/* File: tags.c * Author: Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1994 *------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt *------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Kernel file * Edit it if you add a new tag, or do the lexaddkey in your own code. * * Exported functions: * tagInit(), called from lexsubs.c * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 29 09:21 2003 (rnc) * Created: Mon Aug 29 17:09:21 1994 (mieg) * CVS info: $Id: tags.c,v 1.33 2003/04/29 08:22:03 rnc Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* VERY IMPORTANT, Most tags are now define as extern KEY in the file whooks/tags.h. These must be allocated here and initialised dynamically. Therefore any addition in tags.wrm must be matched by a declaration and an initialisation here. Note that this is not necessary; a new application can very well define its own tags statically in its own file by doing a lexaddkey there, without ever touching the present file or the tags.h file. Note also that the systags follow a different system, they are #defined to numbers in systags.wrm and strictly initialised this is because they are needed at bootstrap before reading in the System lexique. */ #include "acedb.h" #include "lex.h" #include "dbpath.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" KEY _1_does_not_include_2, _1_includes_2, _2_point, _A1_labelling, _A_non_B, _Abstract, _Address, _Aligned, _Aligned_into, _Allele, _Allele_designation, _Alu_segment, _Amber, _Approximate_Match_to, _Assembly_repeat, _Assembly_tags, _Ace_mbly_tags, _Author, _Autopos, _B_non_A, _Back_one, _Backcross, _Balances, _Bands, _Bitnet, _Brief_identification, _CDS, _CDS_predicted_by, _CGC, _Calc, _Calc_distance, _Calc_lower_conf, _Calc_upper_conf, _Calculation, _Calculation_1, _Calculation_2, _Canon_for_cosmid, _Canonical_for, _Chromosome, _Cleavage, _Clone, _Subclone, _Clone_as_locus, _Clone_inside, _Clone_outside, _Cloning_vector, _Coding, _Cold_sensitive, _Columns, _Combined, _Comment, _Company, _Complementation_data, _Complex_mixed, _Compound, _Compression, _Contained_in, _Contains, _Contents, _Contig, _Contig9, _Contiguous, _Correct_name, _Corresponding_DNA, _Corresponding_peptide, _Cosmid_grid, _Cosmid_vector, _Covers, _DB_remark, _DB_searched, _DNA, _DNA_homol, _Deletion, _Description, _Designating_laboratory, _Detection_method, _Df_Dup, _Direct, _Display, _Distance, _Does_not_hybridize_to, _Dom_let, _Dom_one, _Dom_selected, _Dom_semi, _Dominant, _Duplication, _E_mail, _End_not_found, _Error, _Error_scale, _Exact_Match_to, _Experiment, _Expression_construct, _Extent, _Fax, _Features, _FingerPrint, _Finished, _Flag, _Float_Params, _Free_dup, _Freezer, _From, _From_Author, _From_Laboratory, _From_Library, _From_left_end, _From_map, _Full, _Full_name, _Function, _Funny_Match_to, _Gel_Number, _Gel_length, _Gene, _Gene_class, _Gene_classes, _General, _General_remark, _Genetics, _Genomic_Canonical, _Genotype, _Gridded, _Heat_sensitive, _Homol, _Hybrid_cell_line, _Hybridizes_to, _In_Situ, _In_pool, _Inherits, _Inside, _Int_Params, _Internet, _Interval, _Intragenic_revertant_of_dominant, _Inverted, _Isolation, _Isoschizomers, _Journal, _Keyword, _Laboratory, #if !defined(MACINTOSH) _Layout, #endif _Left, _Length, _Library, _Lines_at, _Linkage, _LiquidN2, _Location, _Locus, _Locus_1, _Locus_2, _Locus_A, _Locus_B, _Loop, _Mail, _Males, _Map, _Mapper, _Mapping_data, _Maps_with, _Marker_locus, _Matching_Genomic, _Matching_cDNA, _Maternal, _Max, _Min, _Min_score, _Minus70, _Molecular_information, _Multi_point, _Multiplet, _Muscle, _Mutagen, _N_gaps, _Name, _Negative_clone, _Negative_locus, _Negative_probe, _Nick_name, _No_overlap, _No_stagger, _Offset, _Old_CGC_distance, _Old_CGC_results, _Oligo, _One_all, _One_let, _One_recombinant, _Origin, _Other_name, _Outside, _Overhang, _Overlap, _PCR_product, _PCR_remark, _Page, _Paper, _Parameters, _Paternal, _Pattern, _Pep_homol, _Peptide, _Percent_Identity, _Phenotype, _Phone, _Polymorphism, _Position, _Positive_clone, _Positive_locus, _Positive_pool_probe, _Positive_probe, _Possible_exon, _Precursor, _Primers, _Procedure, _Processed_mRNA, _Product, _Properties, _Protocol, _Pseudogene, _Publisher, _Qualifier, _RFLP, _RNA, _Rearrangement, _Rearrangement_1, _Rearrangement_2, _Recessive, _Recs_all, _Reference, _Reference_Allele, _Reference_strain, _Refers_to, _Rejected, _Rejected_from, _Rejected_Reads, _Related_Sequence, _Remark, _Repeats, _Representative, _Results, _Right, _Row, _Score, _Search_Method, _Selected, _Selected_loci, _Selected_trans, _SELF, _Semi_dominant, _Seq_length, _Sequence, _Sequencing_vector, _Sex_cis, _Sex_full, _Sex_one, _Shotgun, _Significant_bases, _Similarity, _Site, _Source, _Source_Exons, _Space_at, _Species, _Staff, _Start_not_found, #if !defined(MACINTOSH) _Status, #endif _Stop, _Strain, _Strain_designation, _Strictly_Maternal, _Structure, _Subsequence, _TATA_signal, _TSL, _TSL_site, _Tandem, _Temperature, _Temperature_sensitive, _Tested, _Text_Params, _Title, _To_right_end, _Trace_quality, _Excellent_upto, _Good_upto, _Fair_upto, _Transcript, _Translocation, _Transposon, _Transposon_insertion, _Type, _Type_1, _Type_2, _Unit_Length, _Unprocessed_mRNA, _Variant, _Variant_of, _Vaxmap, _Vector, _Version, _Volume, _Weak, _Well_ordered, _With_Maternal_Effect, _Y_remark, _Year, _cDNA, _mRNA, _mat_peptide, _misc_feature, _misc_signal, _modified_base, _mutation, _old_sequence, _pMap, _polyA_signal, _polyA_site, _promoter, _rRNA, _repeat_region, _repeat_unit, _sig_peptide, _snRNA, _tRNA, _A_Repeat, _Note, _Subpool, _Colour, _ORF, _ATG, _Splice3, _Splice5, _Coding_seg, _Foreign_Reference, _Virtual_row, _In_grid, _Chrom_Band, _Centromere, _Dark, _NOR, _Inherits_from, _Fate, _Lineage, _Parent, _Daughter, _Group, _In_group, _Group_member, _Neurodata, _Send, _Send_joint, _Receive, _Receive_joint, _Gap_junction, _Contact, _Lineage_name, _Equivalence_fate, _Equivalence_origin, _Embryo_division_time, _Clone_left_end, _Clone_right_end, _Derived_from, _Derivative, _Isolated_for, _Wormpep, _Replaces, _Replaced_by, _Confidential_remark, _Submitted, _Overlap_right, _Overlap_left, _Repeat_consensus, _cDNA_EST, _Archived, _Lethal, _Hand_fixed, _Balancer, _Region, _Hand_verified, _YAC, _Cytogenetic, _Inside_YAC, _Inside_Fragment, _Bibliography, _Links, _Link, _Chimeric, _Non_Chimeric, _Size, _Interval_Mapping, _Main_Marker, _Ends, _Mapping, _p_Telomere, _q_Telomere, _Drawing, _Multi_Position, _Does_not_Contain, _Contained_Locus, _Exterior_Locus, _Inside_Rearr, _Outside_Rearr, _Overlaps, _Does_not_Overlap, _No_Overlap_Rearr, _Overlapping_Rearr, _Contained_Rearr, _Email, _Flipped, _Assembled_as_dummy, _Previous_contig, _Assembled_from, _Assembled_into, _Proposed, _BaseCall, _Genetic, _Physical, _Restriction_Enzyme, _AA, _Clone_Grid, _Df_Dup_data, _Fragment, _Pages, _Medline_ID, _Lab_Location, _Match, _Method, _Motif, _MultiMap, _Multi_counts, _Multi_pt_data, _Pool, _Unpublished, _EC_enzyme, _Document, _Unit, _Enzyme, _GDB_id, _OMIM, _Probe, _ATCC_ref, _Add_date, _Annotation, _Approval_date, _Approved, _Assign_mode, _Availability, _CS, _Cosmid_clones, _Created, _Current_symbol, _Cytogenetic_location, _DNA_type, _Data_source, _EC_ref, _Editing_Date, _Excision_Data, _GDB, _GenBank_ref, _HGML_ref, _KW, _Links_to, _Max_heterozygosity, _Modification_date, _Modified, _OMIM_document, _Old_Num, _Originator, _Polymorphism_Data, _Previous_symbol, _Vector_type, _Primer, _SCF_File, _PCR, _Cor, _Neighbours, _Common_bands, _Band_Values, _Segment_Lengths, _Fragment_of, _ABI, _Wild_type, _ABI_Date, _ABI_Comment, _ABI_Machine, _Sample, _ABI_Analysis, _Run_Start, _Run_Stop, _Clipped, _Clipping, _Old_Clipping, _Hand_Clipping, _Vector_Clipping, _Symbol, _Anchor, _Band, _Gel, _Band_Lengths, _Otto, _Main_Locus, _STS, _Checked_individually, _Outside_YAC, _STS_out, _AluPCR, _by_AluPCR_Hybridisation, _by_Finger_Printing, _Kpn, _THE, _Somatic_hybrid, _Genethon, _Route_2, _Inside_YAC_Not_Verified, _Locus_Not_Verified, _Possibly_Contains_Locus, _Possibly_Inside_YAC, _Locus_Out, _Allelic_Variants, _Clinical_Synopses, _Cross_References, _Diagnosis, _Evolution, _Historical_Information, _Index_Terms, _Last_Edited, _Locus_Description, _MIM_Number, _Old_MIM_Number, _Population_Genetics, _References, _Treatment, _Main_Text, _Animal_Models, _map_location, _map_error, _LongText, _PCR_data, _Clone_data, _Oligo_DNA, _Allelep, _Allelem, _Gametep, _Gametem, _Tetrad, _Centromere_segregation , _Genetic_code, _Lethal_tested, /* for Action class (added by P.Kocab) */ _description, _used_in, _action_type, _internal, _ace_query, _ace_dump, _name_dump, _tace_command, _external, _compound, _action_element, _params, _no_report_status, _read_ace, _synchro, _import_keyset, /* for comparative maps (added by jld) */ _Homology, _Doc, _Pairwise, _Fuzzy, _Symbol, _SMAP, _S_Parent ; void tagInit (void) { lexaddkey("1_does_not_include_2", &_1_does_not_include_2, 0) ; lexaddkey("1_includes_2", &_1_includes_2, 0) ; lexaddkey("2_point", &_2_point, 0) ; lexaddkey("A1_labelling", &_A1_labelling, 0) ; lexaddkey("A_non_B", &_A_non_B, 0) ; lexaddkey("Abstract", &_Abstract, 0) ; lexaddkey("Address", &_Address, 0) ; lexaddkey("Aligned", &_Aligned, 0) ; lexaddkey("Aligned_into", &_Aligned_into, 0) ; lexaddkey("Allele", &_Allele, 0) ; lexaddkey("Allele_designation", &_Allele_designation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Alu_segment", &_Alu_segment, 0) ; lexaddkey("Amber", &_Amber, 0) ; lexaddkey("Approximate_Match_to", &_Approximate_Match_to, 0) ; lexaddkey("Assembly_repeat", &_Assembly_repeat, 0) ; lexaddkey("Assembly_tags", &_Assembly_tags, 0) ; lexaddkey("Ace_mbly_tags", &_Ace_mbly_tags, 0) ; lexaddkey("Author", &_Author, 0) ; lexaddkey("Autopos", &_Autopos, 0) ; lexaddkey("B_non_A", &_B_non_A, 0) ; lexaddkey("Back_one", &_Back_one, 0) ; lexaddkey("Backcross", &_Backcross, 0) ; lexaddkey("Balances", &_Balances, 0) ; lexaddkey("Bands", &_Bands, 0) ; lexaddkey("Bitnet", &_Bitnet, 0) ; lexaddkey("Brief_identification", &_Brief_identification, 0) ; lexaddkey("CDS", &_CDS, 0) ; lexaddkey("CDS_predicted_by", &_CDS_predicted_by, 0) ; lexaddkey("CGC", &_CGC, 0) ; lexaddkey("Calc", &_Calc, 0) ; lexaddkey("Calc_distance", &_Calc_distance, 