Spec for translating EMBL/Genbank entries to ACEDB 4 objects

Goal is to hand-edit NOTHING

Name of object is EM:acc_no

DNA sequence -> DNA object of same name

Database EMBL ID_name Acc_no

Upper region mapping:

DE -> Title
DT -> Date DateType Text
	Text is info on what done
(*) KW, split on ';' -> Keyword
	Ian also splits DE and adds to Keyword.  Then remove junk
	words and look by hand (now).
(*) CC -> DB_remark

cDNA_EST from division on title line

Locus: we scan DE, KW, CC for worm gene name structure, then hand edit
	For human can get this from GDB.


use getz: EMBL -> Medline

Feature table:

Map the following to Subsequence objects, called {Name}.{feature}.1,
etc. all direct first generation children of the main object.
Following each are instructions on tags to be set in the subobject,
including mapping some qualifiers.

CDS	if /pseudo then set Pseudogene
		   else set CDS
	/codon_start=x -> CDS x
misc_RNA	set Transcript
mRNA		set mRNA
prim_transcript	set Unprocessed_mRNA
rRNA		set rRNA
		/product=x -> rRNA x
scRNA		set scRNA
		/product=x -> scRNA x
snRNA		set snRNA
		/product=x -> snRNA x
tRNA		set tRNA
		/anticodon=(pos:x,aa:y) -> tRNA y

General qualifier mapping:
	/gene -> Locus
	(*) /note=x -> DB_remark "Note:x"
	(*) /product -> DB_remark "Product:x"
	(*) /gdb_xref=x -> Database GDB x
		?Look at this - maybe just report to log file
		in a distinct form another script can pull out.

Location mapping:
  If position starts with '<', then set Start_not_found.
  If position ends with '>', then set End_not_found.
  Map join() to Source_exons.

All other Features get mapped to EMBL_feature, except:

Exon, Intron, if spanned by any Subsequence.
Source, but perhaps /Clone=x -> DB_remark "Clone:x",
	and similarly for Tissue_type, etc. (*)

General rules for feature locations:
For EMBL_feature
(x..y)	= a range, take the outside value, i.e. the one that
	makes the feature longest.
U05316:1745..2396 really need to make a correctly ordered LINK object
	and then propagate the Subsequence to be a subsequence of this
	link.  Very messy.  Write message to log file, process by hand.