# Don't add these to the __all__ variable though from numpy import * def _move_axis_to_0(a, axis): if axis == 0: return a n = len(a.shape) if axis < 0: axis += n axes = range(1, axis+1) + [0,] + range(axis+1, n) return transpose(a, axes) # Add these from compat import * from functions import * from precision import * from ufuncs import * from misc import * import compat import precision import functions import misc import ufuncs import numpy __version__ = numpy.__version__ del numpy __all__ = ['__version__'] __all__ += compat.__all__ __all__ += precision.__all__ __all__ += functions.__all__ __all__ += ufuncs.__all__ __all__ += misc.__all__ del compat del functions del precision del ufuncs del misc from numpy.testing import Tester test = Tester().test bench = Tester().bench