# BUSCO specific configuration # It overrides default values in code and dataset cfg, and is overridden by arguments in command line # Uncomment lines when appropriate [busco] # Input file #in = in_path # Run name, used in output files and folder #out = out_name # Where to store the output directory out_path = out_path # Path to the BUSCO dataset lineage_path = lineage_path # Which mode to run (genome / protein / transcriptome) mode = genome # How many threads to use for multithreaded steps cpu = threads # Domain for augustus retraining, eukaryota or prokaryota # Do not change this unless you know exactly why !!! domain = domain # Force rewrite if files already exist (True/False) force = True # Restart mode (True/False) restart = False # Blast e-value evalue = 1e-3 # Species to use with augustus, for old datasets only species = fly # Augustus extra parameters # Use single quotes, like this: '--param1=1 --param2=2' augustus_parameters = '' # Tmp folder tmp_path = tmp_dir # How many candidate regions (contigs, scaffolds) to consider for each BUSCO limit = 3 # Augustus long mode for retraining (True/False) long = False # Quiet mode (True/False) quiet = False # Debug logs (True/False), it needs Quiet to be False debug = True # tar gzip output files (True/False) gzip = False # Force single core for the tblastn step blast_single_core = True [tblastn] # path to tblastn path = tblastn_path [makeblastdb] # path to makeblastdb path = makeblastdb_path [augustus] # path to augustus path = augustus_path [etraining] # path to augustus etraining path = etraining_path # path to augustus perl scripts, redeclare it for each new script [gff2gbSmallDNA.pl] path = augustus_scripts_path [new_species.pl] path = augustus_scripts_path [optimize_augustus.pl] path = augustus_scripts_path [hmmsearch] # path to HMMsearch executable path = hmmsearch_path