Table Menu in Tree Display

The file wspec/ configures the optional menu 'Tables...' in the Tree Display.

A table in Acedb allows you to display the contents of any number of fields from one or more classes at the same time. This can be a very helpful way to summarize data for your users. Acedb tables are "live", meaning they respond to mouse clicks.

Definitions of tables can be written to file and loaded back in at a later time. The Table Maker can be used to create such a definition.

wspec/ allows you to associate a pre-defined query with a certain class. This places a menu button "Tables..." on all Tree Display windows showing objects of that class.

Such table definitions will take one parameter - the name of the object we're dealing with. If the user selects the menu item from the 'Tables...' menu, the Table_Maker will be launched with the first table parameter being the object name of the current Tree display.

File format

Definition blocks in the file contain a set of menus items per class. The definition blocks are separated by blank lines.
The first line in a definition block is the class name itself. Everything after the class name on that line is ignored. The lines that follow up to the blank line contain the file names of the pre-defined Table_Maker queries. As only the last word in the line is going to be used as the filename, the filename can be preceded by words describing the table. For instance "E_mail_addresses" in the example below.
All file names are relative to the database's main directory.

In version 4.8 the parsing of this file has been greatly improved and there may be multiple definition blocks for class and definition blocks may be empty, whereas in 4.7 and earlier an empty block would have caused a fatal crash.

Example file

E_mail_addresses : wquery/e_mail.def

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last edited: May 1999