""" SYNOPSIS: This module contains the Motif and MotifList classes. Motif stores and processes motif information. MotifList is a simple list wrapper for lists--it contains some helper functions that operate over a list of motifs. """ import os import sys import re import math import json from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString #NOTE: when seqscan is modified to take pssms that aren't numpy arrays, then i can remove this! import numpy try: import _seq except: import mdseqpos._seq as _seq import count #from database import MotifParser import MotifParser import Prob def calc_pssm(sequences): """Given a list of sequences, e.g. [['A','C','C','A','A','T','T'], ['A','A','C','C','T','A','T'], ... ] this function returns the pssm describing the sequences. """ #Step 1: For each COLUMN, count the number of A's in that pos, C's etc pssm = [] if sequences and (len(sequences) > 0): for col in range(len(sequences[0])): tmp = [0, 0, 0, 0] for row in range(len(sequences)): if sequences[row][col] == 'A': tmp[0] += 1 elif sequences[row][col] == 'C': tmp[1] += 1 elif sequences[row][col] == 'G': tmp[2] += 1 else: #T tmp[3] += 1 #Step 2: normalize the counts hit_sum = sum(tmp) pssm.append(map(lambda ct: float(ct)/float(hit_sum), tmp)) return pssm def revcomp(s): """Returns the reverse compliment of a sequence""" t = s[:] t.reverse() rc = {'A':'T', 'C':'G', 'G':'C', 'T':'A', 'N':'N'} t = [rc[x] for x in t] return t class DuplicateMotif(Exception): pass class BadPssm(Exception): pass class Motif: """Class for sequence motifs. (NOT SO) Required Attributes: NOTE: in ying's old Motif class, these could be None self.id (string): A string containing a unique ID identifying the motif. self.pssm (float array, N x 4 cols): position specific scoring matrix (PSSM) for the motif. The array should contain N rows, each corresponding to a single position in the PSSM, and 4 columns, each corresponding to the 4 DNA basepairs A, C, G, T, in order. Each element in the matrix should be a float, and each row of the matrix should sum to 1.0. self.seqpos_results (dict): {'numhits','cutoff','zscore','meanposition', 'pvalue} NOTE: we have convenience fns, e.g. self.getpvalue() returns self.seqpos_results['pvalue'] self.antisense (bool): whether the motif is on the antisense strand Optional Attributes (descriptive): self.source (string): the source of the motif, e.g. 'Transfac' or 'PBM' self.sourcefile (string): the path to the source file of the motif self.species (list of string): list of species names, eg ['mouse', 'human'] self.fullname (string): fullname of the motif self.pmid (integer): the Pubmed ID of the article in which the motif was published self.numseqs(integer): number of sequences used to derive the motif's position specific scoring matrix (PSSM). self.factors (list of string): list of the transcription factors that bind to the motif, e.g. ['ERa', 'Runx2']. self.entrezs (list of integers): list of integers representing the Entrez Gene IDs of the transcription factor that bind to the motif, such as [6908, 2099]. self.refseqs (list of strings): list of the refseq strings, e.g. ['NM_001141919', 'NM_013464'] self.dbd (string): the full name of the DNA binding domain of the transcription factor that binds to the motif, such as 'estrogen receptor region C'. """ _ATTRIBUTES = ['id', 'pssm', 'seqpos_results', 'antisense', 'source', 'sourcefile', 'species', 'fullname', 'pmid', 'numseqs', 'factors', 'entrezs', 'refseqs', 'dbd'] _results_fields = ['numhits','cutoff','zscore','meanposition','pvalue'] #maybe i'll make pssm the only required attribute def __init__(self): """initializes all attributes to None""" for attr in Motif._ATTRIBUTES: setattr(self, attr, None) #set