# server.srs 2011-01-04 14:00:00 # Gene dictionaries DB unilib [ type: "text" format: "text" field: "id ! identifier" example: "99" hasacc: "N" ] DB unigene [ type: "text" format: "text" field: "id ! identifier" example: "Hs.1004" ] DB hgnc [ type: "text" format: "text" field: "id ! identifier" example: "1001" ] DB entrezgene [ type: "text" format: "text" field: "id ! identifier" example: "100" ] # Gene ontology resources DB edam [ type: "obo" format: "obo" hasacc: "N" # fields: "id,nam,des,ns,cc,syn,isa,lnk,all,allids" field: "id ! identifier without the prefix" field: "nam Name ! words in the name" field: "des Description ! words in the description" field: "ns Namespace ! namespace" field: "cc Comment ! words in the comments" field: "syn Synonym ! synonym(s)" field: "isa Is_a ! parent identifier from is_a relation(s)" field: "lnk Link ! identifier(s) from has_input relation(s)" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "0001234" ] DB go [ type: "obo" format: "obo" # fields: "id,acc,nam,def,syn,ref,isa,pof,all,allids" field: "id ! identifier without the prefix" field: "acc Accession ! identifier with the go: prefix" field: "nam Name ! words in the name" field: "def Definition ! words in the definition" field: "syn Synonym ! synonym(s)" field: "ref Reference ! Cross-reference" field: "isa Is_a ! parent identifier from is_a relation(s)" field: "pof PartOf ! identifier from part_of relation(s)" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "0000016" ] DB goa [ type: "text" format: "text" # fields: "id,db,dbi,dbos,qual,goid,dbr,evid,wth,asp,onam, # syn,otyp,tax,dat,assby,all,allids" field: "id ! identifier without the prefix" field: "db ! database from which annotated entry has been taken" field: "dbo dbobject ! unique identifier in the DB for the item being annotated" field: "dbos dbosym ! symbol to which dbobject is matched" field: "qual Qualifier ! qualifier flag" field: "dbr dbref ! citation" field: "evid evidence ! evidence" field: "wth with ! associated with identifier" field: "asp aspect ! aspect (function, process, component)" field: "onam oname ! name of gene or gene product" field: "syn Synonym ! synonym(s)" field: "otyp otype ! entity type" field: "tax taxon ! taxon identifier" field: "assby AssignedBy ! assigned by database" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "a100001" ] # Nucleotide sequence databases DB embl [ type: "nucleotide" format: "embl" # fields: "id,topo,mol,cla,div,sl,acc,pac,sv,crd,relc,crlu,relu,des,gpi, # key,org,taxon,txi,ogn,lnk,ulib,subaddr,pat,scd,rp,pmd,grp, # aut,tit,jnl,vol,fp,yr,ftk,ftq,prd,lat,long,ge, # ftd,fbg,ftnd,ftl,cti,ctn" field: "id ! identifier" field: "topo Topology ! Topology" field: "mol Molecule ! Molecule" field: "cla Class ! Data class" field: "div Division ! Division" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "pac PrimAccNumber ! Primary accession number" field: "sv SeqVersion ! Sequence version" field: "crd DateCreated ! Data created" field: "relc RelCreated ! Release created" field: "crlu LastUpdated ! Data last updated" field: "relu RelUpdated ! Release last updated" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "gpi GenomeProjectID ! Genome project ID" field: "key Keywords ! Keywords" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "taxon ! Taxon name" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI taxon id" field: "ogn Organelle ! Organelle" field: "lnk Link ! Link" field: "ulib UniLibID ! UniLib id" field: "subaddr SubAddress ! Submitter address" field: "pat Patent ! Patent" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest ! Sequence CRC digest" field: "rp RefPosition ! Reference position" field: "pmd PubMedID ! PubMed ID" field: "grp RefGroup ! Reference group" field: "aut Authors ! Authors" field: "tit Title ! Title" field: "jnl Journal ! Journal" field: "vol Volume ! Volume" field: "fp FirstPage ! First page" field: "yr Year ! Year" field: "ftk FtKey ! Feature key" field: "ftq FtQualifier ! Feature qualifier" field: "prd ProteinID ! Protein ID" field: "lat Latitude ! Latitude" field: "long Longitude ! Longitude" field: "GE Gene ! Gene name" field: "ftd FtDescription ! Feature description" field: "ftbg FtBegin ! Feature start" field: "ftnd FtEnd ! Feature end" field: "ftl FtLength ! Feature length" field: "cti CountedItem ! Counted item" field: "ctn CountedN ! Counted number" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "x13776" ] DB emblconexp [ type: "nucleotide" format: "embl" example: "ch672413" ] DB emblmga [ type: "nucleotide" format: "embl" example: "aaaf0000000" ] DB emblnew [ type: "nucleotide" format: "embl" # fields: "id,topo,mol,cla,div,sl,acc,pac,sv,crd,relc,crlu,relu,des,gpi, # key,org,taxon,txi,ogn,lnk,ulib,subaddr,pat,scd,rp,pmd,grp, # aut,tit,jnl,vol,fp,yr,ftk,ftq,prd,lat,long,ge, # ftd,fbg,ftnd,ftl,cti,ctn" field: "id ! identifier" field: "topo Topology ! Topology" field: "mol Molecule ! Molecule" field: "cla Class ! Data class" field: "div Division ! Division" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "pac PrimAccNumber ! Primary accession number" field: "sv SeqVersion ! Sequence version" field: "crd DateCreated ! Data created" field: "relc RelCreated ! Release created" field: "crlu LastUpdated ! Data last updated" field: "relu RelUpdated ! Release last updated" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "gpi GenomeProjectID ! Genome project ID" field: "key Keywords ! Keywords" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "taxon ! Taxon name" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI taxon id" field: "ogn Organelle ! Organelle" field: "lnk Link ! Link" field: "ulib UniLibID ! UniLib id" field: "subaddr SubAddress ! Submitter address" field: "pat Patent ! Patent" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest ! Sequence CRC digest" field: "rp RefPosition ! Reference position" field: "pmd PubMedID ! PubMed ID" field: "grp RefGroup ! Reference group" field: "aut Authors ! Authors" field: "tit Title ! Title" field: "jnl Journal ! Journal" field: "vol Volume ! Volume" field: "fp FirstPage ! First page" field: "yr Year ! Year" field: "ftk FtKey ! Feature key" field: "ftq FtQualifier ! Feature qualifier" field: "prd ProteinID ! Protein ID" field: "lat Latitude ! Latitude" field: "long Longitude ! Longitude" field: "GE Gene ! Gene name" field: "ftd FtDescription ! Feature description" field: "ftbg FtBegin ! Feature start" field: "ftnd FtEnd ! Feature end" field: "ftl FtLength ! Feature length" field: "cti CountedItem ! Counted item" field: "ctn CountedN ! Counted number" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "x13776" ] DB emblconnew [ type: "nucleotide" format: "embl" example: "ch672413" ] # Nucleotide sequence databases - subsections # Nucleotide related databases # UniProt Universal Protein Resource DB uniprot [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "id ! Identifier" field: "enm EntryName ! Entrry name" field: "cla Class ! Data class" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "pac PrimAccNumber ! Primary accession number" field: "sv SeqVersion ! Sequence version" field: "crd DateCreated ! Date created" field: "sqd DateSeqUpdate ! Date sequence updated" field: "annd DataAnnUpdate ! Date annotation updated" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "gen GeneName ! Gene name" field: "syn Synonym ! Synonym gene name" field: "ord OrderedLocus ! Ordered locus" field: "orf ORFnames ! ORF names" field: "ecn ECNumber ! EC number" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "spc Species ! Species name" field: "tax Taxonomy ! Taxon name" field: "ogn Organelle ! Organelle" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI Taxon id" field: "taxc TaxCount ! Taxon count" field: "oht OrganismHostTaxId ! Organism host taxon id" field: "ohn OrganismHostName ! Organism host name" field: "poex ProteinExistence ! Protein existence evidence" field: "key Keywords ! Keywords" field: "prd