Database Recovery

In some rare occasions, the following crash has occured.
Acedb works ok up to say session 100, but then when you attempt to
save session 101, you get a crash:
  duplicate block in fusebat
or some other low lying cryptic message. 
This amounts to a fatal unrecoverable error in session 100, which
probably happenned while acedb was writing to disk during session 100.
In some cases, we traced the bug back to wrong file authorizations,
please verify that all files in the database directory belong to
the database owner.
If secveral user have write access, all these files should eb unix writable
by those users. Forexample, you may
 chmod 775 database
 chmod 664 database/*
 chown -R acedb_group database
and verify that all users are in the 'acedb_group' unix group
or that the code is set group id:
chmod 2755 xace tace

Anyway, you may be able to recover from the crash in 3 different

## First method, a bit heavy, but no data is lost

1) Open xace, it opens again as session 101.
Dump the database from the menu of the main window
create a new acedb in a fresh directory:
cd somewhere
mkdir wspec database
cp oldwspec/* wspec
setenv ACEDB `pwd`
tace  // or xace

and read back the dump files.

If you crash while dumping because the address of some object
is wrong, you can jump that object from beeing dumped by inserting
it in a special keyset called DoNotDump

create a new keyset from the menu in the keyset window
use add/remove option
add inthat keyset the object you want to avoid for
example by using the main window to select them or
by using the query language
 Find myclass myobject

save this keyset under the name DoNotDump

then dump the database
during all this process, do not save the database and do
not attempt to open the falty objects

##Second method, very simple, but data from last session is lost

2) You may backtrack to session 99
To do so, from the menu of the main window, use session manager
and then use the destroy_last_session button

Then restart acedb, it will open on session 100, now a new
daughter of session 99, and hopefully the problem is fixed.

## Third method, totally crazy, avoid if possible

3) If none of this works and you are a real hacker and
you are totally desperate and the database will not open at all
and you are completelly sure of the way you manipulate unix
and you do not have any other way to recover your data from
ace files, and you do not mind losing a whole day in vain, you
may try the following which worked once for us:

If the new superblock gets saved in a database, but not the 
control blocks it points to, the database becomes unreadable. By default,
1 previous copies of the control blocks are kept, so it's possible
to roll back the state of the database to a previous session. Here's
how to do it.

1) Look in the log.wrm file and determine the session number of the last
  saved session, attempt to roll back to a few less than this.

2) Look in sysclass.wrm for the class no of _VGlobal.
   ( I don't know how to determine this in a new databse without sysclss.wrm
     assume that it's one. )

3) Execute diskdump on the database blocks.wrm file. Each line represents
   one black and the fields are: 
   class,  actual address, stored address, next address, key, session 

4) Look for all the blocks with class Global, class number is given by c=xx
   where xx is the hex class number.

5) search in these blocks for ones whose session is equal to that 
   you want to roll back to. Session is the last number on the line.
   eg, diskdump | grep 'c= 1' |  grep '612$'

6) The keys have top eight bits class, and bottom 24 bits index.
   look for a key which is in one block only, probably 2.
   Hence a key of 1000002. Note the address of this block

7) Run diskfix  

8) See if it worked.

9) If it didn't, try an earlier session and repeat, that is, if any
earlier session is available, which would be wrong by default.
