#!sh # $Id: display_script,v 1.2 1997/04/28 12:31:25 rd Exp $ # NOTE the #! line above. There will not in general exist /bin/sh # But the acedb distribution includes sh.exe, which will be on the # path, so the form above will run that. The current distribution # doesn't include any other interpreters, so all scripts had better # be written in sh # winaceshell is also on the path, it takes arg1 and converts it into # a windows path, then gives it to the windows shell to open. # So as long as windows knows how to display .jpegs (in this case) # All is hunky-dory # The worm database seems to be schizoid about weather to include # the .jpeg extension or not, so we cover all the bases. if [ -e "$ACEDB"/pictures/$1 ] then winaceshell "$ACEDB"/pictures/$1 fi if [ -e "$ACEDB"/pictures/$1.jpeg ] then winaceshell "$ACEDB"/pictures/$1.jpeg fi if [ -e "$ACEDB"/pictures/$1.jpg ] then winaceshell "$ACEDB"/pictures/$1.jpg fi