ProteinID ! Protein id" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "mow MolWeight ! Molecular weight" field: "crc ! CRC" field: "drx DBxref ! Db xref" field: "midx MedlineID ! Medline ID" field: "pnm swProtName! Swissprot protein name" field: "isoid Isoform ! Isoform" field: "dblink ! DB link" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest ! Sequence CRC digest" field: "aut Authors ! Authors" field: "tit Title ! Title" field: "rp RefPosition ! Reference position" field: "grp RefGroup ! Reference group" field: "rcc RefCommentCode ! Reference comment code" field: "rc RefComment ! Reference comment" field: "jnl Journal ! Journal" field: "vol Volume ! Volume" field: "fp FirstPage ! First page" field: "yr Year ! Year" field: "cit Citation ! Citation" field: "sub SubmissionDate ! Submission date" field: "pat Patent ! Patent" field: "pdt PatentDate ! Patent date" field: "mid MedlineID ! Medline ID" field: "cct CommentType ! Comment type" field: "dbn DbName ! Database name" field: "dr DBxref ! Db xref" field: "ftk FtKey ! Feature key" field: "ftl FtLength ! Feature length" field: "ftd FtDescription ! Feature description" field: "ftbg FtBegin ! Feature start" field: "ftnd FtEnd ! Feature end" field: "ftrI FtResid ! Feature residue id" field: "ci CountItem ! Count item" field: "cn CountN ! Count number" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "hba_human" ] DB swissprot [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "id ! Identifier" field: "enm EntryName ! Entrry name" field: "cla Class ! Data class" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "pac PrimAccNumber ! Primary accession number" field: "sv SeqVersion ! Sequence version" field: "crd DateCreated ! Date created" field: "sqd DateSeqUpdate ! Date sequence updated" field: "annd DataAnnUpdate ! Date annotation updated" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "gen GeneName ! Gene name" field: "syn Synonym ! Synonym gene name" field: "ord OrderedLocus ! Ordered locus" field: "orf ORFnames ! ORF names" field: "ecn ECNumber ! EC number" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "spc Species ! Species name" field: "tax Taxonomy ! Taxon name" field: "ogn Organelle ! Organelle" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI Taxon id" field: "taxc TaxCount ! Taxon count" field: "oht OrganismHostTaxId ! Organism host taxon id" field: "ohn OrganismHostName ! Organism host name" field: "poex ProteinExistence ! Protein existence evidence" field: "key Keywords ! Keywords" field: "prd ProteinID ! Protein id" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "mow MolWeight ! Molecular weight" field: "crc ! CRC" field: "drx DBxref ! Db xref" field: "midx MedlineID ! " field: "pnm swProtName! Swissprot protein name" field: "isoid Isoform ! Isoform" field: "dblink ! DB link" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest! Sequence CRC digest" field: "aut Authors ! Authors" field: "tit Title ! Title" field: "rp RefPosition ! Reference position" field: "grp RefGroup ! Reference group" field: "rcc RefCommentCode ! Reference comment code" field: "rc RefComment ! Reference comment" field: "jnl Journal ! Journal" field: "vol Volume ! Volume" field: "fp FirstPage ! First page" field: "yr Year ! Year" field: "cit Citation ! Citation" field: "sub SubmissionDate ! Submission date" field: "pat Patent ! Patent" field: "pdt PatentDate ! Patent date" field: "mid MedlineID ! Medline ID" field: "cct CommentType ! Comment type" field: "dbn DbName ! Database name" field: "dr DBxref ! Db xref" field: "ftk FtKey ! Feature key" field: "ftl FtLength ! Feature length" field: "ftd FtDescription ! Feature description" field: "ftbg FtBegin ! Feature start" field: "ftnd FtEnd ! Feature end" field: "ftrI FtResid ! Feature residue id" field: "ci CountItem ! Count item" field: "cn CountN ! Count number" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "" ] DB sptrembl [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "id ! Identifier" field: "enm EntryName ! Entrry name" field: "cla Class ! Data class" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "pac PrimAccNumber ! Primary accession number" field: "sv SeqVersion ! Sequence version" field: "crd DateCreated ! Date created" field: "sqd DateSeqUpdate ! Date sequence updated" field: "annd DataAnnUpdate ! Date annotation updated" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "gen GeneName ! Gene name" field: "syn Synonym ! Synonym gene name" field: "ord OrderedLocus ! Ordered locus" field: "orf ORFnames ! ORF names" field: "ecn ECNumber ! EC number" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "spc Species ! Species name" field: "tax Taxonomy ! Taxon name" field: "ogn Organelle ! Organelle" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI Taxon id" field: "taxc TaxCount ! Taxon count" field: "oht OrganismHostTaxId ! Organism host taxon id" field: "ohn OrganismHostName ! Organism host name" field: "poex ProteinExistence ! Protein existence evidence" field: "key Keywords ! Keywords" field: "prd ProteinID ! Protein id" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "mow MolWeight ! Molecular weight" field: "crc ! CRC" field: "drx DBxref ! Db xref" field: "midx MedlineID ! " field: "pnm swProtName! Swissprot protein name" field: "isoid Isoform ! Isoform" field: "dblink ! DB link" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest! Sequence CRC digest" field: "aut Authors ! Authors" field: "tit Title ! Title" field: "rp RefPosition ! Reference position" field: "grp RefGroup ! Reference group" field: "rcc RefCommentCode ! Reference comment code" field: "rc RefComment ! Reference comment" field: "jnl Journal ! Journal" field: "vol Volume ! Volume" field: "fp FirstPage ! First page" field: "yr Year ! Year" field: "cit Citation ! Citation" field: "sub SubmissionDate ! Submission date" field: "pat Patent ! Patent" field: "pdt PatentDate ! Patent date" field: "mid MedlineID ! Medline ID" field: "cct CommentType ! Comment type" field: "dbn DbName ! Database name" field: "dr DBxref ! Db xref" field: "ftk FtKey ! Feature key" field: "ftl FtLength ! Feature length" field: "ftd FtDescription ! Feature description" field: "ftbg FtBegin ! Feature start" field: "ftnd FtEnd ! Feature end" field: "ftrI FtResid ! Feature residue id" field: "ci CountItem ! Count item" field: "cn CountN ! Count number" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "" ] DB uniref100 [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "crlu LastUpdated ! Data last updated" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "sc MemberCount ! Member count" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI taxon id" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "crc ! CRC" field: "upid UniprotID ! Uniprot id" field: "upacc UniprotACC ! Uniprot accession" field: "upcid UniparcID ! Uniparc id" field: "u90id Uniref90ID ! Uniref90 id" field: "u50id Uniref50ID ! Uniref50 id" field: "all AllText ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "" ] DB uniref90 [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "crlu LastUpdated ! Data last updated" field: "gdes GenDescription ! Description" field: "sc MemberCount ! Member count" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI taxon id" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "rsq RepSeqLength ! representative sequence length" field: "crc ! CRC" field: "upid UniprotID ! Uniprot id" field: "upacc UniprotACC ! Uniprot accession" field: "uuid UniprotParcID ! Uniprot uniparc id" field: "all AllText ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "" ] DB uniref50 [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "crlu LastUpdated ! Data last updated" field: "gdes GenDescription ! Description" field: "sc MemberCount ! Member count" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI taxon id" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "rsq RepSeqLength ! representative sequence length" field: "crc ! CRC" field: "upid UniprotID ! Uniprot id" field: "upacc UniprotACC ! Uniprot accession" field: "uuid UniprotParcID ! Uniprot uniparc id" field: "all AllText ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "" ] DB uniparc [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "id ! Identifier" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "upscrc CheckSum ! Checksum" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest! Sequence CRC digest" field: "prd ProteinID ! Protein id" field: "upac UniProtAC ! Uniprot accession" field: "upex UniProtExlude ! Uniprot exclusion" field: "refdb Database ! Reference database" field: "refdbi refDbId ! Reference database id" field: "refdbsv ! Reference database sequence version" field: "pdbc PDBChain ! PDB chain" field: "refdbv RefDbVer ! Reference database version" field: "refdba RefDbActive ! Reference database active" field: "refdbc RefDbCreated ! Reference database created" field: "refdbl RefDbLast ! Reference database last updated" field: "gid ! NCBI GID" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI taxon id" field: "upacc UniProtAcc ! Uniprot accession" field: "cti CountedItem ! Counted item" field: "ctn CountedN ! Counted number" field: "all AllText ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "" ] # Active protein sequence databases DB patent_prt [ type: "protein" format: "swiss" field: "id ! identifier" field: "topo Topology ! Topology" field: "mol Molecule ! Molecule" field: "cla Class ! Data class" field: "div Division ! Division" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "pac PrimAccNumber ! Primary accession number" field: "sv SeqVersion ! Sequence version" field: "crd DateCreated ! Data created" field: "relc RelCreated ! Release created" field: "crlu LastUpdated ! Data last updated" field: "relu RelUpdated ! Release last updated" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "key Keywords ! Keywords" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "taxon ! Taxon name" field: "txi NCBI_TaxId ! NCBI taxon id" field: "ogn Organelle ! Organelle" field: "lnk Link ! Link" field: "mow MolWeight ! Molecular weight" field: "crc ! CRC" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest ! Sequence CRC digest" field: "po PatentOffice | patent office" field: "rp RefPosition ! Reference position" field: "grp RefGroup ! Reference group" field: "aut Authors ! Authors" field: "tit Title ! Title" field: "yr Year ! Year" field: "pat Patent | Patent" field: "ftk FtKey ! Feature key" field: "ftq FtQualifier ! Feature qualifier" field: "ftd FtDescription ! Feature description" field: "ftl FtLength ! Feature length" field: "cti CountedItem ! Counted item" field: "ctn CountedN ! Counted number" field: "all AllText ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "" ] DB pir [ type: "protein" format: "pir" field: "id ! Identifier" field: "acc AccNumber ! Accession number" field: "des Description ! Description" field: "key Keywords ! Keywords" field: "sfa Superfamily ! Superfamily" field: "mot MoleculeType ! Molecule type" field: "dat Date ! Date" field: "org Organism ! Organism name" field: "sl SeqLength ! Sequence length" field: "scd SeqCrcDigest ! Sequence CRC digest" field: "ftk FtKey ! Feature key" field: "ftd FtDescription ! Feature description" field: "ftl FtLength ! Feature length" field: "flo FtLocation ! Feature location" field: "aut Authors ! Authors" field: "tit Title ! Title" field: "jnl Journal ! Journal" field: "vol Volume ! Volume" field: "fp FirstPage ! First page" field: "yr Year ! Year" field: "rfn ReferenceNumber ! Reference number" field: "mid MedlineID ! Medline ID" field: "all alltext ! all text index terms" field: "allids ! all identifiers" example: "cchu" ] # Protein function databases # Protein structure databases # Protein interaction databases (IntAct) # Enzymes, reactions and metabolic pathway databvases # Mutation and SNP databases # Other databases # EMBOSS Source Code # EMBLCDS grouped by