0) ; lexaddkey("Calc_lower_conf", &_Calc_lower_conf, 0) ; lexaddkey("Calc_upper_conf", &_Calc_upper_conf, 0) ; lexaddkey("Calculation", &_Calculation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Calculation_1", &_Calculation_1, 0) ; lexaddkey("Calculation_2", &_Calculation_2, 0) ; lexaddkey("Canon_for_cosmid", &_Canon_for_cosmid, 0) ; lexaddkey("Canonical_for", &_Canonical_for, 0) ; lexaddkey("Chromosome", &_Chromosome, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cleavage", &_Cleavage, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone", &_Clone, 0) ; lexaddkey("Subclone", &_Subclone, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone_as_locus", &_Clone_as_locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone_inside", &_Clone_inside, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone_outside", &_Clone_outside, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cloning_vector", &_Cloning_vector, 0) ; lexaddkey("Coding", &_Coding, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cold_sensitive", &_Cold_sensitive, 0) ; lexaddkey("Columns", &_Columns, 0) ; lexaddkey("Combined", &_Combined, 0) ; lexaddkey("Comment", &_Comment, 0) ; lexaddkey("Company", &_Company, 0) ; lexaddkey("Complementation_data", &_Complementation_data, 0) ; lexaddkey("Complex_mixed", &_Complex_mixed, 0) ; lexaddkey("Compound", &_Compound, 0) ; lexaddkey("Compression", &_Compression, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contained_in", &_Contained_in, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contains", &_Contains, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contents", &_Contents, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contig", &_Contig, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contig9", &_Contig9, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contiguous", &_Contiguous, 0) ; lexaddkey("Correct_name", &_Correct_name, 0) ; lexaddkey("Corresponding_DNA", &_Corresponding_DNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Corresponding_peptide", &_Corresponding_peptide, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cosmid_grid", &_Cosmid_grid, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cosmid_vector", &_Cosmid_vector, 0) ; lexaddkey("Covers", &_Covers, 0) ; lexaddkey("DB_remark", &_DB_remark, 0) ; lexaddkey("DB_searched", &_DB_searched, 0) ; lexaddkey("DNA", &_DNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("DNA_homol", &_DNA_homol, 0) ; lexaddkey("Deletion", &_Deletion, 0) ; lexaddkey("Description", &_Description, 0) ; lexaddkey("Designating_laboratory", &_Designating_laboratory, 0) ; lexaddkey("Detection_method", &_Detection_method, 0) ; lexaddkey("Df_Dup", &_Df_Dup, 0) ; lexaddkey("Direct", &_Direct, 0) ; lexaddkey("Display", &_Display, 0) ; lexaddkey("Distance", &_Distance, 0) ; lexaddkey("Does_not_hybridize_to", &_Does_not_hybridize_to, 0) ; lexaddkey("Dom_let", &_Dom_let, 0) ; lexaddkey("Dom_one", &_Dom_one, 0) ; lexaddkey("Dom_selected", &_Dom_selected, 0) ; lexaddkey("Dom_semi", &_Dom_semi, 0) ; lexaddkey("Dominant", &_Dominant, 0) ; lexaddkey("Duplication", &_Duplication, 0) ; lexaddkey("E_mail", &_E_mail, 0) ; lexaddkey("End_not_found", &_End_not_found, 0) ; lexaddkey("Error", &_Error, 0) ; lexaddkey("Error_scale", &_Error_scale, 0) ; lexaddkey("Exact_Match_to", &_Exact_Match_to, 0) ; lexaddkey("Experiment", &_Experiment, 0) ; lexaddkey("Expression_construct", &_Expression_construct, 0) ; lexaddkey("Extent", &_Extent, 0) ; lexaddkey("Fax", &_Fax, 0) ; lexaddkey("Features", &_Features, 0) ; lexaddkey("FingerPrint", &_FingerPrint, 0) ; lexaddkey("Finished", &_Finished, 0) ; lexaddkey("Flag", &_Flag, 0) ; lexaddkey("Float_Params", &_Float_Params, 0) ; lexaddkey("Free_dup", &_Free_dup, 0) ; lexaddkey("Freezer", &_Freezer, 0) ; lexaddkey("From", &_From, 0) ; lexaddkey("From_Author", &_From_Author, 0) ; lexaddkey("From_Laboratory", &_From_Laboratory, 0) ; lexaddkey("From_Library", &_From_Library, 0) ; lexaddkey("From_left_end", &_From_left_end, 0) ; lexaddkey("From_map", &_From_map, 0) ; lexaddkey("Full", &_Full, 0) ; lexaddkey("Full_name", &_Full_name, 0) ; lexaddkey("Function", &_Function, 0) ; lexaddkey("Funny_Match_to", &_Funny_Match_to, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gel_Number", &_Gel_Number, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gel_length", &_Gel_length, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gene", &_Gene, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gene_class", &_Gene_class, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gene_classes", &_Gene_classes, 0) ; lexaddkey("General", &_General, 0) ; lexaddkey("General_remark", &_General_remark, 0) ; lexaddkey("Genetics", &_Genetics, 0) ; lexaddkey("Genomic_Canonical", &_Genomic_Canonical, 0) ; lexaddkey("Genotype", &_Genotype, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gridded", &_Gridded, 0) ; lexaddkey("Heat_sensitive", &_Heat_sensitive, 0) ; lexaddkey("Homol", &_Homol, 0) ; lexaddkey("Hybrid_cell_line", &_Hybrid_cell_line, 0) ; lexaddkey("Hybridizes_to", &_Hybridizes_to, 