{% for motif in motifs %} {% for e in motif.similar_motifs %} {% if not e.similarity_score %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
clusters collapsed_id factor DNA binding domain hits cutoff zscore -10*log(pval) similarity to top mean_position
{{e.id}} {% if e.factor %} {% if e.zscore > -15 %} {{e.factor}} {% else %} {{e.factor}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{e.dbd}} {{e.hits}} {{e.cutoff}} {{e.zscore}} {{e.pval}} {{e.similarity_score}} {{e.position}}

The MDSeqPos results are classified into several groups depend on their sequence logo similarity.
For the "factor" column these with zscore < -15 are in black, which is better result than grey ones.
For "similarity to top" column, it calculate a similarity score[1] with the top one in this class. If the score is larger than 2.85, we think them are similar logos.

[1] Habib N. A Novel Bayesian DNA Motif Comparison Method for Clustering and Retrieval. PLoS Comput Biol. 2011 May;7(5).