#! /usr/bin/env python from xml.etree.ElementTree import * import xml.dom.minidom as minidom import os, sys import mdseqpos.bayesian_motif_comp as bayesian_motif_comp #import mdseqpos.motif as motif SEP = "|" def Info(string): print string def List2Str(l, con=SEP): """use SEP to join list""" l = [str(t) for t in l] return con.join(l) def PssmValidator(pssm): """validate each PSSM matrix format, no head. pssm = [[], [], ... , []] """ #print pssm for pos in pssm: if len(pos)!=4: return False for base in pos: try: float(base) except ValueError: return False return True def FixPssm(p): """FixPssm(p) p is a MP object. This function fix the pssm, make each position sum to 1. """ for k in p.motifs.keys(): for pssm in p.motifs[k]['pssm']: for row in pssm: rsum = sum([float(t) for t in row]) for t in range(len(row)): row[t] = round(float(row[t])/rsum,3) if row[t]<0.01: row[t] = 0.01 imax = row.index(max(row)) row[imax] -= sum(row)-1 class MotifParser: """ Update 110524: for symbol, use :: to seperate components. MotifParser (MP) function: parser motif xml file and return a MP Object "p", you can get the dictionary by "p.motifs" If you want to parser a file whose tags are not in pre-decided list, type: p=MotifParser();p.attr_list.append(); methods: __init__(self, xmlfile = '') #Setup a MP Object, and parser the xmlfile. __add__(self, mp2) #Add two MP into one, delete duplicates with same motif id. Return a MP object. __sub__(self, mp2) #Subtract motifs of mp2 from the MP object. Return a MP object. Parser(self, xmlfile) #Parser the xmlfile. ParserTable(self, tablefile) #Parser from a "\t" splitted table txt file. Get a MP Object. ToXml(self, xmlfile, xsl=False) #Output the MP Object to xmlfile. if xsl=True, also output the xsl file. ToTable(self, tabfile) #Output the MP Object to table txt file. GetAttr(self, attr) #Get all data of the attribute. Return a list. SearchMotif(self, **attrs) #search a set of specific motifs in the MP Object. Return a MP Object. String(self, mid) #Return a specific motif in a formatted string and readable type. Details of the dictionary of MP object: 'id' list of string identification in each db. 'edition' list of string edition for JASPAR 'source' list of string from which database 'sourcefile' list of string url link to get the motif in original db 'status' 'numseqs' list of string length of motif 'pmid' list of string article support this motif 'dbd' list of string DNA binding domain 'description' list of string gene description 'species' list of strings species the gene belong to 'entrez' list of strings entrezs of the gene 'symbol' list of string symbol of the gene 'synonym' list of strings non-official gene symbols of the gene 'refseq' list of strings refseqs of the gene 'pssm' list of 2d-list of float pssm matrix of the motif 'comment1' 'comment2' 'comment3' 'comment4' 'comment5' """ def __init__(self, xmlfile = ''): """MP = MotifParser() Setup a MP Object, and parser the xmlfile. """ self.motifs = {} #self.temp_print = '' self.keyName = 'id' self.attr_list = [self.keyName,'edition'] self.tag_list = ['source', 'sourcefile', 'status', 'numseqs', 'pmid', 'dbd', \ 'description', 'species', 'cellline', 'entrez', 'symbol', 'synonym', 'refseq', 'comment1', \ 'comment2', 'comment3', 'comment4', 'comment5'] self.special_list = ['pssm'] # if you add a element here, need to edit code below -,- self.all_list = self.attr_list + self.tag_list + self.special_list if xmlfile: if xmlfile[-3:] == 'xml': self.Parser(xmlfile) elif xmlfile[-3:] == 'txt': self.ParserTable(xmlfile) else: Info("Can't parser the file, xml or txt?") #def Refresh(self): # """Refresh self.all_list, if you ever use sth like self.tag_list.append""" # self.all_list = self.attr_list + self.tag_list + self.special_list def AppendTag(self, tag, appendto='tag_list'): """AppendTag(self, tag, appendto='tag_list') extend