS(AjPOboin thys, const AjPStr str) { ajOboinClear(thys); ajTextinQryS(thys->Input, str); return; } /* @section casts ************************************************************* ** ** Return values ** ** @fdata [AjPOboin] ** ** @nam3rule Get Get obo input stream values ** @nam4rule GetQry Get obo query ** @nam3rule Trace Write debugging output ** @suffix S Return as a string object ** ** @argrule * thys [const AjPOboin] Obo input object ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @valrule *S [const AjPStr] String value ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinGetQryS ******************************************************* ** ** Returns the query of an obo term input object ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPOboin] obo term input object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Query string ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajOboinGetQryS(const AjPOboin thys) { return ajTextinGetQryS(thys->Input); } /* @func ajOboinTrace ********************************************************* ** ** Debug calls to trace the data in an obo term input object. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPOboin] obo term input object. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinTrace(const AjPOboin thys) { ajDebug("obo term input trace\n"); ajDebug("====================\n\n"); ajTextinTrace(thys->Input); if(thys->OboData) ajDebug( " OboData: exists\n"); return; } /* @section obo term inputs ********************************************** ** ** These functions read the obo term provided by the first argument ** ** @fdata [AjPOboin] ** ** @nam3rule Read Read obo term(s) ** ** @argrule Read oboin [AjPOboin] Obo input object ** @argrule Read obo [AjPObo] Obo term ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] true on success ** ** @fcategory input ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinRead ********************************************************** ** ** If the file is not yet open, calls oboinQryProcess to convert the query into ** an open file stream. ** ** Uses oboinRead for the actual file reading. ** ** Returns the results in the AjPObo object. ** ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] obo term input definitions ** @param [w] obo [AjPObo] obo term returned. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @category input [AjPObo] Master obo term input, calls specific functions ** for file access type and obo term format. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajOboinRead(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPQueryList node = NULL; AjBool listdata = ajFalse; if(oboin->Input->Filebuff) { /* (a) if file still open, keep reading */ ajDebug("ajOboinRead: input file '%F' still there, try again at %Lu\n", oboin->Input->Filebuff->File, oboin->Input->Filebuff->Fpos); ret = oboinRead(oboin, obo); ajDebug("ajOboinRead: open buffer qry: '%S' returns: %B\n", oboin->Input->Qry, ret); } else { /* (b) if we have a list, try the next query in the list */ if(ajListGetLength(oboin->Input->List)) { listdata = ajTrue; ajListPop(oboin->Input->List, (void**) &node); ajDebug("++pop from list '%S'\n", node->Qry); ajOboinQryS(oboin, node->Qry); ajDebug("++SAVE OBOIN '%S' '%S' %d\n", oboin->Input->Qry, oboin->Input->Formatstr, oboin->Input->Format); oboinQryRestore(oboin, node); ajStrDel(&node->Qry); ajStrDel(&node->Formatstr); AJFREE(node); ajDebug("ajOboinRead: open list, try '%S'\n", oboin->Input->Qry); if(!oboinQryProcess(oboin, obo) && !ajListGetLength(oboin->Input->List)) return ajFalse; ret = oboinRead(oboin, obo); ajDebug("ajOboinRead: list qry: '%S' returns: %B\n", oboin->Input->Qry, ret); } else { ajDebug("ajOboinRead: no file yet - test query '%S'\n", oboin->Input->Qry); /* (c) Must be a query - decode it */ if(!oboinQryProcess(oboin, obo) && !ajListGetLength(oboin->Input->List)) return ajFalse; if(ajListGetLength(oboin->Input->List)) /* could be a new list */ listdata = ajTrue; ret = oboinRead(oboin, obo); ajDebug("ajOboinRead: new qry: '%S' returns: %B\n", oboin->Input->Qry, ret); } } /* Now read whatever we got */ while(!ret && ajListGetLength(oboin->Input->List)) { /* Failed, but we have a list still - keep trying it */ if(listdata) ajErr("Failed to read obo term '%S'", oboin->Input->Qry); listdata = ajTrue; ajListPop(oboin->Input->List,(void**) &node); ajDebug("++try again: pop from list '%S'\n", node->Qry); ajOboinQryS(oboin, node->Qry); ajDebug("++SAVE (AGAIN) OBOIN '%S' '%S' %d\n", oboin->Input->Qry, oboin->Input->Formatstr, oboin->Input->Format); oboinQryRestore(oboin, node); ajStrDel(&node->Qry); ajStrDel(&node->Formatstr); AJFREE(node); if(!oboinQryProcess(oboin, obo)) continue; ret = oboinRead(oboin, obo); ajDebug("ajOboinRead: list retry qry: '%S' returns: %B\n", oboin->Input->Qry, ret); } if(!ret) { if(listdata) ajErr("Failed to read obo term '%S'", oboin->Input->Qry); return ajFalse; } oboDefine(obo, oboin); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic oboinReadFmt *************************************************** ** ** Tests whether an obo term can be read using the specified format. ** Then tests whether the obo term matches obo term query criteria ** and checks any specified type. Applies upper and lower case. ** ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] obo term input object ** @param [w] obo [AjPObo] obo term object ** @param [r] format [ajuint] input format code ** @return [ajuint] 0 if successful. ** 1 if the query match failed. ** 2 if the obo term type failed ** 3 if it failed to read an obo term ** @@ ** This is the only function that calls the appropriate Read function ** oboinReadXxxxxx where Xxxxxxx is the supported obo term format. ** ** Some of the oboReadXxxxxx functions fail to reset the buffer correctly, ** which is a very serious problem when cycling through all of them to ** identify an unknown format. The extra ajFileBuffReset call at the end is ** intended to address this problem. The individual functions should still ** reset the buffer in case they are called from elsewhere. ** ******************************************************************************/ static ajuint oboinReadFmt(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo, ajuint format) { ajDebug("++oboinReadFmt format %d (%s) '%S'\n", format, oboinFormatDef[format].Name, oboin->Input->Qry); oboin->Input->Records = 0; /* Calling funclist oboinFormatDef() */ if(oboinFormatDef[format].Read(oboin, obo)) { ajDebug("oboinReadFmt success with format %d (%s) '%S'\n", format, oboinFormatDef[format].Name, obo->Name); oboin->Input->Format = format; ajStrAssignC(&oboin->Input->Formatstr, oboinFormatDef[format].Name); ajStrAssignC(&obo->Formatstr, oboinFormatDef[format].Name); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&obo->Db, oboin->Input->Db); ajStrAssignS(&obo->Filename, oboin->Input->Filename); if(oboQueryMatch(oboin->Input->Query, obo)) { /* ajOboinTrace(oboin); */ return FMT_OK; } ajDebug("query match failed, continuing ...\n"); ajOboClear(obo); return FMT_NOMATCH; } else { ajDebug("Testing input buffer: IsBuff: %B Eof: %B\n", ajFilebuffIsBuffered(oboin->Input->Filebuff), ajFilebuffIsEof(oboin->Input->Filebuff)); if (!ajFilebuffIsBuffered(oboin->Input->Filebuff) && ajFilebuffIsEof(oboin->Input->Filebuff)) return FMT_EOF; ajFilebuffResetStore(oboin->Input->Filebuff, oboin->Input->Text, &obo->TextPtr); ajDebug("Format %d (%s) failed, file buffer reset by oboinReadFmt\n", format, oboinFormatDef[format].Name); /* ajFilebuffTraceFull(oboin->Input->Filebuff, 10, 10);*/ } ajDebug("++oboinReadFmt failed - nothing read\n"); return FMT_FAIL; } /* @funcstatic oboinRead ****************************************************** ** ** Given data in a oboin structure, tries to read everything needed ** using the specified format or by trial and error. ** ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] obo term input object ** @param [w] obo [AjPObo] obo term object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboinRead(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo) { ajuint i; ajuint istat = 0; ajuint jstat = 0; AjPFilebuff buff = oboin->Input->Filebuff; /* AjBool regfile = ajFalse; */ AjBool ok; AjPTextAccess textaccess = oboin->Input->Query->TextAccess; AjPOboAccess oboaccess = oboin->Input->Query->Access; ajOboClear(obo); ajDebug("oboinRead: cleared\n"); if(oboin->Input->Single && oboin->Input->Count) { /* ** One obo term at a time is read. ** The first obo term was read by ACD ** for the following ones we need to reset the AjPOboin ** ** Single is set by the access method */ ajDebug("oboinRead: single access - count %d - call access" " routine again\n", oboin->Input->Count); /* Calling funclist oboinAccess() */ if(textaccess) { if(!textaccess->Access(oboin->Input)) { ajDebug("oboinRead: textaccess->Access(oboin->Input) " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; } } if(oboaccess) { if(!oboaccess->Access(oboin)) { ajDebug("oboinRead: oboaccess->Access(oboin) " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; } } buff = oboin->Input->Filebuff; } ajDebug("oboinRead: oboin format %d '%S'\n", oboin->Input->Format, oboin->Input->Formatstr); oboin->Input->Count++; if(!oboin->Input->Filebuff) return ajFalse; ok = ajFilebuffIsBuffered(oboin->Input->Filebuff); while(ok) { /* skip blank lines */ ok = ajBuffreadLine(oboin->Input->Filebuff, &oboinReadLine); if(!ajStrIsWhite(oboinReadLine)) { ajFilebuffClear(oboin->Input->Filebuff,1); break; } } if(!oboin->Input->Format) { /* no format specified, try all defaults */ /* regfile = ajFileIsFile(ajFilebuffGetFile(oboin->Input->Filebuff)); */ for(i = 1; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { if(!oboinFormatDef[i].Try) /* skip if Try is ajFalse */ continue; ajDebug("oboinRead:try format %d (%s)\n", i, oboinFormatDef[i].Name); istat = oboinReadFmt(oboin, obo, i); switch(istat) { case FMT_OK: ajDebug("++oboinRead OK, set format %d\n", oboin->Input->Format); oboDefine(obo, oboin); return ajTrue; case FMT_BADTYPE: ajDebug("oboinRead: (a1) oboinReadFmt stat == BADTYPE " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; case FMT_FAIL: ajDebug("oboinRead: (b1) oboinReadFmt stat == FAIL " "*failed*\n"); break; /* we can try next format */ case FMT_NOMATCH: ajDebug("oboinRead: (c1) oboinReadFmt stat==NOMATCH " "try again\n"); break; case