0) ; lexaddkey("In_Situ", &_In_Situ, 0) ; lexaddkey("In_pool", &_In_pool, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inherits", &_Inherits, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inside", &_Inside, 0) ; lexaddkey("Int_Params", &_Int_Params, 0) ; lexaddkey("Internet", &_Internet, 0) ; lexaddkey("Interval", &_Interval, 0) ; lexaddkey("Intragenic_revertant_of_dominant", &_Intragenic_revertant_of_dominant, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inverted", &_Inverted, 0) ; lexaddkey("Isolation", &_Isolation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Isoschizomers", &_Isoschizomers, 0) ; lexaddkey("Journal", &_Journal, 0) ; lexaddkey("Keyword", &_Keyword, 0) ; lexaddkey("Laboratory", &_Laboratory, 0) ; #if !defined(MACINTOSH) lexaddkey("Layout", &_Layout, 0) ; #endif lexaddkey("Left", &_Left, 0) ; lexaddkey("Length", &_Length, 0) ; lexaddkey("Library", &_Library, 0) ; lexaddkey("Lines_at", &_Lines_at, 0) ; lexaddkey("Linkage", &_Linkage, 0) ; lexaddkey("LiquidN2", &_LiquidN2, 0) ; lexaddkey("Location", &_Location, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus", &_Locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus_1", &_Locus_1, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus_2", &_Locus_2, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus_A", &_Locus_A, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus_B", &_Locus_B, 0) ; lexaddkey("Loop", &_Loop, 0) ; lexaddkey("Mail", &_Mail, 0) ; lexaddkey("Males", &_Males, 0) ; lexaddkey("Map", &_Map, 0) ; lexaddkey("Mapper", &_Mapper, 0) ; lexaddkey("Mapping_data", &_Mapping_data, 0) ; lexaddkey("Maps_with", &_Maps_with, 0) ; lexaddkey("Marker_locus", &_Marker_locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Matching_Genomic", &_Matching_Genomic, 0) ; lexaddkey("Matching_cDNA", &_Matching_cDNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Maternal", &_Maternal, 0) ; lexaddkey("Max", &_Max, 0) ; lexaddkey("Min", &_Min, 0) ; lexaddkey("Min_score", &_Min_score, 0) ; lexaddkey("Minus70", &_Minus70, 0) ; lexaddkey("Molecular_information", &_Molecular_information, 0) ; lexaddkey("Multi_point", &_Multi_point, 0) ; lexaddkey("Multiplet", &_Multiplet, 0) ; lexaddkey("Muscle", &_Muscle, 0) ; lexaddkey("Mutagen", &_Mutagen, 0) ; lexaddkey("N_gaps", &_N_gaps, 0) ; lexaddkey("Name", &_Name, 0) ; lexaddkey("Negative_clone", &_Negative_clone, 0) ; lexaddkey("Negative_locus", &_Negative_locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Negative_probe", &_Negative_probe, 0) ; lexaddkey("Nick_name", &_Nick_name, 0) ; lexaddkey("No_overlap", &_No_overlap, 0) ; lexaddkey("No_stagger", &_No_stagger, 0) ; lexaddkey("Offset", &_Offset, 0) ; lexaddkey("Old_CGC_distance", &_Old_CGC_distance, 0) ; lexaddkey("Old_CGC_results", &_Old_CGC_results, 0) ; lexaddkey("Oligo", &_Oligo, 0) ; lexaddkey("One_all", &_One_all, 0) ; lexaddkey("One_let", &_One_let, 0) ; lexaddkey("One_recombinant", &_One_recombinant, 0) ; lexaddkey("Origin", &_Origin, 0) ; lexaddkey("Other_name", &_Other_name, 0) ; lexaddkey("Outside", &_Outside, 0) ; lexaddkey("Overhang", &_Overhang, 0) ; lexaddkey("Overlap", &_Overlap, 0) ; lexaddkey("PCR_product", &_PCR_product, 0) ; lexaddkey("PCR_remark", &_PCR_remark, 0) ; lexaddkey("Page", &_Page, 0) ; lexaddkey("Paper", &_Paper, 0) ; lexaddkey("Parameters", &_Parameters, 0) ; lexaddkey("Paternal", &_Paternal, 0) ; lexaddkey("Pattern", &_Pattern, 0) ; lexaddkey("Pep_homol", &_Pep_homol, 0) ; lexaddkey("Peptide", &_Peptide, 0) ; lexaddkey("Percent_Identity", &_Percent_Identity, 0) ; lexaddkey("Phenotype", &_Phenotype, 0) ; lexaddkey("Phone", &_Phone, 0) ; lexaddkey("Polymorphism", &_Polymorphism, 0) ; lexaddkey("Position", &_Position, 0) ; lexaddkey("Positive_clone", &_Positive_clone, 0) ; lexaddkey("Positive_locus", &_Positive_locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Positive_pool_probe", &_Positive_pool_probe, 0) ; lexaddkey("Positive_probe", &_Positive_probe, 0) ; lexaddkey("Possible_exon", &_Possible_exon, 0) ; lexaddkey("Precursor", &_Precursor, 0) ; lexaddkey("Primers", &_Primers, 0) ; lexaddkey("Procedure", &_Procedure, 0) ; lexaddkey("Processed_mRNA", &_Processed_mRNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Product", &_Product, 0) ; lexaddkey("Properties", &_Properties, 0) ; lexaddkey("Protocol", &_Protocol, 0) ; lexaddkey("Pseudogene", &_Pseudogene, 0) ; lexaddkey("Publisher", &_Publisher, 0) ; lexaddkey("Qualifier", &_Qualifier, 0) ; lexaddkey("RFLP", &_RFLP, 0) ; lexaddkey("RNA", &_RNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Rearrangement", &_Rearrangement, 0) ; lexaddkey("Rearrangement_1", &_Rearrangement_1, 0) ; lexaddkey("Rearrangement_2", &_Rearrangement_2, 0) ; lexaddkey("Recessive", &_Recessive, 0) ; lexaddkey("Recs_all", &_Recs_all, 0) ; lexaddkey("Reference", &_Reference, 0) ; lexaddkey("Reference_Allele", &_Reference_Allele, 0) ; lexaddkey("Reference_strain", &_Reference_strain, 0) ; lexaddkey("Refers_to", &_Refers_to, 0) ; lexaddkey("Rejected", &_Rejected, 0) ; lexaddkey("Rejected_from", &_Rejected_from, 0) ; lexaddkey("Rejected_Reads", &_Rejected_Reads, 