application: dbshowdat [ documentation: "Show possible database queries that return a given data type" groups: "Information" gui: "yes" batch: "yes" cpu: "low" relations: "EDAM:0000088 topic Literature and documentation" relations: "EDAM:0000516 operation Database information retrieval" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] string: datatype [ parameter: "Y" information: "Name of datatype." help: "This is the name of a retrievable datatype from the catalogue of public databases in the EMBOSS data file DRCAT.dat. The names are terms from the 'data' branch of the EDAM ontology, If you are unsure of the available retrievable datatypes for a given database, use dbtellquery. If you have a datatype name but are not sure its valid, use isdbdata." knowntype: "string" relations: "EDAM:0002253 data Data type name" ] endsection: input section: required [ information: "Required section" type: "page" ] endsection: required section: additional [ information: "Additional section" type: "page" ] endsection: additional section: advanced [ information: "Advanced section" type: "page" ] string: database [ parameter: "Y" information: "Name of database." help: "This is the name of a database from the catalogue of public databases in the EMBOSS data file DRCAT.dat. If you are unsure of the available databases use dbfind. If you have a database name but are not sure its valid, use isdbname." knowntype: "string" relations: "EDAM:0001056 identifier Database name" ] string: identifier [ parameter: "Y" information: "Data identifier." help: "This is a data identifier (e.g. a sequence accession number) that is used to specify the data (of type 'datatype') to retrieve. If you're unsure of the data identifier(s) that are used for a given query (database/datatype) use dbtellquery. The types of data identifier are listed under the 'Data identifier' branch of the EDAM ontology ( For example values, see the catalogue of public databases in the EMBOSS data file DRCAT.dat. If you have a data identifier but are unsure of its type, use idtell." knowntype: "string" relations: "EDAM:0000976 data Data identifier" ] endsection: advanced section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] outfile: outfile [ additional: "Y" default: "stdout" knowntype: "dbshowdat output" relations: "EDAM:0000957 data Database metadata" ] endsection: output section: htmlsection [ information: "Html section" type: "frame" ] boolean: html [ additional: "Y" default: "N" information: "Format the output for HTML" help: "If you are sending the output to a file, this will format it for displaying as a table in a WWW document." outputmodifier: "Y" relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] endsection: htmlsection