#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; my %opts = (t=>1); getopts("PSadskHo:R:x:t:", \%opts); die(' Usage: run-bwamem [options] [file2] Options: -o STR prefix for output files [inferred from input] -R STR read group header line such as \'@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar\' [null] -x STR read type: pacbio, ont2d or intractg [default] intractg: intra-species contig (kb query, highly similar) pacbio: pacbio subreads (~10kb query, high error rate) ont2d: Oxford Nanopore reads (~10kb query, higher error rate) -t INT number of threads [1] -H apply HLA typing -a trim HiSeq2000/2500 PE resequencing adapters (via trimadap) -d mark duplicate (via samblaster) -S for BAM input, don\'t shuffle -s sort the output alignment (via samtools; requring more RAM) -k keep temporary files generated by typeHLA Examples: * Map paired-end reads to GRCh38+ALT+decoy+HLA and perform HLA typing: run-bwamem -o prefix -t8 -HR"@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar" hs38DH.fa read1.fq.gz read2.fq.gz Note: HLA typing is only effective for high-coverage data. The typing accuracy varies with the quality of input. It is only intended for research purpose, not for diagnostic. * Remap coordinate-sorted BAM, transfer read groups tags, trim Illumina PE adapters and sort the output. The BAM may contain single-end or paired-end reads, or a mixture of the two types. Specifying -R stops read group transfer. run-bwamem -sao prefix hs38DH.fa old-srt.bam Note: the adaptor trimmer included in bwa.kit is chosen because it fits the current mapping pipeline better. It is conservative and suboptimal. A more sophisticated trimmer is recommended if this becomes a concern. * Remap name-grouped BAM and mark duplicates: run-bwamem -Sdo prefix hs38DH.fa old-unsrt.bam Note: streamed duplicate marking requires all reads from a single paired-end library to be aligned at the same time. Output files: {-o}.aln.bam - final alignment {-o}.hla.top - best genotypes for the 6 classical HLA genes (if there are HLA-* contigs) {-o}.hla.all - additional HLA genotypes consistent with data {-o}.log.* - log files ') if @ARGV < 2; my $idx = $ARGV[0]; my $exepath = $0 =~/^\S+\/[^\/\s]+/? $0 : &which($0); my $root = $0 =~/^(\S+)\/[^\/\s]+/? $1 : undef; $root = $exepath =~/^(\S+)\/[^\/\s]+/? $1 : undef if !defined($root); die "ERROR: failed to locate the 'bwa.kit' directory\n" if !defined($root); die("ERROR: failed to locate the BWA index. Please run '$root/bwa index -p $idx ref.fa'.\n") unless (-f "$idx.bwt" && -f "$idx.pac" && -f "$idx.sa" && -f "$idx.ann" && -f "$idx.amb"); if (@ARGV >= 3 && $ARGV[1] =~ /\.(bam|sam|sam\.gz)$/) { warn("WARNING: for SAM/BAM input, only the first sequence file is used.\n"); @ARGV = 2; } if (defined($opts{p}) && @ARGV >= 3) { warn("WARNING: option -P is ignored as there are two input sequence files.\n"); delete $opts{p}; } my $prefix; if (defined $opts{o}) { $prefix = $opts{o}; } elsif (@ARGV >= 3) { my $len = length($ARGV[1]) < length($ARGV[2])? length($ARGV[1]) : length($ARGV[2]); my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { last if substr($ARGV[1], $i, 1) ne substr($ARGV[2], $i, 1) } $prefix = substr($ARGV[1], 0, $i) if $i > 0; } elsif ($ARGV[1] =~ /^(\S+)\.