tags in MP object. """ taglist = getattr(self, appendto) if tag not in taglist: taglist.append(tag) self.all_list = self.attr_list + self.tag_list + self.special_list def Create(self, id, **argv): """Create(self, id, **argv) Create a single motif. """ #self.Refresh() self.motifs[id] = {} self.motifs[id]['id'] = id for i in self.all_list: if i in argv.keys(): self.motifs[id][i] = argv[i][:] else: self.motifs[id][i] = [] def Parser(self, xmlfile): """MP.Parser(xmlfile) Parser the xmlfile. """ self.motifs = {} xmltree = ElementTree() try: xmltree.parse(xmlfile) except IOError: Info("Fail to parser the xml file. Not exist or format error?") return None for pos in xmltree.findall("motif"): #get key and set empty element key = pos.get(self.keyName) if not key: Info('ERROR: No %s found for node.' %self.keyName) return None if key in self.motifs.keys(): Info("WARNING: %s has exist in instance."%key) self.motifs[key] = {} #add attribs and tags for each element. for iattr in self.attr_list: value = pos.get(iattr) if value: self.motifs[key][iattr] = [value] else: self.motifs[key][iattr] = [] for itag in self.tag_list: self.motifs[key][itag] = [t.text.strip() for t in pos.findall(itag)] itag = 'pssm' self.motifs[key][itag]=[] for ipssm in pos.findall(itag): matrix = [] plist = ipssm.findall('pos') plist.sort(key=lambda x:int(x.get('num'))) for t in plist: base_A = float(t.find('A').text.strip()) base_C = float(t.find('C').text.strip()) base_G = float(t.find('G').text.strip()) base_T = float(t.find('T').text.strip()) matrix.append([base_A, base_C, base_G, base_T]) self.motifs[key][itag].append(matrix) def ParserTable(self, tfile): """Parser from a "\t" splitted table txt file. The first col should be col name and in lowercase letter. The pssm format like this: [[[0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2],[0.1,0.8,0.05,0.05]]] """ self.motifs = {} inf = open(tfile) line = inf.readline() headList = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') headIndex = {} for i in range(len(headList)): headIndex[headList[i]] = i #headIndex['sourcefile'] = 3 for each in headList: if each not in self.all_list: Info("WARNING: column name <%s> is not a node, it will input but can't output. use 'MP_Object.all_list' to get formal format." %each) #return 1 for line in inf: linel = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') key = linel[headIndex[self.keyName]] #eg. key = MA00004 if key in self.motifs.keys(): Info("WARNING: %s has exist in instance"%key) self.motifs[key] = {} for iattr in self.attr_list: self.motifs[key][iattr] = [] try: value = linel[headIndex[iattr]] if value: self.motifs[key][iattr] = value.split(SEP) except KeyError: pass for iattr in self.tag_list: self.motifs[key][iattr] = [] try: value = linel[headIndex[iattr]] if value: self.motifs[key][iattr] = value.split(SEP) except KeyError: pass itag = 'pssm' self.motifs[key][itag] = [] if itag in headList: matrix_string = linel[headIndex[itag]] if matrix_string: exec('matrix=%s' %matrix_string) for imatrix in matrix: if not PssmValidator(imatrix): Info("ERROR: Matrix format error. id: %s" %key) return False else: self.motifs[key][itag] = matrix print "Success parser from table." def GetAttr(self, attr, deldup = False): """MP.GetAttr(attr, deldup = False) Get all data of the attribute / tag. Return a string. """ if attr not in self.all_list: print "Wrong input attr, select attr from: \n:",List2Str(self.all_list, ",") return '' if attr == 'pssm': print "Not support to get pssm. you can use MP.ToTable() ;)\n" return '' res = [] for i in self.motifs.values(): if attr == 'symbol': res.extend(i[attr]) else: res.extend(i[attr]) if deldup: res = list(set(res)) res.sort() return List2Str(res).replace("::",SEP) def SearchMotif(self, **attrs): """SearchMotif(self, **attrs) search