
This utility is invoked by the Map button of the data window for the TableMaker.

The interface is modelled on the genetic map display. Each numerical column of the table corresponds to a map. Each entry is shown as a yellow square which you may pick. Squares in neighbouring columns corresponding to a single line of the table are linked together, if ending on the name of the object in column 1 of the definition of the table. Note that by switching the columns in the table, you switch the maps but you cannot change the name shown. This is because only the name in column 1 is garanteed to be unique.

When you pick a name or a square, the corresponding line in the Table is highlighted. Furthermore, you display the first object upwards from where the number was gotten from. Concretely, in a multimap, you move to that map you are looking at, centered on the locus, which I hope is what you want.

Menu items:

With these functions it is easy to realign a given region of the mutimap.

The active map is indicated because its name shows in a green background. Note that the left green box always shows the extent of the display of the active map.

Flip causes a vertical flip of the active map. This is useful if the coordinates in that map run in the opposite direction with respect to another one.

Switch moves the active map one column to the right. This can be useful because only the links between direct neighbours is materialised.

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last edited: July 1994