0) ; lexaddkey("Related_Sequence", &_Related_Sequence, 0) ; lexaddkey("Remark", &_Remark, 0) ; lexaddkey("Repeats", &_Repeats, 0) ; lexaddkey("Representative", &_Representative, 0) ; lexaddkey("Results", &_Results, 0) ; lexaddkey("Right", &_Right, 0) ; lexaddkey("Row", &_Row, 0) ; lexaddkey("Score", &_Score, 0) ; lexaddkey("Search_Method", &_Search_Method, 0) ; lexaddkey("Selected", &_Selected, 0) ; lexaddkey("Selected_loci", &_Selected_loci, 0) ; lexaddkey("Selected_trans", &_Selected_trans, 0) ; lexaddkey("Semi_dominant", &_Semi_dominant, 0) ; lexaddkey("Seq_length", &_Seq_length, 0) ; lexaddkey("Sequence", &_Sequence, 0) ; lexaddkey("Sequencing_vector", &_Sequencing_vector, 0) ; lexaddkey("Sex_cis", &_Sex_cis, 0) ; lexaddkey("Sex_full", &_Sex_full, 0) ; lexaddkey("Sex_one", &_Sex_one, 0) ; lexaddkey("Shotgun", &_Shotgun, 0) ; lexaddkey("Significant_bases", &_Significant_bases, 0) ; lexaddkey("Similarity", &_Similarity, 0) ; lexaddkey("Site", &_Site, 0) ; lexaddkey("Source", &_Source, 0) ; lexaddkey("Source_Exons", &_Source_Exons, 0) ; lexaddkey("Space_at", &_Space_at, 0) ; lexaddkey("Species", &_Species, 0) ; lexaddkey("Staff", &_Staff, 0) ; lexaddkey("Start_not_found", &_Start_not_found, 0) ; #if !defined(MACINTOSH) lexaddkey("Status", &_Status, 0) ; #endif lexaddkey("Stop", &_Stop, 0) ; lexaddkey("Strain", &_Strain, 0) ; lexaddkey("Strain_designation", &_Strain_designation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Strictly_Maternal", &_Strictly_Maternal, 0) ; lexaddkey("Structure", &_Structure, 0) ; lexaddkey("Subsequence", &_Subsequence, 0) ; lexaddkey("TATA_signal", &_TATA_signal, 0) ; lexaddkey("TSL", &_TSL, 0) ; lexaddkey("TSL_site", &_TSL_site, 0) ; lexaddkey("Tandem", &_Tandem, 0) ; lexaddkey("Temperature", &_Temperature, 0) ; lexaddkey("Temperature_sensitive", &_Temperature_sensitive, 0) ; lexaddkey("Tested", &_Tested, 0) ; lexaddkey("Text_Params", &_Text_Params, 0) ; lexaddkey("Title", &_Title, 0) ; lexaddkey("To_right_end", &_To_right_end, 0) ; lexaddkey("Trace_quality", &_Trace_quality, 0) ; lexaddkey("Excellent_upto", &_Excellent_upto, 0) ; lexaddkey("Good_upto", &_Good_upto, 0) ; lexaddkey("Fair_upto", &_Fair_upto, 0) ; lexaddkey("Transcript", &_Transcript, 0) ; lexaddkey("Translocation", &_Translocation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Transposon", &_Transposon, 0) ; lexaddkey("Transposon_insertion", &_Transposon_insertion, 0) ; lexaddkey("Type", &_Type, 0) ; lexaddkey("Type_1", &_Type_1, 0) ; lexaddkey("Type_2", &_Type_2, 0) ; lexaddkey("Unit_Length", &_Unit_Length, 0) ; lexaddkey("Unprocessed_mRNA", &_Unprocessed_mRNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Variant", &_Variant, 0) ; lexaddkey("Variant_of", &_Variant_of, 0) ; lexaddkey("Vaxmap", &_Vaxmap, 0) ; lexaddkey("Vector", &_Vector, 0) ; lexaddkey("Version", &_Version, 0) ; lexaddkey("Volume", &_Volume, 0) ; lexaddkey("Weak", &_Weak, 0) ; lexaddkey("Well_ordered", &_Well_ordered, 0) ; lexaddkey("With_Maternal_Effect", &_With_Maternal_Effect, 0) ; lexaddkey("Y_remark", &_Y_remark, 0) ; lexaddkey("Year", &_Year, 0) ; lexaddkey("cDNA", &_cDNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("mRNA", &_mRNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Mat_peptide", &_mat_peptide, 0) ; lexaddkey("Misc_feature", &_misc_feature, 0) ; lexaddkey("Misc_signal", &_misc_signal, 0) ; lexaddkey("Modified_base", &_modified_base, 0) ; lexaddkey("Mutation", &_mutation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Old_sequence", &_old_sequence, 0) ; lexaddkey("pMap", &_pMap, 0) ; lexaddkey("polyA_signal", &_polyA_signal, 0) ; lexaddkey("polyA_site", &_polyA_site, 0) ; lexaddkey("Promoter", &_promoter, 0) ; lexaddkey("rRNA", &_rRNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Repeat_region", &_repeat_region, 0) ; lexaddkey("Repeat_unit", &_repeat_unit, 0) ; lexaddkey("Sig_peptide", &_sig_peptide, 0) ; lexaddkey("snRNA", &_snRNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("tRNA", &_tRNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("A_Repeat", &_A_Repeat, 0) ; lexaddkey("Note", &_Note, 0) ; lexaddkey("Subpool", &_Subpool, 0) ; lexaddkey("Colour", &_Colour, 0) ; lexaddkey("ORF", &_ORF, 0) ; lexaddkey("ATG", &_ATG, 0) ; lexaddkey("Splice3", &_Splice3, 0) ; lexaddkey("Splice5", &_Splice5, 0) ; lexaddkey("Coding_seg", &_Coding_seg, 0) ; lexaddkey("Foreign_Reference", &_Foreign_Reference, 0) ; lexaddkey("Virtual_row", &_Virtual_row, 0) ; lexaddkey("In_grid", &_In_grid, 0) ; lexaddkey("Chrom_Band", &_Chrom_Band, 0) ; lexaddkey("Centromere", &_Centromere, 0) ; lexaddkey("Dark", &_Dark, 0) ; lexaddkey("NOR", &_NOR, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inherits_from", &_Inherits_from, 0) ; lexaddkey("Fate", &_Fate, 0) ; lexaddkey("Lineage", &_Lineage, 0) ; lexaddkey("Parent", &_Parent, 0) ; lexaddkey("Daughter", &_Daughter, 0) ; lexaddkey("Group", &_Group, 0) ; lexaddkey("In_group", &_In_group, 0) ; lexaddkey("Group_member", &_Group_member, 0) ; lexaddkey("Neurodata", &_Neurodata, 0) ; lexaddkey("Send", &_Send, 0) ; lexaddkey("Send_joint", &_Send_joint, 