a set of specific motifs in the MP Object. Return a MP Object. Any changes on the subset MP may influence the original MP. choose arguments from self.all_list e.g) MP2 = MP.SearchMotif(species="Homo sapiens",source="JASPAR") """ #print attrs for i in attrs.keys(): if i not in self.all_list: Info("Wrong input attr:%s, select attr from:\n: %s" %(i, List2Str(self.attr_list+self.tag_list, ","))) return None sub_motifs = self #MotifParser() #sub_motifs.motifs = self.motifs for attr in attrs.items(): temp_dict = {} for i in sub_motifs.motifs.items(): if not attr[1] and not i[1][attr[0]]: #search for empty temp_dict[i[0]] = i[1].copy() elif attr[1].upper() in (SEP.join(i[1][attr[0]])).upper().replace('::',SEP).split(SEP): temp_dict[i[0]] = i[1].copy() sub_motifs.motifs = temp_dict Info("Extract %d records." %len(sub_motifs)) return sub_motifs def String(self, mid): """Return a specific motif in a formatted string and readable type. e.g) MP.String("M00913") """ if mid in self.motifs.keys(): dMotif = self.motifs[mid] else: Info("ID incorrect, can't find Motif ID: %s" %mid) return '' motif_string = ['\n'] for itag in self.attr_list + self.tag_list: try: motif_string.append("%s: %s\n" %(itag, ' '*(10-len(itag)) + List2Str(dMotif[itag]) )) except KeyError: motif_string.append("%s: None\n" %itag) itag = 'pssm' for imatrix in dMotif[itag]: motif_string.append("PSSM: A C G T\n") for i in range(len(imatrix)): motif_string.append("|%6d"%(i+1,) + " %3.3f %3.3f %3.3f %3.3f\n" %tuple(imatrix[i])) motif_string.append("\n") print List2Str(motif_string,"") def Patch(self, mp2): #marked as not useful """patch motif in mp2 to self, simply replace the motif in self, identified by motif id.""" for item in mp2.motifs.items(): self.motifs[item[0]] = item[1] def __add__(self, mp2): """MP1.__add__(MP2) <==> MP1+MP2 Add two MP into one, delete duplicates with same motif id(use MP2 to replace MP1). Return a MP object. """ res_motifs = MotifParser() res_motifs.keyName = self.keyName[:] res_motifs.attr_list = self.attr_list[:] res_motifs.tag_list = self.tag_list[:] res_motifs.special_list = self.special_list[:] res_motifs.all_list = self.all_list[:] temp_dict = {} for i in self.motifs.keys(): temp_dict[i] = self.motifs[i].copy() for i in mp2.motifs.keys(): temp_dict[i] = mp2.motifs[i].copy() #res_motifs.motifs.update(self.motifs) #res_motifs.motifs.update(mp2.motifs) res_motifs.motifs = temp_dict return res_motifs def __sub__(self, mp2): """MP1.__sub__(MP2) <==> MP1-MP2 Subtract motifs of mp2 from the MP object (identify by keys). Return a MP object. """ res_motifs = MotifParser() res_motifs.keyName = self.keyName[:] res_motifs.attr_list = self.attr_list[:] res_motifs.tag_list = self.tag_list[:] res_motifs.special_list = self.special_list[:] res_motifs.all_list = self.all_list[:] res_motifs.motifs = self.motifs.copy() motif_id_list = res_motifs.motifs.keys() for i in mp2.motifs: if i in motif_id_list: del(res_motifs.motifs[i]) return res_motifs def ToXml(self, xmlfile, xsl=False, sortkey=''): """MP.ToXML(xmlfile, xsl=False, sortkey='') Output the MP Object to xmlfile. sortkey = lambda x:x['id'] #something like that. """ doc = minidom.Document() motifs = doc.createElement("motifs") doc.appendChild(motifs) t_motifs = self.motifs.values() if sortkey: t_motifs.sort(key=sortkey) else: #t_motifs.sort(key=lambda x:x[self.keyName]) #sort value as keyName before output t_motifs.sort(key=lambda x:x['symbol']) #t_motifs.sort(key=lambda x:x['symbol'][0].upper()+' '+x['species'][0]+' '+'0'*(5-len(x['id'][0][9:]))+x['id'][0][9:]) #sort as symbol, then id, shirley asked #t_motifs.sort(key=lambda x:'|'.join(x['dbd'])+' '+x['symbol'][0].upper()) #sort as dbd, then symbol for mo in t_motifs: # Create the main element motif = doc.createElement("motif") # Create main Attrs for iattr in self.attr_list: if mo[iattr]: motif.setAttribute(iattr, List2Str(mo[iattr])) motifs.appendChild(motif) #Create elements for itag in self.tag_list: for ivalue in mo[itag]: element = doc.createElement(itag) motif.appendChild(element) ptext = doc.createTextNode(ivalue) element.appendChild(ptext) itag = "pssm" for matrix in mo[itag]: #print matrix baseIndex = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'] pssm = doc.createElement(itag) motif.appendChild(pssm) for i in range(len(matrix)): pos = doc.createElement("pos") pos.setAttribute("num", "%d" %(i+1,)) pssm.appendChild(pos) for j in range(4): t = doc.createElement(baseIndex[j]) pos.appendChild(t) ptext = doc.createTextNode('%.3f' %matrix[i][j]) t.appendChild(ptext) xmlString = doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ") xmlString = xmlString.split("\n",1) #output to xmlfile xmlfile_ = xmlfile.split(".xml")[0] outf = open(xmlfile_+".xml",'w') outf.write(xmlString[0]+"\n") if xmlString[0].find("xml") != -1: outf.write(r''% os.path.split(xmlfile_)[-1] +"\n") outf.write(xmlString[1]) outf.close() print "Output xml to file: %s.xml." %xmlfile_ if xsl: outf = open(xmlfile_+".xsl",'w') xsl_string_0 = """\ %s
- - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/?term= - - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term= -
"""%xmlfile xsl_string_1 = """\ %s
- - - - - - - - - - - - seqLogo/.pngseqLogo/.png - -
"""%xmlfile outf.write(xsl_string_0) outf.close() def ToTable(self, tabfile, sortkey=''): """ToTable(self, tabfile, sortkey='')""" pssm_index = self.all_list.index("pssm") outf = open(tabfile,'w') outf.write(List2Str(self.all_list, "\t")+"\n") t_motifs = self.motifs.values() if sortkey: t_motifs.sort(key=sortkey) else: t_motifs.sort(key=lambda x:x[self.keyName]) for each in t_motifs: motif = [List2Str(each[t]) for t in self.all_list[:pssm_index]] if each['pssm']: #output pssm to table pssm_slist = [] for imatrix in each['pssm']: slist = [', '.join(["%.3f"%tt for tt in t]) for t in imatrix] imatrix_string = '[['+'], ['.join(slist)+']]' pssm_slist.append(imatrix_string) pssm_string = '['+'], ['.join(pssm_slist)+']' motif.append(pssm_string) else: motif.append('') motif.extend([List2Str(each[t]) for t in self.all_list[pssm_index+1:]]) outf.write(List2Str(motif, "\t")+"\n") outf.close() def Pwm2File(self, folder): """Pwm2File(self, folder) Output pssm to a folder, filename is the id """ if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) for i in self.motifs.values(): filen = os.path.join(folder, List2Str(i[self.keyName])+'.pwm') if len(i['pssm'])!=1: Info('Warning: %s may have %d pssm.'%(i[self.keyName][0], len(i['pssm']))) if not len(i['pssm']): continue outf = open(filen, 'w') outf.write('A\tC\tG\tT\n') for x in i['pssm'][0]: x2 = ['%.3d'%t for t in x] outf.write(List2Str(x, '\t') + '\n') outf.close() def __len__(self): return len(self.motifs) def _Parser(self, xmlfile): """MP.Parser(xmlfile) Parser the xmlfile. Old parser version. Only for Convert. """ self.motifs = {} xmltree = ElementTree() try: xmltree.parse(xmlfile) except IOError: print "Fail to parser the xml file. Not exist or format error?" return None for pos in xmltree.findall("motif"): tag = 'id' attrib = pos.attrib id = attrib[tag] #print id self.motifs[id] = {} self.motifs[id][tag] = [id] tag = 'edition' try: self.motifs[id][tag] = [attrib[tag]] except: self.motifs[id][tag] = [] for tag in ('source', 'sourcefile', 'status', 'description', 'numseqs', 'pmid', 'dbd', \ 'comment1', 'comment2', 'comment3', 'comment4', 'comment5'): if pos.find(tag)!=None: self.motifs[id][tag] = [pos.find(tag).text.strip()] else: self.motifs[id][tag] = [] for tag in ('species', 'entrez', 'synonym', 'refseq', 'symbol'): if pos.find(tag+'list')!=None: t = pos.find(tag+'list') self.motifs[id][tag] = [i.text.strip() for i in t.findall(tag)] else: self.motifs[id][tag] = [] for tag in ('pssm',): self.motifs[id][tag]=[] if pos.find(tag)!