the seqpos_result field to None #and convenience accessors/setters, e.g. self.getpvalue self.seqpos_results = {} for attr in Motif._results_fields: self.seqpos_results[attr] = None def curry(x): return lambda : self.seqpos_results[x] #setattr(self, "get"+attr, lambda : self.seqpos_results[attr]) setattr(self, "get"+attr, curry(attr)) #setattr(self, "set"+attr, lambda x: self.seqpos_results[attr] = x) @staticmethod def _validpssm(pssm): """Checks to see if its a valid pssm: 1. each row must have 4 cols of floats 2. each row must sum to 1.0 """ def feq(f1, f2): epsilon = 1e-6 return abs(f1 - f2) < epsilon if pssm is None: raise BadPssm("None is not a valid pssm") if len(pssm) == 0: raise BadPssm("Empty pssm") for i, row in enumerate(pssm): if len(row) != 4: raise BadPssm("row %s is not length 4" % i) else: if not feq(sum(row), 1.0): raise BadPssm("row %s sums to %s NOT 1.0" % (i, sum(row))) return True def setpssm(self, pssm): """The preferred method to set the motif's pssm. does error checking""" if Motif._validpssm(pssm): self.pssm = pssm def equals(self, other): """Returns true if self.id == other.id""" return (self.id == other.id) def seqpos_stat(self, start, end, score, seq_length): """Calculates the statistics (and other things) that go into seqpos_results. numhits - number of cumulative hits meanposition - mean of the positions where the motif was found cutoff - ??? zscore - motif's zscore pvalue - motif's pvalue:= max(normal cum dist(zscore), 1e-30) """ plotPosWin = 200 #sliding window used to calculate mean pos plot numBins = 50 MINHITS = 20 MUALPHA0 = 0.296 MUALPHA1 = 0.641 SDALPHA0 = 0.943 SDALPHA1 = -0.111 mu_bias = 0.5 offset = len(self.pssm) #calculate relative positions of where the motif is found in sequence frac = [abs((float((s + e - offset))/(seq_length - offset)) - 1.0) for (s,e) in zip(start, end)] #generate list of indices sorted by largest score, e.g. idx[0] is #the index of the largest score and score[idx[0]] is the largest score #print frac idx = [i for (i,s) in sorted(enumerate(score), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)] #print idx cumfrac = 0 zscore_min = 99 #infinity kmin, numhits, cuthits, meanpos = -1, 0, 0, 0 #calculate the sums of the relative positions of sites (cumfrac) #starting w/ highest score on downward #NOTE: this is NOT an error, numhits is the number of sites seen #so far--ie. simply the index, and i is the score/fracpos index for numhits, i in enumerate(idx): if frac[i] > 1.0 or frac[i] < 0.0: raise(ValueError,"Fraction out of bounds %4.2f" % frac[i] ) cumfrac += frac[i] if numhits > MINHITS: #a valid number of sites have been computed #NOTE: 12.0 is the magic number according to cliff, its #the expected std dev, and it "comes from the variance of a #convolution of uniform distributions" zscore = (cumfrac - numhits*mu_bias)/(math.sqrt(numhits/12.0)) #take most significan site if zscore < zscore_min: zscore_min = zscore kmin = score[i] cuthits = numhits meanpos = cumfrac/numhits - 0.5 frac_sort = [frac[i] for i in idx] #calculate a mean sliding average using plotPosWin as the window size #normalize using (seq_length-offset)*0.5 meanSldAvg=[sum(frac_sort[i:i+plotPosWin])/plotPosWin*((seq_length-offset)*0.5)\ for i in range(len(frac_sort) - plotPosWin)] #NOTE: downscale the number of means (in meanSldAvg) b/c plotting #the full thing will just kill highcharts.js on the front end #sample numBins = 50 at regular intervals along meanSldAvg chunk = len(meanSldAvg)/numBins binAvg = [meanSldAvg[chunk*i] for i in range(numBins-1) if len(meanSldAvg) > 0] #last one: if len(meanSldAvg) > 0: binAvg.append(meanSldAvg[-1]) if cuthits > MINHITS: # NOTE: w/ the pvalue, we are assuming