The way to do this was: 1) Download and install sparsehash (see abyss documentation) in abyss/sparsehash. 2) ./configure --prefix=$BIRCH/lib-$BIRCH_PLATFORM/abyss CPPFLAGS=-I$BIRCH/install/abyss-master/sparsehash/src 3) make 4) make install 5) Then, we get the following message when trying to run abyss-pe: zsh: no such option: pipefail Had to create $BIRCH/script/zsh, a wrapper to run locally-installed copy of zsh. This script sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to read libraries from $BIRCH/lib-$BIRCH_PLATFORM/zsh-5.5.1, and then runs $BIRCH/bin-$BIRCH_PLATFORM/zsh. Finally, abyss-pe has to be edited to use $BIRCH/script/zsh, rather than the system zsh. Grepping through the other abyss scripts shows that only abyss-pe calls zsh.