FMT_EOF: ajDebug("oboinRead: (d1) oboinReadFmt stat == EOF " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; /* EOF and unbuffered */ case FMT_EMPTY: ajWarn("obo term '%S' has zero length, ignored", ajOboGetQryS(obo)); ajDebug("oboinRead: (e1) oboinReadFmt stat==EMPTY " "try again\n"); break; default: ajDebug("unknown code %d from oboinReadFmt\n", stat); } ajOboClear(obo); if(oboin->Input->Format) break; /* we read something */ /*ajFilebuffTrace(oboin->Input->Filebuff);*/ } if(!oboin->Input->Format) { /* all default formats failed, give up */ ajDebug("oboinRead:all default formats failed, give up\n"); return ajFalse; } ajDebug("++oboinRead set format %d\n", oboin->Input->Format); } else { /* one format specified */ ajDebug("oboinRead: one format specified\n"); ajFilebuffSetUnbuffered(oboin->Input->Filebuff); ajDebug("++oboinRead known format %d\n", oboin->Input->Format); istat = oboinReadFmt(oboin, obo, oboin->Input->Format); switch(istat) { case FMT_OK: oboDefine(obo, oboin); return ajTrue; case FMT_BADTYPE: ajDebug("oboinRead: (a2) oboinReadFmt stat == BADTYPE " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; case FMT_FAIL: ajDebug("oboinRead: (b2) oboinReadFmt stat == FAIL " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; case FMT_NOMATCH: ajDebug("oboinRead: (c2) oboinReadFmt stat == NOMATCH " "*try again*\n"); break; case FMT_EOF: ajDebug("oboinRead: (d2) oboinReadFmt stat == EOF " "*try again*\n"); if(oboin->Input->Records) ajErr("Error reading file '%F' with format '%s': " "end-of-file before end of data " "(read %u records)", ajFilebuffGetFile(oboin->Input->Filebuff), oboinFormatDef[oboin->Input->Format].Name, oboin->Input->Records); break; /* simply end-of-file */ case FMT_EMPTY: ajWarn("obo term '%S' has zero length, ignored", ajOboGetQryS(obo)); ajDebug("oboinRead: (e2) oboinReadFmt stat == EMPTY " "*try again*\n"); break; default: ajDebug("unknown code %d from oboinReadFmt\n", stat); } ajOboClear(obo); /* 1 : read, failed to match id/acc/query */ } /* failed - probably entry/accession query failed. Can we try again? */ ajDebug("oboinRead failed - try again with format %d '%s' code %d\n", oboin->Input->Format, oboinFormatDef[oboin->Input->Format].Name, istat); ajDebug("Search:%B Chunk:%B Data:%x ajFileBuffEmpty:%B\n", oboin->Input->Search, oboin->Input->ChunkEntries, oboin->Input->TextData, ajFilebuffIsEmpty(buff)); if(ajFilebuffIsEmpty(buff) && oboin->Input->ChunkEntries) { if(textaccess && !textaccess->Access(oboin->Input)) return ajFalse; else if(oboaccess && !oboaccess->Access(oboin)) return ajFalse; buff = oboin->Input->Filebuff; } /* need to check end-of-file to avoid repeats */ while(oboin->Input->Search && (oboin->Input->TextData || !ajFilebuffIsEmpty(buff))) { jstat = oboinReadFmt(oboin, obo, oboin->Input->Format); switch(jstat) { case FMT_OK: oboDefine(obo, oboin); return ajTrue; case FMT_BADTYPE: ajDebug("oboinRead: (a3) oboinReadFmt stat == BADTYPE " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; case FMT_FAIL: ajDebug("oboinRead: (b3) oboinReadFmt stat == FAIL " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; case FMT_NOMATCH: ajDebug("oboinRead: (c3) oboinReadFmt stat == NOMATCH " "*try again*\n"); break; case FMT_EOF: ajDebug("oboinRead: (d3) oboinReadFmt stat == EOF " "*failed*\n"); return ajFalse; /* we already tried again */ case FMT_EMPTY: if(istat != FMT_EMPTY) ajWarn("obo term '%S' has zero length, ignored", ajOboGetQryS(obo)); ajDebug("oboinRead: (e3) oboinReadFmt stat == EMPTY " "*try again*\n"); break; default: ajDebug("unknown code %d from oboinReadFmt\n", stat); } ajOboClear(obo); /* 1 : read, failed to match id/acc/query */ } if(oboin->Input->Format) ajDebug("oboinRead: *failed* to read obo term %S using format %s\n", oboin->Input->Qry, oboinFormatDef[oboin->Input->Format].Name); else ajDebug("oboinRead: *failed* to read obo term %S using any format\n", oboin->Input->Qry); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic oboinReadObo *************************************************** ** ** Given data in an obo structure, tries to read everything needed ** using the OBO format. ** ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] Obo input object ** @param [w] obo [AjPObo] Obo object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboinReadObo(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo) { AjPFilebuff buff; AjPFile obofile; ajlong fpos = 0; ajlong spos = 0; ajuint linecnt = 0; AjBool incomplete = ajFalse; AjBool isterm = ajFalse; AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr saveline = NULL; AjPStr rest = NULL; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr modifier = NULL; AjPStr comment = NULL; AjPObotag obotag = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajDebug("oboinReadObo\n"); ajOboClear(obo); buff = oboin->Input->Filebuff; obofile = ajFilebuffGetFile(buff); /* ajFilebuffTrace(buff); */ ok = ajBuffreadLine(buff, &oboinReadLine); while(ok && !ajStrPrefixC(oboinReadLine, "[Term]")) { ok = ajBuffreadLine(buff, &oboinReadLine); } if(!ok) return ajFalse; isterm = ajTrue; ajFilebuffClear(buff, 1); ok = ajBuffreadLinePosStore(buff, &oboinReadLine, &fpos, oboin->Input->Text, &obo->TextPtr); if(ok) ok = ajBuffreadLinePosStore(buff, &oboinReadLine, &fpos, oboin->Input->Text, &obo->TextPtr); while (ok) { ajStrTrimWhite(&oboinReadLine); if(!ajStrGetLen(oboinReadLine)) break; if(ajStrGetCharFirst(oboinReadLine) == '[') /* new stanza */ break; linecnt++; /* ajDebug("line %u:%S\n", linecnt, oboinReadLine);*/ ajObolineCutComment(&oboinReadLine, &comment); ajObolineEscape(&oboinReadLine); if((ajStrGetCharLast(oboinReadLine) == '\\') && (ajStrGetCharPos(oboinReadLine, -2) != '\\')) { incomplete = ajTrue; ajStrAppendS(&saveline, oboinReadLine); ok = ajBuffreadLinePosStore(buff, &oboinReadLine, &fpos, oboin->Input->Text, &obo->TextPtr); continue; } if(incomplete) /* continued line */ { ajStrAppendS(&saveline, oboinReadLine); ajStrAssignS(&oboinReadLine, saveline); ajStrAssignC(&saveline, ""); incomplete = ajFalse; } if (!ajStrGetLen(oboinReadLine)) /* empty line */ { if(!ajStrGetLen(comment)) break; ok = ajBuffreadLinePosStore(buff, &oboinReadLine, &fpos, oboin->Input->Text, &obo->TextPtr); continue; } /* normal name:value record */ if(ajObolineCutModifier(&oboinReadLine, &modifier)) oboinDebug(obofile, linecnt, "modifier found '%S'", modifier); /* parse name: value ! comment */ ajStrExtractWord(oboinReadLine, &rest, &token); if(!ajStrGetLen(rest)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "missing value for tag '%S' in Term '%S'", token, obo->Id); ajStrAssignS(&name, token); if(ajStrGetCharLast(name) != ':') oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "bad name '%S'", token); ajStrCutEnd(&name, 1); obotag = ajObotagNewData(name, rest, modifier, comment, linecnt); if(ajStrMatchC(name, "id")) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obo->Id)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); ajStrAssignS(&obo->Fullid, obotag->Value); spos = ajStrFindlastK(obotag->Value, ':'); if(spos < 0) ajStrAssignS(&obo->Id, obotag->Value); else ajStrAssignSubS(&obo->Id, obotag->Value, spos+1, -1); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "name")) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obo->Name)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); ajStrAssignS(&obo->Name, obotag->Value); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "synonym")) { ajListPushAppend(obo->Taglist, obotag); obotag = NULL; } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "namespace")) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obo->Namespace)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); ajStrAssignS(&obo->Namespace, obotag->Value); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "def")) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obo->Def)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); ajStrAssignS(&obo->Def, obotag->Value); obolineParseDef(obo, obotag->Value); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "comment")) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obo->Comment)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); ajStrAssignS(&obo->Comment, obotag->Value); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "is_obsolete")) { if(obo->Obsolete) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); if(ajStrPrefixC(obotag->Value, "true")) obo->Obsolete = ajTrue; else if(ajStrPrefixC(obotag->Value, "false")) obo->Obsolete = ajFalse; else oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Bad value '%S' boolean tag for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); ajListPushAppend(obo->Taglist, obotag); obotag = NULL; } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "builtin")) { if(obo->Obsolete) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); if(ajStrPrefixC(obotag->Value, "true")) obo->Builtin = ajTrue; else if(ajStrPrefixC(obotag->Value, "false")) obo->Builtin = ajFalse; else oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Bad value '%S' boolean tag for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); ajListPushAppend(obo->Taglist, obotag); obotag = NULL; } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "replaced_by")) { /* if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obo->Replaced)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, obo->Id); */ ajStrAssignS(&obo->Replaced, obotag->Value); ajListPushAppend(obo->Taglist, obotag); obotag = NULL; } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "consider")) { ajStrAssignS(&obo->Replaced, obotag->Value); ajListPushAppend(obo->Taglist, obotag); obotag = NULL; } else { ajListPushAppend(obo->Taglist, obotag); obotag = NULL; } ajObotagDel(&obotag); ok = ajBuffreadLinePosStore(buff, &oboinReadLine, &fpos, oboin->Input->Text, &obo->TextPtr); } if(!isterm) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, obo->Id, "Bad OBO term '%S' '%S'", name, obo->Id); return ajFalse; } /* ajDebug("First line: %S\n", oboinReadLine); */ if(ok) ajFilebuffClearStore(buff, 1, oboinReadLine, oboin->Input->Text, &obo->TextPtr); else ajFilebuffClear(buff, 0); ajStrDel(&token); ajStrDel(&rest); ajStrDel(&saveline); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&modifier); ajStrDel(&comment); return ajTrue; } /* @datasection [AjPOboall] Obo Input Stream ********************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating obo input stream objects ** ** @nam2rule Oboall Obo input stream objects ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Obo Input Constructors ******************************************** ** ** All constructors return a new obo input stream object by pointer. It ** is the responsibility of the user to first destroy any previous ** obo term input object. The target pointer does not need to be ** initialised to NULL, but it is good programming practice to do so ** anyway. ** ** @fdata [AjPOboall] ** ** @nam3rule New Constructor ** ** @valrule * [AjPOboall] Obo input stream object ** ** @fcategory new ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboallNew *********************************************************** ** ** Creates a new obo input stream object. ** ** @return [AjPOboall] New obo input stream object. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOboall ajOboallNew(void) { AjPOboall pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); pthis->Oboin = ajOboinNew(); pthis->Obo = ajOboNew(); return pthis; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== destructors ============================= */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section OBO Input Stream Destructors ************************************** ** ** Destruction destroys all internal data structures and frees the ** memory allocated for the obo input stream object. ** ** @fdata [AjPOboall] ** ** @nam3rule Del Destructor ** ** @argrule Del pthis [AjPOboall*] Obo input stream ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboallDel *********************************************************** ** ** Deletes an obo input stream object. ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPOboall*] Obo input stream ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboallDel(AjPOboall* pthis) { AjPOboall thys; if(!pthis) return; thys = *pthis; if(!thys) return; ajOboinDel(&thys->Oboin); if(!thys->Returned) ajOboDel(&thys->Obo); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* =========================== Modifiers ============================== */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section obo input stream modifiers **************************************** ** ** These functions use the contents of an obo term input stream object and ** update them. ** ** @fdata [AjPOboall] ** ** @nam3rule Clear Clear all values ** ** @argrule * thys [AjPOboall] Obo input stream object ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboallClear ******************************************************** ** ** Clears an obo term input stream object back to "as new" condition, except ** for the query list which must be preserved. ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPOboall] obo term input stream ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboallClear(AjPOboall thys) { ajDebug("ajOboallClear called\n"); if(!thys) return; ajOboinClear(thys->Oboin); ajOboClear(thys->Obo); thys->Returned = ajFalse; return; } /* @section obo input stream casts ******************************************** ** ** These functions return the contents of an obo term input stream object ** ** @fdata [AjPOboall] ** ** @nam3rule Get Get obo input stream values ** @nam3rule Getobo Get obo term values ** @nam4rule GetoboId Get obo term identifier ** @nam4rule GetQry Get obo query ** @suffix S Return as a string object ** ** @argrule * thys [const AjPOboall] Obo input stream object ** ** @valrule * [const AjPStr] String value ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboallGetQryS ****************************************************** ** ** Returns the query of an input stream ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPOboall] obo term input stream ** @return [const AjPStr] Identifier ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajOboallGetQryS(const AjPOboall thys) { if(!thys) return NULL; ajDebug("ajOboallGetQryS called\n"); return ajOboinGetQryS(thys->Oboin); } /* @func ajOboallGetoboId ***************************************************** ** ** Returns the identifier of the current obo term in an input stream ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPOboall] obo term input stream ** @return [const AjPStr] Identifier ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajOboallGetoboId(const AjPOboall thys) { if(!thys) return NULL; ajDebug("ajOboallGetoboId called\n"); return ajOboGetId(thys->Obo); } /* @section obo input ********************************************************* ** ** These functions use an obo term input stream object to read data ** ** @fdata [AjPOboall] ** ** @nam3rule Next Read next obo term ** ** @argrule * thys [AjPOboall] Obo input stream object ** @argrule * Pobo [AjPObo*] Obo term object ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory use ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboallNext ********************************************************* ** ** Parse an OBO query into format, access, file and entry ** ** Split at delimiters. Check for the first part as a valid format ** Check for the remaining first part as a database name or as a file ** that can be opened. ** Anything left is an entryname spec. ** ** Return the results in the AjPObo object but leave the file open for ** future calls. ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPOboall] Obo term input stream ** @param [u] Pobo [AjPObo*] Obo term returned ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajOboallNext(AjPOboall thys, AjPObo *Pobo) { if(!thys->Count) { thys->Count = 1; thys->Totterms++; *Pobo = thys->Obo; thys->Returned = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(ajOboinRead(thys->Oboin, thys->Obo)) { thys->Count++; thys->Totterms++; *Pobo = thys->Obo; thys->Returned = ajTrue; ajDebug("ajOboallNext success\n"); return ajTrue; } *Pobo = NULL; ajDebug("ajOboallNext failed\n"); ajOboallClear(thys); return ajFalse; } /* @datasection [none] Input formats ****************************************** ** ** Input formats internals ** ** @nam2rule Oboinformat Obo term input format specific ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section cast ************************************************************** ** ** Values for input formats ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Find Return index to named format ** @nam3rule Term Test format EDAM term ** @nam3rule Test Test format value ** ** @argrule Find format [const AjPStr] Format name ** @argrule Term term [const AjPStr] Format EDAM term ** @argrule Test format [const AjPStr] Format name ** @argrule Find iformat [ajint*] Index matching format name ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True if found ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @funcstatic oboinformatFind ************************************************ ** ** Looks for the specified format(s) in the internal definitions and ** returns the index. ** ** Sets iformat as the recognised format, and returns ajTrue. ** ** @param [r] format [const AjPStr] Format required. ** @param [w] iformat [ajint*] Index ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboinformatFind(const AjPStr format, ajint* iformat) { AjPStr tmpformat = NULL; ajuint i = 0; /* ajDebug("oboinformatFind '%S'\n", format); */ if(!ajStrGetLen(format)) return ajFalse; ajStrAssignS(&tmpformat, format); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpformat); for(i=0; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { /* ajDebug("test %d '%s' \n", i, oboinFormatDef[i].Name); */ if(ajStrMatchCaseC(tmpformat, oboinFormatDef[i].Name)) { *iformat = i; ajStrDel(&tmpformat); /* ajDebug("found '%s' at %d\n", oboinFormatDef[i].Name, i); */ return ajTrue; } } ajErr("Unknown input format '%S'", format); ajStrDel(&tmpformat); return ajFalse; } /* @func ajOboinformatTerm **************************************************** ** ** tests whether an OBO input format term is known ** ** @param [r] term [const AjPStr] Format term EDAM ID ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if term was accepted ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajOboinformatTerm(const AjPStr term) { ajuint i; for(i=0; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) if(ajStrMatchCaseC(term, oboinFormatDef[i].Obo)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajOboinformatTest **************************************************** ** ** tests whether a named OBO input format is known ** ** @param [r] format [const AjPStr] Format ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if format was accepted ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajOboinformatTest(const AjPStr format) { ajuint i; for(i=0; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) if(ajStrMatchCaseC(format, oboinFormatDef[i].Name)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @datasection [AjPStr] Query string ***************************************** ** ** Query string processing ** ** @nam2rule Oboqry Query handling for obo terms ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Casts ************************************************************* ** ** returns attributes of a query string ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** ** @nam3rule Get Return a value ** @nam4rule Obo return matching obo term ** ** @argrule Get qry [const AjPStr] Query string ** @argrule Base Pbaseqry [AjPStr*] Base part of query ** @argrule Obo obo [AjPObo] Obo term with values updated ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboqryGetObo ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an obo term given a query ** ** @param [r] qry [const AjPStr] Query ** @param [u] obo [AjPObo] obo term ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajOboqryGetObo(const AjPStr qry, AjPObo obo) { AjPOboin oboin; AjBool ok; oboin = ajOboinNew(); ajOboinQryS(oboin, qry); ok = ajOboinRead(oboin, obo); ajOboinDel(&oboin); if(!ok) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic oboinQryProcess ************************************************ ** ** Converts an obo query into an open file. ** ** Tests for "format::" and sets this if it is found ** ** Then tests for "list:" or "@" and processes as a list file ** using oboinListProcess which in turn invokes oboinQryProcess ** until a valid query is found. ** ** Then tests for dbname:query and opens the file (at the correct position ** if the database definition defines it) ** ** If there is no database, looks for file:query and opens the file. ** In this case the file position is not known and obo term reading ** will have to scan for the entry/entries we need. ** ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] obo term input structure. ** @param [u] obo [AjPObo] obo term to be read. The format will be replaced ** if defined in the query string. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboinQryProcess(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; AjPStr qrystr = NULL; AjBool obomethod = ajFalse; const AjPStr fmtstr = NULL; AjPTextin textin; AjPQuery qry; AjPOboAccess oboaccess = NULL; textin = oboin->Input; qry = textin->Query; /* pick up the original query string */ qrystr = ajStrNewS(textin->Qry); ajDebug("oboinQryProcess '%S'\n", qrystr); /* look for a format:: prefix */ fmtstr = ajQuerystrParseFormat(&qrystr, textin, oboinformatFind); ajDebug("oboinQryProcess ... fmtstr '%S' '%S'\n", fmtstr, qrystr); /* (seq/feat) DO NOT look for a [range] suffix */ /* look for a list:: or @:: listfile of queries - process and return */ if(ajQuerystrParseListfile(&qrystr)) { ajDebug("oboinQryProcess ... listfile '%S'\n", qrystr); ret = oboinListProcess(oboin, obo, qrystr); ajStrDel(&qrystr); return ret; } /* try general text access methods (file, asis, text database access */ ajDebug("oboinQryProcess ... no listfile '%S'\n", qrystr); if(!ajQuerystrParseRead(&qrystr, textin, oboinformatFind, &obomethod)) { ajStrDel(&qrystr); return ajFalse; } oboinFormatSet(oboin, obo); ajDebug("oboinQryProcess ... read nontext: %B '%S'\n", obomethod, qrystr); ajStrDel(&qrystr); /* we found a non-text method */ if(obomethod) { ajDebug("oboinQryProcess ... call method '%S'\n", qry->Method); ajDebug("oboinQryProcess ... textin format %d '%S'\n", textin->Format, textin->Formatstr); ajDebug("oboinQryProcess ... query format '%S'\n", qry->Formatstr); qry->Access = ajCallTableGetS(oboDbMethods,qry->Method); oboaccess = qry->Access; return oboaccess->Access(oboin); } ajDebug("oboinQryProcess text method '%S' success\n", qry->Method); return ajTrue; } /* @datasection [AjPList] Query field list ************************************ ** ** Query fields lists are handled internally. Only static functions ** should appear here ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @funcstatic oboinListProcess *********************************************** ** ** Processes a file of queries. ** This function is called by, and calls, oboinQryProcess. There is ** a depth check to avoid infinite loops, for example where a list file ** refers to itself. ** ** This function produces a list (AjPList) of queries with all list references ** expanded into lists of queries. ** ** Because queries in a list can have their own format ** the prior settings are stored with each query in the list node so that they ** can be restored after. ** ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] obo term input ** @param [u] obo [AjPObo] obo term ** @param [r] listfile [const AjPStr] Name of list file., ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboinListProcess(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo, const AjPStr listfile) { AjPList list = NULL; AjPFile file = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStrTok handle = NULL; AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPQueryList node = NULL; static ajint depth = 0; static ajint MAXDEPTH = 16; depth++; ajDebug("++oboListProcess %S depth %d\n", listfile, depth); if(depth > MAXDEPTH) ajFatal("Query list too deep"); if(!oboin->Input->List) oboin->Input->List = ajListNew(); list = ajListNew(); file = ajFileNewInNameS(listfile); if(!file) { ajErr("Failed to open list file '%S'", listfile); depth--; return ret; } while(ajReadlineTrim(file, &oboinReadLine)) { oboinListNoComment(&oboinReadLine); if(ajStrGetLen(oboinReadLine)) { ajStrTokenAssignC(&handle, oboinReadLine, " \t\n\r"); ajStrTokenNextParse(&handle, &token); /* ajDebug("Line '%S'\n");*/ /* ajDebug("token '%S'\n", oboinReadLine, token); */ if(ajStrGetLen(token)) { ajDebug("++Add to list: '%S'\n", token); AJNEW0(node); ajStrAssignS(&node->Qry, token); oboinQrySave(node, oboin); ajListPushAppend(list, node); } ajStrDel(&token); token = NULL; } } ajFileClose(&file); ajStrDel(&token); /* ajDebug("Trace oboin->Input->List\n"); ajQuerylistTrace(oboin->Input->List); ajDebug("Trace new list\n"); ajQuerylistTrace(list); */ ajListPushlist(oboin->Input->List, &list); ajDebug("Trace combined oboin->Input->List\n"); ajQuerylistTrace(oboin->Input->List); /* ** now try the first item on the list ** this can descend recursively if it is also a list ** which is why we check the depth above */ if(ajListPop(oboin->Input->List, (void**) &node)) { ajDebug("++pop first item '%S'\n", node->Qry); ajOboinQryS(oboin, node->Qry); oboinQryRestore(oboin, node); ajStrDel(&node->Qry); ajStrDel(&node->Formatstr); AJFREE(node); ajDebug("descending with query '%S'\n", oboin->Input->Qry); ret = oboinQryProcess(oboin, obo); } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); depth--; ajDebug("++oboListProcess depth: %d returns: %B\n", depth, ret); return ret; } /* @funcstatic oboinListNoComment ********************************************* ** ** Strips comments from a character string (a line from an ACD file). ** Comments are blank lines or any text following a "#" character. ** ** @param [u] text [AjPStr*] Line of text from input file. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void oboinListNoComment(AjPStr* text) { ajuint i; char *cp; i = ajStrGetLen(*text); if(!i) /* empty string */ return; MAJSTRGETUNIQUESTR(text); cp = strchr(ajStrGetPtr(*text), '#'); if(cp) { /* comment found */ *cp = '\0'; ajStrSetValid(text); } return; } /* @funcstatic oboinFormatSet ************************************************* ** ** Sets the input format for an obo term using the obo term input object's ** defined format, or a default from variable 'EMBOSS_FORMAT'. ** ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] obo term input. ** @param [u] obo [AjPObo] obo term. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboinFormatSet(AjPOboin oboin, AjPObo obo) { if(ajStrGetLen(oboin->Input->Formatstr)) { ajDebug("... input format value '%S'\n", oboin->Input->Formatstr); if(oboinformatFind(oboin->Input->Formatstr, &oboin->Input->Format)) { ajStrAssignS(&obo->Formatstr, oboin->Input->Formatstr); obo->Format = oboin->Input->Format; ajDebug("...format OK '%S' = %d\n", oboin->Input->Formatstr, oboin->Input->Format); } else ajDebug("...format unknown '%S'\n", oboin->Input->Formatstr); return ajTrue; } else ajDebug("...input format not set\n"); return ajFalse; } /* @datasection [AjPQuery] Obo query objects ******************************* ** ** Obo query object functions ** ** @nam2rule Oboquery ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Query Casts *************************************************** ** ** These functions examine the contents of query object ** and return some derived information. Some of them provide access to ** the internal components of a query object. They are ** provided for programming convenience but should be used with ** caution. ** ** @fdata [AjPQuery] ** ** @nam3rule Getall Return all values ** @nam4rule Obofields Return a set of standard obo query fields ** ** @suffix C Character string input ** ** @argrule * query [const AjPQuery] Query object ** ** @argrule Obofields id [const AjPStr*] Id query ** @argrule Obofields acc [const AjPStr*] Alt id query ** @argrule Obofields nam [const AjPStr*] Name query ** @argrule Obofields des [const AjPStr*] Description query ** @argrule Obofields up [const AjPStr*] Parent query ** @argrule Obofields space [const AjPStr*] Namespace query ** ** @valrule *Obofields [ajuint] Number of fields found ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboqueryGetallObofields ******************************************** ** ** Returns the standard obo query string from a query ** ** @param [r] query [const AjPQuery] Query ** @param [w] id [const AjPStr*] Id query ** @param [w] acc [const AjPStr*] Accession query ** @param [w] nam [const AjPStr*] Name query ** @param [w] des [const AjPStr*] Description query ** @param [w] up [const AjPStr*] Parent query ** @param [w] space [const AjPStr*] Namespace query ** @return [ajuint] Number of fields found ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajOboqueryGetallObofields(const AjPQuery query, const AjPStr *id, const AjPStr *acc, const AjPStr *nam, const AjPStr *des, const AjPStr *up, const AjPStr *space) { ajuint ret = 0; AjIList iter = NULL; AjPQueryField field = NULL; iter = ajListIterNewread(query->QueryFields); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { field = ajListIterGet(iter); ret++; if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "id")) *id = field->Wildquery; else if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "acc")) *acc = field->Wildquery; else if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "nam")) *nam = field->Wildquery; else if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "des")) *des = field->Wildquery; else if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "up")) *up = field->Wildquery; else if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "div")) *space = field->Wildquery; else ret--; } ajListIterDel(&iter); return ret; } /* @funcstatic oboQueryMatch ************************************************** ** ** Compares an obo term to a query and returns true if they match. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPQuery] query. ** @param [r] obo [const AjPObo] obo term. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the obo term matches the query. