# Copyright 2008-2016 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """Bio.AlignIO support for "fasta-m10" output from Bill Pearson's FASTA tools. You are expected to use this module via the Bio.AlignIO functions (or the Bio.SeqIO functions if you want to work directly with the gapped sequences). This module contains a parser for the pairwise alignments produced by Bill Pearson's FASTA tools, for use from the Bio.AlignIO interface where it is referred to as the "fasta-m10" file format (as we only support the machine readable output format selected with the -m 10 command line option). This module does NOT cover the generic "fasta" file format originally developed as an input format to the FASTA tools. The Bio.AlignIO and Bio.SeqIO both use the Bio.SeqIO.FastaIO module to deal with these files, which can also be used to store a multiple sequence alignments. """ from __future__ import print_function from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment from Bio.Alphabet import single_letter_alphabet, generic_dna, generic_protein from Bio.Alphabet import Gapped def _extract_alignment_region(alignment_seq_with_flanking, annotation): """Extract alignment region (PRIVATE). Helper function for the main parsing code. To get the actual pairwise alignment sequences, we must first translate the un-gapped sequence based coordinates into positions in the gapped sequence (which may have a flanking region shown using leading - characters). To date, I have never seen any trailing flanking region shown in the m10 file, but the following code should also cope with that. Note that this code seems to work fine even when the "sq_offset" entries are prsent as a result of using the -X command line option. """ align_stripped = alignment_seq_with_flanking.strip("-") display_start = int(annotation['al_display_start']) if int(annotation['al_start']) <= int(annotation['al_stop']): start = int(annotation['al_start']) - display_start end = int(annotation['al_stop']) - display_start + 1 else: # FASTA has flipped this sequence... start = display_start - int(annotation['al_start']) end = display_start - int(annotation['al_stop']) + 1 end += align_stripped.count("-") if start < 0 or start >= end or end > len(align_stripped): raise ValueError("Problem with sequence start/stop,\n%s[%i:%i]\n%s" % (alignment_seq_with_flanking, start, end, annotation)) return align_stripped[start:end] def FastaM10Iterator(handle, alphabet=single_letter_alphabet): """Alignment iterator for the FASTA tool's pairwise alignment output. This is for reading the pairwise alignments output by Bill Pearson's FASTA program when called with the -m 10 command line option for machine readable output. For more details about the FASTA tools, see the website http://fasta.bioch.virginia.edu/ and the paper: W.R. Pearson & D.J. Lipman PNAS (1988) 85:2444-2448 This class is intended to be used via the Bio.AlignIO.parse() function by specifying the format as "fasta-m10" as shown in the following code:: from Bio import AlignIO handle = ... for a in AlignIO.parse(handle, "fasta-m10"): assert len(a) == 2, "Should be pairwise!" print("Alignment length %i" % a.get_alignment_length()) for record in a: print("%s %s %s" % (record.seq, record.name, record.id)) Note that this is not a full blown parser for all the information in the FASTA output - for example, most of the header and all of the footer is ignored. Also, the alignments are not batched according to the input queries. Also note that there can be up to about 30 letters of flanking region included in the raw FASTA output as contextual information. This is NOT part of the alignment itself, and is not included in the resulting MultipleSeqAlignment objects returned. """ if alphabet is None: alphabet = single_letter_alphabet state_PREAMBLE = -1 state_NONE = 0 state_QUERY_HEADER = 1 state_ALIGN_HEADER = 2 state_ALIGN_QUERY = 3 state_ALIGN_MATCH = 4 state_ALIGN_CONS = 5 def build_hsp(): if not query_tags and not match_tags: raise ValueError("No data for query %r, match %r" % (query_id, match_id)) assert query_tags, query_tags assert match_tags, match_tags evalue = align_tags.get("fa_expect") q = "?" # Just for printing len(q) in debug below m = "?" # Just for printing len(m) in debug below tool = global_tags.get("tool", "").upper() q = _extract_alignment_region(query_seq, query_tags) if tool in ["TFASTX"] and len(match_seq) == len(q): m = match_seq # Quick hack until I can work out how -, * and / characters # and the apparent mix of aa and bp coordinates works. else: m = _extract_alignment_region(match_seq, match_tags) if len(q) != len(m): message = """Darn... amino acids vs nucleotide coordinates? tool: {0} query_seq: {1} query_tags: {2} {3} length: {4} match_seq: {5} match_tags: {6} {7} length: {8} handle.name: {9} """.format(tool, query_seq, query_tags, q, len(q), match_seq, match_tags, m, len(m), handle.name) raise ValueError(message) assert alphabet is not None alignment = MultipleSeqAlignment([], alphabet) # TODO - Introduce an annotated alignment class? # See also Bio/AlignIO/MafIO.py for same requirement. # For now, store the annotation a new private property: alignment._annotations = {} # Want to record both the query header tags, and the alignment tags. for key, value in header_tags.items(): alignment._annotations[key] = value for key, value in align_tags.items(): alignment._annotations[key] = value # Query # ===== record = SeqRecord(Seq(q, alphabet), id=query_id, name="query", description=query_descr, annotations={"original_length": int(query_tags["sq_len"])}) # TODO - handle start/end coordinates properly. Short