WebLogo Version 2.8 Gavin E. Crooks, Gary Hon, John-Marc Chandonia and Steven E. Brenner Genome Research, 14:1188-1190, (2004) Release Notes: (Known bugs that can't be quickly fixed are listed below.) 2.8.2 (2005-09-08) [LL, GEC] Various Bug fixes: * Fixed Yellow (Was orange) * Various improvements in handling malformed input. * Fixed the fineprint checkbox option, which was stuck on. * Renamed "Uniform Height Logo" option to a more descriptive "Frequency Plot", and removed deceptive y-axis. 2.8.1 (2004-10-18) (Minor bug fix release) [GEC] Bug fixes: * Made weblogo compatibly with ghostscript version 8.1x. This release is known to work with ghostscript version 7.05, 8.00 & 8.14 Kudos for bug reports and suggestions to: * Lei Shen 2.8 (2004-10-01) [GEC] Bug fixes: * Fixed another form data parsing bug whose only apparent effect was to fill up the webserver's error log. * Fixed an issue with using double slashes in weblogo's url. Kudos for bug reports and suggestions to: * Eric Odell * Scot Wolfe * Alban Mancheron * Ed Green 2.7 (2004-06-09) [GEC] Bug fixes : * Fixed logo.cgi's parsing of checkbox form data. Kudos for bug reports and suggestions to: * Eric Odell 2.6 (2004-03-15) [GEC, GH] Bug fixes: * Resolved an issue with hard coded paths within the seqlogo command line client * Improved the parsing of clustalw files Kudos for bug reports and suggestions to: * Allen Liu * Guo Anyaun * Harald Weber 2.5 (2004-02-19) [GEC, GH] New features and enhancements : * Added multiline logos. 2.4 (2004-01-29) [GEC, GH] New features and enhancements : * Added file upload for sequence data. * Updated main page to reflect updated publication status 2.3 (2003-11-03) [GEC, GH] New features and enhancements * Added ability to parse CLUSTALW and flat file multiple sequence alignment formats. Bug fixes: * Antialiasing PNGs now works with recent versions of ghostscript * Can now change output file type when using Mozilla. Kudos for bug reports and suggestions to: * Stefanie Lager * Ed Green * Michael Galperin 2.2 (2003-08-01) [GEC, GH] Several minor bug fixes and changes to the web pages. * Fixed various buggy command line options * A request for an empty yaxis label is now respected * Fixed a major bug in temporary file name assignment that prevented weblogo from running on some unix variants New features and enhancements * Made error bars darker * Added option to control distance between tic marks Kudos for bug reports and suggestions to * Stefanie Lager * Arlin Stoltzfus * JP Cartailler * Peter G. Warren 2.1 (2003-01-08) [GEC] Several minor bug fixes and changes to the web pages. 2.0 (2002) [GEC, GH, JMC, SEB] This second version of WebLogo is a complete rewrite of both the user interface and the backend. Many new features and options have been provided. 1.0 (1995) [SEB] The original version of WebLogo was written in 1995 by Steven Brenner, and was hosted by the School of Biological Science, University of Cambridge Installation After unpacking the tarfile, it should be possible to immediately create logos using the seqlogo command line client. ./seqlogo -f globin.fasta > globin.eps WebLogo requires a recent version of gs (ghostscript) to create PNG and PDF output, and ImageMagic's convert to create GIFs. ./seqlogo -F PDF -f globin.fasta > globin.pdf ./seqlogo -F PNG -f globin.fasta > globin.png ./seqlogo -F GIF -f globin.fasta > globin.png To use WebLogo as a web application, place the WebLogo directory somewhere within the document root of your webserver. Your webserver must be able to execute logo.cgi (seqlogo is the command line interface, logo.cgi is the web interface) and read/write to the cache directory. Copy the file logo.conf.init to logo.conf, and edit the paths found within so that logo.cgi can find gs and convert. Apache: In the httpd.conf file, you may have to add an ExecCGI option to the weblogo directory, and add a cgi handler. Something like... Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Known Bugs: * Some installation problems can cause WebLogo to fail without returning any useful error message. Please double check the installation directions. * GIF and PNG logos cannot be saved correctly in IE for windows. The logos display correctly, but when you try to save them the only file type option is BMP! One workaround is to copy the image url into another IE window and reload the image. IE will then allow you to save the file with the correct filetype. Other workarounds are to use a different web browser, or a different OS (Or both). * The "I" charachers representing isoleucine residues aren't easily identifiable as "I" charachers in the WebLogo font. * The Outline Characters option turns off antialiasing. * Frequency plots will not show the y-axis scale or label. The WebLogo Team : LL: Liana Lareau GEC: Gavin E. Crooks GH: Gary Hon JMC: John-Marc Chandonia SEB: Steven E. Brenner