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboQueryMatch(const AjPQuery thys, const AjPObo obo) { AjBool tested = ajFalse; AjIList iter = NULL; AjIList iterfield = NULL; AjPQueryField field = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajDebug("oboQueryMatch '%S' fields: %u Case %B Done %B\n", obo->Name, ajListGetLength(thys->QueryFields), thys->CaseId, thys->QryDone); if(!thys) /* no query to test, that's fine */ return ajTrue; if(thys->QryDone) /* do we need to test here? */ return ajTrue; /* test the query field(s) */ iterfield = ajListIterNewread(thys->QueryFields); while(!ajListIterDone(iterfield)) { field = ajListIterGet(iterfield); ajDebug(" field: '%S' Query: '%S'\n", field->Field, field->Wildquery); if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "id")) { ajDebug(" id test: '%S'\n", obo->Id); if(thys->CaseId) { if(ajStrMatchWildS(obo->Id, field->Wildquery)) { ajListIterDel(&iterfield); return ajTrue; } } else { if(ajStrMatchWildCaseS(obo->Id, field->Wildquery)) { ajListIterDel(&iterfield); return ajTrue; } } ajDebug("id test failed\n"); tested = ajTrue; ok = ajFalse; } if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "nam")) /* test Sv and Gi */ { ajDebug(" nam test: '%S'\n", obo->Name); if(ajStrMatchWildCaseS(obo->Name, field->Wildquery)) { ajListIterDel(&iterfield); return ajTrue; } ajDebug("sv test failed\n"); tested = ajTrue; ok = ajFalse; } if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "acc")) /* test id, use trueid */ { if(ajStrMatchWildCaseS(obo->Id, field->Wildquery)) { ajListIterDel(&iterfield); return ajTrue; } } if(ajStrMatchC(field->Field, "des")) { ajDebug(" des test: '%S'\n", obo->Def); if(ajStrGetLen(obo->Def)) { /* description test - check the string */ ajDebug("... try description '%S' '%S'\n", obo->Def, field->Wildquery); if(ajStrMatchWildWordCaseS(obo->Def, field->Wildquery)) { ajListIterDel(&iterfield); return ajTrue; } tested = ajTrue; ajDebug("des test failed\n"); ajListIterDel(&iter); } else { ajDebug("des test failed - nothing to test\n"); ajListIterDel(&iterfield); return ajFalse; } } } ajListIterDel(&iterfield); if(!tested) /* nothing to test, so accept it anyway */ { ajDebug(" no tests: assume OK\n"); return ajTrue; } ajDebug("result: %B\n", ok); return ok; } /* @funcstatic oboDefine ****************************************************** ** ** Make sure all obo term object attributes are defined ** using values from the obo input object if needed ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPObo] Obo term returned. ** @param [u] oboin [AjPOboin] Obo term input definitions ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool oboDefine(AjPObo thys, AjPOboin oboin) { /* if values are missing in the OBO object, we can use defaults from oboin or calculate where possible */ /*ajDebug("oboDefine: thys->Db '%S', oboin->Db '%S'\n", thys->Db, oboin->Db);*/ /*ajDebug("oboDefine: thys->Name '%S' type: %S\n", thys->Name, thys->Type);*/ /*ajDebug("oboDefine: thys->Entryname '%S', oboin->Entryname '%S'\n", thys->Entryname, oboin->Entryname);*/ /* assign the dbname and entryname if defined in the oboin object */ if(ajStrGetLen(oboin->Input->Db)) ajStrAssignS(&thys->Db, oboin->Input->Db); /*ajDebug("oboDefine: returns thys->Name '%S' type: %S\n", thys->Name, thys->Type);*/ return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic oboinQryRestore ************************************************ ** ** Restores an obo input specification from an AjPQueryList node ** ** @param [w] oboin [AjPOboin] Obo input object ** @param [r] node [const AjPQueryList] Query list node ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void oboinQryRestore(AjPOboin oboin, const AjPQueryList node) { oboin->Input->Format = node->Format; ajStrAssignS(&oboin->Input->Formatstr, node->Formatstr); return; } /* @funcstatic oboinQrySave *************************************************** ** ** Saves an obo input specification in an OboPListQry node ** ** @param [w] node [AjPQueryList] Query list node ** @param [r] oboin [const AjPOboin] Obo input object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void oboinQrySave(AjPQueryList node, const AjPOboin oboin) { node->Format = oboin->Input->Format; ajStrAssignS(&node->Formatstr, oboin->Input->Formatstr); return; } /* @datasection [AjPOboData] Obo Data ***************************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating obo internal data objects ** ** @nam2rule Obodata Obo internal data ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section constructors ****************************************************** ** ** Constructors ** ** @fdata [AjPOboData] ** ** @nam3rule New Constructor ** @nam3rule Parse Read from a file ** @nam4rule Obofile Read from a file ** ** @argrule Obofile obofile [AjPFile] Input file ** @argrule Parse validations [const char*] Validation options to turn on/off ** ** @valrule * [AjPOboData] Obo data internals object ** ** @fcategory new ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajObodataNew ********************************************************* ** ** Obo data internals constructor ** ** @return [AjPOboData] New object ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOboData ajObodataNew(void) { AjPOboData ret; AJNEW0(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajObodataParseObofile ************************************************* ** ** Parse an OBO format file ** ** @param [u] obofile [AjPFile] OBO format input file ** @param [r] validations [const char*] Validations to turn on or off ** @return [AjPOboData] Ontology data object ******************************************************************************/ AjPOboData ajObodataParseObofile(AjPFile obofile, const char* validations) { AjPOboData ret; AjPList idprefixlist = NULL; ajuint linecnt = 0; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr saveline = NULL; AjBool isstanza = ajFalse; AjBool incomplete = ajFalse; AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr rest = NULL; AjPStr stanzatype = NULL; AjPStr laststanzatype = NULL; AjPStr id = NULL; AjPStr altid = NULL; AjPStr lastid = NULL; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr modifier = NULL; AjPStr comment = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajulong i; ajulong j; ajint icmp; ajlong icolon; AjBool found; AjBool isterm = AJFALSE; AjPObo term = NULL; AjPObo altterm = NULL; AjPObo oldterm = NULL; AjPList stanzalist = NULL; AjPList oldlist = NULL; AjPObotag obotag = NULL; ajuint ntypes = 0; AjPStr *typeids = NULL; AjPList *typetags = NULL; ajuint nterms = 0; AjPStr *termids = NULL; AjPObo *terms = NULL; AjIList iter = NULL; AjIList iterpref = NULL; ajulong s; ajlong k; AjPStr t; AjPList u; AjPObo uterm; ajulong jsave; ajuint jj; AjPStr idprefix = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr tmppref = NULL; AjPStrTok idsplit = NULL; AjPStrTok validsplit = NULL; AjPStr validstr = NULL; AjBool obovalid = ajTrue; AjBool obovalididorder = ajTrue; AjBool obovalididunk = ajTrue; AjPStr namekey = NULL; AjPStr namestr = NULL; AjPList namelist = NULL; ret = ajObodataNew(); namelist = ajListNew(); if(validations) { validstr = ajStrNewC(validations); ajStrTokenAssignC(&validsplit, validstr, ","); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(&validsplit, &tmpstr)) { if(ajStrMatchC(tmpstr, "none")) { obovalid = ajFalse; obovalididorder = ajFalse; obovalididunk = ajFalse; } else if(ajStrMatchC(tmpstr, "noidorder")) obovalididorder = ajFalse; else if(ajStrMatchC(tmpstr, "nounkid")) obovalididunk = ajFalse; else ajWarn("ajObodataParseObofile: unknown validation '%S'", tmpstr); } } ret->Termtable = ajTablestrNew(35000); ret->Termnametable = ajTablestrNew(35000); ret->Typedeftable = ajTablestrNew(1000); ret->Instancetable = ajTablestrNew(1000); idprefixlist = ajListstrNew(); while(ajReadlineTrim(obofile, &line)) { linecnt++; ajObolineCutComment(&line, &comment); ajObolineEscape(&line); if(ajStrGetLen(line) && isspace((int) ajStrGetCharLast(line))) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "trailing whitespace on line"); if((ajStrGetCharLast(line) == '\\') && (ajStrGetCharPos(line, -2) != '\\')) { incomplete = ajTrue; ajStrAppendS(&saveline, line); continue; } if(incomplete) /* continued line */ { ajStrAppendS(&saveline, line); ajStrAssignS(&line, saveline); ajStrAssignC(&saveline, ""); incomplete = ajFalse; } if (!ajStrGetLen(line)) /* empty line */ { continue; } else if(ajStrGetCharFirst(line) == '[') { if(!isstanza) { /* validate header */ isstanza = ajTrue; } else { if(stanzalist) { if(isterm) { ajListPushlist(term->Taglist, &stanzalist); oldterm = ajTablePut(ret->Termtable, id, term); if(oldterm) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Duplicate %S id '%S'", stanzatype, id); oldterm = NULL; } while(ajListGetLength(namelist)) { namekey = NULL; ajListstrPop(namelist, &namestr); if(ajStrGetLen(term->Namespace)) ajFmtPrintS(&namekey, "%S:%S", term->Namespace, namestr); else namekey = ajStrNewS(namestr); if(term->Obsolete) ajStrAppendC(&namekey, " (obsolete)"); oldterm = ajTablePut(ret->Termnametable, namekey, term); if(oldterm) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "%S Name/Synonym %S duplicates '%S'", term->Id, namekey, oldterm->Id); oldterm = NULL; } } } else { if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Typedef")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Typedeftable, id, stanzalist); else if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Instance")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Instancetable, id, stanzalist); else if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Annotation")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Annotable, id, stanzalist); else if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Formula")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Formulatable, id, stanzalist); else oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Misctable, id, stanzalist); if(oldlist) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Duplicate %S id '%S'", stanzatype, id); oldlist = NULL; } } } } id = NULL; stanzalist = ajListNew(); ajStrExtractWord(line, &rest, &token); if(ajStrGetLen(rest)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "unexpected characters in stanza line: '%S'", rest); if(ajStrGetCharLast(token) != ']') oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "unexpected characters in stanza type: '%S'", token); ajStrAssignS(&laststanzatype, stanzatype); ajStrAssignS(&stanzatype, token); ajStrCutEnd(&stanzatype,1); ajStrCutStart(&stanzatype,1); if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Term")) { isterm = ajTrue; term = ajOboNew(); } else isterm = ajFalse; if(ajStrGetLen(laststanzatype) && !ajStrMatchS(laststanzatype, stanzatype)) { ok = ajFalse; for(i=0; oboStanza[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(laststanzatype, oboStanza[i])) { for(j = i + 1; oboStanza[j]; j++) { if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, oboStanza[j])) { ok = ajTrue; break; } } break; } } if(!ok && obovalid) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "stanza '%S' after '%S'", stanzatype, laststanzatype); } ok = ajFalse; for(i=0;oboStanza[i];i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, oboStanza[i])) ok = ajTrue; } if(!ok) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "unknown stanza type '%S'", token); } else { if(ajObolineCutModifier(&line, &modifier)) ajDebug("%F %u: (%S) modifier found '%S'\n", obofile, linecnt, term->Id, modifier); /* parse name: value ! comment */ ajStrExtractWord(line, &rest, &token); if(!ajStrGetLen(rest)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "missing value for tag '%S' in %S '%S'", token, stanzatype, id); ajStrAssignS(&name, token); if(ajStrGetCharLast(name) != ':') oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "bad name '%S'", token); ajStrCutEnd(&name, 1); if(ajStrMatchC(name, "id")) { ajStrAssignS(&id, rest); icolon = ajStrFindAnyK(id, ':'); if(icolon > 0) { ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, id, 0, icolon); if(!ajStrMatchS(idprefix, tmpstr)) { iterpref = ajListIterNew(idprefixlist); found = ajFalse; while(!ajListIterDone(iterpref)) { tmppref = ajListstrIterGet(iterpref); if(ajStrMatchS(tmppref, tmpstr)) { found = ajTrue; break; } } ajListIterDel(&iterpref); if(!found) { ajStrAssignS(&idprefix, tmpstr); ajListstrPush(idprefixlist, tmpstr); tmpstr = NULL; } } } if(ajStrGetLen(lastid)) { if(ajStrMatchS(stanzatype, laststanzatype)) { icmp = MAJSTRCMPS(id, lastid); if(!icmp) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "duplicate of previous ID '%S'", id); else if(obovalididorder && (icmp < 0)) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "ID out of order '%S' after '%S", id, lastid); } } ajStrAssignS(&lastid, id); } if(isstanza) { obotag = ajObotagNewData(name, rest, modifier, comment, linecnt); ajListPushAppend(stanzalist, obotag); obotag = NULL; if(isterm) { if(ajStrMatchC(name, "id")) { if(term->Id) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); ajStrAssignS(&term->Id, rest); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "name")) { if(term->Name) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); ajStrAssignS(&term->Name, rest); namekey = ajStrNewS(rest); ajListstrPushAppend(namelist, namekey); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "synonym")) { if(ajStrGetCharFirst(rest) == '"') { i = ajStrFindlastK(rest, '"'); if(i > 1) { namekey = ajStrNewRes((size_t) i); ajStrAssignSubS(&namekey, rest, 1, (ajlong) i-1); ajListstrPushAppend(namelist, namekey); } } } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "namespace")) { if(term->Namespace) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); ajStrAssignS(&term->Namespace, rest); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "def")) { if(term->Def) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); ajStrAssignS(&term->Def, rest); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "comment")) { if(term->Comment) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); ajStrAssignS(&term->Comment, rest); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "is_obsolete")) { if(term->Obsolete) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); if(ajStrPrefixC(rest, "true")) term->Obsolete = ajTrue; else if(ajStrPrefixC(rest, "false")) term->Obsolete = ajFalse; else oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Bad value '%S' boolean tag for ID '%S'", name, id); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "replaced_by")) { if(term->Replaced) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); ajStrAssignS(&term->Replaced, rest); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "consider")) { ajStrAssignS(&term->Replaced, rest); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "builtin")) { if(term->Obsolete) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Multiple '%S' tags for ID '%S'", name, id); if(ajStrPrefixC(rest, "true")) term->Builtin = ajTrue; else if(ajStrPrefixC(rest, "false")) term->Builtin = ajFalse; else oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Bad value '%S' boolean tag for ID '%S'", name, id); } else if(ajStrMatchC(name, "alt_id")) { altterm = ajOboNew(); ajStrAssignS(&altterm->Id, rest); ajStrAssignS(&altterm->Trueid, id); altid = ajStrNewS(rest); oldterm = ajTablePut(ret->Termtable, altid, altterm); altid = NULL; if(oldterm) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Duplicate %S alt_id '%S'", stanzatype, id); oldterm = NULL; } } } } else /* processing header tags */ { ok = ajFalse; for(i=0;oboHeaderTags[i];i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(name, oboHeaderTags[i])) { ok = ajTrue; break; } } if(!ok) oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "unknown header name '%S'", token); } ajStrTrimWhite(&rest); } } if(stanzalist) { if(isterm) { if(!term->Obsolete) { ajListPushlist(term->Taglist, &stanzalist); oldterm = ajTablePut(ret->Termtable, id, term); if(oldterm) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Duplicate %S id '%S'", stanzatype, id); ajOboDel(&oldterm); } while(ajListGetLength(namelist)) { namekey = NULL; ajListstrPop(namelist, &namestr); if(ajStrGetLen(term->Namespace)) ajFmtPrintS(&namekey, "%S:%S", term->Namespace, namestr); else namekey = ajStrNewS(namestr); if(term->Obsolete) ajStrAppendC(&namekey, " (obsolete)"); oldterm = ajTablePut(ret->Termnametable, namekey, term); if(oldterm) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "%S Name/Synonym %S duplicates '%S'", term->Id, namekey, oldterm->Id); oldterm = NULL; } } term = NULL; } } else { if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Typedef")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Typedeftable, id, stanzalist); else if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Instance")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Instancetable, id, stanzalist); else if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Annotation")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Annotable, id, stanzalist); else if(ajStrMatchC(stanzatype, "Formula")) oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Formulatable, id, stanzalist); else oldlist = ajTablePut(ret->Misctable, id, stanzalist); if(oldlist) { oboinWarn(obofile, linecnt, term->Id, "Duplicate %S id '%S'", stanzatype, id); oldlist = NULL; } } } id = NULL; stanzalist = ajListNew(); ajDebug("typedefs:%u terms:%u instances:%u annotations:%u formulas:%u " "other:%u\n", ajTableGetLength(ret->Typedeftable), ajTableGetLength(ret->Termtable), ajTableGetLength(ret->Instancetable), ajTableGetLength(ret->Annotable), ajTableGetLength(ret->Formulatable), ajTableGetLength(ret->Misctable)); /* ** Typedefs first ** fetch and sort them */ ntypes = ajTableToarrayKeysValues(ret->Typedeftable, (void***) &typeids, (void***) &typetags); for(s=ntypes/2; s>0; s /= 2) for(i=s; i=0 && MAJSTRCMPS(typeids[k],typeids[k+s])>0; k -= (ajlong)s) { t = typeids[k]; typeids[k] = typeids[k+s]; typeids[k+s] = t; u = typetags[k]; typetags[k] = typetags[k+s]; typetags[k+s] = u; } for(i=0; iName, oboTypedefTags[j])) j++; if(oboTypedefTags[j]) jsave = j; else { for(jj=0; jj < jsave; jj++) { if(obovalididorder && ajStrMatchC(obotag->Name, oboTypedefTags[jj])) { ajWarn("type tag out of order '%S' after '%s' " "for id '%S'", obotag->Name, oboTypedefTags[jsave], id); j = jj; break; } } } /* check for IDs */ ajStrTokenAssignC(&idsplit, obotag->Value, " \t,;[]{}()'\""); while (ajStrTokenNextParse(&idsplit, &tmpstr)) { if(ajStrPrefixS(tmpstr, idprefix)) if(obovalididunk && !ajTableMatchS(ret->Termtable, tmpstr)) oboinWarn(obofile, obotag->Linenumber, NULL, "Unknown id '%S' for tag '%S' in typedef '%S'", tmpstr, obotag->Name, id); } } } /* ** Validate terms */ nterms = ajTableToarrayKeysValues(ret->Termtable, (void***) &termids, (void***) &terms); for(s=nterms/2; s>0; s /= 2) for(i=s; i=0 && MAJSTRCMPS(termids[k],termids[k+s])>0; k -= (ajlong)s) { t = termids[k]; termids[k] = termids[k+s]; termids[k+s] = t; uterm = terms[k]; terms[k] = terms[k+s]; terms[k+s] = uterm; } for(i=0; iTrueid)) { ajStrTokenAssignC(&idsplit, terms[i]->Trueid, " \t,;[]{}()'\""); while (ajStrTokenNextParse(&idsplit, &tmpstr)) { ajStrTrimEndC(&tmpstr, "."); if(ajStrPrefixS(tmpstr, idprefix)) if(obovalididunk && !ajTableMatchS(ret->Termtable, tmpstr)) oboinWarn(obofile, 0, NULL, "Unknown id '%S' for tag alt_id in term '%S'", tmpstr, terms[i]->Trueid); } continue; } /* valid values for major tags*/ if(!terms[i]->Name) { oboinWarn(obofile, 0, NULL, "no 'name' for term '%S' ... OWL data only in OBO 1.3", id); } if(terms[i]->Def) { if(ajStrGetCharFirst(terms[i]->Def) != '"') oboinWarn(obofile, obotag->Linenumber, NULL, "bad 'def' tag value for term '%S'", id); } iter = ajListIterNewread(terms[i]->Taglist); j = 0; jj = 0; jsave = 0; while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { obotag = ajListIterGet(iter); j = 0; while(oboTermTags[j].Tag && !ajStrMatchC(obotag->Name, oboTermTags[j].Tag)) j++; if(oboTermTags[j].Tag) jsave = j; else { jj = 0; while(typeids[jj] && !ajStrMatchS(obotag->Name, typeids[jj])) jj++; if(!typeids[jj]) oboinWarn(obofile, obotag->Linenumber, NULL, "term tag not found '%S' for id '%S'", obotag->Name, id); } /* check for IDs */ ajStrTokenAssignC(&idsplit, obotag->Value, " \t,;[]{}()'\""); while (ajStrTokenNextParse(&idsplit, &tmpstr)) { ajStrTrimEndC(&tmpstr, "."); if(ajStrPrefixS(tmpstr, idprefix)) if(obovalididunk && !ajTableMatchS(ret->Termtable, tmpstr)) oboinWarn(obofile, obotag->Linenumber, NULL, "Unknown id '%S' for tag '%S' in term '%S'", tmpstr, obotag->Name, id); } } } ajDebug("%u id prefixes current '%S'\n", ajListGetLength(idprefixlist), idprefix); iterpref = ajListIterNew(idprefixlist); found = ajFalse; while(!ajListIterDone(iterpref)) { tmppref = ajListstrIterGet(iterpref); ajDebug(" '%S'\n", tmppref); } ajListIterDel(&iterpref); return ret; } /* @section casts ************************************************************* ** ** Retrieve data from an obo data opbject ** ** @fdata [AjPOboData] ** ** @nam3rule Fetch Fetch data ** @nam4rule Id Fetch an obo term by id ** @nam4rule Name Fetch an obo term by name ** ** @argrule * thys [const AjPOboData] Obo data from parsed ontology ** @argrule * query [const AjPStr] Obo query string ** ** @valrule * [AjPObo] Obo term ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajObodataFetchId ***************************************************** ** ** Retrieves an OBO term by ID ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPOboData] Parsed ontology ** @param [r] query [const AjPStr] OBO identifier ** @return [AjPObo] OBO term ******************************************************************************/ AjPObo ajObodataFetchId(const AjPOboData thys, const AjPStr query) { AjPObo ret; ajuint irecurs = 0; if(!thys) return NULL; ret = ajTableFetchmodS(thys->Termtable, query); while(ret && ajStrGetLen(ret->Trueid)) { if(++irecurs > 256) return NULL; ret = ajTableFetchmodS(thys->Termtable, ret->Trueid); } return ret; } /* @func ajObodataFetchName *************************************************** ** ** Retrieves an OBO term by name ** ** The name must be an exact match to a name or synonym for the term ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPOboData] Parsed ontology ** @param [r] query [const AjPStr] OBO name ** @return [AjPObo] OBO term ******************************************************************************/ AjPObo ajObodataFetchName(const AjPOboData thys, const AjPStr query) { AjPObo ret; ajuint irecurs = 0; if(!thys) return NULL; ret = ajTableFetchmodS(thys->Termnametable, query); while(ret && ajStrGetLen(ret->Trueid)) { if(++irecurs > 256) return NULL; ret = ajTableFetchmodS(thys->Termtable, ret->Trueid); } return ret; } /* @datasection [AjPStr] Obo file line **************************************** ** ** Processing a line from an OBO format file ** ** @nam2rule Oboline ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Modifiers ********************************************************* ** ** Clean up[ the input line ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** ** @nam3rule Cut Remove characters ** @nam4rule Comment Remove comment ** @nam4rule Dbxref Remove OBO cross reference ** @nam4rule Modifier Remove training modifiers ** @nam3rule Escape Process escape characters ** ** @argrule * Pline [AjPStr*] Input line ** @argrule Comment Pcomment [AjPStr*] Removed comment text ** @argrule Dbxref Pdbxref [AjPStr*] Removed dbxref text ** @argrule Modifier Pmodifier [AjPStr*] Removed modifier text ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True if modified ** ** @fcategory modify ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajObolineCutComment ************************************************** ** ** Remove comments starting with an unescaped '!' ** ** @param [u] Pline [AjPStr*] Line with possible comment text ** @param [u] Pcomment [AjPStr*] Comment text ** @return [AjBool] True if a comment was found ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajObolineCutComment(AjPStr *Pline, AjPStr *Pcomment) { const char* cp; ajuint i = 0; ajuint spaces = 0; ajuint ilen = 0; AjBool doescape = ajFalse; ilen = ajStrGetLen(*Pline); cp = ajStrGetPtr(*Pline); while (*cp) { if(*cp == '!') { if(!doescape) { if((i+1) < ilen) { ajStrAssignSubS(Pcomment, *Pline, i+1, -1); ajStrTrimWhite(Pcomment); } else ajStrAssignC(Pcomment, ""); ajStrCutEnd(Pline, ilen-i+spaces); return ajTrue; } } if(*cp == '\\') doescape = ajTrue; else { doescape = ajFalse; if(isspace(*cp)) spaces++; else spaces = 0; } i++; cp++; } ajStrAssignC(Pcomment, ""); return ajFalse; } /* @func ajObolineCutDbxref *************************************************** ** ** Remove trailing dbxrefs in square braces ** ** @param [u] Pline [AjPStr*] Line with possible trailing dbxref text ** @param [u] Pdbxref [AjPStr*] Dbxref text ** @return [AjBool] True if a trailing dbxref was found ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajObolineCutDbxref(AjPStr *Pline, AjPStr *Pdbxref) { ajlong i = 0; ajulong ilen; ilen = ajStrGetLen(*Pline); if(ajStrGetCharLast(*Pline) != ']') return ajFalse; i = ajStrFindlastK(*Pline, '['); if(i < 0) { ajWarn("Failed to complete trailing dbxref: '%S'", *Pline); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignSubS(Pdbxref, *Pline, i, -1); ajStrTrimWhite(Pdbxref); if(i) { ajStrCutEnd(Pline, (size_t) (ilen-i)); ajStrTrimWhite(Pline); } else ajStrAssignC(Pline, ""); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajObolineCutModifier ************************************************* ** ** Remove trailing modifiers in curly braces ** ** @param [u] Pline [AjPStr*] Line with possible trailing modifier text ** @param [u] Pmodifier [AjPStr*] Modifier text ** @return [AjBool] True if a trailing modifier was found ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajObolineCutModifier(AjPStr *Pline, AjPStr *Pmodifier) { ajlong i = 0; ajulong ilen = 0; ajStrAssignC(Pmodifier, ""); ilen = ajStrGetLen(*Pline); if(ajStrGetCharLast(*Pline) != '}') return ajFalse; i = ajStrFindlastK(*Pline, '{'); if(i < 0) { ajWarn("Failed to complete trailing modifier: '%S'", *Pline); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignSubS(Pmodifier, *Pline, i, -1); ajStrTrimWhite(Pmodifier); if(i) { ajStrCutEnd(Pline, (size_t) (ilen-i)); ajStrTrimWhite(Pline); } else ajStrAssignC(Pline, ""); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajObolineEscape ****************************************************** ** ** Clean up escaped characters ** ** @param [u] Pline [AjPStr*] Line with possible comment text ** @return [AjBool] True if an escaped character was found ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajObolineEscape(AjPStr *Pline) { const char* cp; ajuint ilen = 0; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; char lastchar = '\0'; AjBool ret = ajFalse; ilen = ajStrGetLen(*Pline); cp = ajStrGetPtr(*Pline); tmpstr = ajStrNewRes(ilen+1); while (*cp) { if(lastchar == '\\') { ret = ajTrue; switch (*cp) { case '\n': /* ignore the newline */ break; case 'n': ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, '\n'); break; case 't': ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, '\t'); break; case 'W': ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, ' '); break; default: /* usually just copy the character */ ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, *cp); break; } } else if(*cp != '\\') ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, *cp); lastchar = *cp++; } if(lastchar == '\\') /* \ at the end means ignore the newline */ ret = ajTrue; if(ret) ajStrAssignS(Pline, tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ret; } /* @funcstatic obolineParseDef ************************************************ ** ** Parse definition line and store results in Obo object. The raw text ** may include backslash escaped characters. ** ** The expected format is ** ** "definition text" [db:xref "optional desc", db:xref "desc2"] ** with name=value pairs possible after each dbxref or at the end ** (these are to be ignored). ** ** @param [u] obo [AjPObo] OBO term object ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] Original definition line ** @return [AjBool] True if an escaped character was found ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool obolineParseDef(AjPObo obo, const AjPStr line) { const char* cp; ajuint ilen = 0; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjBool done; ilen = ajStrGetLen(line); cp = ajStrGetPtr(line); while (*cp && *cp != '"') cp++; if(!*cp) return ajFalse; cp++; tmpstr = ajStrNewRes(ilen+1); while (*cp && *cp != '"') { if(*cp == '\\') { cp++; switch (*cp) { case '\0': case '\n': /* ignore the newline */ break; case 'n': ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, '\n'); break; case 't': ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, '\t'); break; case 'W': ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, ' '); break; default: /* usually just copy the character */ ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, *cp); break; } } else ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, *cp); cp++; } if(!*cp) { ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ajFalse; } cp++; while (*cp && *cp == ' ') cp++; ajStrAssignS(&obo->Def, tmpstr); if(*cp == '[') cp++; done = ajFalse; while(!done) { ajStrAssignClear(&tmpstr); while (*cp && *cp != ' ') { if(*cp == '=') /* name=value modifier */ { done = ajTrue; break; } ajStrAssignK(&tmpstr, *cp++); } if(!*cp) done = ajTrue; else cp++; } ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ajTrue; } /* @datasection [none] Miscellaneous functions ******************************** ** ** Functions to initialise and clean up internals ** ** @nam2rule Oboin Obo input internals ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Printing ********************************************************** ** ** Printing details of the internals to a file ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam2rule Oboinprint ** ** @fcategory output ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Print ************************************************************* ** ** Printing to a file ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Book Print as docbook table ** @nam3rule Html Print as html table ** @nam3rule Wiki Print as wiki table ** @nam3rule Text Print as text ** ** @argrule * outf [AjPFile] output file ** @argrule Text full [AjBool] Print all details ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinprintBook ***************************************************** ** ** Reports the internal data structures as a Docbook table ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinprintBook(AjPFile outf) { ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; AjPStr namestr = NULL; AjPList fmtlist; AjPStr* names; fmtlist = ajListstrNew(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "The supported obo term formats are summarised " "in the table below. " "The columns are as follows: " "Input format (format name), " "Try (indicates whether the " "format can be detected automatically on input), and " "Description (short description of " "the format).\n\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); for(i=1; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { if(!oboinFormatDef[i].Alias) { namestr = ajStrNewC(oboinFormatDef[i].Name); ajListPushAppend(fmtlist, namestr); namestr = NULL; } } ajListSort(fmtlist, ajStrVcmp); ajListstrToarray(fmtlist, &names); for(i=0; names[i]; i++) { for(j=0; oboinFormatDef[j].Name; j++) { if(ajStrMatchC(names[i],oboinFormatDef[j].Name)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", oboinFormatDef[j].Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", oboinFormatDef[j].Try); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", oboinFormatDef[j].Desc); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); } } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "
Input obo term formats
Input FormatTryDescription
\n"); ajStrDel(&namestr); names = NULL; ajListstrFreeData(&fmtlist); return; } /* @func ajOboinprintHtml ***************************************************** ** ** Reports the internal data structures as an HTML table ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinprintHtml(AjPFile outf) { ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; AjPStr namestr = NULL; ajFmtPrintF(outf, ""); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); for(i=1; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { ajStrAssignC(&namestr, oboinFormatDef[i].Name); if(!oboinFormatDef[i].Alias) { for(j=i+1; oboinFormatDef[j].Name; j++) { if(oboinFormatDef[j].Read == oboinFormatDef[i].Read) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&namestr, " %s", oboinFormatDef[j].Name); if(!oboinFormatDef[j].Alias) { ajWarn("Input format '%s' same as '%s' but not alias", oboinFormatDef[j].Name, oboinFormatDef[i].Name); } } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n", namestr, oboinFormatDef[i].Try); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n", oboinFormatDef[i].Desc); } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "
Input FormatAutoMultiDescription
\n"); ajStrDel(&namestr); return; } /* @func ajOboinprintText ***************************************************** ** ** Reports the internal data structures ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] full [AjBool] Full report (usually ajFalse) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinprintText(AjPFile outf, AjBool full) { ajuint i = 0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Obo term input formats\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Format name (or alias)\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Alias Alias name\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Try Test for unknown input files\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Alias Try " "Description"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "InFormat {\n"); for(i=0; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) if(full || !oboinFormatDef[i].Alias) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12s %5B %3B \"%s\"\n", oboinFormatDef[i].Name, oboinFormatDef[i].Alias, oboinFormatDef[i].Try, oboinFormatDef[i].Desc); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n\n"); return; } /* @func ajOboinprintWiki ***************************************************** ** ** Reports the internal data structures as a wiki table ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinprintWiki(AjPFile outf) { ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; AjPStr namestr = NULL; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\" border=\"2\"\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|-\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "!Format!!Try!!" "class=\"unsortable\"|Description\n"); for(i=1; oboinFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { ajStrAssignC(&namestr, oboinFormatDef[i].Name); if(!oboinFormatDef[i].Alias) { for(j=i+1; oboinFormatDef[j].Name; j++) { if(oboinFormatDef[j].Read == oboinFormatDef[i].Read) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&namestr, "
%s", oboinFormatDef[j].Name); if(!oboinFormatDef[j].Alias) { ajWarn("Input format '%s' same as '%s' but not alias", oboinFormatDef[j].Name, oboinFormatDef[i].Name); } } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|-\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|%S||%B||%s\n", namestr, oboinFormatDef[i].Try, oboinFormatDef[i].Desc); } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|}\n\n"); ajStrDel(&namestr); return; } /* @section Miscellaneous ***************************************************** ** ** Functions to initialise and clean up internals ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Exit Clean up and exit ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinExit ********************************************************** ** ** Cleans up obo term input internal memory ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajOboinExit(void) { /* Query processing regular expressions */ ajStrDel(&oboinReadLine); ajTableDel(&oboDbMethods); return; } /* @funcstatic oboinDebug ****************************************************** ** ** Formatted write as a debug message. ** ** @param [r] obofile [const AjPFile] Input OBO file ** @param [r] linecnt [ajuint] Current line number ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Format arguments. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void oboinDebug(const AjPFile obofile, ajuint linecnt, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; AjPStr errstr = NULL; oboErrorCount++; va_start(args, fmt) ; ajFmtVPrintS(&errstr, fmt, args); va_end(args) ; ajDebug("File %F line %u: %S\n", obofile, linecnt, errstr); ajStrDel(&errstr); return; } /* @funcstatic oboinWarn ******************************************************* ** ** Formatted write as an error message. ** ** @param [r] obofile [const AjPFile] Input OBO file ** @param [r] linecnt [ajuint] Current line number ** @param [r] id [const AjPStr] Current term identifier ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Format arguments. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void oboinWarn(const AjPFile obofile, ajuint linecnt, const AjPStr id, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; AjPStr errstr = NULL; oboErrorCount++; va_start(args, fmt) ; ajFmtVPrintS(&errstr, fmt, args); va_end(args) ; if(!ajStrGetLen(id)) ajWarn("File %F line %u: %S", obofile, linecnt, errstr); else ajWarn("File %F term %S line %u: %S", obofile, id, linecnt, errstr); ajStrDel(&errstr); return; } /* @section Internals ********************************************************* ** ** Functions to return internal values ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Type Internals for obo term datatype ** @nam4rule Get Return a value ** @nam5rule Fields Known query fields for ajOboinRead ** @nam5rule Qlinks Known query link operators for ajOboinRead ** ** @valrule * [const char*] Internal value ** ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboinTypeGetFields ************************************************* ** ** Returns the listof known field names for ajOboinRead ** ** @return [const char*] List of field names ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char* ajOboinTypeGetFields(void) { return "id acc nam des"; } /* @func ajOboinTypeGetQlinks ************************************************ ** ** Returns the listof known query link operators for ajOboinRead ** ** @return [const char*] List of field names ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char* ajOboinTypeGetQlinks(void) { return "|"; } /* @datasection [AjPTable] Internal call register table *********************** ** ** Functions to manage the internal call register table that links the ** ajaxdb library functions with code in the core AJAX library. ** ** @nam2rule Oboaccess Functions to manage obodb call tables. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Cast ************************************************************** ** ** Return a reference to the call table ** ** @fdata [AjPTable] Obodb functions call table ** ** @nam3rule Get Return a value ** @nam4rule Db Database access functions table ** @nam3rule Method Lookup an access method by name ** @nam4rule Test Return true if the access method exists ** @nam4rule MethodGet Return a method value ** @nam5rule Qlinks Return known query links for a named method ** @nam5rule Scope Return scope (entry, query or all) for a named method ** ** @argrule Method method [const AjPStr] Method name ** ** @valrule *Db [AjPTable] Call table of function names and references ** @valrule *Qlinks [const char*] Query link operators ** @valrule *Scope [ajuint] Scope flags ** @valrule *Test [AjBool] True if found ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajOboaccessGetDb ***************************************************** ** ** returns the table in which obo database access details are registered ** ** @return [AjPTable] Access functions hash table ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPTable ajOboaccessGetDb(void) { if(!oboDbMethods) oboDbMethods = ajCallTableNew(); return oboDbMethods; } /* @func ajOboaccessMethodGetQlinks ******************************************* ** ** Tests for a named method for obo term reading and returns the ** known query link operators ** ** @param [r] method [const AjPStr] Method required. ** @return [const char*] Known link operators ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char* ajOboaccessMethodGetQlinks(const AjPStr method) { AjPOboAccess methoddata; methoddata = ajCallTableGetS(oboDbMethods, method); if(!methoddata) return NULL; return methoddata->Qlink; } /* @func ajOboaccessMethodGetScope ******************************************** ** ** Tests for a named method for obo term reading and returns the scope ** (entry, query or all). * ** @param [r] method [const AjPStr] Method required. ** @return [ajuint] Scope flags ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajOboaccessMethodGetScope(const AjPStr method) { AjPOboAccess methoddata; ajuint ret = 0; methoddata = ajCallTableGetS(oboDbMethods, method); if(!methoddata) return 0; if(methoddata->Entry) ret |= AJMETHOD_ENTRY; if(methoddata->Query) ret |= AJMETHOD_QUERY; if(methoddata->All) ret |= AJMETHOD_ALL; return ret; } /* @func ajOboaccessMethodTest ************************************************* ** ** Tests for a named method for obo reading. ** ** @param [r] method [const AjPStr] Method required. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajOboaccessMethodTest(const AjPStr method) { if(ajCallTableGetS(oboDbMethods, method)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; }