# server.entrez 2011-01-04 14:00:00 DB pubmed [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB protein [ type: "Protein" format: "text" ] DB nuccore [ type: "Nucleotide" format: "text" ] DB nucleotide [ type: "Nucleotide" format: "genbank" field: "ALL All_Fields ! All terms from all searchable fields" field: "UID UID ! Unique number assigned to each sequence" field: "FILT Filter ! Limits the records" field: "WORD Text_Word ! Free text associated with the record" field: "TITL Title ! Words in definition line" field: "KYWD Keyword ! Nonstandardized terms provided by submitter" field: "AUTH Authors ! Author(s) of publication" field: "JOUR Journal ! Journal abbreviation of publication" field: "VOL Volume ! Volume number of publication" field: "ISS Issue ! Issue number of publication" field: "PAGE Page_Number ! Page number(s) of publication" field: "ORGN Organism ! Scientific and common names of organism, and all higher levels of taxonomy" field: "ACCN Accession ! Accession number of sequence" field: "PACC Primary_Accession ! Does not include retired secondary accessions" field: "GENE Gene_Name ! Name of gene associated with sequence" field: "PROT Protein_Name ! Name of protein associated with sequence" field: "ECNO EC/RN_Number ! EC number for enzyme or CAS registry number" field: "PDAT Publication_Date ! Date sequence added to GenBank" field: "MDAT Modification_Date ! Date of last update" field: "SUBS Substance_Name ! CAS chemical name or MEDLINE Substance Name" field: "PROP Properties ! Classification by source qualifiers and molecule type" field: "SQID SeqID String ! String identifier for sequence" field: "GPRJ Genome_Project ! Genome Project" field: "SLEN Sequence_Length ! Length of sequence" field: "FKEY Feature_key ! Feature annotated on sequence" field: "PORG Primary_Organism ! Scientific and common names of primary organism, and all higher levels of taxonomy" field: "COMP Component_Accession ! Component accessions for an assembly" ] DB nucgss [ type: "Nucleotide" format: "text" ] DB nucest [ type: "Nucleotide" format: "text" ] DB structure [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB genome [ type: "Nucleotide" format: "text" ] DB biosample [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB biosystems [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB blastdbinfo [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB books [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB cancerchromosomes [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB cdd [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB gap [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB dbvar [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB epigenomics [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB gene [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB genomeprj [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB gensat [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB gds [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB geo [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB geoprofiles [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB homologene [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB images [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB journals [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB mesh [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB ncbisearch [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB nlmcatalog [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB omia [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB omim [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB pmc [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB popset [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB probe [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB proteinclusters [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB pcassay [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB pccompound [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB pcsubstance [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB seqannot [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB snp [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB sra [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB taxonomy [ type: "Taxonomy" format: "text" ] DB toolkit [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB toolkitall [ type: "Text" format: "text" ] DB unigene [ type: "Nucleotide" format: "text" ] DB unists [ type: "Nucleotide" format: "text" ] DB gencoll [ type: "Text" format: "text" ]