; input options: #include "simplification.info" #include "construction.info" #include "distance_estimation.info" #include "detail_info_printer.info" #include "coverage_based_rr.info" K 55 run_mode false project_name TOY_DATASET dataset ./configs/debruijn/datasets_archive/toy.info log_filename log.properties output_base ./data/debruijn/ tmp_dir spades_tmp/ main_iteration true additional_contigs tmp_contigs.fasta coverage_based_rr_on false load_from latest/saves/ ; tmp or latest ; Multithreading options use_multithreading true temp_bin_reads_dir .bin_reads/ max_threads 8 max_memory 120; in Gigabytes buffer_size 512; in Megabytes entry_point construction ;entry_point simplification ;entry_point pacbio_aligning ;entry_point late_pair_info_count ;entry_point distance_estimation ;entry_point repeat_resolving developer_mode true ; enabled (1) or disabled (0) repeat resolution (former "paired_mode") rr_enable true ;use single reads for rr (all | only_single_libs | none ) single_reads_rr only_single_libs ; diploid mode diploid_mode false ; The following parameters are used ONLY if developer_mode is true ; whether to output dot-files with pictures of graphs - ONLY in developer mode output_pictures true ; whether to output resulting contigs after intermediate stages - ONLY in developer mode output_nonfinal_contigs true ; whether to compute number of paths statistics - ONLY in developer mode compute_paths_number false ; End of developer_mode parameters ; iterative mode switcher, activates additional contigs usage use_additional_contigs false ; use unipaths as additional contigs instead of just graph edges use_unipaths false ; set it true to separate the clusters after de stage divide_clusters false ;enables mismatch careful mode (primary changes some simplification settings) mismatch_careful false ;if true simple mismatches are corrected correct_mismatches true ; set it true to get statistics, such as false positive/negative, perfect match, etc. paired_info_statistics false ; set it true to get statistics for pair information (over gaps), such as false positive/negative, perfect match, etc. paired_info_scaffolder false estimation_mode simple ; simple, weighted, extensive, smoothing ;set it true to detach connections that are not supported by paired info before repeat resolution cut_bad_connections false ;the only option left from repeat resolving -- WHY DO THEY DIFFER? max_repeat_length 8000 max_repeat_length_sc 8000 ; repeat resolving mode (none path_extend) resolving_mode path_extend use_scaffolder true mask_all true andrey_params { #include "path_extend/pe_params.info" } avoid_rc_connections true ;position handling pos { max_mapping_gap 0 ; in terms of K+1 mers value will be K + max_mapping_gap max_gap_diff 0 contigs_for_threading ./data/debruijn/contigs.fasta contigs_to_analyze ./data/debruijn/contigs.fasta late_threading true careful_labeling true } gap_closer_enable true gap_closer { minimal_intersection 10 before_simplify true in_simplify false after_simplify true weight_threshold 2.0 } kmer_coverage_model { probability_threshold 0.05 strong_probability_threshold 0.999 } pacbio_processor { ;align and traverse. pacbio_k 13 additional_debug_info false compression_cutoff 0.6 domination_cutoff 1.5 path_limit_stretching 1.3 path_limit_pressing 0.7 ignore_middle_alignment true ;gap_closer long_seq_limit 400 pacbio_min_gap_quantity 2 contigs_min_gap_quantity 1 } ; consensus need_consensus false ; output is VERY large(gigabytes). uncorrected_reads none mismatch_ratio 2.0; graph_read_corr { enable false output_dir corrected_contigs/ binary true } ;flanking coverage range flanking_range 50