ACEDB User Group Newsletter - April 2001

If you want to have this newsletter mailed to you or you want to make comments/suggestions about the format/content then send an email to

This months newsletter is once again late...sigh. I had hoped to announce the arrival in a blaze of glory of AceDB 4_9. Sadly we have had endless trouble with getting the binaries for different platforms to build and in particular with doing static-link builds. There is some news on AceDB 4_9 however so see the special section below. There is also news of the next AceDB course, see "Education" section. And a reminder about the new code to display CDS's in fmap see "Articles" section. The newsletter web pages have also been improved.

General News

AceDB 4_9

AceDB 4_9 has finally arrived, the development version (4_8) has been around for what seems like years but its been a labour of love to translate that into 4_9. What follows is a brief overview.


The current release is AceDB 4_9a and can be found at:

This new release is fully compatible with 4_7 & 4_8. The new release also includes a windows version.

Note that from this release onwards, AceDB is distributed under the GNU General Public License. This means that AceDB is still free/open software. The license allows you to copy and alter the code for your own purposes but you must acknowledge and retain the AceDB and GNU copyright notices in the code and you must not try to make money from it. Please see the file wdoc/GNU_GENERAL_PUBLIC_LICENSE in this distribution or go to for more details.

What's available/not available

For the first time this release we are supplying both compiled binaries that include the readline/GTK libraries used by AceDB (so-called "statically linked" executables) and also, for users who already have readline/GTK installed on their systems, binaries that don't (so-called "dynamically linked" executables). The problems in producing the static links are too numerous, tiring, tiresome and, well just irritating to go into. Suffice it to say that about half the problems have been caused by individual operating system manufacturers own little quirks...sigh....and the other half by local system problems (including a power cut, overloaded networks, and...oh never mind).

We have managed to do both static and dynamic linked builds of 4_9a for the following operating systems/levels:

OSF1 V4.0 1229 alpha
Linux 2.2.14-5.0 #1 Tue Mar 7 21:07:39 EST 2000 i686 unknown" -->
IRIX 6.5 10120105 IP32

We are close to succeeding with a Sun box running SunOS 5.8, a system which should more closely match many users Sun boxes. Currently we are held up by the fact that the GNU software supplied by Sun themselves is incorrectly installed and will have to be reinstalled from scratch. Sounds simple but took about 5 million years to track down.

Porting to MS Windows, and beyond...

In the past AceDB has been ported to both Windows and the Mac but these ports have suffered in a number of ways:

  1. They've had fewer features because system incompatibilities have limited the port.
  2. They've been hard to extend or bugfix because significant portions of code had to be rewritten to support the different systems.
  3. They've been hard to build because each system had a completely different way of building programs.

The net effect of this is that the Mac version is now completely out of date and the original Windows system was not being updated often enough.

Simon Kelley has pretty much single-handedly introduced two vital pieces of software that have enabled us to port AceDB to Windows (and soon we hope to the Mac) with very few code changes from the Unix version:

The new Mac operating system (OS-X) is a variant of unix so that much of AceDB should run unaltered on it, the missing piece is the X Windows libraries. Once these are available then GTK should also work and AceDB will at last be available again on the Mac. We are getting our new Mac system sometime in the next couple of weeks to begin the the port to OS-X.

AceDB 4_7 no longer supported: we will be putting all our efforts into supporting/developing 4_9 which means that we will no longer be actively supporting 4_7. The existing 4_7 code will still be available from:

New query language: The new release also incorporates the new AQL query language that allows much finer grained and more complex queries than the existing query language.

Socket server replaces RPC server: The RPC server has been discontinued and is replaced by the sockets based version. The sockets version has been ported to MS-Windows as well as Unix and includes:

For fuller details, see the online documentation in wdoc/SOCKET_interface.html.

Fmap configurable columns: fmap columns can now be interactively configured via drop down menus at the top of each column. fmap configuration will be further extended in the next month or so with the addition of user defaults to allow individual customisation of fmap views.

Please do try the new AceDB 4_9 and let us the developers know of any problems, you can report bugs in the usual ways:


The next AceDB course is coming soon, it will be at the Dept. of Genetics in Cambridge and comprises:

19th June:
An Introduction to ACEDB software using C. elegans and human genome databases.
20th-22nd June:
Advanced use of AceDB : for those wanting to use AceDB to manage their own data.

For further details please visit:

New Features

Improved Newsletter pages

The newsletter web pages have been improved thanks to a script from Roger Pettett of the Sanger Web Team. If you go to any of the directories containing one of the years set of newsletters e.g. , you will find that the major sections of the newsletter are all listed as hyperlinks into the newsletters. This makes it easy to see what each newsletter contains and get a quick overview of the letter.

New TITLE keyword for databases

If you use xace you will have noticed that the main window has some text in its title bar. This text is made up of the following elements:

"code-version, window-title db-name"

In the past these elements were set by:

Always set according to the builtin code version number, cannot be altered.
Optional, set each time an AceDB program is run using the "-t" option for _DDtMain in wspec/dislays.wrm
Optional, set when the database is rebuilt using the NAME keyword in wspec/database.wrm

Over time however the window-title and db-name elements have in some cases been used to represent the database title and database version respectively. In the C. elegans database for instance the window-title was set to something like "C. elegans database" and the db-name to "WS40" to show that this build of the database was at the WS40 level.