the normal distribution # get the raw p-value score #BUG? z_mean_adj = - (MUALPHA0 + MUALPHA1*math.log(math.log(numhits))) #BUG? z_sd_adj = SDALPHA0 + SDALPHA1*math.log(math.log(numhits)) z_mean_adj = - (MUALPHA0 + MUALPHA1*math.log(math.log(cuthits))) z_sd_adj = SDALPHA0 + SDALPHA1*math.log(math.log(cuthits)) zscore_min_adjusted = ( zscore_min - z_mean_adj )/z_sd_adj pvalue = max(Prob.normal_cdf(zscore_min_adjusted), 1e-30) else: zscore_min_adjusted = 0 pvalue = 1.0 self.seqpos_results = {'numhits': cuthits, 'meanposition': meanpos, 'cutoff': kmin, 'zscore': zscore_min_adjusted, 'pvalue': pvalue, 'plot': {'chunk':chunk, 'width':seq_length, 'bin_avg': binAvg}} #import func #func.debug(locals()) def seqpos(self, chip_regions, width=600, margin=50): """Score motif on how centrally located they are within each ChIP region. ChIP regions should be given as a ChipRegions object. The results of SeqPos will be stored as properties of self.seqpos_results. Adapted from Cliff Meyer's ChIP_region.CentralMotifScan() method.""" ANTISENSE = 1 MOTIFMIN = 1e-3 if not chip_regions.preprocessed_regions: chip_regions.preprocess(width, margin) #process the chip-regions chip_regions.read_sequence() bgseqprob_mat = count.count(chip_regions.sequence) markov_order = 2 prob_option = _seq.MAX_OPTION #GRR: THIS IS THE ONLY numpy dependency, and it is b/c seqscan #expects self.pssm to be a numpy array! pssm = numpy.array(self.pssm, float) s_idx, start, end, orient, score = \ _seq.seqscan(chip_regions.sequence, pssm, bgseqprob_mat, markov_order, prob_option) #adjust score adj_score = map(lambda s: math.log(s + MOTIFMIN), score) #calculate the seqpos_results (stats) self.seqpos_stat(start, end, adj_score, width + margin) #generating the observed pssm #fracpos is the fractional position of each site/hit fracpos = [abs(0.5*(s + e) - (margin + width)/2.0) / (width/2.0) for (s,e) in zip(start, end)] #retrieve sequences whose fracposition is in (0.0, 1.0] seq = [] for j,elem in enumerate(fracpos): if elem <= 1.0: t = list(chip_regions.sequence[int(s_idx[j])]) t = t[int(start[j]):int(end[j])] if orient[j] == ANTISENSE: seq.append(revcomp(t)) else: seq.append(t) self.seqpos_results['pssm'] = calc_pssm(seq) self.seqpos_results['seq'] = ["".join(t) for t in seq] #if self.id == "MA0104": # import func # func.debug(locals()) @staticmethod def from_flat_file(path): """Read in a motif from a text file which describes the pssm, and returns a Motif object- the pssm is in the following format, example: [[0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1], [0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1], [0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7]] """ #NOTE: this inner fn is ugly, maybe i'll just lambda it def pre_process(input_txt): """Converts weird literals, e.g. '__ob__' --> '[' according to a dictionary of symbol translations. For example, galaxy converts '[' --> '__ob__', this fn will convert them back""" sym_dict = [("__ob__", "["), ("__cb__", "]")] for s in sym_dict: input_txt = input_txt.replace(s[0], s[1]) return input_txt tmp = Motif() f = open(path) try: #flatten file into a string pssm_txt = "\n".join([line for line in f]) pssm_txt = pre_process(pssm_txt) # use regular expression to pick out the rows row_pattern = '\[\s*(0\.\d+)\s*\,\s*(0\.\d+)\s*\,\s*(0\.\d+)\s*\,\s*(0\\.\d+)\s*\]' #function that converts a tuple of float strings to float objs convert_tpl = lambda x: [float(i) for i in x] pssm = [convert_tpl(r) for r in re.findall(row_pattern, pssm_txt)] tmp.setpssm(pssm) finally: f.close() return tmp @staticmethod def pssm_from_xml(dom_node): """Reads in the xml data, and returns a Nx4 col matrix (hopefully). ... """ pos = dom_node.getElementsByTagName("pos") tags = ["A", "C", "T", "G"] pssm = [] for p in pos: num = p.getAttribute("num") row = [float(Motif.getText(p.