Programmers' guide to version numbering in ACEDB and its libraries

The version package provides tools for providing version numbers for ACEDB itself and for the libraries that comprise an ACEDB application. This document describes the rationale for how this is done and shows how to use the version code/tools to get the ACEDB kernel version and how to provide version numbering in a library.


At one time ACEDB had just one version number which was the kernel and database version rolled into one. This single number was used to represent the whole of acedb code and also the version of the databases. This number was also used in the production of public releases of the code as part of the file name of the tar file containing the code. In addition a single build date was kept for each ACEDB executable.

As ACEDB has been restructured into a set of stand alone libraries it has become necessary to introduce version numbers for the individual libraries as well as produce an overall version number for the benefit of the user.

What version numbers are required ?

The required versions are:
  1. The ACEDB kernel/database version
  2. The acedb library versions
  3. The application version
  4. The ACEDB public release version
To take these in turn:
The ACEDB kernel/database version
ACEDB databases are backward compatible; new versions of database code can read current and older ACEDB databases, but old versions of database code cannot read newer ACEDB databases. This is usually because new basic tag types have been added to the database code and old code will not recognise these tags. This backwards compatibility is enforced by the use of version numbers that are held both in the database itself and in the database code. Each time a new database is created, it receives the version number of the database code that created it, the code can then check this number against its own internal number.
The ACEDB library versions
There are a number of libraries that make up the acedb code, each one needs to have a version which can be used for bug reporting and compatibility checking.
The application version
ACEDB applications are created from a number of ACEDB components and it's important to know when the application was built so that the level of the components can be identified.
The ACEDB public release version
When acedb is released publically the tar files containing fixed versions etc have a letter associated with them, this letter represents a global 'fix' level for the whole ACEDB package.
	bin.linux.4_5e.tar.Z    etc. etc.

How are these different version numbers organised ?

It is very important that the user can see just one version number for the ACEDB package including database version, the ACEDB kernel and whatever application the user is executing. It is also important that the ACEDB kernel continues to use just one set of version numbers. The developer on the other hand requires more detail about the components that the application was built from.

This has been achieved by using the ACEDB kernel version/update as the version number that the user sees and the version number for public updates and the ACEDB kernel. Thus the public version number is the version number of the ACEDB kernel. Individual libraries on the other hand have an internal version which is normally only seen by developers.

How/what version numbers displayed ?

The ACEDB version and build date appears in the banner text displayed when an ACEDB application starts. This information is also displayed in the title of the main acedb window of Windowing applications and is reported along with the build date of the application in help and program status windows. This shows the user exactly which version of ACEDB they are using.

Every executable also has embedded in it strings which show the ACEDB version/build date and also the version/build date of any ACEDB package libraries used in the application. This information can be seen on a unix system using the what command, e.g.

griffin[edgrif]45: what xace
         ACEDB Version 4.6e,  compiled on: Dec 10 1998 10:32:47 
         Copyright (c):  J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1998 
         This file contains the above Sanger Informatics Group library, 
         written by   Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) 
                      Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) 
                      Ed Griffiths (Sanger Centre, UK) 
                      Fred Wobus (Sanger Centre, UK) 
         You may redistribute this software subject to the conditions in the 
         accompanying copyright file. Anyone interested in obtaining an up to date 
         version should contact one of the authors at the above email addresses. 
         Title/Version:  Free library - 1.1.1
              Compiled:  Dec  9 1998 10:47:26
           Description:  Sanger Centre Informatics utilities library.
         Copyright (c):  J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1998 
         This file contains the above Sanger Informatics Group library, 
         written by   Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) 
                      Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) 
                      Ed Griffiths (Sanger Centre, UK) 
                      Fred Wobus (Sanger Centre, UK) 
         You may redistribute this software subject to the conditions in the 
         accompanying copyright file. Anyone interested in obtaining an up to date 
         version should contact one of the authors at the above email addresses. 
         Title/Version:  Graph library - 1.1.1
              Compiled:  Dec  9 1998 10:47:36
           Description:  Sanger Centre Informatics graph library for window control
         Copyright (c):  J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1998 
         This file contains the above Sanger Informatics Group library, 
         written by   Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) 
                      Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) 
                      Ed Griffiths (Sanger Centre, UK) 
                      Fred Wobus (Sanger Centre, UK) 
         You may redistribute this software subject to the conditions in the 
         accompanying copyright file. Anyone interested in obtaining an up to date 
         version should contact one of the authors at the above email addresses. 

Hence the user will see just one unified ACEDB version whereas the developer can get more detailed information about how the application was built.

Interface to the ACEDB kernel version

The interface
The aceversion.c module holds the version of the ACEDB kernel, this includes:
is an integer which will only be changed when a major, perhaps incompatible change is made to the database.
is an integer which is changed each time a significant number of new functions are added, or there is a need to 'unify' bug fixes/new code.
a single lower case letter which is changed each time a new update of acedb is released to the outside world.
In addition aceversion.c contains the build date of the kernel, the date is recorded using the ANSI C macros __DATE__ and __TIME__. The makefile ensures that aceversion.c is recompiled each time the ACEDB kernel is rebuilt thus ensuring that aceversion.c contains the true build date of the kernel.

The interface, defined in aceversion.h allows each element of the version to be retrieved individually or provides compound strings:

int aceGetVersion(void)
Returns an integer which is the current version of acedb.
int aceGetRelease(void)
Returns an integer which is the current release of acedb.
char *aceGetUpdate(void)
Returns a single lower case letter which is the current update of acedb.
char *aceGetLinkDate(void)
Returns the link date of the executable in the form "Mon dd yyyy"
char *aceGetVersionString(void)
Returns a string of the form "ACEDB Version _" e.g. "ACEDB Version 4_6d" which is the full version/release/update of the ACEDB kernel and also the ACEDB package in general.
char *aceGetLinkDateString(void)
Returns a string of the form "compiled on: __DATE__ __TIME__" e.g. "compiled on: Dec 3 1998 13:59:07" which is the date the ACEDB kernel was last built on.
Changing the ACEDB release dates/numbers
The module aceversion.c contains a section which defines the ACECB version:

#define ACEDB_VERSION                      4
#define ACEDB_RELEASE                      6
#define ACEDB_UPDATE                      "e"

changing the version simply requires editting the file and updating these #define values, the makefile will then rebuild the ACEDB library with the new version information.

Interface to the ACEDB library version utilities

The library utilities can be found in version.h and provide utilities to embed version, build date and copyright information into the library code and also a predefined function that allows an application to return its build date.

The following rules should be followed for ACEDB applications and libraries:

ACEDB applications
each ACEDB application should include the UT_MAKE_GETCOMPILEDATEROUTINE macro in the same module as the main function, this module should be recompiled every time the application is rebuilt, so that ACEDB library routines can then query the routine defined by UT_MAKE_GETCOMPILEDATEROUTINE to find out the build date of the application:


       int main(int argc, char *argv[])

ACEDB libraries
each ACEDB library should include the UT_COPYRIGHT_STRING macro in one of its modules, this module should be recompiled every time the library is rebuilt so that the build date of the library is correctly updated, e.g.

       /* free package version and copyright string.    */
       /*                                               */
       #define FREE_TITLE   "Free library"
       #define FREE_DESC    "Sanger Centre Informatics utilities library."
       #define FREE_VERSION 1
       #define FREE_RELEASE 1
       #define FREE_UPDATE  1

Note that UT_MAKE_VERSION_NUMBER will make a single integer value out of version, release and update that can be used to test library with a single comparison.