Application programmers' guide to asubs package

This package manages permanent Arrays and Stacks.  See the array.doc
for information on the Array/Stack package.  ACEDB classes can be
declared as A (array) classes, in place of B (tree) classes.  In that
case the keys are associated with arrays or stacks stored in the
database.   The calls in this case are:

	void  arrayStore (KEY key, Array a, char *format)
	Array arrayGet (KEY key, TYPE, char *format)

arrayStore() saves the array a with key, which must already have been
created using lexaddkey().  If there was something there already it is
overwritten (you can test with iskey() first if you want - see lexsubs).
The format defines what is to be stored.  An example is "kkfi" which
means "two keys, float, integer".  Allowed format characters are:
	c	single char
	k	key
	i	integer
	f	float
	v	pointer (void*)
Note that the pointers are not recoverable, but it is useful to cast
things to (void*)!

arrayGet() gets the array stored with key.  You get a copy of the
array.  You can edit it however you want, and it is your
responsibility to destroy it when you are finished.

	void  stackStore (KEY key, Stack s)
	Stack stackGet (KEY key)

are corresponding routines to store/get stacks.  In fact they are
stored as arrays of chars, and can be recovered as such, though it
makes sense to store/get consistently.

	void arrayKill (KEY key)

kills any array or stack attached to key.

NB there are potential problems with word alignment on a machine with
bizarre alignment rules.