# Copyright 2001 by Brad Chapman. All rights reserved. # # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Represent Neural Networks. This module contains classes to represent Generic Neural Networks that can be trained. Many of the ideas in this and other modules were taken from Neil Schemenauer's bpnn.py, available from: http://www.enme.ucalgary.ca/~nascheme/python/bpnn.py My sincerest thanks to him for making this available for me to work from, and my apologies for anything I mangled. """ import math class BasicNetwork(object): """Represent a Basic Neural Network with three layers. This deals with a Neural Network containing three layers: - Input Layer - Hidden Layer - Output Layer """ def __init__(self, input_layer, hidden_layer, output_layer): """Initialize the network with the three layers.""" self._input = input_layer self._hidden = hidden_layer self._output = output_layer def train(self, training_examples, validation_examples, stopping_criteria, learning_rate, momentum): """Train the neural network to recognize particular examples. Arguments: - training_examples -- A list of TrainingExample classes that will be used to train the network. - validation_examples -- A list of TrainingExample classes that are used to validate the network as it is trained. These examples are not used to train so the provide an independent method of checking how the training is doing. Normally, when the error from these examples starts to rise, then it's time to stop training. - stopping_criteria -- A function, that when passed the number of iterations, the training error, and the validation error, will determine when to stop learning. - learning_rate -- The learning rate of the neural network. - momentum -- The momentum of the NN, which describes how much of the prevoious weight change to use. """ num_iterations = 0 while True: num_iterations += 1 training_error = 0.0 for example in training_examples: # update the predicted values for all of the nodes # based on the current weights and the inputs # This propagates over the entire network from the input. self._input.update(example.inputs) # calculate the error via back propagation self._input.backpropagate(example.outputs, learning_rate, momentum) # get the errors in our predictions for node in range(len(example.outputs)): training_error += \ self._output.get_error(example.outputs[node], node + 1) # get the current testing error for the validation examples validation_error = 0.0 for example in validation_examples: predictions = self.predict(example.inputs) for prediction_num in range(len(predictions)): real_value = example.outputs[prediction_num] predicted_value = predictions[prediction_num] validation_error += 0.5 * math.pow((real_value - predicted_value), 2) # see if we have gone far enough to stop if stopping_criteria(num_iterations, training_error, validation_error): break def predict(self, inputs): """Predict outputs from the neural network with the given inputs. This uses the current neural network to predict outputs, no training of the neural network is done here. """ # update the predicted values for these inputs self._input.update(inputs) outputs = [] for output_key in sorted(self._output.values): outputs.append(self._output.values[output_key]) return outputs