(fastq|fq|fasta|fa|mag|mag\.gz|fasta\.gz|fa\.gz|fastq\.gz|fq\.gz|bam)$/) { $prefix = $1; } die("ERROR: failed to identify the prefix for output. Please specify -o.\n") unless defined($prefix); my $size = 0; my $comp_ratio = 3.; for my $f (@ARGV[1..$#ARGV]) { my @a = stat($f); my $s = $a[7]; die("ERROR: failed to read file $f\n") if !defined($s); $s *= $comp_ratio if $f =~ /\.(gz|bam)$/; $size += int($s) + 1; } my $is_pe = (defined($opts{p}) || @ARGV >= 3)? 1 : 0; my $is_bam = $ARGV[1] =~ /\.bam$/? 1 : 0; if (defined($opts{x})) { delete($opts{d}); delete($opts{a}); delete $opts{p}; } # for BAM input, find @RG header lines my @RG_lines = (); if ($is_bam && !defined($opts{R})) { my $fh; open($fh, "$root/samtools view -H $ARGV[1] |") || die; while (<$fh>) { chomp; if (/^\@RG\t/) { s/\t/\\t/g; push(@RG_lines, "-H'$_'"); } } close($fh); } warn("WARNING: many programs require read groups. Please specify with -R if you can.\n") if !defined($opts{R}) && @RG_lines == 0; my $cmd = ''; if ($is_bam) { my $cmd_sam2bam = "cat $ARGV[1] \\\n"; my $ntmps = int($size / 4e9) + 1; my $cmd_shuf = !defined($opts{S})? " | $root/htsbox bamshuf -uOn$ntmps - $prefix.shuf \\\n" : ""; my $bam2fq_opt = @RG_lines > 0? " -t" : ""; my $cmd_bam2fq = " | $root/htsbox bam2fq -O$bam2fq_opt - \\\n"; $cmd = $cmd_sam2bam . $cmd_shuf . $cmd_bam2fq; } elsif (@ARGV >= 3) { $cmd = "$root/seqtk mergepe $ARGV[1] $ARGV[2] \\\n"; } else { $cmd = "cat $ARGV[1] \\\n"; } my $bwa_opts = "-p " . ($opts{t} > 1? "-t$opts{t} " : "") . (defined($opts{x})? "-x $opts{x} " : "") . (defined($opts{R})? "-R'$opts{R}' " : ""); $bwa_opts .= join(" ", @RG_lines) . " -C " if @RG_lines > 0; $cmd .= " | $root/trimadap 2> $prefix.log.trim \\\n" if defined($opts{a}); $cmd .= " | $root/bwa mem $bwa_opts$ARGV[0] - 2> $prefix.log.bwamem \\\n"; $cmd .= " | $root/samblaster 2> $prefix.log.dedup \\\n" if defined($opts{d}); my $has_hla = 0; if (-f "$ARGV[0].alt" && !defined($opts{P})) { my $fh; open($fh, "$ARGV[0].alt") || die; while (<$fh>) { $has_hla = 1 if /^HLA-[^\s\*]+\*\d+/; } close($fh); my $hla_pre = $has_hla? "-p $prefix.hla " : ""; $cmd .= " | $root/k8 $root/bwa-postalt.js $hla_pre$ARGV[0].alt \\\n"; } my $t_sort = $opts{t} < 4? $opts{t} : 4; $cmd .= defined($opts{s})? " | $root/samtools sort -@ $t_sort -m1G - $prefix.aln;\n" : " | $root/samtools view -1 - > $prefix.aln.bam;\n"; if ($has_hla && defined($opts{H}) && (!defined($opts{x}) || $opts{x} eq 'intractg')) { $cmd .= "$root/run-HLA ". (defined($opts{x}) && $opts{x} eq 'intractg'? "-A " : "") . "$prefix.hla > $prefix.hla.top 2> $prefix.log.hla;\n"; $cmd .= "touch $prefix.hla.HLA-dummy.gt; cat $prefix.hla.HLA*.gt | grep ^GT | cut -f2- > $prefix.hla.all;\n"; $cmd .= "rm -f $prefix.hla.HLA*;\n" unless defined($opts{k}); } print $cmd; sub which { my $file = shift; my $path = (@_)? shift : $ENV{PATH}; return if (!defined($path)); foreach my $x (split(":", $path)) { $x =~ s/\/$//; return "$x/$file" if (-x "$x/$file"); } return; }