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0].childNodes)) for tag in tags] pssm.append((num, row)) #can pos-s be out of order?--should we order by "num"?? pssm = sorted(pssm, key=lambda p: p[0]) return [p[1] for p in pssm] @staticmethod #??? def getText(nodelist): """RIPPED from: http://docs.python.org/library/xml.dom.minidom.html """ rc = [] for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc.append(node.data) return (''.join(rc)).strip() #NOTE: the following method is obsolete b/c we should use MotifParser #module to parse db xml! @staticmethod def from_xml(dom_node): """ Tries to create a new motif object that is defined in the node xml tree. EXPECTED XML struct: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... """ #NOTE: these are DUPLICATED in to_xml--should move them to #Motif.literals EXCEPT for antisense literals = ['source', 'sourcefile', 'fullname', 'pmid', 'numseqs', 'dbd', 'antisense'] lists = ['symbols', 'entrezs', 'refseqs', 'species'] tmp = Motif() tmp.id = dom_node.getAttribute("id") for attr in literals: val = dom_node.getElementsByTagName(attr) if val: setattr(tmp, attr, Motif.getText(val[0].childNodes)) for attr in lists: singular_name = attr[:-1] if attr != 'species' else attr ls = dom_node.getElementsByTagName(singular_name+"list") #these lists are all optional -- so ls might not be found elms_list = ls[0].getElementsByTagName(singular_name) if ls else None if elms_list: setattr(tmp, attr, map(Motif.getText, [e.childNodes for e in elms_list])) pssm_node = dom_node.getElementsByTagName("pssm") if pssm_node: tmp.pssm = Motif.pssm_from_xml(pssm_node[0]) return tmp @staticmethod def from_dict(d): """Returns a new motif with the values specified in the dictionary. The dictionary is expected to follow the format specified by the MotifParser ref: http://cistrome.dfci.harvard.edu/trac/wiki/MotifParser """ fields = ['id', 'status', 'source', 'sourcefile', 'dbd', 'pmid', ] lists = ['entrezs', 'refseqs', 'symbols', 'synonyms',] #special lists: species, numseqs #missing: fullname, curators tmp = Motif() for f in fields: #EVERY item in d is a list, so we have to make them into values val = ','.join(d[f]) setattr(tmp, f, val) for l in lists: #we want to set the value, chop off the s for the dictionary setattr(tmp, l, d[l[:-1]]) tmp.pssm = numpy.array(d['pssm'][0]) tmp.species = d['species'] tmp.numseqs = d['numseqs'] #NOTE: symbols is a synonym for factors...and until jian changes this #we will have to do the following tmp.factors = tmp.symbols return tmp def __str__(self): """How motifs should be printed out""" divider = "".join(["-" for x in range(79)]) lines = ["%s: %s" % (attr,getattr(self, attr)) \ for attr in Motif._ATTRIBUTES] return "%s\n%s\n%s" % (divider, "\n".join(lines), divider) def pssm_to_xml(self): """returns a string representation of the pssm: """ try: if Motif._validpssm(self.pssm): tmp = "" for i, row in enumerate(self.pssm): A, C, T, G = row tmp += "%s%s%s%s\n" % (i, A, C, G, T) return "\n%s\n" % tmp except BadPssm: return "" def to_xml(self, print_non_schema=False): """Returns the xml representation of the motif. see Motif.from_xml to see the xml structure we are assuming """ literals = ['source', 'sourcefile', 'fullname', 'pmid', 'numseqs', 'dbd'] lists = ['symbols', 'entrezs', 'refseqs', 'species'] #attributes that aren't defined in the xml schema, but might be useful #anyway non_schema = ['antisense', ]#seqpos_results] def print_lit(attr): if getattr(self, attr): return "<%s>%s\n" % (attr, getattr(self, attr), attr) return "" def print_lists(attr): try: val = getattr(self, attr) except: val = None if val and len(val) > 0: name = attr[:-1] if attr != 'species' else attr #entrezs --> entrez tmp = ''.join(["<%s>%s\n" % (name,v,name) for v in val]) return "<%s>\n%s\n" % (name+"list", tmp, name+"list") return "" lits = ''.join(map(print_lit, literals)) lists = ''.join(map(print_lists, lists)) non_s = '' if print_non_schema: non_s = ''.join(map(print_lit, non_schema)) pssm = self.pssm_to_xml() id = "id=\"%s\"" % self.id if self.id else "" return "\n%s" % (id, pssm + lits + lists + non_s) def to_json(self): """Returns the json representation of the motif. """ _aNumpyAr = numpy.array([]) #GRAB all of the _ATTRIBUTES and dump them into a dictionary tmp = {} for attr in Motif._ATTRIBUTES: val = getattr(self, attr) if type(val) == type(_aNumpyAr): tmp[attr] = val.tolist() else: tmp[attr] = val #CHECK for logoImg if 'logoImg' in vars(self): tmp['logoImg'] = self.logoImg #Control the floating point precision, unless it is pvalue --we want to preserve #the precision def printFloats(f): return "%.4f" % f if abs(f) > 0.0001 else f.__str__() json.encoder.FLOAT_REPR = printFloats return json.dumps(tmp) #NOTE: moving Motif.logo --> motiflogo.make_logo (fn) class MotifList(list): """Class to hold a list of unique motifs, and perform operations over them """ def append(self, motif_obj): """Tries to append motif_obj to the end of the list; IF duplicate: raises DuplicateMotif exception """ if motif_obj not in self: #note if you do self.append, that's infinite recursion unbnd_app = list.append unbnd_app(self, motif_obj) else: raise DuplicateMotif def cull(self, pvalcutoff=0.001, maxmotifs=100): """Filter the MotifList based on the pvalue and the max number of motifs allowed in the list. NOTE: this is non-destructive! """ sig_motifs = filter(lambda m: m.getpvalue() <= pvalcutoff, self) if (maxmotifs != -1) and (len(sig_motifs) > maxmotifs): #sort and return top maxmotifs sorted_motifs = sorted(self, key = lambda elem: elem.getpvalue()) del sorted_motifs[maxmotifs:] return MotifList(sorted_motifs) else: return MotifList(sig_motifs) def from_xml_file(self, path): """Tries to parse the xml file specified by 'path', and load in the motifs to the MotifList. Expected XML file struct:... """ #NOTE: here is where we rely on jian's MotifParser class p = MotifParser.MotifParser(path) motifs = [Motif.from_dict(p.motifs[m]) for m in p.motifs] self.extend(MotifList(motifs)) def to_xml(self): """Prints out the motif list in xml format, i.e.: ... """ tmp = '\n'.join([x.to_xml() for x in self]) #yea this might be overkill to convert it to a dom object first dom = parseString("\n%s\n\n" % tmp) return dom.toprettyxml() def to_json(self): """Prints out the motif list as json data """ return "[%s]" % ',\n'.join([m.to_json() for m in self]) def save_to_xml(self, path): """writes the motif list as an xml file""" #if _DEBUG: print "writing new motifs to file..." dir_name = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) motifs_file = open(path, 'w') try: motifs_file.write(self.to_xml()) finally: motifs_file.close() def filterBySpecies(self, species_list): """Filter the list by the species in species_list""" mapSpecies = {'hs' : 'Homo sapiens', 'mm' : 'Mus musculus', 'dm' : 'Drosophila melanogaster', 'ce' : 'Caenorhabditis elegans'} #MAP short names to long names sl = map(lambda s: mapSpecies[s], species_list) motifs = [] for m in self: #take the motif IFF species = [], OR an element in species is #in species_list if m.species: #print m.species found = False i = 0 while (i < len(m.species) and not found): if (m.species[i] in sl): found = True i += 1 if found: motifs.append(m) else: motifs.append(m) return MotifList(motifs)