0) ; lexaddkey("Receive", &_Receive, 0) ; lexaddkey("Receive_joint", &_Receive_joint, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gap_junction", &_Gap_junction, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contact", &_Contact, 0) ; lexaddkey("Lineage_name", &_Lineage_name, 0) ; lexaddkey("Equivalence_fate", &_Equivalence_fate, 0) ; lexaddkey("Equivalence_origin", &_Equivalence_origin, 0) ; lexaddkey("Embryo_division_time", &_Embryo_division_time, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone_left_end", &_Clone_left_end, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone_right_end", &_Clone_right_end, 0) ; lexaddkey("Derived_from", &_Derived_from, 0) ; lexaddkey("Derivative", &_Derivative, 0) ; lexaddkey("Isolated_for", &_Isolated_for, 0) ; lexaddkey("Wormpep", &_Wormpep, 0) ; lexaddkey("Replaces", &_Replaces, 0) ; lexaddkey("Replaced_by", &_Replaced_by, 0) ; lexaddkey("Confidential_remark", &_Confidential_remark, 0) ; lexaddkey("Submitted", &_Submitted, 0) ; lexaddkey("Overlap_right", &_Overlap_right, 0) ; lexaddkey("Overlap_left", &_Overlap_left, 0) ; lexaddkey("Repeat_consensus", &_Repeat_consensus, 0) ; lexaddkey("cDNA_EST", &_cDNA_EST, 0) ; lexaddkey("Archived", &_Archived, 0) ; lexaddkey("Lethal", &_Lethal, 0) ; lexaddkey("Hand_fixed", &_Hand_fixed, 0) ; lexaddkey("Balancer", &_Balancer, 0) ; lexaddkey("Region", &_Region, 0) ; lexaddkey("Hand_verified", &_Hand_verified, 0) ; lexaddkey("YAC", &_YAC, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cytogenetic", &_Cytogenetic, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inside_YAC", &_Inside_YAC, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inside_Fragment", &_Inside_Fragment, 0) ; lexaddkey("Bibliography", &_Bibliography, 0) ; lexaddkey("Links", &_Links, 0) ; lexaddkey("Link", &_Link, 0) ; lexaddkey("Chimeric", &_Chimeric, 0) ; lexaddkey("Non_Chimeric", &_Non_Chimeric, 0) ; lexaddkey("Size", &_Size, 0) ; lexaddkey("Interval_Mapping", &_Interval_Mapping, 0) ; lexaddkey("Main_Marker", &_Main_Marker, 0) ; lexaddkey("Ends", &_Ends, 0) ; lexaddkey("Mapping", &_Mapping, 0) ; lexaddkey("p_Telomere", &_p_Telomere, 0) ; lexaddkey("q_Telomere", &_q_Telomere, 0) ; lexaddkey("Drawing", &_Drawing, 0) ; lexaddkey("Multi_Position", &_Multi_Position, 0) ; lexaddkey("Does_not_Contain", &_Does_not_Contain, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contained_Locus", &_Contained_Locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Exterior_Locus", &_Exterior_Locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inside_Rearr", &_Inside_Rearr, 0) ; lexaddkey("Outside_Rearr", &_Outside_Rearr, 0) ; lexaddkey("Overlaps", &_Overlaps, 0) ; lexaddkey("Does_not_Overlap", &_Does_not_Overlap, 0) ; lexaddkey("No_Overlap_Rearr", &_No_Overlap_Rearr, 0) ; lexaddkey("Overlapping_Rearr", &_Overlapping_Rearr, 0) ; lexaddkey("Contained_Rearr", &_Contained_Rearr, 0) ; lexaddkey("Email", &_Email, 0) ; lexaddkey("Flipped", &_Flipped, 0) ; lexaddkey("Assembled_as_dummy", &_Previous_contig, 0) ; lexaddkey("Previous_contig", &_Previous_contig, 0) ; lexaddkey("Assembled_from", &_Assembled_from, 0) ; lexaddkey("Assembled_into", &_Assembled_into, 0) ; lexaddkey("Proposed", &_Proposed, 0) ; lexaddkey("BaseCall", &_BaseCall, 0) ; lexaddkey("Genetic", &_Genetic, 0) ; lexaddkey("Physical", &_Physical, 0) ; lexaddkey("Restriction_Enzyme", &_Restriction_Enzyme, 0) ; lexaddkey("AA", &_AA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone_Grid", &_Clone_Grid, 0) ; lexaddkey("Df_Dup_data", &_Df_Dup_data, 0) ; lexaddkey("Fragment", &_Fragment, 0) ; lexaddkey("Pages", &_Pages, 0) ; lexaddkey("Medline_ID", &_Medline_ID, 0) ; lexaddkey("Lab_Location", &_Lab_Location, 0) ; lexaddkey("Match", &_Match, 0) ; lexaddkey("Method", &_Method, 0) ; lexaddkey("Motif", &_Motif, 0) ; lexaddkey("MultiMap", &_MultiMap, 0) ; lexaddkey("Multi_counts", &_Multi_counts, 0) ; lexaddkey("Multi_pt_data", &_Multi_pt_data, 0) ; lexaddkey("Pool", &_Pool, 0) ; lexaddkey("Unpublished", &_Unpublished, 0) ; lexaddkey("EC_enzyme", &_EC_enzyme, 0) ; lexaddkey("Document", &_Document, 0) ; lexaddkey("Unit", &_Unit, 0) ; lexaddkey("Enzyme", &_Enzyme, 0) ; lexaddkey("GDB_id", &_GDB_id, 0) ; lexaddkey("OMIM", &_OMIM, 0) ; lexaddkey("Probe", &_Probe, 0) ; lexaddkey("ATCC_ref", &_ATCC_ref, 0) ; lexaddkey("Add_date", &_Add_date, 0) ; lexaddkey("Annotation", &_Annotation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Approval_date", &_Approval_date, 0) ; lexaddkey("Approved", &_Approved, 0) ; lexaddkey("Assign_mode", &_Assign_mode, 0) ; lexaddkey("Availability", &_Availability, 0) ; lexaddkey("CS", &_CS, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cosmid_clones", &_Cosmid_clones, 0) ; lexaddkey("Created", &_Created, 0) ; lexaddkey("Current_symbol", &_Current_symbol, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cytogenetic_location", &_Cytogenetic_location, 0) ; lexaddkey("DNA_type", &_DNA_type, 0) ; lexaddkey("Data_source", &_Data_source, 0) ; lexaddkey("EC_ref", &_EC_ref, 0) ; lexaddkey("Editing_Date", &_Editing_Date, 0) ; lexaddkey("Excision_Data", &_Excision_Data, 