=None: plist = pos.find(tag).findall('pos') plist.sort() for t in plist: t = t.findall('*') t.sort() self.motifs[id][tag].append([ float(s.text.strip()) for s in t ]) self.motifs[id][tag] = [self.motifs[id][tag]] def _ConvertToYing(self): """Only For convert.""" from parser_ying import base_ying import numpy motiflist = base_ying.MotifList() for each in self.motifs.values(): pm = base_ying.Motif() pm.id = each['id'][0] pm.status = None if each['source']: pm.source = each['source'][0] if each['sourcefile']: pm.sourcefile = each['sourcefile'][0] if each['species']: pm.species = each['species'] if each['entrez']: pm.entrez = [int(t) for t in each['entrez']] if each['symbol']: pm.symbol = each['symbol'] if each['synonym']: pm.synonyms = each['synonym'] if each['description']: pm.fullname = each['description'][0] if each['dbd']: pm.dbd = each['dbd'][0] if each['pmid']: pm.pmid = each['pmid'][0] if each['pssm']: pm.pssm = numpy.array(each['pssm'][0], float) if pm.pssm.shape[1] != 4: raise ValueError, "motif PSSM must have 4 columns" pm.numseqs = None pm.curators = [] pm.results = None pm.antisense = False # reverse complements need to be taken to make tree consistent motiflist.append(pm) return motiflist def _ConvertToOldMotif(self, motifid): import mdseqpos.motif as motif p = motif.Motif() p = p.from_dict(self.motifs[motifid]) return p def _Similarity(self, motifid1, motifid2, metric='Bayesian'): """_Similarity(self, motifid1, motifid2, metric='Bayesian') Return a score for the similarity between two motifs. offset -- number of basepairs to shift the first motif antisense -- whether to take the reverse complement of the first motif """ if len(self.motifs[motifid1]['pssm']) == 1 and len(self.motifs[motifid2]['pssm']) == 1: m1 = self._ConvertToOldMotif(motifid1) m2 = self._ConvertToOldMotif(motifid2) similarity_score, offset, antisense = bayesian_motif_comp.BLiC_score(m1.pssm, m2.pssm) antisense = bool(antisense) return similarity_score, offset, antisense else: Info('ERROR: It has no matrix or more than 1 matrix: %s, %s'%(motifid1, motifid2)) def _ParserTable(self, tfile): """Parser from a "\t" splitted table txt file. The first col should be col name and in lowercase letter. The pssm format like this: [[0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2],[0.1,0.8,0.05,0.05]] """ self.motifs = {} inf = open(tfile) line = inf.readline() headList = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') headIndex = {} for i in range(len(headList)): headIndex[headList[i]] = i #headIndex['sourcefile'] = 3 for each in headList: if each not in self.all_list: print "WARNING: column name '%s' is not a node, use 'MP_Object.attr_list' to get formal format." %each #return 1 for line in inf: linel = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') tag = 'id' id = linel[headIndex[tag]] self.motifs[id] = {} self.motifs[id][tag] = [id] tag = 'edition' self.motifs[id][tag] = [] if tag in headList: if linel[headIndex[tag]]: self.motifs[id][tag] = [linel[headIndex[tag]]] for tag in ('source', 'sourcefile', 'status', 'description', 'numseqs', 'pmid', 'dbd', 'symbol', \ 'comment1', 'comment2', 'comment3', 'comment4', 'comment5'): self.motifs[id][tag] = [] if tag in headList: if linel[headIndex[tag]]: self.motifs[id][tag] = [linel[headIndex[tag]]] for tag in ('species', 'entrez', 'synonym', 'refseq'): self.motifs[id][tag] = [] if tag in headList: if linel[headIndex[tag]]: self.motifs[id][tag] = linel[headIndex[tag]].split(SEP) for tag in ('pssm',): pssm = [] if tag in headList: if linel[headIndex[tag]]: exec('pssm=[%s]' %linel[headIndex[tag]]) for ipssm in pssm: if not PssmValidator(ipssm): print "pssm format error. id: %s" %id self.motifs[id][tag] = pssm print "Success parser from table. %s"%tfile