term hack for now: record._al_start = int(query_tags["al_start"]) record._al_stop = int(query_tags["al_stop"]) alignment.append(record) # TODO - What if a specific alphabet has been requested? # TODO - Use an IUPAC alphabet? # TODO - Can FASTA output RNA? if alphabet == single_letter_alphabet and "sq_type" in query_tags: if query_tags["sq_type"] == "D": record.seq.alphabet = generic_dna elif query_tags["sq_type"] == "p": record.seq.alphabet = generic_protein if "-" in q: if not hasattr(record.seq.alphabet, "gap_char"): record.seq.alphabet = Gapped(record.seq.alphabet, "-") # Match # ===== record = SeqRecord(Seq(m, alphabet), id=match_id, name="match", description=match_descr, annotations={"original_length": int(match_tags["sq_len"])}) # TODO - handle start/end coordinates properly. Short term hack for now: record._al_start = int(match_tags["al_start"]) record._al_stop = int(match_tags["al_stop"]) alignment.append(record) # This is still a very crude way of dealing with the alphabet: if alphabet == single_letter_alphabet and "sq_type" in match_tags: if match_tags["sq_type"] == "D": record.seq.alphabet = generic_dna elif match_tags["sq_type"] == "p": record.seq.alphabet = generic_protein if "-" in m: if not hasattr(record.seq.alphabet, "gap_char"): record.seq.alphabet = Gapped(record.seq.alphabet, "-") return alignment state = state_PREAMBLE query_id = None match_id = None query_descr = "" match_descr = "" global_tags = {} header_tags = {} align_tags = {} query_tags = {} match_tags = {} query_seq = "" match_seq = "" cons_seq = "" for line in handle: if ">>>" in line and not line.startswith(">>>"): if query_id and match_id: # This happens on old FASTA output which lacked an end of # query >>><<< marker line. yield build_hsp() state = state_NONE query_descr = line[line.find(">>>") + 3:].strip() query_id = query_descr.split(None, 1)[0] match_id = None header_tags = {} align_tags = {} query_tags = {} match_tags = {} query_seq = "" match_seq = "" cons_seq = "" elif line.startswith("!! No "): # e.g. # !! No library sequences with E() < 0.5 # or on more recent versions, # No sequences with E() < 0.05 assert state == state_NONE assert not header_tags assert not align_tags assert not match_tags assert not query_tags assert match_id is None assert not query_seq assert not match_seq assert not cons_seq query_id = None elif line.strip() in [">>><<<", ">>>///"]: # End of query, possible end of all queries if query_id and match_id: yield build_hsp() state = state_NONE query_id = None match_id = None header_tags = {} align_tags = {} query_tags = {} match_tags = {} query_seq = "" match_seq = "" cons_seq = "" elif line.startswith(">>>"): # Should be start of a match! assert query_id is not None assert line[3:].split(", ", 1)[0] == query_id, line assert match_id is None assert not header_tags assert not align_tags assert not query_tags assert not match_tags assert not match_seq assert not query_seq assert not cons_seq state = state_QUERY_HEADER elif line.startswith(">>"): # Should now be at start of a match alignment! if query_id and match_id: yield build_hsp() align_tags = {} query_tags = {} match_tags = {} query_seq = "" match_seq = "" cons_seq = "" match_descr = line[2:].strip() match_id = match_descr.split(None, 1)[0] state = state_ALIGN_HEADER elif line.startswith(">--"): # End of one HSP assert query_id and match_id, line yield build_hsp() # Clean up read for next HSP # but reuse header_tags align_tags = {} query_tags = {} match_tags = {} query_seq = "" match_seq = "" cons_seq = "" state = state_ALIGN_HEADER elif line.startswith(">"): if state == state_ALIGN_HEADER: # Should be start of query alignment seq... assert query_id is not None, line assert match_id is not None, line assert query_id.startswith(line[1:].split(None, 1)[0]), line state = state_ALIGN_QUERY elif state == state_ALIGN_QUERY: # Should be start of match alignment seq assert query_id is not None, line assert match_id is not None, line assert match_id.startswith(line[1:].split(None, 1)[0]), line state = state_ALIGN_MATCH elif state == state_NONE: # Can get > as the last line of a histogram pass else: raise RuntimeError("state %i got %r" % (state, line)) elif line.startswith("; al_cons"): assert state == state_ALIGN_MATCH, line state = state_ALIGN_CONS # Next line(s) should be consensus seq... elif line.startswith("; "): if ": " in line: key, value = [s.strip() for s in line[2:].split(": ", 1)] else: import warnings # Seen in lalign36, specifically version 36.3.4 Apr, 2011 # Fixed in version 36.3.5b Oct, 2011(preload8) warnings.warn("Missing colon in line: %r" % line) try: key, value = [s.strip() for s in line[2:].split(" ", 1)] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Bad line: %r" % line) if state == state_QUERY_HEADER: header_tags[key] = value elif state == state_ALIGN_HEADER: align_tags[key] = value elif state == state_ALIGN_QUERY: query_tags[key] = value elif state == state_ALIGN_MATCH: match_tags[key] = value else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected state %r, %r" % (state, line)) elif state == state_ALIGN_QUERY: query_seq += line.strip() elif state == state_ALIGN_MATCH: match_seq += line.strip() elif state == state_ALIGN_CONS: cons_seq += line.strip("\n") elif state == state_PREAMBLE: if line.startswith("#"): global_tags["command"] = line[1:].strip() elif line.startswith(" version "): global_tags["version"] = line[9:].strip() elif " compares a " in line: global_tags["tool"] = line[:line.find(" compares a ")].strip() elif " searches a " in line: global_tags["tool"] = line[:line.find(" searches a ")].strip() else: pass