application: twofeat [ documentation: "Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequence(s)" groups: "Feature tables" relations: "EDAM:0000160 topic Sequence features" relations: "EDAM:0000255 operation Feature table query" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "any" features: "Y" relations: "EDAM:0000849 data Sequence record" ] section: afeaturesection [ information: "First feature options" type: "frame" ] string: asource [ additional: "Y" default: "*" information: "Source of first feature" help: "By default any feature source in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature source you wish to allow. \ The source name is usually either the name of the program that detected the feature or it is the feature table (eg: EMBL) that the feature came from. \ The source may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one source, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ gene* | embl" knowntype: "feature source list" relations: "EDAM:0000856 data Sequence feature source" ] string: atype [ standard: "Y" default: "*" information: "Type of first feature" help: "By default every feature in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to be any feature type you wish to allow. \ See for a list of the EMBL feature types and see Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in for a list of the Swissprot feature types. \ The type may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one type, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ *UTR | intron" knowntype: "feature key list" relations: "EDAM:0001020 data Sequence feature key" ] list: asense [ additional: "Y" default: "0" minimum: "1" maximum: "1" header: "Sense of first feature" values: "0:Any sense, +:Forward sense, -:Reverse sense" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Sense of first feature" help: "By default any feature sense is allowed. You can set this to match the required sense." relations: "EDAM:0000853 data DNA sense specification" ] float: aminscore [ additional: "Y" default: "0.0" information: "Minimum score of first feature" help: "If this is greater than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is allowed." relations: "EDAM:0001772 data Score or penalty" ] float: amaxscore [ additional: "Y" default: "0.0" information: "Maximum score of first feature" help: "If this is less than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is permitted." relations: "EDAM:0001772 data Score or penalty" ] string: atag [ additional: "Y" default: "*" information: "Tag of first feature" help: "Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Some of these tags also have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. \ By default any feature tag in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag you wish to allow. \ The tag may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one tag, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ gene | label" knowntype: "feature tag list" relations: "EDAM:0001021 data Sequence feature qualifier" ] string: avalue [ additional: "Y" default: "*" information: "Value of first feature's tags" help: "Tag values are the values associated with a feature tag. Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Only some of these tags can have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. By default any feature tag value in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag value you wish to allow. \ The tag value may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one tag value, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ pax* | 10" knowntype: "feature tagvalue list" relations: "EDAM:0001021 data Sequence feature qualifier" ] endsection: afeaturesection section: bfeaturesection [ information: "Second feature options" type: "frame" ] string: bsource [ additional: "Y" default: "*" information: "Source of second feature" help: "By default any feature source in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature source you wish to allow. \ The source name is usually either the name of the program that detected the feature or it is the feature table (eg: EMBL) that the feature came from. \ The source may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one source, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ gene* | embl" knowntype: "feature source list" relations: "EDAM:0000856 data Sequence feature source" ] string: btype [ standard: "Y" default: "*" information: "Type of second feature" help: "By default every feature in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to be any feature type you wish to allow. \ See for a list of the EMBL feature types and see Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in for a list of the Swissprot feature types. \ The type may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one type, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ *UTR | intron" knowntype: "feature key list" relations: "EDAM:0001020 data Sequence feature key" ] list: bsense [ additional: "Y" default: "0" minimum: "1" maximum: "1" header: "Sense of second feature" values: "0:Any sense, +:Forward sense, -:Reverse sense" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Sense of second feature" help: "By default any feature sense is allowed. You can set this to match the required sense." relations: "EDAM:0000853 data DNA sense specification" ] float: bminscore [ additional: "Y" default: "0.0" information: "Minimum score of second feature" help: "If this is greater than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is allowed." relations: "EDAM:0001772 data Score or penalty" ] float: bmaxscore [ additional: "Y" default: "0.0" information: "Maximum score of second feature" help: "If this is less than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is permitted." relations: "EDAM:0001772 data Score or penalty" ] string: btag [ additional: "Y" default: "*" information: "Tag of second feature" help: "Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Some of these tags also have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. \ By default any feature tag in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag you wish to allow. \ The tag may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one tag, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ gene | label" knowntype: "feature tag list" relations: "EDAM:0001021 data Sequence feature qualifier" ] string: bvalue [ additional: "Y" default: "*" information: "Value of second feature's tags" help: "Tag values are the values associated with a feature tag. Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Only some of these tags can have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. By default any feature tag value in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag value you wish to allow. \ The tag value may be wildcarded by using '*'. \ If you wish to allow more than one tag value, separate their names with the character '|', eg: \ pax* | 10" knowntype: "feature tagvalue list" relations: "EDAM:0001021 data Sequence feature qualifier" ] endsection: bfeaturesection section: featurerelationsection [ information: "Feature relation options" type: "frame" ] list: overlap [ additional: "Y" default: "A" minimum: "1" maximum: "1" header: "Type of overlap required" values: "A:Any, O:Overlap required, NO:No overlaps are allowed, NW:Overlap required but not within, AW:A must be all within B, BW:B must be all within A" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Specify overlap" help: "This allows you to specify the allowed overlaps of the features A and B. \ You can allow any or no overlaps, specify that they must or must not overlap, that one must or must not be wholly enclosed within another feature." relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] integer: minrange [ standard: "Y" default: "0" information: "The minimum distance between the features" help: "If this is greater or equal to 'maxrange', then no min or max range is specified" relations: "EDAM:0001249 data Sequence length" ] integer: maxrange [ standard: "Y" default: "0" information: "The maximum distance between the features" help: "If this is less than or equal to 'minrange', then no min or max range is specified" relations: "EDAM:0001249 data Sequence length" ] list: rangetype [ additional: "Y" default: "N" minimum: "1" maximum: "1" header: "Positions from which to measure the distance" values: "N:From nearest ends, L:From left ends, R:From right ends, F:From furthest ends" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Specify position" help: "This allows you to specify the positions from which the allowed minimum or maximum distance between the features is measured" relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] list: sense [ additional: "Y" default: "A" minimum: "1" maximum: "1" header: "Sense of the features" values: "A:Any sense, S:Same sense, O:Opposite sense" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Specify sense" help: "This allows you to specify the required sense that the two features must be on. This is ignored (always 'Any') when looking at protein sequence features." relations: "EDAM:0000853 data DNA sense specification" ] list: order [ additional: "Y" default: "A" minimum: "1" maximum: "1" header: "Order of the features" values: "A:Any, AB:Feature A then feature B, BA:Feature B then feature A" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Specify order" help: "This allows you to specify the required order of the two features. The order is measured from the start positions of the features. This criterion is always applied despite the specified overlap type required." relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] endsection: featurerelationsection endsection: input section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] toggle: twoout [ additional: "Y" default: "N" information: "Do you want the two features written out individually" help: "If you set this to be true, then the two features themselves will be written out. If it is left as false, then a single feature will be written out covering the two features you found." relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] string: typeout [ additional: "@(!$(twoout))" default: "misc_feature" information: "Name of the output new feature" help: "If you have specified that the pairs of features that are found should be reported as one feature in the ouput, then you can specify the 'type' name of the new feature here. By default every feature in the feature table is allowed. See for a list of the EMBL feature types and see Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in for a list of the Swissprot feature types. If you specify an invalid feature type name, then the default name 'misc_feature' is used." knowntype: "feature key" relations: "EDAM:0001020 data Sequence feature key" ] report: outfile [ parameter: "Y" taglist: "int:starta int:enda int:startb int:endb" rformat: "table" relations: "EDAM:0001255 data Sequence features" ] endsection: output