0) ; lexaddkey("GDB", &_GDB, 0) ; lexaddkey("GenBank_ref", &_GenBank_ref, 0) ; lexaddkey("HGML_ref", &_HGML_ref, 0) ; lexaddkey("KW", &_KW, 0) ; lexaddkey("Links_to", &_Links_to, 0) ; lexaddkey("Max_heterozygosity", &_Max_heterozygosity, 0) ; lexaddkey("Modification_date", &_Modification_date, 0) ; lexaddkey("Modified", &_Modified, 0) ; lexaddkey("OMIM_document", &_OMIM_document, 0) ; lexaddkey("Old_Num", &_Old_Num, 0) ; lexaddkey("Originator", &_Originator, 0) ; lexaddkey("Polymorphism_Data", &_Polymorphism_Data, 0) ; lexaddkey("Previous_symbol", &_Previous_symbol, 0) ; lexaddkey("Vector_type", &_Vector_type, 0) ; lexaddkey("Primer", &_Primer, 0) ; lexaddkey("SCF_File", &_SCF_File, 0) ; lexaddkey("PCR", &_PCR, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cor", &_Cor, 0) ; lexaddkey("Neighbours", &_Neighbours, 0) ; lexaddkey("Common_bands", &_Common_bands, 0) ; lexaddkey("Band_Values", &_Band_Values, 0) ; lexaddkey("Segment_Lengths", &_Segment_Lengths, 0) ; lexaddkey("Fragment_of", &_Fragment_of, 0) ; lexaddkey("ABI", &_ABI, 0) ; lexaddkey("Wild_type", &_Wild_type, 0) ; lexaddkey("ABI_Date", &_ABI_Date, 0) ; lexaddkey("ABI_Comment", &_ABI_Comment, 0) ; lexaddkey("ABI_Machine", &_ABI_Machine, 0) ; lexaddkey("Sample", &_Sample, 0) ; lexaddkey("ABI_Analysis", &_ABI_Analysis, 0) ; lexaddkey("Run_Start", &_Run_Start, 0) ; lexaddkey("Run_Stop", &_Run_Stop, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clipped", &_Clipped, 0) ; lexaddkey("Old_Clipping", &_Old_Clipping, 0) ; lexaddkey("Hand_Clipping", &_Hand_Clipping, 0) ; lexaddkey("Vector_Clipping", &_Vector_Clipping, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clipping", &_Clipping, 0) ; lexaddkey("Symbol", &_Symbol, 0) ; lexaddkey("Anchor", &_Anchor, 0) ; lexaddkey("Band", &_Band, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gel", &_Gel, 0) ; lexaddkey("Band_Lengths", &_Band_Lengths, 0) ; lexaddkey("Otto", &_Otto, 0) ; lexaddkey("Main_Locus", &_Main_Locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("STS", &_STS, 0) ; lexaddkey("SELF", &_SELF, 0) ; lexaddkey("Checked_individually", &_Checked_individually, 0) ; lexaddkey("Outside_YAC", &_Outside_YAC, 0) ; lexaddkey("STS_out", &_STS_out, 0) ; lexaddkey("AluPCR", &_AluPCR, 0) ; lexaddkey("by_AluPCR_Hybridisation", &_by_AluPCR_Hybridisation, 0) ; lexaddkey("by_Finger_Printing", &_by_Finger_Printing, 0) ; lexaddkey("Kpn", &_Kpn, 0) ; lexaddkey("THE", &_THE, 0) ; lexaddkey("Somatic_hybrid", &_Somatic_hybrid, 0) ; lexaddkey("Genethon", &_Genethon, 0) ; lexaddkey("Route_2", &_Route_2, 0) ; lexaddkey("Inside_YAC_Not_Verified", &_Inside_YAC_Not_Verified, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus_Not_Verified", &_Locus_Not_Verified, 0) ; lexaddkey("Possibly_Contains_Locus", &_Possibly_Contains_Locus, 0) ; lexaddkey("Possibly_Inside_YAC", &_Possibly_Inside_YAC, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus_Out", &_Locus_Out, 0) ; lexaddkey("Allelic_Variants", &_Allelic_Variants, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clinical_Synopses", &_Clinical_Synopses, 0) ; lexaddkey("Cross_References", &_Cross_References, 0) ; lexaddkey("Diagnosis", &_Diagnosis, 0) ; lexaddkey("Evolution", &_Evolution, 0) ; lexaddkey("Historical_Information", &_Historical_Information, 0) ; lexaddkey("Index_Terms", &_Index_Terms, 0) ; lexaddkey("Last_Edited", &_Last_Edited, 0) ; lexaddkey("Locus_Description", &_Locus_Description, 0) ; lexaddkey("MIM_Number", &_MIM_Number, 0) ; lexaddkey("Old_MIM_Number", &_Old_MIM_Number, 0) ; lexaddkey("Population_Genetics", &_Population_Genetics, 0) ; lexaddkey("References", &_References, 0) ; lexaddkey("Treatment", &_Treatment, 0) ; lexaddkey("Main_Text", &_Main_Text, 0) ; lexaddkey("Animal_Models", &_Animal_Models, 0) ; lexaddkey("Map_location", &_map_location, 0) ; lexaddkey("Map_error", &_map_error, 0) ; lexaddkey("LongText", &_LongText, 0) ; lexaddkey("PCR_data", &_PCR_data, 0) ; lexaddkey("Clone_data", &_Clone_data, 0) ; lexaddkey("Oligo_DNA", &_Oligo_DNA, 0) ; lexaddkey("Allelep", &_Allelep, 0) ; lexaddkey("Allelem", &_Allelem, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gametep", &_Gametep, 0) ; lexaddkey("Gametem", &_Gametem, 0) ; lexaddkey("Tetrad", &_Tetrad, 0) ; lexaddkey("Centromere_segregation", &_Centromere_segregation, 0) ; lexaddkey("Genetic_code", &_Genetic_code, 0) ; lexaddkey("Lethal_tested", &_Lethal_tested, 0) ; lexaddkey("Description", &_description, 0) ; lexaddkey("Used_in", &_used_in, 0) ; lexaddkey("Action_type", &_action_type, 0) ; lexaddkey("Internal", &_internal, 0) ; lexaddkey("Ace_query", &_ace_query, 0) ; lexaddkey("Ace_dump", &_ace_dump, 0) ; lexaddkey("Name_dump", &_name_dump, 0) ; lexaddkey("Tace_command", &_tace_command, 0) ; lexaddkey("External", &_external, 0) ; lexaddkey("Compound", &_compound, 0) ; lexaddkey("Action_element", &_action_element, 0) ; lexaddkey("Params", &_params, 0) ; lexaddkey("No_report_status", &_no_report_status, 0) ; lexaddkey("Read_ace", &_read_ace, 0) ; lexaddkey("Synchro", &_synchro, 0) ; lexaddkey("Import_keyset", &_import_keyset, 0) ; /* for comparative maps (added by