This presents a bit of a problem for tace users (e.g. all those who use AcePerl, which itself uses tace), because the window-title is not available. In an attempt at making this more rational, a new "TITLE" keyword has been added to wspec/database.wrm. This new keyword can take the place of window-title, the rules for what is displayed are now:

"code-version, db-title db-name"

set by:

Always set according to the builtin code version number, cannot be altered.
Optional, set each time an AceDB program is run using the TITLE keyword in wspec/database.wrm, if this is not set then its set using any text specified with the "-t" option for _DDtMain in wspec/dislays.wrm.
Optional, set when the database is rebuilt using the NAME keyword in wspec/database.wrm

It is recommended that database administrators switch to using the TITLE and NAME keywords in wspec/database.wrm, only use the "-t" option for _DDtMain in wspec/dislays.wrm if you don't really care about a database title.

The db-title and db-name can be seen in tace/saceclient using the "status" command.

BLIXEM improvements including gapped alignments

General display improvements

A number of changes have been made to the Blixem window in response to annotators requests:

In addition finer control of the homology data that blixem uses has been provided. The user can set a maximum number of sequences to efetch in the AceDB preferences window. If that num is exceeded a dialog box will ask for confirmation that sequences should be ommitted and the user can then set a cut off score to exclude more sequences as necessary.

Display of gapped alignments in Blixem

AceDB now supports the storage and display of gap information with alignments, the following are extracts from wdoc/gappedAlignments.html which contains a fuller write up of the gapped alignment system.

The Homol tag in ?Sequence and ?Protein now has a model which looks like this:
Homol DNA_homol ?Sequence XREF DNA_homol ?Method Float Int Int Int Int #Homol_info
      Pep_homol ?Protein XREF DNA_homol ?Method Float Int Int Int Int  #Homol_info
      Motif_homol ?Motif XREF DNA_homol ?Method Float Int Int Int Int #Homol_info

and the Homol-info class looks like this:

#Homol_info Segs #Match_seg     // old way to give gapped alignment -  used in pephomolcol for Belvu call
            Align Int UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int     // correct way to give gapped alignments for FMAP
             // for each ungapped block, self_start target_start [length]
             // if no length then until next block (so no double gap) 
             // if no Align assume ungapped
            AlignDNAPep Int UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int
            AlignPepDNA Int UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int
             // These two tags are analogous to Align, but scale length
	     // for the case of a dna alignment to peptide or vice-versa.

This system is backwards compatible since if the Homol_info data is not present, the Homologies are interpreted as before. (For reference, the Float parameter is a score and the four Ints are start and end co-ordinates in this sequence followed by start and end coordinates in the homologous sequence.

The gaps are not displayed in the fMap, but they are displayed in blixem.

Gaps in the query sequence (ie where there are bases in the target with corresponding bases in the query) are shown by omitting the un-matched bases and drawing a vertical red bar. Gaps in the target sequence are shown with dots.

Socket Server working directory

When the socket server is started via inetd it inherits much of the inetd daemons environment including its current working directory. This is a potential security exposure. Accordingly an alternative working directory can now be specified in wspec/serverconfig.wrm using the WORKING_DIRECTORY keyword, if no directory is specified then the database directory will be used as the working directory. If the server is unable to set the working directory it will exit.

The new CDS code for fmap

I received the following comment about the new colours of some objects when displayed in fmap:

> We have just changed over to the new version of ACEDB and we have a
> question about the purple object repreenting coding CDS.
> Unfortunately every prediction, (Genscan, Ensembl, halfwise etc) is
> purple alongside our own CDS which we create. Is there something we have
> to change in the method model to be able to differentiate between these
> different things and set different colours (I dont have anything against
> purple honest!).

Well why is everything purple (or pink or magenta depending on your eyes/screen) ???

Some new code has been introduced into AceDB to solve the somewhat annoying problem of having to use two sequence objects to represent an mRNA and its coding region.

The way this should work is that you define a sequence object for the mRNA with a set of Source_Exons and then set the CDS tag in the object to show which part of the Source_Exons are the coding region. The object will then be displayed according to how the Method object for the sequence has been set up: non-coding parts will be coloured with the "Colour" tag colour and coding parts with the "CDS_colour" tag colour (yes, you've guessed it, the default colour is purple).

So what has gone wrong for the user above ? the past AceDB has only done protein translations of objects which had the CDS tag set in them so people ended up setting the CDS tag in everything just to get the translation. This means of course that whole objects now come out in purple with the new code.

How to fix this....

In the short term you can just update your models file to make sure you have the Method class with the CDS_colour tag in it and then change your methods so that the CDS_colour is the same as the CDS tag for objects that you want to come out in the colour they were before you used the new code.

In the longer term (and far more preferably), you should use the CDS tag correctly and not add it willy-nilly to all sequence objects. To allow this I have been adding code to allow protein translation of non-CDS objects. This latter facility should be in the next monthly build, so if you use the May build and find that its not working how you would like send me a note.

You should also note that this change was originally described in the February AceDB newsletter so you may want to go back to that and reread it (you can access past newsletters via:

If this is not clear or you need further information then come and see me, phone me, email me, Ed Griffiths <>.

Bugs Fixed

Old, old table maker bug

Table maker uses %n in two different ways:

are parameter to be given on the command line in tace
are substituted by the value of column n at run time

Neither of these worked correctly in some later versions of 4_7 code and in 4_8 code because of a bug in AceDBs parameter quoting/interpreting mechanism. This bug is now fixed.

April monthly build now available.

You can pick up the monthly builds from:

Sanger users
External users

Next User Group Meeting - D319, 2.30pm, Thursday, 17th May 2001

Ed Griffiths <>
Last modified: Mon May 21 18:35:29 BST 2001