jld) */ lexaddkey ("Homology", &_Homology, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Doc", &_Doc, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Pairwise", &_Pairwise, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Fuzzy", &_Fuzzy, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Symbol", &_Symbol, 0) ; lexaddkey ("SMAP", &_SMAP, 0) ; lexaddkey ("S_Parent", &_S_Parent, 0) ; /* lexaddkey ("", &_, 0) ; */ } /***********************************************************************************/ int _VPeptide, _VSequence, _VProtein, _VDNA, _VPaper, _VMethod, _VMap, _VgMap, _VvMap, _VMultiMap, _VLocus, _VGene, _VAllele, _VInterval, _V2_point_data, _VMulti_pt_data, _VClone, _VClone_Grid, _VPool, _VContig, _VpMap, _VChrom_Band, _VMotif, _VBaseCall, _VBaseQuality, _VBasePosition, _VOligoRepeat, /* for comparative maps (added by jld) */ _VHomology_group, _VMap_set, _VDoc, _VGenetic_code , _VPerson ; extern void classHardInit (char *title) ; void classInit (void) { KEY key ; extern BOOL READING_MODELS ; BOOL old = READING_MODELS ; READING_MODELS = TRUE ; lexaddkey ("Peptide", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VPeptide = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Sequence", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VSequence = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Protein", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VProtein = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("DNA", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VDNA = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Paper", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VPaper = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Method", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VMethod = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Map", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VMap = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("gMap", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VgMap = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("vMap", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VvMap = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("MultiMap", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VMultiMap = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Locus", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VLocus = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Gene", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VGene = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Allele", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VAllele = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Interval", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VInterval = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("2_point_data", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _V2_point_data = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Multi_pt_data", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VMulti_pt_data = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Clone", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VClone = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Clone_Grid", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VClone_Grid = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Pool", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VPool = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Contig", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VContig = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("pMap", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VpMap = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Chrom_Band", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VChrom_Band = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Motif", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VMotif = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("BaseCall", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VBaseCall = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("BaseQuality", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VBaseQuality = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("BasePosition", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VBasePosition = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("OligoRepeat", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VOligoRepeat = KEYKEY(key) ; /* for comparative maps (added by jld) */ lexaddkey ("Homology_group", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VHomology_group = KEYKEY (key) ; lexaddkey ("Map_set", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VMap_set = KEYKEY (key) ; lexaddkey ("Doc", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VDoc = KEYKEY (key) ; lexaddkey ("Genetic_code", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VGenetic_code = KEYKEY (key) ; lexaddkey ("Person", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VPerson = KEYKEY (key) ; READING_MODELS = old ; return ; } /********************* end of file *********************/